»r P AGB B U OREGON SlATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Event» of the Week Assembled for Information of Our Readers. Thom as S utton « u critically hu rt Bear N ewberg by a runaw ay team. » • v ir a l riba wore broken, and hla M njn punctured. He has a chance to nrcrcr. E arl Elliott. 14, H m chinsoo & Co. • e a r Newport, was load of logs jum ped ev er h»tii brakeinan on the logging railroad killed w h in a car the track and ran Fifty C hinese ph easan ts w ere re leased a* G resham on nearby (arm s by a local sportsm an. J. K M onger. T bs birds w ere shipped from the C orvallis game farm. P atro n s of th e St. H elens postofflce received th eir mail for the first tim e last week from the new q u arters ot the office In th e new B ennett building M Strand street. Much vetch seed is being shipped from the com m unity around Sheridan. T w enty thousand pounds has been ■hipped to A tlanta. Ga., and two car loads to California. Fanned by a stro n g wind, fire con- ■Brned the p lant and w arehouse of th e Lakeview M anufacturing company and caused a loss of about $20.000, covered by Insurance. The election on a bond issue of $76.000 for a new school carried by a vote of 163 to 88 at Vernonia. It is expected th a t construction of at least tw o room s will s ta rt im m ediately. Many thousands of persons, cities and rural, from all p arts of Jackson county, atten d ed the all-day picnic aponsored by the granges of Jackaon county and the business men of Med­ ford. The R oseburg cannery bag started Its fall run and will pat up th e larg est park since the plant was established. A particularly large pack of pears, blackberries and prunes is contern plated. Eddie, 13. son of Mr. and Mrs. E. G rindle of Bend, died in a local hos­ pital as the resu lt of an injury re ­ ceived when a shotgun he was rem ov­ ing from an autom obile was acciden­ tally discharged. • A tow ering snag, w eakened by fire, fell into the m idst of a group of fire fighters on Ruddy hill, th ree miles southeast of Olallie lake, and crushed Fred Gibson, 45. of Dufur. Or. Death was instantaneous. P ortland people passed around J 16. 000.000 more in business channels dur­ ing the m onth of August than was passed around in August last year, ac­ cording to bank clearing figures of the branch Federal R eserve bank. P roperty ow ners under the H opkins lateral ditch In Jackson county voted 130 to 32 (or th e to; m at.on of the Rogue river valley irrigation district Victor Burgell, M ichael H anley and Donald Clark we r, elected directors. Stanley Ma son Mcde, 15. while hunting rab b its or, his fath er's farm at Kellogg recently, w as fatally wounded l.y the accidental discharge of a gun th a t had been placed against a h g while young Mode, his brother and a neighbor hoy were resting. The Baldwin stock ranch on Hay creek north of Redmond, reported to be the second largest ranch of this kind in the world, is to have all lit buildings redecorated both on the In te rio r and exterior. T his was a large contract, let to a paint company In Ecnd. A labor sho rtag e exists In Salem (or the first tim e in many m onths, ac cording to officials of the em ploym ent agencies. T here were dem ands for 1086 w orkers during the past week, with only 206 men registering It was said th a t virtually all of the larger hop yards are In need of pickers. T H E M ARKETS Portland W heat—Big Bend bluestem , $134; aedt white, w estern white. $1.24; hard w inter, north ern spring, w estern red. $1.21. H ay—Buying prices, f.o.b. P ortland: A lfalfa, $19.60020; valley tim othy, $190 19 50; e a stern Oregon tim othy, $20 50021; clover, $16; oat hay, $16; o ats and vetch, $16.50; straw , $7. B u tterfat—47 051c. E ggs—Ranch, 32 0 39c. C attle—Steers, good, $11011.80. H ogs—Good to choice, $10012. Lambs—Good to choice, $11011. Seattle W heat—Soft white, w estern white, $ 0 6 ; hard w inter, w estern red, $1.23; northern spring, $1.23; bluestem $1.8$. E ggs—Ranch, 27042c. Butterfat— 60c. C attle—Choice steers, $10.50011.50 H ogs—Prim e, light, $12012.15. L am bs—Choice, $11011.50, 8pokane Cattle—Steers, good, 9.76010.60. H ogs—Good and choice, $11.500 11.7$. Lambs—Choice, $10010.2$. W heat was m oving slowly In the U m atilla area over the past week end. due to the several cent drop in quota tlons. Buyers estim ate th at about S.