Try the Home Print Shop Firat THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-SIX I’ll YEA It HPRINOFIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON- L SIX LOCAL STUDENTS GEO. DORRIS PLANNING TO ENROLL AT U. OF O. EXHIBIT OF NUTS FOR IN FRESHMAN CLASS ANNUAL COUNTY FAIR Hix g r a d u a te s of th» S p rin g fie ld h igh sc h o o l h a v e file d th e ir c re d ' ll tla la a n d w ill e n ro ll In th e U n iv e rs ity of O re g o n an m e m b e rs of th e fr e s h m en c la s s w ith th e o p e n in g o f hi hoi.I llte ro fo r th e fa ll te rm , a c c o rd in g to In fo rm a tio n r e c e iv e d fro m th e re g ia t r a r a o ffic e of th e I 'n l n r H l ty T h o se a r e M aude l lr a l la ln . J a c k Ih in n e r, Le ro y In m a n , N a d in e M c M u rra y , L iw re n e .. W Itoof, a n d M a rg a re t H w art« T h e r e la a lili lim e fo r o th e r «lu W ith th e h lg L a n e o p e n n g n e x t W e d n e sd a y g ro u n d s a t E u g e n e , fin a l | n e v e ry d e p a r tm e n t a r e c o u n ty f a ir ! a t th e fair- p r e p a r a tio n « b e in g r u s h e d ; THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1929 'REV. BLOM RESIGNS BAPTIST PASTORATE TO TAKE IDAHO CALL "T M A People'« P ap er” L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N No. 31 CHANGING LIMITS UP TO COMMITTEE K‘ V. H. Blom, pastor of the Springfield Baptist church, announced thia week hla resignation to accept First Student Take# Air With a call to the First Baptist church at Body to Decide Whether Wood­ Major Eckerson in New Ar­ Bn(, arP , | v,.n by falr ()ff| . L'tslek. Idaho. Rev. Blom had been en Buildings May Be Erected tha, ,h„ first w, „ j row Tuesday Morning; Three the pastor of the Springfield church Inside of Fire Limits; M fin d th e "b ig g e s t a n d b e a t” of L a n e i at Work Now; Waco Over­ for four years, coming here from On­ Street Residents Ask Gravel­ c o u n ty fa ir* a w a itin g a p p ro v a l. tario, Oregon. In 1925. He will leave hauled Preparatory to Races. ing and Grading of Block. for Idaho next week, preaching hla N o tw ltliH tam lln g th e e a rly d a te s fo r | W ith M a jo r <î I I E<*fc<*rii>n’it new farewell sermon at the local church th e f a ir th is y e a r, e x h ib it p r e p a r a tio n * , The quesetlon of whe her or not A rro w Rporl i ik m I««| plane nt Ih • louiil Sunday morning Rev. Blom will also In d lc a le th e la rg e n u m b e r s a n d v a rl ■ the city fire limits may be moved io a irp o rt, and thro«» atiidnntN laklm * preach at the union services thia e tle a o f p ro d u c e a n re a d y fo r dlHplay, to allow several yooden buildings to M inai Instruction. the »< hool .»r | '<> » p H* '«* entrance. I» I« a n d th e p ro d u c e d e p a r tm e n t of th e Bunday evening at the Beptlst church be built at the corner of Main and : laliHl. hut all c r e d e n tia l« sh o u ld be « v in tim i I i i i h nl I i i h I I h - i u tili' n ri'iillly fa ir w ill ho e q u a l to p r e v io u s fa lra . A farewell reception In honor ol 8eventh streets across from Casey’# filed uh 'icon uh poHHlble ho th a t th ey Il ( ’ K lg h t. lo ca l Hutu. hail Ih»- ills L lk ew lao , th e flo w e r sh o w plan « In ­ R ev and Mrs Blom was given last Service station was passed on to the George Pardy, of Somerville, Uni .Inn nr in tnic .hi’ firat a tu rtitit i > c a n be e x a m in e d a n d u n p ro v e d F o r d ic a te t h a , th e flo ra l e x h lh lta will he night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. fire and water committee of the city N Y receiving messages of con- r w e tv n InH lriictlnii u n d e r th*- t n i j - ’r p r Illpi el IVc HlIldentH w ho a r e a s vet In no w ay h a m p e re d by e a r ly d a te « , i gralulaliont on hi# lOJrd birthday. B. Chase at Chaae Gardena. Thia waa council at the regular monthly meet­ ntidecldiMl, th o I ’n lv e r s lty I iiih p r e ­ In tin ' new hi h ool Me H ig h t wi-tit Irv in g , U oah en , C o a st F o rk . S a n ta a surprise to the minister and his ing of the body Monday night. The