i. 1 PAGE THREW THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST IC. 1928 1 TRAIN SCHEDULE Spelngflakl Stop« 1 A. Johnson of Port-1 P L A N S At Elite Hotel « land. C la ren ce Parznenter of W end FOR N E A R IN G STATE FA IR C O M P L E T IO N ; w NORTH I Hoc. Dr. and Mr«. Harry Shoot of No 18 at 3:64 A. M Stop to detrain Portland. J. P. A tkins and family of D A T E S SE P T . 23 TO 2 » passengers from Klamath Pall and Kalama. W ashington, IL R Ruthven Salem . Ore., August IS.— With tbtd beyond. of Jasper, Mr. and Mr«. R. A. Kester No. 3 at 3:48 P. M of Albany, and L. O. I .each of Port- I If,0.000 grandstand searin g rosspl*» Bus connection« at Eugene f o r . land were registered laat week-end at i Hon. the grounds undergoing an en- trains leaving 11:60 A M and 7 P. M the E lite hotel. ten sive renovation, and en tries for ¿musa SOUTH _____________ ! exhibit# and rare« already coming No. 7 at 13:47 P. M. » Oregon State Fair, to be held paaaengera to Klamath Falla and C° U o 7 i \ - ? i e ,J ’* NE here Septem ber 83 te 23. promisee to beyond ! c it a t io n be I ha largest e v e r held. I II,.. 1 C ...... . ,n toe matter o f the Guardianship of I Has connection« at Eugena for. Ma < U ew ellen and Harry B With a seatin g rapacity of sin Margaret Llewellen and Harry BMBROIDKRY W o llK — Mrs Orson GOOD I I K A T K U for aal« C heap If HOCMK FOR SALK — Living room, traina leaving 11:46 A. M via Slaklyou, L lew ellen, Jr (som etim e« spelled thousand, the grandstand, a new fern kitchen, breakfast nook, two bed Vaughn. 621 I) Ht.. Springfield, Ore. taken thl« week. Ilatcheldor, 418 line. rooms and bath; with garden plot I" “’ í/- Minora. tore of thia year’s fair, will afford an A 32 E at., Springfield. Ore. A 15 ' , , . I----- ------ ~ ...... ............... ’ \ To Margaret Llewellen, Harry B and garage. Completely furnished NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL L lew ellen. Jr., the next of kin of excellen t view of the half mile racing FOR SALE. Trade nr Rent, Modern I • nt ; M.K I I o i i h c I h '1,1 good» C II 61800; term s. Owuer, 218 W est I) ACCOUNT said minora and on all persons In- track on which the speed and run­ home with four rooms and screen lilnm. 338 Second S ired . A 16 ning con tests will be held. atreet. A 16 Notice Is Hereby Given: T hat the | terested In the estate, Greeting «■din hark porch, wood shed. gar _____________________¡ undersigned adm inistrator of the es In the Name of the State of (¿Ta­ The fin est of agricultural exh ib its age. and good gurilen spot. Concrete PREPARED TO A YDK1.O TT -« s s , p a te of William H W h ltn e y , deceased gon. You are hereby cited and re-, wolk from heart of town tn front OH. Tlrra and Picnic Sappile« At FOR SAI.K OR TRADE—Sm all House I has Hied his account for the final qulred to appear In th e County Court b o m Oregon and a ll over the N on »- door. Inquire at Lum’s Service Point of Controversy Ayd e-Ixitt and lx>t In Northern part of Spring settlem en t of said estate In the County of the S u t e of Oregon, for the County w est, are expected to be shown hera Station, Second and Mitin streets, Service Garage, Waal Springfield. If j n .1,1 w ill ... It r .r ,.r » .r iv I» Court for Lane County. Oregon, and of Lane. at the Court Room thereof, during the six day« of exhibition, aa Springfield Air, Bold Will asHUtn. y / >r"twr' y ‘" t h a t Saturday, the 17th day of August, at Eugene. In the C ou .ty of I-ane, on