PAGB FOUR TH E SPRIN G FIELD NEWS THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Babliaksd Ev«ry Thuraday at Springfield. Laoa Count/, Oregon. by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS H. E. MAXEY. Editor. E n u red aa second claaa m atter. February 24. IMS at the poetofflee, Springfield. Oregon M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N RATE i year In Advance-------*1.75 M o n th s ---------------------------*1.00 Three Months S in g le Copy CROWS ARE USEFUL . History of Local Names R esearches have proven th a t the crow is one of th e m ost useful of living things to have about th e farm . T h e crow e a ts beetles, locusts, grasshop|>crs. crick ets anil o th er d estructive bugs. T herefore th e D epartm ent of A griculture su g g ests th at the . . . . . ... . crow should not be killed m erely for fun. but should be allowed to live and c arry on its use ful w ork for the benefit of tth e farm er. , THURSDAY. AUGUST 15. 1929 ... , ,, THURSDAY. AUGUST IB. 1929 . C A N A R Y — T h is place received II * was form erly known a« Acme It was T he best solution is to place the crow on the nam ed, by the railway company for C. C. and I B. Cushman, local resi­ T he Mt. Hood tram is being ag itated again to ^ T l is t . dents. The com pany already hud an m ake ascension of a g re a t m ountain easy. F rom now on. to do his bit in th e g rea t work acme on its line», ami did not wish M ountain clim bing is like o th e r th in g s in th e of farm relief, th e crow m ust be allow ed to com e io duplicate, and after the station w orld—reaching the top of a m ountain is best into the co u n try w ithout any duty, tax or «'“ • changed, the post office author- Itles follow ed su it The name Acme appreciated a fte r it is w orked for and we fear bounty! was originally applied by Mr» W A th a t those who ride up will not be so well We look to C ongress to put free crow s in the Cox, an early settler. It Is said that satisfied. tariff hill. • • • B ut while we a re considering an easy w ay up m ountains we m ight as well consider an air- Tlie v acan t farm houses on the T um alo irriga- port on top of the S outh Sister. T he p e rp e tu altio n project w est of Bend is not very good ad- Ice in the lake of the S outh S iste r c ra te r would vertising for reclam ation. High w ater costs ami m ake a good landing field. If it were on M ount low farm m ark et prices do not leave a living for Hood it would be used as such, and th ere would the farm er in m anv cases. be no talk of a tram . The S outh Sister is the third highest peak in O regon and in m any ways Is a b e tte r m ountain th an Hood. An a ir trip to now begins to look th a t we will be using the top of a m ountain would give one m ore new Springfield bridge before C hristinas at thrills th a n a tram way and would be b e tte r ad- least. vertising. then too. it would not be n ecessary to • • • Spoil the scenic beauty of the m o u n tain building It. Editorial Comment/ C E N S U S T A K IN G HAS N O VEL FEA TU R E (D ally Journal of Com m erce.) FARMERS MUST CO-OPERATE If the farm er is going to derive th e m axim um benefits from the new farm relief legislation th en he m ust co-operate, because it is only by th is m eans th a t m arketing help can be given him. T he new chairm an of th e Federal Farm board. Alexander Legge, sum m ed up th e farm situation in a sta te m e n t in which he said: How many persons are there In the United S ta tes* How many anim als— how much goods In circulation—haw large the “army of unemployed"? We. as everybody else, would hardly like to say, but If you watt long enough U ncle Sam's tellers will furnish the figures. More than *39.500.000 will be appropriated by C ongress for the task, which Is to be com pleted estim ated. In about six months. Is Is ‘‘In my judgm ent, the a n sw er can be stated There are several novel features about this year's cen- briefly. A rgiculture has operated as an individu­ sus taking which distinguish It from past undertakings al enterprise com peting with organized effort in The country's population Is increasing at the rate of about , . . o th er industries—individual actio n and .1 planning a , c o m n a r e d w it h r n l l i w i v t h l v . • 7ea ‘ surpasses anything In his- F -d 1th collective thinking and acting, tory. An ex cess of births over deaths and of im m igration “T he m arked tendency in o th e r industries