The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 12, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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n T its d a y . s Err. 12, 102»
to apend a day or two visitin g at the ;
home of Mr and Mra. F. B Hamlin,
her uncle and aunt. Hunday Mr. and
Mra Hamlin will take V in Fields to
8 A L T C R E E K F A L L S — Theae falla
her home In ItoNeburg.
are among the flneat In the «tate
They are estim ated to te- 286 feet
high, and werg discovered by Frank
History of local Names
seen, also covered with snow, la aa
unsnown tract oi country called by
the natives who inhabit it 'Clam ite’.”
From certain positions the Three
S isters appear as two m ountains, and
w it h tin* n rrti.
Hu 1 io 1 ti k m ut tin 1
Douglas' m istake was natural
Down From 8lg n «l E A M ille r,
H am llnt at Roeebury Mr and MrN.
H p rllig flc h l
liitiiilrlp u l airport
m ountains appear as Three Sisters
Hlgnul resident, was In Hprlngflehl F II. Hamlin Npent Sunday on a trip
lug i-ompletlou. 11 tiiiw runway hi-liig
on Preston's map of Oregon of 1896.
Io ItuHcburg, where they visited
TO HOLD MELON FEED 8. Warner and Charles Tutti in There is a story to the effect that at
li*vi*|i'i|, anil riin iilili'ia lili* ni'iri* tin mi Ituslm-ss Monday morning
| March, 1887. The rock at the top of
provi'innot In pruNpii 1, tin* I11111I
Her« From VoncOlls Mrs Melvin
It ('. Clark, county scout executive, the falls la so shaped as to make the one tim e the three mountains were
field bids f ill In mum In 1 m in* utnniiK Howard of Yorn alia was a business
Hee T o n sils Rem oved
E By­
1 inch wltn the boya of Springfield water form a letter “S" aa It plunge» known as Mt. Faith, Mt. Hope and
tin* null la n d in g olli-a nf till* N in th visllor In Hprlugfleld Monday.
ler underwent an operation for the
Mt. Charity, beginning at the porth.
Troop 12 at their regular m eeting over. Warner wa» a mem ber of
w i *« i . * u h
Mu Jnr E c k i'i min 1 t*i 1 iitly
removal of his tonsils Monday morn­
In 1987 William Vandervtrt of Betel,
laNt night. Mr Clark gave a »hört pioneer fam ily of the Middle W illam­
At E lite H o tel M in
Edith Jones
MU lit Ihiil II liii'l tin* puHnlhlUly nf
ing al the office of a local phyalctan.
a native son of Oregon, confirmed
talk on general »«-outing intereat Or ette river, and Tuftl waa hl» Indian
of E ula, O regon, wns reglHtered Inst
this, and Informed the com otler I . t
Tuftl Mountain was named
V is ito r
W s lte r v lll« -4» 0 ! Carl I’hc-lt* piai e wa» alao a visitor friend.
M< n utlili'i I I k i i i k i * l’i-i kills, local w in k e n d ut th e E lite H otel.
when a youth he was often told
Contractor, Inn« In n lit work this
the name of the Three Hi t* „
M r. Rueael In T ow n
N S Itiissui
Theae peaka originally applied by m -sn lw n of
wi'i k till tin* nfflii* building. Will It I n of Trent w u n among the out-of-town u abort tim e In Springfield attending 1 Instruction In the application of
to b u sin ess m atters W ednesday.
j first aid.
are am ong the moat lntereating In
• i i | h * i ti ll tluit tin* structure will In-
the Methodist m ission at Salem in
visitors tn Hprlugfleld Tuesday.
flnlNhiMl by tomorrow
Tin- building
Leaburg R esident VlsHe- A
W ’ The boy» of Troop 12 will have“a Oregon
There are but two higher the early 40’s, and that the indh -jal
I n nf fruinn const ruvllou 1« hy 20 f e a t '
W e n d lin g Men V ie lte H®re — Ash Frazee, ram her of la-ahlirg d istrict, b ig rally und waterm elon
feed at ' mounta,n" ln lh e »late, and
the peaks were given the names above
In n I h . mill conlulns I wn room s
It Ualley of W endling w u n a hitslnnss waa am ong the b u sin ess visitors In th<*lr m eeting next W ednesday night, Three S isters, together with Broken m entioned.