aa numeroUR commerclal and aP- priced reasonably. Address News, fbp c „ ,lrt Room of said Tuesday, the 17th day of Septem ber.. . Sm okaataek« P ain ted NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Springfield If i Court. In the County Court House In 1®29. at ten o ’clock In the forenoon u »t,c feature» Premium s and pursaa T h e three large HmokentHck« nt the N o tice la hereby g iven th a t the un 1 _____________ I Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, at t e n , of that day. then and there to show am ounting to 680.000 are to be M ou ntain Hlutea Pow er com pany plant d eralgned, Exei ut or of the K la a le or o’clock In the forenoon, has been by cause. If any you have, why a licen se awarded the prize w inners at the end Lydia Mayo, deci nned. Ills filed h l» ' were repainted thia w i» k by a special final re|w jrl and account a» auch Exe- ¡ PAINTING and Kalsomtning In all Its „aid Court fixed a» the tim e and place should not be granted for the sale of thp .udg1n(5 p a in te r In the service o f the com pany. t u to r w ith the C le rk o f the C ounty i Roy for hearing objections thereto, and for of th e e sU te of said minors, at prl- branches Reduced Prices. final settlem en t of said estate. vate sale, by the Guardian of said E verything from a m agnificent It raqulred the m an a day for each of Court of Lane County, Oregon, and Koch. Call 126-J L. L. RAY. minor wards, to-wlt. Daisy L ew ellen, horse show, exhibitions of cattle, both the th re e large «locks. which rise 100 I that S aturdn v, the 14th day of Hep | Adm inistrator of the E state of WII- W itness, the Hon C. P. Barnard. da(ry and bppf sheep, goats, sw ine, feet above the roof o f the p o w e r ! '" '...... . 192» at 10 0« ..c lo c k In the Mias Snodgrass Gata Job Ham H W hltnev, deceased Judge of the County Court of the I fon noun, In In»* < ounty < ourf Hoorn Jl 1825 A 1-8-15 S U te of Oregon, for the County of Poultry, pigeons, rabbits, cavíes, b ee» plant He a ttra c te d B great deni o f | llf y E tlg , hllH bt„ „ j tu n e , and the Seal of said Court and honey, to agricultural products, a interest as he »wiing h im self about | ,>t by the lio n C I ’ B arn ard . J u d g e 1 M I hh M axim - Snodgrass, local g irl her<-to offixed, this 6th day of August cereal show. vegeU b tes, a beautiful NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION around the large cylin d ers by the of »»Id C ourt, a» the tim e ami piaci who graduated from high school last 1929 to hear object loin- to the ».irne, and June, has accepted the position of as- horticultural show, an exhibit of FOREST EXCHANGES rope» w ith which he was su»pi tille d A ttest: W. B. DILLARD. Clerk for the final seu lem en t of »uid estât» »I tant accountant at the office of the No. 018652 dom estic baking, and dem onstration» By M. E McDERMOTT. Deputy. A II HERFLING, Executor .Mountain S ta les Power company here Department of the Interior, United of textile« and art will be shown. (SEAL) WELLS * W ELLS. A ttorneys NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT S tates Land Office, Roseburg, Ore­ FRED E. SMITH. Attv. for Guardian. A 16 22 2» H 6-12 Il Is announced by W K. itam eli One of the most Important and In­ In the County Court of the S ta le of gon, July 20, 1929. A 8-1522-29 S 5 superintendent. Miss Lulu McPher O regon In ntitl fo r the County of terestin g features of the fair w ill be Notice Is hereby given that on July Lane son, accountant, Is now on her vue a 19. 