is tow ard larg e r groups in which m any m inds col lectively determ ine policies and plans and follow them through. T his distin ct difference betw een ag ric u ltu re and o th e r industries is apparently p retty m uch all over th e world, although p er­ haps in m ost countries it is n o t so pronounced as in our own United S ta te s .” J. E. T orbet, form erly high school principal In Springfield, is candidate fo r s ta te highw ay com m issioner to succeed C. E. G ates, of Med­ ford. whose term expires next year. Mr. Torbet. who now lives a t R oseburg, is try in g to develop support th a t G overnor P a tte rso n m ay appoint him com m issioner for W estern Oregon H e says he taxors th e bunding of the C ascade highway and the im provem ent of th e old m ilitary high­ way over th e W illam ette pass. T he position nays no salary. Mr. T orbet says he w ishes the job for th e pleasure of stra ig h te n in g out the bad curves and reducing the g rad es now existing on our highw ays and when he g ets th a t done he will have perform ed a real service to the state. the enum erators to cover. The latter are to carry charts show ing Just what information they must obtain. is reading the ThertnometzeJ D oc ,-T hat Dr L otta . 6oot>/" - • V" < I t s a h o t tim e IN THE OLD TOWN But you w on't mind th at m uch if you arc one of th e p a t­ ro n s of E ggim ann's fountain We have th e beat thirst q u en ch ers know n and we know how to mix them to suit your taste. W e 'r e a l w a y s b u s y b u t w e g e t a p l e a s u r e o u t o f b e in g b u s y b e c a u s e w e a r e m a k i n g f o lk s h a p p y T a k e along a box of E ggim ann's candy when you go on your vacation. F G G IM A N N ’S “W here the Service In D ifferent” Free! Free! Free! AIRPLANE RIDE With ih»' Hobl A irw ays PU RCH ASE ONE OF OUR USED CARS W ith tin <). K. T h a t Count« AND RIDE WITH HGBI FREE OUR USED CARS W ith an O. K. T h a t C ounts are R econditioned or Checked and «old under our SATISFACTION GUARANTEE MORRIS CHEVROLET Co. 942 Olive Street, EUGENE OREGON USED CAR LOT 7th and OAK <»inin— iiaww CAN’T TALK TO WIFE; TOO CROSS AND NERVOUS "Even my husband couldn’t talk All th is Information is strictly confidential, and delib­ to me. I was so cross and nervous erately m isleading the cen su s taker Is a violation of law Vlnol has m ade me u different and happy woman."— Mrs. N. McCall punishable by fine and im prisonm ent. V lnol Is a compound of Iron, phosprates, cod liver peptone, etc The very FIRST b ottle m akes you sleep b etter and have a BIG appe­ tite. Nervous, ea sily tired people Albert T. Reid are surprised how QUICK the Iron, phosphates, etc., give new life and pep. Vlnol ta stes delicious. K etels Drug Store. Anyway, Something Has Made Him Feel Better (\Vkile Mrs Cox dreamed she w as to live In a place culled Acme, so when her husband p la it'd a tow nstte In lam e county th te p la n ' was called Acme T his post post office was MABEL Thia named for Miss Mimi Mabel Drury, second daughter of the first post m aster. Alfred Drury. The poat office was esfnblshed there In I STS WINBERRY Willi«' t ry post office Is located near the mouth of Win berry Creek W inberry Is unotber name for w hortleberry and Is ap piled more or less dlarrlm lnately fo various spei'ies of vaelnlum. The form wlndberry is incorrect. SWISSHOME The name S w iss home originated because of the fact that a S w iss fam ily lived about a m ile w est of the present site of the post office. The locality where this family lived was called Sw lsshom e. !lni* when the post office was estab- lished about 1914 the nam e was transferred to the new locality NOTI— Postm aster H. O. Suttler informed the com piler of the very unusual origin of the name In the follow ing word»: "In the early days an Indian and a w hite man were traveling together from a point on the coast Into the W illam ette Valley with on* horse betw een them In or- l,er to makH "" rup,d »" possible, they were doing what 1» knf)Wn „ .rld|ng an„ ()n „ wouW takl> th(. horHe anij r|dP ahead ° rer emigTation are the cauaes o( th l* 11 is ‘•«■mated a distance, tie . horse and proceed that the population next year will probably have read ied on foot. When his com panion reach- the sum total of 120.000,000, which Is thirty tim es that ed ,h e polnf where the horse was tied, he In turn mounted and rode a o f 1790, when the first census was taken. given d istance beyond hts partner The much mooted question betw een Republicans and and tied ,hp horse again. It Is said D em ocrats— "What is the extent of unem ploym ent?''