w ill provide* mi office fur Majoi visitor in Hprlugfleld fora short tim e Hprlugfleld
W ednesday morning
according to
Clifford Wilson, acout Top. com prise the moat m ajestic alp-
KELLY BUTTE— Kelly Butte. near
E ckerson, nml will nerve uh the head T u esd a y .
m aster. The purpose of (he m eeting lne Kroup ,n the C ascade Range
The Springfield, was
named for John
qtlurters fur the Hl hunt nf uvlutlun
Marcola Men V isit—Orvln Fram e I w i|, b„
B, , mu|ate in terest In the. c"’"F1*er ha» oe«S unab!e to find who Kelly, a native of County WeXfc,*vt.
M oh aw k
R anch er
H e re — W .
which he I n conducting here The
and Thom as Ryan, Marcola residents. g<out m ee„ n|?M an(, to a)d attendance “ med th” T hree S isters, and they ; Ireland, who fam e to Oregon from
office will later he painted chrome Hmlth, rancher of Mohawk, w u n a spent W ednesday here attending to C , (h(.
are not frequently m entioned either M ilwaukee. W isconsin, about 1S43.
yellow to harmonize wlm the haugurN b u sin ess vlNltor In Hprlngflehl early business m atters
by explorers or pioneers. T he earll- ¡n the em ploy of the Hintson Bay
Monday morning
at the flying field
est mention of these m ountains, as company. He returned east again
Installing Handrail -A n> w bund- MR. KAFOURY TO SPEAK
far as is known, is by David Douglas and took part in the Mexican war,
T h e new runway I n being graded
Marcola Man in Town Thom as rail was Installed th is week In the
AT CHURCH ON MISSIONS In his dairy. October 5, 1826.
across the o rlg ln u l a ir field und also Ryan of
and cam e to Oregon again, with the
Marcola wus a business starlw ay of the Commercial State
“After scanty breakfast, proceeded U. 8. Mountain Rifle« In 184ft as
across the adjoining field, which has vlg| lor tn Springfield for a short
Bunk at the corner of Main und
Allen Kafoury, E ugene m erch a n t. aj nine o’clock in a south course,"
been added to the airport. When t |ma Monday
wagonm aster. He traded m stock
Fourth streets.
and former proprietor of a clothing Douglas wrote. “Country more hilly.
com pleted II will he 3000 feet, nearly
betw een Oregon and California, and
store here, will give an address on At one o ’clock pa sed on the left,
three quarters of a m ile in length
M ik et Trip to Bandon — W W.
finally took a donation la ml claim
Leaves for Mt. A ng«l—Miss June
T his Is said to be sufficient for any W alker, local real esta te dealer Hanks left Monday for Mt
Angel, foreign m issions at 9:45 o'clock at about 25 or 30 m iles distant, Mt. near Roseburg. Later b? becam e en­
type of plane that I m likely to land »pent Tuesday on a business trip to Oregon, where she will spend the the Bible school at the local Metho- j Jefferson, of Lewis and Clark cover­ gaged in m illing and other en ter­
dlst Episcopal church Suunday m orn­ ed with snow as low down as the
at the local Held
The runway will Bandon, Coos county.
prises near Springfield. He married
year attending the C atholic girl's
ing. It is announced by Harry Gill- sum m its of low er m ountains by
lie seeded to grass this fall, us were
E lizabeth Parker.
