T H I'ItS liA V . A C C l’ST If», 192» TOWN AND VICINITY M r*. Baker III— Mra J W. liaker < I* reported to be quite III at her I home on Klgtheenth street. Vida Woman In Town Mra. Charles ’ Allen of Vida was a business vlaltor and In Springfield Monday afternoon. Smith* Hava Daughter A daughter Rodenboughs In Portland Mr waa horn Monday inornlng to Mr Mrs William Rodeiihough spent Mon Mr*. McPh*r*on Hare- Mrs. Clyde i and Mia Mike Snillh ui the family day and Tuesday on a business trip McPherson of Oukrldge spent Monday home nt Springfield. to Portland. In Sprlngfb Id on business. Phattaplace* at Portland lb an I At Newport Sunday Hmllh Mount Rown From Marcóla—Mrs. Frill Mrs Carl I ’ll' tti'i li»r ii api'iit Friday Joy and Ills mother, Mrs June Mount anil Siitiii'ilpy I l f list week n i l n I iiin I Joy, spent Sunday on a trip to New Flshir of Marcóla spent Tuesday In i Springfield attending to business i ii ' hm trip to Portland port. mutters. In Town Monday Mis J N. Car Rack From Yachata Mr. uml Mm. Here From Camp Creek Chester Flunk A IS'l'tio. all > agent the past rots of Eugene route It was among an ek camping nt Yut'hnta, returned the business visitors In Springfield Nye, Camp Creek rancher, was among the out-of-town business visitors In Mon it ii \ to th i'lr honiu Imre. Monday. Springfield Tuesday. Charlea Taylor Hare Charles George Moon Here George Moon, Camp Crack Woman In .Mrs John Taylor, Thuraton ranrher, was h who Is employed at Raymond, Wash business visitor In Springfield last 1 Ingtoti, Is here for a few days visiting Fitzgerald of Camp Creek was a at Hie home of his parents, Mr. and business visitor In Springfield Wed­ Monday. nesday afternoon. Mis Virgil Moon. H er* From W alt*rville J H Down From Wendllng Mrs C. S Rauch of Waltarvllle wua among the Hens From Fox Farm Perry WII bualnean visitors In Springfield on Hums, proprietor of the McKenzie McHenry of Wendllng wua a business fox farm at Rainbow, was n business visitor In Springfield Wednesday. Monday. Undergoes Operation Charles Her bcrgcr underwent u major operation visitor In Springfield noon. Monday after H re From Marcóla -I.ee Plah, Marcóla rancher, waa umong the busi­ ness visitors In town Wednesday. At Gorrle Hom * Mrs M I ’ Wit ham and daughter, Maxine, and Klery M r Rossman H er* J. T Rossman Fay of Portland spent the weekend of Camp Creek spent W'llnesday In Suffering From Infection— Norviil In Springfield visiting at the home Springfield unending to business. Foss la reported to he suffering from of Mrs ('. I Gorrle, Sr an Infected foot lie la being tn n te l Marcóla Man In Town—Allen W il­ Here From Texas Mrs Addle kinson of Marcóla was in town attend­ nt the office of n local physician. Ihinnagan of Italian, Texas, Is here ing to business matters Wtdncsday. Undergo» a Operation Velmn. the visiting at the home nt her daughter daughter of Mr and Mra Charlea Returns to Oregon City Mrs. Ella and son-ln law, Mr and Mrs. Ixrw lll l l of Oakridge, underwent a major Rureton returned Wednesday to her rence Anderson operation Frlduy at the Pacific home at Gregon City after spending Christian hospital. Dr. Van Valzah H e r* Dr C G. Van several days In Springfield visiting Y’alznh of Portland spent the week­ Spend Sunday at Newport Mr end In Springfield vlslllng nt the at the home of Mrs. T. M Baker. and Mra Floyd Flam ry. Mr and Visiting at Harper Hom*— Miss home of his mother, Mrs. A. B Van Mra. Juck llcnderer, unit Mlaa Jule Lenuhell Harper of Westlake. Oregon Valzah Pollard spent Sunday on a trip to I is sp< ndlng a few days In Springfield Mlaa Girard Home- Miss Doris vlslllng at the home of Mr. and M th Newport. Girard was brough home from the Bert Harper. Roy Koch Injured Itoy Koch, local Kmanui I hospital at Portland KVIday painter, was injured Friday at Kugcnr Emerys at Yachats— Dr. and Mrs night, aftter having been confined when he fell 12 feet from a scaffold there for a month for medical treat N. W Emery, Mrs. William Masai y on which he was at work Mr. Koch mont. Miss Girard Is reported to be und daughter of Ixis Angeles, and the was quite badly bruised and scratch* Misses Abbie and Clara Massey of much Improved ed. hut was not seriously