1929 J H Leeds, of 353 E. 2nd St.. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION the exhibit and dem onstrations given NOTICE OF SH ER IFF’S SALE ON IN PROBATE No 4745 FOREST EXCHANGES. , lion, but Miss Snodgrass will remain lx>s A ngeles. Calif., file«l application by the boys and girls of the 4-H duly EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE No. 018431 ¡as part of the permanent company No (U8652 under the act of March 20 m a tte r of tin- E state of Eugene N otice Is Hereby Given that by con tests, who w ill have agricultural. 1922, 142 Slat., 465) tn exchange the W Bow der, «Licensed Department of the Interior, United »taff IS W ’/i of NE^i', SE>4 <>f , v,rtue of an execution and order of dom estic art and science, and stock To Whom this Mav Concern N otice S tates Land Office, Roseburg, Ore­ of SW>4 and NW<4 of SE(4 of Sec. 8. 8ale In foreclosure Isaued out o f the exh | bits here, and will give demon- Is hereby given (lin t the undersigned gon, July 16, 1929. •r„ is » the 31»t day of July, 1929, in a <* Jud*in^ cook,n« N O T IC E , O F S H E R IF F ’S S A L E ° N , S l u s a w I o n a ? F o r e s t N otice la hereby given that to r of the above e n title d estate, ha» E X E C U T IO N IN F O R C L O S U R E her on approxim ately 4' acres in the suB wherein, on the 30th day of July, eew lng and many other accom pllsk- filed his final account In the said ea March 28, 1929, tim ar L. W isdom, of N ollce Is Hereby Given That by • S E „ ,,f jqgiz o( 19 t p 20 8. R 1929, In said Court Jane K. Hodes, meats. tale: ami that the Court has fixed Ulenada, Oregon, filmi application No » tu n ». 11 . w a .. . 11 » as vt «6 .,4 1 * . . . . __ ^4 eewv. » 4 ea a 9 d z .fz .w d Septem ber 13. 1929 af the hour of ten 1)18431 under Act of March 20. 1922. virtue of an 1 xu< utlon and orden ol 14 E W M within the Cascade Nat recovered Judgment against d efen d -1 ants Charles M Elliott, and Ione O’clock A. M as the tim e for the (42 Stal.. 466) lo exchange the EVfc of sale In foreclosure Issued out of the | |onaj |rore«t Thp pUrpo«e of thia notice Is to E lliott, husband and wife, for the sum MANY ATTEND TRIP hearing of the »»Id final a cco u n t; nnd Lot 4. Ktk of W(* of Lot 4. N% 8W14 Circuit (Hurt of Lane County. Ore gon. on the 5th day o f August. 1929. >1Iow a„ pergon, claim ing the lands of 62.000 00 and interest thereon at TO SILTCOOS LAKE all persons having any objections NW%. SE '4 8W% N W '4, E>* 8 W 4 objec the rate of 8% per annum from Oct. NW% Sec. 3. W'^ L oti. In said Court. The Pacific Savings Relected or b av| ng bona fide thereto shall file the sam e In writing SW% glI<.h appllcation. an oppor- ’ V7tb, 1928. and for the further sum 1» said probate proceedings on or be­ B tt Lot 1, NÍ4 E ‘A E'4 A la.an A ssociation, a W aahlngton ' , fonR corporation, ------------- ------- , , un(,y t0 fjj«. their protests with 1th the i ”f * “ 6150.00 as a reasonable attorn ey’s ; B etw een 1500 and 2000 persons at» n-covered Judgment fore the time (or said hearing lx>t I. Wlk SK% NH' m - W(4 defendants < lyde B gputster and Recetver of the Ui nlted fee herein, together with its costs and tended the excursion to Slltcoos Leke, 8E% N E U . NW H NE>, REK. W # «•* RALPH C BoW DKIt. Johnson and Flora M Johnson, his : S(a((,R Eand Office at Roeeburg. Ore disbursem ents In this suit, and said near ¡the coast on the Cooe Bay line, Administrator • s f > s w t % NN E t N8 e \ . N e Ï ; ^ f " J. ssïe ' f S ^ n d V c “^ gon. Ativ such protests or obj«>ctlons execution to me direct«^ comm anding wbjcj, wag sponsored Sunday by th» A 16 22 29 S 6 12 B NE V í / t b l t HU Ben. h 4. 