u p w ith M a jo r l-k k e rn o n T u e a d a y p a r 'd a s e r ie s of b o o k let* In a d d itio n C la ra a n d F lo re n c e a ri wife, who did not know that they were council decided that the permission p r e p a r in g MANy |N ATTENDANCE N ew hiMik m o rn in g anil flew th e hiiiii II p la n e Io th e r e g u la r c a ta lo g u e c o m m u n ity e x h ib it« , a n d m a n y Indi «-«-»ivwi. being Invited to a party. to build such buillfngs inside the fire in a c ir c u la r to u r o v e r tin* c ity ot le ts re c e n tly Issm-il In c lu d e in fo rm « v ld u a l ftxhihi'H of p r o d u 'e a r e p la n ­ AT LEGION MEETING More than 100 persons and their limits could legally be granted, hut E u g e n e a n d buck to th ' lo ca l a ir p o r t lio n on law . b u s in e s s u d m ln la fra tio n ned IJvcR frx k c o n tro l« In' th e e d u c a tio n , Jo u rn a lis m , hik I a n u m b e r hnv«* h«*<*n com In if In ra p id ly . Iwrge r e p r e s e n ta tio n of th e tion, representing most of the Bap­ committee of which councilman W. T, of o th e r line* o t h e r b o o k le ts of j takltiK o ff a n d Infilling, hut K b-ht A S p rin g fie ld m an . O eo rite D o rris. ’ 8 Prln E u g n n e d e n t, a n d " E x p e n s e s a n d Keif S u p p o rt bit» fferetofore. Mr Dorris has ex­ time, such as la usually had at Ameri­ Paul Frese, Wilfred Cook, and Nor- carefully supervised so that fire A number M a jo r E c k e r s o n a r riv e d In S p rin g nt O re g o n .’’ w hich la a d e ta ile d a c ­ hibited nuts In quantltlea, but thia can la-gion convent Ions ton Pengra, and a reading by Mrs. hazards may be reduced to the of tournaments and Hpeclal features fie ld fro m L os A n g e le s w ith hl« new c o u n t o f th e co at of a c tu a l u n iv e r s ity year he plana a feature display Elizabeth Rice. Following the pro- minimum. a tte n d a n c e . Il h a a b e e n fo u n d th a t A rro w F r id a y a f te r n o o n He m ade Produce and community display were put on In addition to the regular gram Roy Carlton presents Rev A group of propertv owner9 on M Im lu d ln g h o a rd . room , will be In the main pavilion, where business meetings of the order. The th e t r ip In n in e h o u rs an il 15 minute* th e c o a l, Blom with a Schofield bible on be- street between Kelly and Laura pre­ book*, fe e s, a n d I n c id e n ta ls , v a r ie s « to p p in g 5 tim e « i n r o u te to ta k e on also will he the overflow of Indus- dedication of the new Salem muni half of the congregation, and Mrs BPnte^ a petition to the council ask- Many g a so lin e ou to m a k e «lire th a t th e fro m >530 to >795 a v e e r trial exhibits from the new Industrial C*P#1 airport was among the special Blom with a beautiful set of linen jni, that th„ fltreet be rraled an4 new m o to r wan r u n n in g « m o n th ly He s tu d e n t* , how* v e r, a r e p a r tia lly n r building A first class automobile ,'**nta. goods. They were also given on auto- p .ave,ed. The petition was referred M ate« th a t h e la v e ry m u ch pleaned w holly s e lf s u p p o r tin g a n d liv e com show, displaying all the latest models F. B. Hantlin, commander-elect of graph album signed by all who were ; to tbe streets committee with the re- ,ll(, forlahly on much leas than that. w ith th e A rro w a n d flndn It Is planned by automobile dealers, the legion, and Ira Peterson, adjutant- present. Each of the deacons of the commendation that all property m a le « ! p la n e to fly w h ic h h e e v e r The Four-H club workers will have i elect, attended as the official dele- church signed his name on the fly owners on the street be given an op­ h a n d le d It w a s fo r th ia rn a ao n th a t HARGREAVES-LINDSAY their usual exhibits of home canning, gale» of the local post. M. B. Huntly |Paf of thte Bible portunity to sign before any definite b e aiilacto l It fo r a t r a in in g a h lp for READY TO COMMENCE livestock, chickens, needlework, and 1 was elected as a delegate but was tin- i it . . . |» uncertain . . as . to when . — the Bap- action be