- 000.000 bushels, or half the county's crop, has been con tracted for. Hoquiam will be th e site for the 1930 S aengerfest of the Pacific C oast Norwegian Singers* association, ac­ cording to a decision reached at the 24th annual S aengerfest of the order, which ended In A storia recently. Hop picking In I-ane county began last week in most yards. Hop raising, once as common a crop in th at section as potato growing. Is rapidly lessen­ ing In extent. But a few of the larg er fields now rem ain. Many of th ese have long since abandoned early hop growing. T he Mt. Hood Land A W ater com­ pany has established a construction camp at C lear lake. 11 miles south of G overnm ent camp, for the construc­ tion of a tem porary log-crib dam to supply w ater to W aplni.la plains farms. F u rth er curtailm ent of production by mills and cam ps of the Pacific re ­ gion is necessary to avoid a severe depression in th e lum ber industry this w inter, it was stated al a m eeting cf th e W illam ette Valley L um berm en's association In Eugene. T he present Mount P leasant school In Clackam as county is to be moved 100 feet south to m ake way for a new $25,000 stru ctu re to be erected during the next few m onths. S tudents of Tw ilight will atten d the Mount P leas­ an t school as th e result of a recent annexation. THURSDAY, S K IT T H E S P U IN H E IE L n NEW S MANY FROM HERE TO ATTEND BIG ROUND-UP Alexander Breaks National Isague Mound Mark A la rg e d eleg a tio n of S piliigili'ld c itllo n s Is cxpei'lm l to l l l l e l n l tin a n n u a l l*on p re p a ra tio n th e o f lle la ls bave col- le c le d a Ilo s i o f li t i ' m ust fa m o u s liu c k lu g lio rs e s o f th è c o u n try . T h e s e In c lu d e (Ile g ro u p owued liy th e I t o u n ' n | a s s o c ia tio n a n d aJso th e I r w in , M c C a rty , and S cale lio rs e s , a ll f a l l i c i ! as lo ic k e rs Mis« M anning B tck Miss Alla Io Spring- local people who will Ito th e re for M anning lias ra tu rn rd th e g reat rodeo event a re Mr. and field a fte r an ex ten d ed to u r through M rs W ayne C lover. H arry llroin th e Snutli and Middle W est. Miss field, and Mr. and Mrs. J. M L arson M anning left h ere in Ju n e and spent moat of (hi sum m er visiting w ith re­ a n d fam ily. lativ es In L ouisiana. Miss M anning T ry ou ts for th e various e m it,s is 1 will teach tile first g rad e in the of th e R ound-up a re now under way I llriitluH i school Ibis year in th e big a r e a s th e re , according to w ord receiv ed from P en d leto n A | B«cs From V acation Miss W lnl larg e n u m b er of cowboy« a re on frld T yson re tu rn e d hem e W ednes­ h and and m any m ore a re expected 1 day night a fte r a (wo w eeks' v aca­ io a rriv e before W ednesday The tion Miss T yson s |e n l most of h er s tr e e ts of P en d leto n a re said to he vacation w ith re lativ es In S eattle deco rated In p rep aratio n for tlo* round up, and th e b u sin ess men of th e tow n a re w earing w estern togs, m uch tlii- som e as th e men of En 61 C. BROADW AY gene v icin ity did In p re p aratio n for th e S u n set T rail F ace H o p P ic k in g « K a f o u r y ’s O f sp ecial In terest a l the Round up will lie tlie Inii king co n test . .mil In 29c q io v . s ■*ei*,Jiiii,M|i. W i,* 4 R in w r >-■ «■ »’miMBBtJXut.-MU 8 WON TN g 3 1 3 R D PlTTHINCi VICTORS IN N IM C V C B N T f Ak'S J.C .PE N N E Y C Q !>12 \ \ llln n io iio y't , Ena cm», Qrcumi.____________ Grover Alexander of St. I-outs has won the 37 Id victory of his career, setting a new National League winning pitcher record. Tbs former record w a r held by the late Christy Matbcwson. 4 F all S uits Some of the farm ers in the W allo­ BIG FIRES RAVAGE wa comm unity have been busy recen t­ NEW BUILDING READY / o r Young Men ly working th eir sum mer-fallow and FOR OREGON FAIR NORTHWEST FORESTS getting seed w heat ready to r fall seed­ ing. Some say they are afraid to seed Salem , O regon, S ept. 12.