19 S NaR . R t , w H V < w h lM ; Tp Slu,iaw S e d""e’ of* fDM goV 'in o M e V ^ . i s V s i l d ^ d g m e n c Southern Pacific company. T h on . m N O T IC E FO R Departm ent of P U B L IC A T IO N the Land O ffice at August 7, 1929. Interior, Roseburg, (J ®- Oregon, ’ ' f p°roxtmately 11 a cre, lo ca ^ d aws a ‘ rat« of lO^r per annum from Decem n.,bHrat1on of thl* notice which first within I J 9.2?J publication is August 1. i m . $8.00. for the further sum of 6108.73 HAMILL A CANADAY. the W ‘4 8W«4 Bee. 23, NW% N 1 R R egister. N W Ree’ 35 and N W A «»«'-«her with Interest thereon at th e , 8 w . 26, SE EU & T , Î « I« fi F W M of 0,/‘ P” - annum fr,,m M,‘>’ 4’ ¡ A 1-8-15-22-29 NE% Sec c Mt. H pid^Natkínal within the Mt. Hpod r .. . . . w ■ f rP(lH„ nablp Attorney , e e . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION T he purpose Of this‘ and for the costs and disbursem ents No. 018072 low claim ing he wh««.r» lands execution to in« me » a all t persons - in»» "UIL. «nil ■’ « i u twEwwKiou selected, or having bona fide objec il|r(j(,„ .d (.(,mnialldlI1K me ,n the name Department of the Interior. United (tons to «“f h oT. of 'h« S ta le of Oregon, In order to , States Land Office, Roaeburg. Ore- Ä . V ,.n ï ¿ T ’ " ' : ."I gon, July 25. 1929. N otice I. hereby given that Thom as N otice Is hereby given that Newton l.lm lley of Springfield. Oregon. Route 2 who. on July 20. 1920 made Home stead Entry Serial No 014577. for Lots 2 and 3. Section 13. Tow nship 17 South. Range 2 W est, W llllam ette Meridian, has filed notice of Inien tlon to make three-year Proof, fo e s ­ tablish claim to the land above described, before E O. Imtnel, nt Eugene. Oregon, on the 20th day of Septem ber. 1929. Claimant nam es ns witnesses: Albert Lindley, of Springfield. Ore­ gon. Route 2 W illiam Lindley, of Springfield, (•regon Jl 18 25 A 1 8-16 n n lr McHenry. of W endllng. (»regon NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Elvln Stevens, of Springfield, Ore N otice Is hereby given that N ellie gon. Route 2 HAMILL A. CANADAY. Helterbrand. the executrix of the last R egister. will and Ipstamiuit of W lllfam F A 15 22 2» S 6 12 W illson. Deceased, has filed her final . - ..1.1 account said B.-coun. of her "'7 adm inistration of Count'v NOTICE TO CREDITORS Conri* of I ane Countv Oregon- and to u r ! of Ijtne (o u n ty . O regon, ano N otice Is hereby given that Martin that the said court hns set as the L Glass on Iho 6th day of July. 1926. tim e and place for the final settle was appointed adm inistrator of the ment of said estate. Saturday August «state of Sarah J Olasa. deceased. All 31st, 1929, at the hour of 10 o'clbck persons having claim s against said In the forenoon of said day at the «•state are hereby notified to present office of the County Judge In the them duly verified as by law required County Court House In Eugene, la n e All persons having to said adm inistrator at his residence County. Oregon at V eneta In Lane County. Oregon objections to said final account must within six m onths of the flret publi present them on or before said date ««tlon of th is notice. Date of ftraf of final settlem ent. NELLIE 11 El-TER BRAND. publication 18»h day of July. 1929 Executrix. MARTIN