Injured Portland, left this morning on a trio Leather* Return—Mike Leathers to Yachats, where they will spend Mrs. Ketels Back Mrs John K>- and daughter, who huve spent the the day on the beach. tels and two children returned to past eight months on an extended Springfield Monday afternoon after Spending Vacation Here — Miss trip through the south and eust, have attending Urn past two months visit­ returned to Springfield to live, Mr Maude Gorrle of Portland Is spending ing nt the home of her parents at leathers worked for a time In Ixis her vacation In Springfield at the Hebron. Nebraska Angeles, and later visited with some horn' of her mother, Mrs ('. I. Gorrle friends In the south and middle west. Sr Miss Gorrle will be here for two Visit at Medford George Perkins weeks. and daughter, Adallne, and sister. Friday at hoapltal the Pacific Christian Miss Theda Perkins of Scuttle, spent the week end at Medford visiting with friends. They were accom­ panied south by Mr and Mrs William Head of Kugcnr Thumb Badly Smashed — W K. Stacey, who Is employed at the W ar­ ren saw mill here. Injured his right thumh quite badly Friday when he taught It in a conveyor. The mem her was mashed on both sides. Mr. Stacey was given medical treatment at the office of a local physician. Yakima Peopl- Here Mr and Mrs Allen Hewes and family and Mr. and Mrs. Chester llewes and family of Yakima, Washington, are visiting In Springfield at the home of their mother and sister. Mrs 8. C H ewea and Miss Mary Hew. a. They will be here for about a week. K a fo u r y ’s 61 E. BROADWAY 98c $1.25; August Sale Rayon Crepe Bloomers, R A V F W IT H S A F E rN 77ie JVbfv H eie’s a Laxative Children Take W ith Pleasure Bottle of 150 £1.00 Rexall Orderlies are cho­ colate-flavored. They tnsto like candy. They combine gentle effectlvenean with this pleasaut taste. Give them to the children. Sold only at your Rexall Drug Store. Flanery’s DRUG 8TORE P A 6B F IW T HE SPRIN GFIELD NEWS Iowa People Visiting M r and Mrs Return From Seattle Conference Arthur Ixuik of Greenfield, Iowa, ar­ Mrs. Dnllus Murphy, her slsters-ln- rived In Springfield Thusday evening to spend a short lime visiting here at law. Mlaa Haze! Murphy and Miss the home of Mr. and Mrs Fred Ixiuk. Irradell Murphy, and her parents. Mr Mr. Louk's brother ami slsti r-ln law. and Mrs II. T. Mitchell of Ashland, returned late Iasi night from Seattle, Spend Week-end in Newport Mr whi re they spent the past week at­ and Mrs Fred Ixiuk and Mr. and tending the annual international con- Mrs. Arthur Ixiuk of Greenfield fi rence of the Christian church They Iowa, spend (he week-end on a trip report an excellent time at the con­ to the bench at Newport, where they ference. enjoyed the ocean scenery. To Go On Trip---Miss Gertrud, Spend Week-end In Yachats Mr and Mrs Welby Stevens and Mr. and Hanson of Portland will arrive In Mrs C E Kenyon spi nt the week Springfield Sunday on h -r vrcatlon end on a fishing trip to Yachats. She and Jeannine Withers and the Lincoln county. They report an ex­ Misses Maude, Anne and Margaret Gorrle will go on a trip through cellent catch of fish. south' rn Oregon. They will go to On Camping Trip — Mrs. C. E Crutcr latke and spend a short time Wheaton and Mrs. Corl Olson left there, und then to Bandon on the Coos Sunday on a camping trip to Win county coast, where they will spend Chester Hay, m a r Reedsport, rt thp a few (lays on the beach. mouth of the Vmpqua river. They will remain there for nbout one week. Approximately 24,000 acres of Return* to Portland— William Price swamp land, recently acquired by the returned to Portland Monday after a state In the Warner Valley district, short visit here. Mrs. Price will re­ will be leased for grazing purposes, main In Springfield for two weeks according to Governor Patterson, and visiting nt the home of her perenta, other state officials, who returned to Salem from an Inspection of the tract Mr and Mrs 8. C. Wright. Child Cut* Wrlat— The sm all (laugh ter of Mr and Mrs. William Vaaby cut her wrist quite badly when she fell at her home here. The wound was treated at the office of a Spring- field physician. Portland Printer Visits—G. E. Severson, a printer