taken. h la a rh o o l h e re . CONSTRUCTION OF PIERS so on. Special departments of th e ‘able to attend because of the sudden tlst congregation will call another Councilman W. P. Tyson waa In­ Major Eckerson hna over 40 stud- 1 main pavilion will be given over to death of Mr». Huntly’» father. Others minister, although several are being structed to Interview Paul Hadley in • n ta a I gtied up for Inatructlon here., here Work on the west approach to the land art display and a display of wo- from Springfield were present were I .. . . .. . . . . .. . .. . „ considered by the hoard of deacons. regard to the proposed straightening and he expect* many of them t o ar- new Springfield bridge Is prohresslng men . s textile work .Mr. and Mrs. Tony Gavos, W. H. < R p i. p a v of East Main street beyond the pave­ rive now that he han begun work, quite well, according to A. C. Mat. 1 J K. Greer, starter of the horse Adrian, Dr. W. N. Dow, ’ Jack ‘ I-arson, ' A w T o r n o n n n i n t o f . ) 8< a ? a an a r v i V"' « tlrs t» The greater part of them probably new Springfield bridge Is progressing races, expressed gratification at thte Trubert Henderson. Ray McPherson, , Chaae were appointed as a pulpit ment. Mr. Hadley is the owner of will not come for ahout alx weeks. the Job of putting In the fill which large number of entries for these and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sherman. In supply rommitteee to see that there property through which the njxr following the opening of the Unlver- , will connect the west end of the new events coming In Many of the tastes1 addition to these there were Mr Gll- Is a minister each Sunday until a per­ right-of-way would pass, and Mr. Ty­ son Is to see what terms he would slty of Oregon The major expects section of approach with the Pacific hosres on the coast. Including a num­ ton, a member of the Medford post manent pastor can be selected. J accept. to attract a large number ot Unlver-{ highway Mr Mathews and his crew ber from the American lx>gion events who Is now living in Springfield, Jack City attorney Ira Peterson was in. slty man here He states that as have been at work a week, moving at Portland, will compete In the har- Ihivis, who Is now at Dallas, and EASTERN STAR PICNIC AT SWIMMERS DELIGHT t0 8tart foreclosure oroceed- soon as his class o f students has , dirt to make way for Hargreaves - neas races at the fair, while more John Will, now at Salem, -------- Ings against Lot 8, block 28. extended reached an advanced stage of Instntc- Hnd I.lndaev, contractors for the ap- than twice a* many running horses sid George of Eugene was chosen The Springfield Cascade chapter of survey, for unpaid assessments. The tlon he will purchase a third plane, preach Mr. Mathews slated thia ss compiled laat year will be in the head of the state body for the coming a Boeing 185 horse power. This m o rn in g th a t a ll the dirt which w as running r a c e s year, succeeding Ben Fisher of Marsh ' the Order of the Eastern Star will property is owned by W. F. Walker. W. G. Hughes, city treasurer, was plane will be much larger and con- In the way of the other contractors Horse races will be held every af- field. It was voted to hold the 1930 hold its annual picnic at Swimmer's sequcntly harder to manage than the has been moved. Hargreaves Delight Friday evening. August 16. Instructed to Invest >15,000 of the anil ternoon on a program lnterapersed convention at Baker. Arrow. It is announced by Mrs. Elsie Poll­ sinking fund on hand In cltv warrants, Lindsay expect to starl work Imme 1 with rodeo, wire-walking, trapeze per ___________ ______ _ Major Eckerson la offering three dlately huidling the pli rs for the 150 formaneea, and other features. I*ro- ard. chairman of the committee In thus saving Interest on the same. courai a nt the Springfield achool, a feet of additional concrete approach grams will be held In the eveningR, MRS. LASSELLE QUITS charge of the affair. Each member 10 hour, a 25 hour, and a 50 hour. LINCOLN SCHOOL JOB and her family are Invited to