L. GLASS. I. M PETERSON. Attorney. ALTA KING. Attorney. A 1-8-15-22 29 .11 18-36 A 1-8-15 Interest, attorney’s fees, costs of suit attending spent the day In swlmmtnff, and accruing coats, to oell the follow boating. fishing and other sporU. >ng described real property to-wlt: A number of people from Springfield Beginning at the Southw est corner attended. T h ese included Mr. and of Lot Five (5) Block Two (2) in John Christian s Addition to Eugene. Mrs. C hester Aldrich, Mr. and Mm, Lane County. Oregon, and ru n n in g, Lawrence Moffitt, Mr. and Mrs. W11- thence North 55 feet, thence East 30 „ Bprtgcb Mr, and Mrs. W alter feet, loen thence North ov 50 icm feet, . i thence rTei. ce morm uculc _ ~ qellflrf East 2o fe e t. thence South 60 feet, and G ossler. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. 8 uart. , bencP w e„ t 50 feet to the place of Frank Stuart. N ellie Stuart, Mrs. El­ beginning, all In Eugene. Lane County, «te Pollard. Anne Bidwell. Mr. and Oregon MrR Mar)on Adams, Mr. and Mrs. T herefore, tn the name of the * __ . „ , M P p Oregon, in com pliance with Sam R t^ m on d . Mr. and M m F K execution and order of sale, Thurman. Elvln Thurman, Mr. a M order to satisfy said Judgment, Mrs. Arne N elson. Magnus Preim er, InteresL attorney's fees. Van p e terson, Mr. and Mrs. Pa»J and accruing costs. I will on Had]ey Mr and Mrg K enneth Chase. ------------- — — 1 oaiurday, the 31st day of August, 19-9. ... i, vi - the name of the S U te o f Oregon. In year Proof, to establish claim to th e a, the hour of onp o ci„(.k in , b^ a(ter and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maxey, land above described, before Hamill com pliance with the eald execution noon of said day. at the S o u th w est! and order of sale, and In order to A. Canaday, R egister of the United front door of said County Court In q A( v ,E E X H IB IT P L A N N E D . satisfy said Judgment, Including In­ S tates lAtnd Office at Roseburg. Ore­ Eugene, I.ane County, Oregon, offer FO R C A L IF O R N IA F A IR terest. attorney’s fee. cost of suit and gon. on the 10th day of Septem ber. for sale and sell for cash, at public accruing costs, I will, on Saturday, 1929 auction, subject to redemption as Claimant nam es as w itn esses- provided by law. all of the right, title the 7th day of Septem ber, 1929. at re- S W. Burke, of 184 Monroe Street. and Interest of the said d efen d a n ts, A varied display 1. of the game the hour of one o ’clock In the after- ntanned - - - - Oregon, - , Charles M Elliott, Ione E lliott, hus sources of Oregon Is being planned noon of said day. at the Southw est ! Eugene. . . . County ___ q xv rh 1 Mrs S. W Burke, of 184 Monroe band and w(fp and Eva M„ Ier and a„ for tbe Cai|(ornla S U te fair at Sae- front door of . .. the »«Id Court House In Eugene, Lane County. Ore Street. Eugene. Or.e 8r''' Rmite ’’C ’’ Persons claim ing by. through or under , ram ento next month by Ben. F. Dor­ #eU for caRh Flnh>y Knapp, of Motor Route C. (hem or gny 0J. ptther ()f , hpm , n and . he ch a,rman of thte O rego« at public auction, subject to redemp Eugene. Oregon. .. to the said prem ises. ! ’ The exhibit tlon as provld.«1 by law, all o f the - Helen Chezem, of Motor Route C. H L B(i W N : state gam e com m ission. The right, title and Interest of the said Eugene. Oregon „ . » . . ta . x - Sheriff of Lane County. Oregon J w ill con sist principally of photo- defendants Clyde B Johnson and HAMILL A. CANAJIAY.