of Portland, flatted for a short time at the Springfield News office Monday after­ noon. Mr SoVirson Is the owner of a shop In Southeast Portland. Return to Medford—The Misses Zoe and Irene Newman, who spent the past few weeks here with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, O. H Turner, have returned to their home nt Medford. Their father, A. S. New man, came for them and spent the latter part of last week here. Returns to H om *—Leonard Dunnn gan, of Dallas, Texas, who has been spending the past month n Spring field visiting nt the home of Ills slater and brother-in law, Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Anderson , left Monday morning for his home. Mr. Dunna- gnn will visit for a short time In San Francisco enroute. At Springfield Hotel— Registered nt the Springfield hotel Inst week-end were E. Gage and George linker of San Francisco, California, E. D. Bel­ mond of Wcndllng, Mrs. P. Askew, Mrs. J. Larson, and John and Anna Ixtrsnn of Montesano, Washington, Harvey Jones of Wcndllng, M Blythe of Portland, J. Peters of Portlnnd, and Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Marlin of Aberdeen, Washington. The director^ of the Jackson coun­ ty fair association, In effort* to stim­ ulate daily attendance at the coming fair September 11 to 14, inclusive, have decided to reduce the price of season tickets from $2.50 to $1. Gen­ eral admission will remain 50 cents. Plans were perfected for the sec­ ond annual Oregon twin round-up, to be held at Albany Labor day, by the executive committee of the Twin Round-up association at a meeting held recently. The program will be featured by a parade In which all vis­ iting twins will be asked to partici­ pate. No fear of a return Invasion of the army of tent caterpillars at least until next spring—need be felt In spile of the apparent alarm of num­ erous people over the state. There Is no danger of the larvae appearing before next spring, aeeordlng to an announcement of the Oregon State college. Plans for the staging of a turkey show at Oakland this fall wen, set on foot nt a meeting held nt Rose­ burg recently. A tentative premium list for prize winners was adopted. The fair will be sponsored by the Douglas County Turkey Breeders as­ sociation. but the exact dato was not determined upon. OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events of the Week Assembled for Information of Our Readers. More that 20 car* of fat lamba have been shipped to eastern market* by Wullowa county aheepmen during the past two week*. A movement for a new highway between Pendleton and La Grande via Starkey la under way at I .a Grande, with the Lion* club taking an active part In Its presentation. Five district fair* will be held In Douglas county this fall, It was an nounced by the fair board. Glide, Canyonville, Yoncalla, Looking-Glass and Oakland will each stage a fair. After a month and a half of swim mlng lessons, 79 girls and 20 boys have learned to awlm In the Rotary club classes at Pendleton, directed by Harold Hatton, Oregon University athlete. Wheal yields In the Adams vicinity generally are proving satisfactory. One of the highest to be threshed so far was on the W. M. Holdman place, where the average was 65 bushels per acre. The Meadows drainage district In Klamath county has requested the slate reclamation commission to cer­ tify $73,500 of refunding bonds Issued recently for further development of the project. County school superintendents from all sections of Oregon held their an­ nual convention in Salem last week. C. A Howard, atate superintendent of public Instruction, was the princi­ pal speaker. A drilled well 39 feet deep driven on the Joe Arene farm out from Eagle Point is flowing artesian water at the rate of two gallons per minute. Thie ts the first artesian well drilled In that district. Shortage of pasturage and higher stock feed prices are given by Albany dairymen for their announcement re­ cently that the price of milk in Al­ bany will be Increased from 10 to 11 cents immediately. Albany's fire loss during the year ending July 31 was but $4000, accord­ ing to the annual report of Fire Chief A. C. Kielblock. Destruction of a barn valued at $750 constituted the heaviest damage from one fire. ..Pete Toftdahl Here— Pete Toftdahl of Junction City wan a vlaltor In Springfield for a short time Wednes­ day at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. M loir son, hia slater and brother-in- law. Mr. Toftdahl recently returned ' to Junction City from Klarnath Falla, where he had been living for some time. He haa taken over tike man­ agement of the Diamond 8 stock ranch near Junction City . At Max*y Home — Mrs. Steven Bowles, a former Sprlngfiekt resident visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mra. H E. Maxey. ATTEND THE L a n e C o u n t y F a ir August 21, 22, 23, 24 4 BIG DAYS PACKED WITH INTEREST EX H IBITS- A gricultural, Industrial, Livestock, 4-H Clubs, Textile and Art ENTERTAINM ENT— H orse R acing, T rapeze and Wire­ walking, Rodeo, Firew orks, Music, A m usem ents Admission— 50c G RANDSTAND BLEACHERS ....................................................... Day— 50c. Night— 25c Day— 25c. Night— 25c Buy Bread springfiitd Do you know th a t as good a bread as is m ade is baked right here a t hom e? H ave you tried B ETTER BREAD ? If not, once you do we know th a t you will becom e a steady custom er. ASK YOUR GROCER P atronize M ade-in-Springfield products first. H om e B akery MAKERS OE B E TTER BREAD 405 MILL ST. PHONE 103 JCPENNEYCO. 942 W iilam ettc St, Ette ene. Oregon. A big gasoline-operated shovel with a bucket that takes a bite of l 1« yards of rock and dirt at every drop was started to work on the Black canyon section of the Willamette highway between Lowell bridge and Oakridge. That fire blight is damaging many orchards In Douglas county is the warning sent out by Fruit Inspector J. K. Parker. He alleges that not less than 12 pear or k rds and two com­ mercial apple orchards are badly tn- feoted. Oakland Is to stage a round-up at the fairgrounds adjoining the city August 16 to 19. it was announced recently. The Oakland American Le­ gion post and the Oakland Gobblers, the civic club of that place, are spon­ soring the entertainment National advertising and good roads have Increased the number of visitor* in Crater Lnke National park tremen­ dously. and this year's entries ex­ ceed those of 192S. the peal; r»ar. by 7 per cent, according to E C. S-.iu- aky, the new superintendent. Shoes /o r Men For Work . . . For Dress For Comfort . . For Wear A t Qreat Savings! r The growers of strawberries in the Lebanon district are encouraged over price prospects for next year. The prices this s( uson were from 5 to 5Yi cents a pound, which growers report left them but a small profit. The puckers and barreling plants and can­ neries are now giving contracts for the 1930 crop at 7 cents, and most of the growers are signing up at that price. But they never met again T H E M AR KETS Portland Wheat—Big bend bluestcm, $1.33; soft white, western white, $1.28; hard winter, northern spring, western red, $1.24. Hay — Alfalfa. $18018.50 per ton; valley timothy, new, $19019.50; east­ ern Oregon timothy, new $20.50021; clover, new, $15; oats, $15; oats and vetch. $15015.50. . Butterfnt—44047c. Eggs—Ranch, 30 0 36c. C a ttle S le e rs , good, $ 1 1 0 1 2 . Hogs Good to choice. $11.25012.75. Lambs—Good to choice, $10012. Seattle Wheat—Soft white, western white, $1.29; hard winter, western red, northern spring, $1.26; bluestem, $1.38. Eggs—Ranch, 27036c. Close of the squirrel poisoning sea­ Butterfat—48c. son In Oregon not only finds the Cattle—Choice steers, $10.50011.50. squirrel population depleted to a Hogs—Prime light. $13013.15. greater extent than In former yeggs, Lambs—Choice. $11012.50. but leaves the bureau of biological Spokane survey of the United States depart Cattle- Steers, good, 9.76010.50. ment of agriculture with an estimate j Hogs—Good and choice, $13. that Its activities In Klamath county Lambs—Choice. *10.50011. saved $1 an acre. He (as the g u ests leave): “I’ll call you up.” She (em barrassed): “But we have no telephone.” He: “Oh, well, I’ll probably see you again sometime.” W h at girl w ants to live in a home that has no telephone? A ANO YOU C A N H A V I IT TOA A FC W C E N T S A D A T T he P acific T elephone and T elegraph C ompany