— E n trie s (C ontinued from Page II because of the danger of th e grain for th e O regon S ta te F air a re pouring The N fw rit in Style«, being taken by the large hordes of into th e office of th e se c re ta ry . Mrs. 3000 ced ar poles. $2000 w orth of Shade« and Pattern« on grasshoppers. i E lla S. W ilson, plan s (or th e horse b lastin g pow der, and $30,000 w orth of buildings R ep o rts from N orth View for Your Selection Blaming cold sto rag e and shipping show and the races a re rapidly n e a r­ ing com pletion, and th e new g ra n d ­ Idaho n atio n al fo rests a re la< king, trouble which have been experienced The customary J. C. Penney quality in the past in handling Bose nears on sta n d is all fin ish ed ex p ect for the but so u th ern ones have had 325 fire« and finished workmanship in every suit th is y ear with uhout $15.000 dam age too early picking, th e S uncrest or­ j e le c tric a l fix tu res w hich will be a d d ­ Smart, two-button, single-breasted model chards, Medford grow ers, buyers and ed th is week. J u s t th e lust finishing H axard c o n tin u ts high. with peak or notch lapel jacket. Novelty shippers, announce th a t th eir forces to u ch es rem ain before th e opening, ''.M ontana re p o rts Indicate sltua- weaves or fancy stripes in shades of tan, will not sta rt picking Boses before 1 S ep tem b er 23. tl«n som ew hat e a s ie r In place« hut grey, brown and blue. th e last week in Septem ber. T h e w ealth of O reg o n 's agrlcul- «till critical. Dam age 1» large, es A large barn owned by R lkkoft ‘ tu ra l p ro d u cts and livestock, and the p e d a lly from an 80.000 ncre fire brothers, farm ers, th ree miles north fin est racin g and show h o rses In the th a t got Into G lacier N ational P ark of Eugene, was destroyed by fire last c u n try will be h ere fo r the week of T he B lackfoot asso ciatio n has had week. The barn contained 35 tons of th e fair, ev ery day pucked to the trem en d o u s ex p an se handling th re e baled straw , a th resh in g m achine and ! lim l’ w ith e n te rta in in g and ed u c a ­ big fires involving 50.000 acres, hut R u n n in g and h a r­ tim b er loss is not g reat o th er m achinery, 25 cords of wood and tio n al fe a tu re s. about 20.000 shingles and o th er a rti­ n ess rac« a ev ery aftern o o n , In te r­ "All agi-nc'e« plead for Increased Extra Pants at £5.90 sp ersed w ith vaudeville and a c ro ­ care fu ln e ss an d p recaution in th e cles, all of which were burned. Oregon holds the record for average b atic a cts, an d th e horse show every woods." yield of cran b erries among all the night p ro m ises th rills in plenty. T he O regon co u n ties will lie well states producing th is fruit, according to a le tte r Just received at Corvallis re p re se n te d In th e a g ric u ltu ra l booths by Dr. Don C. Mote from H enry F. a n d in th e liv esto ck ex h ib its, a cco rd ­ Bain, senior pathologist with the ing to those In c o a rs e . Billy T aylor, United S tates d ep artm en t of ag ricu l­ Salem , su p e rin te n d e n t of the agri- , ture, who is now stationed in W iscon­ c u ltu ra l pavilion h as been busy the p a st m onth a rra n g in g for th e show ­ sin. E stim ated postal receipts for Aug­ ing of g rain , v eg etab les, fru its and ust, compiled by John M. Jones, P o rt­ n u ts, w hich due to the fine w eath er land postm aster, indicated a loss as all seaso n will b e exceptionally fine. F o r th o se who p re fe r to be In the ( compared with the receipts for the o u td o o rs there will lie a large c a m p sam e month of last year. The 1928 figure was 8258,638.29, while for Aug­ Ing sp ace av ailab le in th e oak grove ust of this y ear Mr. Jones set the fig­ on th e grounds, with A lbert T o ile r, ure at $248,384, a loss of $8254 or 3 su p e rin te n d e n t of th e m em orial pavi , lion a t C ham poeg P ark , in ch arg e as per cent. m ay o r of th e cam p ground The state banking dep artm en t has — declared a dividend of 10 per cent to HOME BAKERY OPENS depositors In th e defunct F irst N ation­ al Bank of Joseph, which closed its IN NEW LOCATION doors on May 13. 