^ A 1-8-15-22-29 ^ a p h s . which will Include th ose o f Flora M Johnson, h .s w ife. J essie F , NO t .CE OF SHERIFF’S SALE ON the McKenzie and other fish hatek- Speer and P. C. Speer, her husband EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE I tr ie s of the state and th ose of th» and all persons claim ing by. through ; — N otice Is hereby given that by vlr- state game farm near Eugene. Tl»» nr tinder them . In and to the said NOTICE OF SH ER IFF’S SALE ON prem ises. EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE tue of an execution and order of sale pictures of the birds w hich are b elo c H. L. BOWN. In foreclosure issued out of the Cir. bred at the game farm are exp ected Sheriff of laine County, Oregon N otice Is Hereby Given **>at by C(Wrt of Lanp County, Oregon. A 8-15-22-29 S5 virtue of an execution and order of on the 29th day of July, 1929, in a to attract great interest in California. sale In foreclosure issued out of the suit wherein, on the 26th day o f July, Birds bred there include Chine«» NOTICE OF SH ER IFF'S SALE ON IC,rcu,t i u l v ^ l ^ T n 1929’ ,n f,aid Court Pacific Sav- pheasants. Hungarian pheasants. w lH FORECLOSURE p°n. on the 19th day of July 19.9. jn p , Ix)Iin Asi.o ciaUon, a Washing- turkeys and wild guinea fowl. a suit wh«r«in. on the ISth da. f . Cornoration r«cov«r«d Judgment N otice Is hereby given That by July. 1929. In said Court The Pacific ’„ J , , , ^ p dpfeBdants w ill G Nor­ River Low, Fishing Poor virtue of a writ of execution Issued Ravings * Ix>an A ssociation, a Waah’ wood and z Pima Norwood, his wife, out of the Circuit Court of the S tate , ington Corporation, recovered Judg- Lumber Companv. a cor- W. K. Barnell and Dr. W. N Dow. of Oregon for the County of Lane on ment against the defendants Guy R. ,,on Thp n r i t National Bank of 1 the 22nd day of July 1929 upon a J u d g -p u r v e y and OHve V Harvey. M. P. ^ n(.„ on c lty ., Nat)„ nal Banking local men, are still regretting a fish ­ ment rendered in said Court on the Bonnett and Edith J. Bonnett, N. J , t,on 'and Alsea State Bank. ing trip they made to Fall Creek oa 19th day of July In a suit wherein Minton and Effie L. Minton for tthe n 'Corpora, i on, for the sum Sunday. T hey decided to fish from Geo. Corton was P lain tiff and Charles 1 SUm of $1426.68 and in terest thereon lg jntprpgt tbereon at their boat, so they entered the stream E. Eberle was defendant and wherein at the rate of 10% per annum from » annum from the Plaintiff recovered Judgment April 16. 1929. and for the further J X r 25 19-8 in d ?or The fu7- at the old sw im m ing hole, where th e agalnst said defendant Charles E. | sllm of $27 46 and Interest thereon ™m of 00' "nd for the fur- w ater w as quite deep. H ow ever, it soon developed that Fall Creek w as Eberle for the sum of T w o Hundred at the rate of 10% per annum from . • f h t , Dollars together with Interest thereon February 6th. 1929. nnd for the fur- ’h«- sum «f » ^ 0 0 , and to, t not Intended for navigation at thl« 'from the 18th day of June 1928 a t ,,h e r sum of $16 00 nnd for the fur- ’^ d to m e d"rec?e«l com- ,th e rate of 8% per annum until paid th tr sum of $125.00, and for the costs m a n d * mp , n (hp namp of thp StatP season of tthe year. The water wa< and for the further sum of Six Do nrs ;in<| disbursem ents of this suit, and (,r Pgon in order to satisfy said so shallow that It was Im possible to ¡and the further sum of