He was at one
Back From Medford— -Georg«- Per­
ette, superintendent. Mr. Kafoury is whlch „ , g BUrrounded
About 20
the others last spring, und It Is ex ­
tim e collector of custom s in Port­
kins, local contractor, returned S at­
A. J. P e rk in s Her« A J Perkins a native of Armenia and has con m iles to the east of IL two mount- land, and also register of the land
pected thut within a year they will
urday from Medford where he spent
of the Guaranty Trust compuny of slderable first hand know ledge of alnB of greatfcr altitude are to be office at Roseburg.
be am ong the finest In the state.
several days.
Portland arrived In Springfield Wed the work of the m issions, and it Is
S everal loads of gravel are being
spreud around the buildings nt the
Down From Mohawk M H Hmlth, nedsay to spends short tim e visiting expected that he will m ake an Inter-
Mr. G illette stated
airport to prevent It from becoming rancher of (he Mohawk valley, was ut the hom es of his brothers, George cstln g address.
that the M ethodists invite all out­
muddy there during the winter. Five In Springfield Tuesday purchasing und E<l Perkins.
siders who wish to com e to attend
hundred f>et of tiling ha» been pur supplies for his farm.
Guests at Pedersen Hom e— Mr. and the M ethodist Sunday School for
chased und will he used to drain the
V isiting
Portland — Mrs Mrs j «•
Pedersen hail as their Mr. Kafoury’s address.
low er parts of the field and prevent
I* i guests Inst week-end Miss Elizabeth
the water from accum ulating there Georgia (Srllliilia of Portland
Hallow-ay o f Drain
H op P ic k in g Begins
The Im provem ents to lit- airport u n ­ spending u short time In Springfield W ee and Mr
and Mrs. It Pedersen. Miss Mildred
Hop picking began Thursday at
being lliude under the direction of visitin g wltlf friends.
1 IHII and Wilbur Yost of Portland.
the Anderson Brothers yards at
the Joint aviation com m ittee of the
H’ i
T onsds Removed — Vernon
Chase Gardens with 250 plekers at
American le g io n , the Chamber ot K elsey, Oakridge boy, has his ton sils
M rs. Riddle in T o w n —Mrs Glenn
work. The crop at the Anderson
Commerce, and the Lions Club, of removed Saturday at the office of a
Riddle was ill Springfield Monday
yards Is said to be only fair. The
which Hr W C Itebhnn Is chairm an. toeiil physician.
I from Blue River, where she and Mr. harvest will be com pleted about
The alrporl will probably I»- form ally
Riddle* have been ram ping for his Septem ber 20. There are 75 acres of
Here*— M r and
dedicated early In the fall when the
during the summer. Mrs.
M i k . Henry Conrud of Reedsport ar­
hops In the Anderson Brothers'
tmprovi m ents are com pleted
Riddle will leave th is week for H ay­
Hop picking is also under
Mistaken for Lindy
den Bridge, where she wilt teach
the sm aller Fish hop yard
Lust Bunday night the spectators
i school again this year. Mr. Riddle
at Chase Gardens.
at one of the Eugene theaters were visit with triends.
, will remain at Blue River as long as
thrilled In the new s feature by pic­
H as
T on sils
Rem oved — Ix*onu ,th e good w eather lasts.
Hosts a t D in n e r P a rty
tures of a filer, siild to he Col. Char Johnson, »mull Coburg girl, under­
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. W right were .
lea A. Lindbergh, doing stunts In a went an operation for the rem oval
G osslers S a ck From Vacation—
Waco plane ut the recent air festival of her ton sils at the office of a local
Mr. and Mrs. W alter Gossler re­ hosts last night at a-d ln n er party at
We have installed th e finest lens grinding shop in Lane
at Cleveland, Ohio. But the photo­
Friday night from Slltcoos their home on E street. The guests
I physician Tuesday.
We exam ine your eyes, grind th e lenses, and fit
graphers. or the producers, or so m e­
Lake, where they spent two w eeks
th e glasses— all in one establishm ent.
T hose present were Mr
V is it s H e r e F ro m M e d fo rd — Mrs on a cam ping
one connected with the production of
Mr and Mrs. fam ilies.
the motion pictures made a serious <« |f. Gllc of Medford spent the Gossler report an enjoyable tim e at and Mrs. S. C. W right, Mr. and Mrs.
m istake. The filer In the picture w eek en d In Springfield visitin g at the lake. They spent much of the Larson W right, Mr. and Mrs. Guy S.