1927. The dividend totals $9804.14 and is the fourth to be T he New H ome B akery opened for declared since the hank closed, bring­ b u sin ess at Its new location Monday ing the total now paid out on depos­ m orning, a fte r a move from 405 Mill its up to 50 per cent. s tre e t, Its o rig in al location. T he ' The Lystul-Lawson lum ber mill at new q u a rte rs of th e b ak ery have Glendale was destroyed by fire recen t­ been th o ro u g h ly rem odeled anil re- ly with loss estim ated at more than tin ish ed , w ith a re ta il sto re In fro n t , $110,000. The mill, which is the old­ aDd th e bake shop in th e r>ar. T he est in th a t com m unity, had ju st been w alls h av e been kalso m ln ed in cream rem odeled and enlarged, giving a and th e w oodw ork h as been p ainted ] daily capacity of 50,000 feet. The fire w hite. A new ele c tric a lly o p erated started In the main sawmill while the dough m ix er has been added to th e w atchm an wag aw ay tor hi m idnight b a k e ry eq u ip m en t, giving facilities meal. for la rg e r production. An a ttra c tiv e | An Ivory headed cane, brought to red and gold sign "N ew H ome B ak­ A m erica on the M ayflower some 300 e ry " h a s been p ain ted on each of years ago by Thom as Blossoms of th e fro n t w indow s of th e shop, and England, has ju s t been sen t to th e eld­ a new w hite aw n in g h as been in­ est living m em ber of the Blossom fain- : stalled . lly. The cane had been In the posses­ sion of the late Enos Blossom of Wil- BABY FALLS ON TIN CAN j U m ette, fath er of Mrs. W alter Elliott, AND CUTS FACE BADLY and it now passes to Mrs E llio tt's j third cousin, Virgil Blossom M arcella K oon, th e tw o y e a r old The role of Good S am aritan cost th e baby d a u g h te r of Mr. and Mrs. L. life of Pearl R ichards, 19, when her Koon of F is c h e r's Mill, M arcola, autom obile plunged from tb » p o rtd o c k w as q u ite b adly In ju red a t h e r hom e a t Marshfield a fte r she had tra n sp o rt­ M onday m o rn in g when she fell on ed an officer o t th e B ritish cru iser th e sh a rp edge of a coffee can.. S he Colombo from a downtown cafe to his s tru c k h e r face on th e edge of the ship. P earl's siste r Irene, 21, was said can, c u ttin g a deep curved gash from to have leaped clear when th e ma­ th e c o rn e r of h e r m outh to h er ear. chine left the dock and she was not T h e ch ild w as bro u g h t to Spring- Injured. field to th e office of a local physi­ The W illam ette valley faces grave cian. an d th en w as taken, to th e d an g er of losing a heavy percentage E ugene h o sp ital w here th e wound of Its hop crop due to a sho rtag e of w as sew n up. More th an 20 stitc h e s “ Birchfield "English Bungalow "B irchfield" Davenport — Shaped pickers, according to th e F ederal Em­ w ere req u ired to close th e cut. T h e Type Mohair q q J -fx Front Stylo in ploym ent agency at Salem, and hep bahy w as re tu rn e d hom e M onday Davenport Mohair g row ers generally. Sim Phillips, m an­ n ig h t and Is naw said to h e re c o v e r­ ($64.50 Chair $19.50) ($79.50 C h a ir $64.50) aging the U. S. Em ploym ent bureau, ing nicely. places the shortage In th e Salem and Independence aectlons alone a t 10,000 8 H E M IX E D T H E P L U G S ! people. H ot aftern o o n s and dam p V oice o v er th e telep h o n e: W illiam Pay As nights a re being experienced and the Convenient C ass! Come hom e rig h t aw ay. I've grow ers sta te under th ese conditions m ixed th o plugs In som e w ay; th e onless picking is expedited the hops You Earn W llla m itte A 11th, Eurjene, Oro. Term3 radio Is all covered w ith fro st and will be ruined on th e vines. th e e le c tric lco box is singing "8 ch u ltx Is B ack a g a in !” Now on Display 24 $ 75 4 Look at For Your Furniture » W alnut Bedroom Set, in m odernistic design, with diagonal grain­ ing and unusual hardw are. Full size cases and som ething differ­ ent. Be sure and see this suite. The Bed $35—The Dresser $49.50—The Chest $35 BIRCHFIELD DAVENPORTS A 4 $119 POW ERS •<