attend HAMLIN, WILSON ATTEND Mr Mathews states that It will take featuring the best entertainment that The 10 hour course tenches the him ahout 30 days to complete hla j could he lined up and including a and Is asked to bring a basket. Cof-, REUNION OF 2ND OREGON Mrs. Marjorie Lasselle, teacher of fee will be served by the committee. student the fundamental* of flying portion of the work great fireworks demonstration by the the first grnde in thtp Lincoln school, The evening will be spent In playing and give* him the uhlllty to pilot a He will move the dirt with which Hitt Fireworks company of Seattle. Mayor C. O. Wilson and Postmaster plane The 25 hour cottrae entitles he started the original fill anil will Wednesday. August 21, will be has resigned her position for the games, swimming, and dancing. Serv. F. B. Hamlin spent last Saturday In hint to a private pilot's license, ani u se It ua the start of the new fill. A opening nn i club day, Thursday will coming year, It is announced by W. G lng with Mrs. Pollard on the commit­ Portland attending the eleventh an­ the 50 hour course entitles him to a large amount of dirt and gravel will be Eugene day. Friday Lane county Hughes, districh school clerk. Mrs. tee In charge of the picnic are Miss nual reunion of the Second Oregon limited I'otnineriiiil pilot's license. also he ni eessarv In addition day. anil Saturday "everybody's day” Lasselle has taught at the Lincoln Margaret Gorrie. Mrs. Paul Basford, Volunteers of the Spanish American school for the past five years. She and Mrs. W. S. Swanson. ( o n s tr u e tlo n of an o ffic e b u ild in g , H a r g r e a v e s a n d L in d s a y e x p e c t to a n d v is ito r s day. war. Both Mr. Wilson and Mr. Ham- stated in resigning that she and her at the locnl airisirt will begin within complete the 150 feet of approach ■ lin served in the Second Oregon husband are moving to Eugene, but a abort time. It Is announced by Dr. sometime during October The con 80 ON SOUTH SISTER ERNSTING AGAIN WINS which won considerable fame in the she did not indicate her future plans. W C. Rehhan, chairman of the avia lrn,.t ,.n|la for ,hc work donp by Philippine Islands. The regiment TROPHY HORSESHOES CILMB LAST SUNDAY Dr. W. H. Pollard, acting chairman of tlon committee of the Linus club October 31. went to Manila In the spring of 1898 the local school board, states that it This will give the major an office and , ______________ Gilbert Ernstlng. holder of the ' and remained there for 15 mon ths, 1!. E. Maxey returned to Spring- is uncertain as to when a meeting will he made the heodquartera for the trophy shoes in the local club tour- assisting in putting down of thn EVANGELISTS TO HOLD field Monday night after spending will be held to act on the resignation »ehnol. Ktepa will alan he taken to­ naments. proved that he had not lost Philippine uprising. Col. Percy Wll- four days at the ramp of the Obslo- and select a successor for Mrs. Lass- MEETINGS AT MISSION ward the erection of a third hangar lans, Lane county ninuntaln-cllmbing elle, but It will probably be done the the art of pitching Friday night when Ils of Portlan was re-elected cons- at the field ns soon ns Major Ecker- he again placed first in the tourna- mander of the regiment for the cins- Evangelistic meeting In the Four organization. The ObsidlanR are latter part of this week. «on la ready to purchaap hla Boeing ment. This was the first time that ing year. Gov 1. L. Patterson was | Square Bible mission nt the corner of camped on the South Sister, and are Glenn Martin oi Creswell, who will nnd bring It here. teach manual training In the Spring-) ° P hB , the ° f h° n° r anl Main and Third street i vlll open to­ aponsorlng climbs up the many- In the meantime Major Eckerson mountains of the vicinity. While ; field high school next year, was a ‘hem over a month «go. E speaker at the reunion. Less thaa morrow night ami wll' continue each 1« making plans for entering the with .he Obsidians Mr. Maxey climb- visitor in Springfield Tuesday after- ' l l t L a 1000 