— that the w hite man had agreed to tie the horse at about the point will be settled , and this, too. is a proceeding never author where Notl Creek Joins the Ixing ixed before In a decennial census hill. Nor, for thte mat Tom river, where the present town ter, does the gathering of figures relating to the dlstrl- of N oll Is located, but Instead he button of goods have any preeedent. although Mr. Hoover double-crossed thp Indian and rode strongly advocated such a provision when he was secret on ,o ®‘u*en’’' leavin g the Indian to walk. When the Indian discovered ary of com m erce. that he had been Jobbed, he Is said T he 190.000 persons who go from door to door gather- l" have exclaim ed. 'Him no tie,' and the place received Its Ing sta tistics will be paid according to the number of therefore nam e.” noses counted. A supervisor »-111 preside over each of the 565 d istricts, which are to he divided into section s for A total of 4(1 days of work were struck hi a stick which flew out of the conveyor, striking him on U ir finger The third man lost three day» : work u lo'ii lie was si ruck on the hand by a 11*13 which fell from a hunk. The fourth em ployee lost ten days ; work as the result of som e had »liver» In his hand, and the fifth lost IS dava due to an Injury In hi» hack when he ■ fell to the floor from a chalnfl unusual mime bacaaae local real- lost by em ployee» at the Springfield dent» could find none other which Booth Kelly mill us the result of five Industrial accident» during the month * ‘‘uW b°,?‘ th,“ of July, according to a report Just “,u' ,he r*"r““,“ mime» were su ggested but to no posted by O. II. Jarrell, superlnten- avail. The name Canary ha» no dent. kwai sign ifican ce and It la not knowu The record for July was som ewhat One man lost nine days us the re­ now who »uggeated it. sult of an Infection In h is bund b etter than that for June, when 43 C U S H M A N - C u s h n iu u la a »tatIon 4nd . on ,h(. Coo. H„y resulting from a »liver. Another lost day» were lost as the result of ac­ MBe ,,f the southern P acific company th ree day» a» the result of being cident» Som e people will Im m ediately rem em ber th at th e crow c a ts corn as well as hugs. N everthe- Plow deep, while sluggards sleep. less it is com ing to be believed th a t th e crow is and i» on the north hunk of the sin» And you shall have co rn to sell o r keep. Well, w hat ,aw rtver 11 about a mile weat —Franklin. a t least as useful as it is useless. can be done about it 7 "f "*• <*•>■“ ■ cos»»««ttJ IJCT THEM FLY I T MILL EMPLOYEES LOSE 43 DAYS FROM MISHAPS What “Rest-Haven” Means To YOU By Back From C an ad a-M r. nnd Mrs. W. C. W right and fam ily have re­ turned from a three w eek s’ trip to W atrous. Saskatchew an. Canada, where they visited at the home of Mrs. W right’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. S cott.T hey went by way of Y ellow stone N ational Park, and re­ turned by the way of Banff. Alberta, where th ey also visited with friends. M eachams at Newport Mr. and Mrs. C hauncey Meacham ure spend­ ing their vacation on the beach at Newport. They will be gone from ; Springfield about tw o w eeks. OU have heard about Rent-H aven, of c o u rse —th e new m em orial park d e ­ velopm ent out on Hie S pencer B utte road. P e rh ap s you have driven by, and ob­ served th e im provem ents th at are being put in as rapidly as possible the clearin g oper­ atio n s the w inding roadw ays th e p re p a r­ atio n s for extensive landscaping. Y B ut you d o n ’t really know an y th in g about R est-H it veil until you have been told w hat It m eans to you. E ventually— when (he developm ent is com pleted R est-H aven will be a com pleted m em orial park a place of in te rm e n t in harm o n y with the m ost m odern Ideas— beautiful, dignified, distinctive. But* rig h t now R est-H aven offers you a rem ark ab le and a ttra c tiv e o p p o rtu n ity to particip ate in an investm ent th at requires b u t a sm all outlay of capital, and th a t gives prom ise of u n u su al profit com bined with th e elem ent of unquestioned security. T h a t’s w hat R est-H aven m eans to you. We want you to let us tell you all about it. O ur office is in room s 536-7-8 T h e M iner Building. O ur telephone num ber is 830.