Fifty D ollars satd execution to me directed com . . , lnteregt attorney’s fees, descend thte creek in a boat. A fter ns attorney’s fees together with the mandlng me in the name of the State J aecrutng costs, to sell dragging the boat along for som e d is­ 'c o sts nnd disbursem ents of the suit of Oregon. In order to satisfy said foll„wtng described real property, tance. and failing to find any navi­ tnxed nt 627.88. together with a ccru -1 judgment. Interest, a tto rn ey s fees. Ing costs which Judgment was en- cost of sutt nnd accruing costs, to sell njnp (9) ,n gable water, Mr. Barnell and Dr. Dow rolled nnd docketed on the 20th day the follow ing described real property. p.|rk Add| tj(,n t0 Eugene. decided It was hopeless and returned .» July 9..$.. 1929 1 flOft In ♦$».« office rvYFI/vo ,\f ll O Clerk f/j wit ’ of in the of t the to Springfield w ithout fish. I , , 'wn Thr»« m in Block No Dane County. Oregon of said Court and said execution was Two ( 2 ) .' Tiff's Plat, an Addition to Now Therefore. In ,h *’ "”"1° 01 ‘„ b to me directed com m anding me in E u g e n i an in Lane County. State of S t a t ^ o f O r e g o n .^ ^ o m p H a n c e wttl, NEW EN TRANCE PLANNED the nnme of the S tate of Oregon In order to satisfy said Judgment and F O R F IR E H E A D Q U A R T E R S N ow 'T herefore, tn the name of the and In «Tder to «at'sfy said Judgment. accruing co sts to sell the follow ing described real estate, to wit ¡S tate of Oregon. In com pliance with ^ ‘cnHng costs, f will on A new hack porch to the fire Not numbered E ighteen (IS) in the said execution and order of sale. , ' , .« .»«.* .i,lv August Block numbered Three (3) of flu n t’a p w d in order to anttafy said Judgment, j ho^ r nf on e o’clock in office of the city hall is being built addition io Springfield. I.ane County, including Interest a tto rn ey s fees g‘ ,d dav, Bt tbp this week by Jess Smitson, fire chief, Oregon together with the tenem ents costa and accruing coata. 1 will, on tne an - la m e n ts and appurtenances f t „ urdny. the 24th day of A u gu st; ^ » r C o u r t H o u s e d E u ™ Lane and Kenneth Gale, police chief The thereto belonging or In any w ise ap 1929. flt the hour o f, ,o n7 " " ,k fbp Count'v. Oregon, offer for sale and addition will be built over the roof | b u s in e s s d ir e c t o r y ! Oltlce Phone 176-J Rea. Phone 176-M V IV IA N LE M M O N «cher of Plano and Violin Student Elllaon-W hllc ervatory of Music, Portland. 603 5th St. • Eugene Saturdays #011 line. Phon« 160 S P R IN G F IE L D Fl*no Movlng TR A N SFER WILLIB BERTSCH, Proqt. OFFICE AT SERVICE GARAGE 633 Main Street B u cea so r to Button T ransfer Carl K. Phetteplace, M. D. General Practice, Special Attention to ObatetrICB and Disease« of Children. F irst National Bank Building Springfield, Oregon D R . W . N . DOW D e n tis t First N ational Bank Building Phone 43 Springfield. Oregon Olllce hours, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M E vening# by Appointment dr . n . w . emery DENTIST P ilon e 2O-J Button B ld » Reel de nee Phone 1B*-M Springfield, Oregon General Izftw Practice I. M. PETERSON Attomey-at-Law City Hall Building Walker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors 228 Main St. 62 J R esidence 125 C Bt 62 M Full Auto Equipment Ijidy Assistant Springfield, Ore. FRANK A. DE PUE D. W. Roof JEW ELER Itopatrteg a Specialty Orcgou ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Sutton •u tM ln s S»rii»