original membert «National air rnces front Portland. j ! night for a week. It is .mnounced by second In the running, and Richard of the regiment are now alive. local ntembera of th- church. The ed Broken Top. a volcanic peak near noon conferring with the members of ! Oregon, to Cleveland, Ohio. The , Prochnow was third. George Cox. fllera, entered from all parta of the meetings will be In charge of Rev, the Sisters. He was accompanied by the school board in regard to the ; who was the winner two weeks ago. ! Local M en H ig h in P lay ; and Mra. Vernon and Mrs. Vernon's Percy Brown of Eugene. work for next year. Mr. Martin United States, will lenve Portland, ; failed to place Friday. brother. Mr. Patmore, of Ixis Angeles. Mr. Maxev said that laat Sunday graduated from Oregon State College August 23. a week from tomorrow, i Ernstlngs victory practically as- 1 Springfield pitchers came near to there were 80 persons on tne summit last June. anil will take five days for the trip. , Calfornia. surea him of the permanent passes- sweeping the field In the Lane county The three evangelists. It Is salr, are o f tne South Sister. Thirty-nine of i ---------------------------- There will he two or three stops each slon of the shoes, since there will be round-gobin horseshoe tournament Garage Being Repainted day, nnd each filer will be checked not connected with any church, ao these were members of the climb hut three more tournaments before which opened last night at the Eu- members of all denominations will be sponsored by the Obsidians, 23 were , The William Rodenbough garage at in at each atop. The one with the ' the close of the season. One player gene park courts. H. C. Cook of welcomed at the meetings. They are In the climb sponsored by the Sky- . the corner of Main and Sixth streets leant clnpsed time will win the race. will have to win the three remaining Eugene was first with 194 points, but traveling about over the coaat con­ liners club of Bend, and 18 were is being repainted thia week by the In preparation for Ihe event, the contests to gain the trophies. Gilbert Ernstlng, champion of tbe major look hla big Waco, which he ducting meltings, coming to Spring- members of the Douglas county boy C. H. Lovett company of Alameda, Springfield club, was but one point field from latkevlew. They are all I scouta, who arif camped In the , California. The painting is being done will fly, over to thte Lion Aircraft behind. George Cox was in third G rays Store Picnic accomplished musicians. Sunday night Cascades. | by the spraying method. An air corporation at Eugene yeaterdny to place with 144 points. Richard Proch­ they broadcasted over Radio KORE The Maznma club of Portland. , compressor on a truck forces the The employees of the Gray's Cash nave it overhauled. The craft will now fourth with 116. George Proch­ from the Lighthouse Temple at Eu­ which Is also camped near the Sis- white paint through a nozzle, much and Carry stores at Eugene. Spring- 1 he “stream-lined,” that la all the now fifth with 84, and Mr. Bramhall openings In the body made air tight, gene, where they were holding a ters, sponsored Its climb up the , in the manner of a spray pump. The field and Cottage Grove held their of Eugene sixth with only 64. The meeting. South Sister Tuesday. Th.y Ob- t system is much faster than by hand, annual picnic at Riverside Park, near thus giving Increttsed speed. The next round of the tournament will be eldians climbed the Middle Sister and It la also easier to give a smooth here. More than 75 people were pre­ engine will also be ovorhauled. P o rtla n d People H e re — M r. and Wednesday. The Obsidian camp will effeet to the work. sent. The parly part of the evening held on the park courts Saturday Mrs. Henry Swnnsnn of Portland dose Sunday after two weeks In the was spent swimming, nearly every­ night. “C h ris t In M e" T op ic spent the week-end In Springfield mountains. Com ing H ere From Scotland one going In the water. Bill Cox of ! "Christ In Mo" will bo tho topic of Box Car Catches Fire visiting at the home of Mr anil Mrs. Mrs. C. I. Gorrie, Sr., has received Springfield and I-ane Morse of Eu- I Rev. Roy L. Dunn nt tho Springfield Pedersen. The local fire department was Sneeds Back From South— M rs A. word that her sister. Miss Annie gene entertained with fancy diving Chrlctlan church Sunday morning nt R. Snepd and children, Donald and j Linklnter, of Stromness, Orkney Is stunts. Following the swimming a called to the Southern Pacific depot <1 o'clock. Blblo school will ho hold Arkansas Man H e re J. S. Donald­ Yvonne, returned Monday from Sacra land, Scotland, win sail the latter 1 picnic supper was served, each store Wednesday afternoon to extinguish at tho church nt 9:45 ns usual. In the son of Greenfield, Arkansas. Is spend mento, California, where they have part of August from Southampton, contributing something toward It. ! a fire in a box car used for storage evening union services of the three Ing n few days In Springfield visiting spent the last two months at the England, on the steamer “Coronla," j The manager of each store Introduced by S. 5* Jacobson, local car repair locnl churches will he held at the nt the home of his brother, J. T. homes of Mrs. Sneed’s parents, Mr for the United States. After visiting his employees to those present I man. The blaze supposedly started Baptist church with Rev. C. II. Blom Donaldson. and Mrs. James Allen, and her bro- for a short time with friends in Mrs. Marlon Adams of Springfield , from » spark from a passing train, preaching This will he Rev. Blom’s ther, Jess Allen. They were accom- j Chicago, Miss Llnklater will come to entertained those present with seve. Jess Smltson, fire chief, put out the Inst sermon In Springfield. Visiting at Emery«—Miss Ahhey panied north by Mr. and Mm. 8. B. | Springfield and spend the next year rat readings. fire with chemicals and a garden Massey of Portland and Mra. William Sneed nnd family from Martinez, here visiting; at the home of Mrs. hose. A hole was burned in the roof Here From San Francisco—Mias Massey anil daughter. Mildred, of Los California, the brother of A. R. Sneed. Gorrie. Miss Llnklater and Mrs. Back From Oklahoma -Trip-—Carl of the car, but no further damage Vera Perkins of Snn Francisco, Cnll- Angeles, are visiting In Springfield They will remain ahout a week. Gorrie have not seen each other since Abercrombie of Wendling waa a was done. fornln, has arrived In Springfield to for a few dayn at the home of Dr. anil Mrs. Gorrie left Scotland, nearly 50 business visitor In Springfield for a spend a short time vlaltlng at the Mr». N. W Emery. Miss Massey Is Leaves for Los Angel#«—Mr». Vern years ago. short time Tuesday Mr. Abercrom­ Tour Valley Towne—A. R. Sneed, home of her father, Ed I’erklna. a slater and Mrs. Massey a sister-in- Philips of Denver, Colorado, who hA» bie and his family returned Monday his brother, S. B. Sneed of Martin«#, law of Mrs. Emery. Mis» Clara Ma» been visiting In Springfield for some To Visit in California—Mm. L. K. night from a trip to Oklahoma, where California, and his mother, Mr#. Eve­ Moving to NovJberg—Mm. Henry »ey, another sister, who has been time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Page will leave ^aturfay for Call they visited with relatives at Faye lyn Sneed, spent Wednesday on a Chase ts moklng this week to New­ visiting here for some time, will re­ Wilbur Loyd, left Tuesday night for fornla, where she will spend the next and Thomae since June 16. Mr. tour np through the Willamette Val­ berg. Oregon, her former home Mrs turn to Portland with them. Mm. f-os Angeles, California, where she three weeks visiting at the home« of Abercrombte says that It 1# very hot ley. They Halted with friend# at Chose has lived In Springfield for the Massey and her daughter are enroute will visit for some time before re­ relatives and friend# In Sacramento, and dry In Oklahoma, more so than is Willamina, Perrydale. and Dalian on l* st fly« year* to New York. turning to her home. San Francisco and Oakland. usual In the eonthern state. their trip.