Ten y ears in Eugene. C harges reasonable as alw ays.
was not Col. Lindberg ., hut wus the home of her son and daughter- tim e fishing, and also made a num ­ Wright of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs
S atisfactio n gu aran teed .
rather Major O. II
Eckerson of |n law, Mr. und Mrs. Kenneth Glle.
ber of trips to the ocean, which Is Roscoe Perkins, and the hosts, Mr
and Mrs. W. C. Wright.
Springfield. Major Eckerson was In
u n d ergoes O p e r .tlo n -M r s
Jack «’"'>• three m iles away.
the audience and recognised h im self
Queen o f Marcola, underwent an op I
A t S p rin g fie ld H o te l— M r. and Mrs
In the pictures. According to the
T u rn e rs Back From V acatio n
for appendicitis Saturday !
| Eugene Scott of Portland. Mr. and
major, he was the only filer who did
at the Pfcclflc Christian '
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Turner re­
the barrel roll, which was shod-n al marnjng
Mrs F. S. Miller of Portland, Ed
! Clausen of W alla W alla. W ashington, turned Tuesday night from a tw o I
the theater
Col. Lindbergh dhl no hospital.
weeks' vacation into the Southern
slu n tln g of that kind The major was
Fish In Salt Creek—Juanita Haack Glenn
lllle y
4 (Opposite Woolwcrth's)
Oregon m ountains. They visited for
921 Willamette St.
flying a Waco plane owned hy the and Lloyd Aubrey spent Sunday on ' Storm of Bandon, F. Long of Port-
Warn company at the tim e the a fishing trip In Salt Creek
T hey land, H N. Cannon of Baker, and L.
and spent the rem ainder of their va-
pictures were taken.
report the fish in g excellent there !.! Reid of Bend were registered last
i cation at the various Cascade la k e s )
T hey caught 24 nice trout.
1 from Crater Lake south to the C a ll-:
W altervllle Man Her«—Tom Car-
Returns to Jefferson— Mr. and Mrs. fornia
ney, W ultervllle resident, was a 1 John Avltt drove to Jefferson Wed- Lake. Lake of the Woods, Pelican j
DURING PAST YEAR b u sin ess visitor In Springfield for a nesday night
t i take home Mrs Lake, and Five Mile Lake. The fish ­
ing in Pish Lake was the best they <
short tim e Tuesday morning. Mr. ■ Avttt'a sister. Mrs. D. M. Gowan, and
K enneth Tobias. Springfield man. (-arney wus enroute to N ewport to , ber daughter. M arguerite, who have had ever seen, according to Mrs
anil son of Mrs. Tobias of lilt i city, enjoy a few days at the bench there. oeen visitin g h ir e for som e time. Turner. They had no difficulty In
They returned to HprtngTicId this catching the lim it of fine rainbows
has returned from Portland where he
spent the w eek, Septem ber 3-9 at-
R- W. Smith H«re R W Sm ith morning.
I each of
three days they camped ,
' there. T hey also saw a great m any t
ten d ln tfn g the conference of the was In Springfield Sunday d o sin g his
To V isit Ham lins— Miss Mrrgnret d ier. Mr. Turner will return fo- a
A m erican Sunday School Union Mr. business affairs here. Mr. Sm ith re-
T oblas Is a m issionary for the body centi)' moved from Springfield to Fields is expected to arrive ln few days deer hunting as soon as
for Lane, Linn, Benton, Lincoln, and Reedaport, where he will live wtth Springfield from Portland tomorrow the senson opens.
the upper half of Douglas counties, his daughter and son-in-law.
M issionaries from Oregon, W ashing
On F ishing Trip- -Dr. W. N. Dow,
Lon and Idaho attender the confer­
en ce at Portland and reported on
their work .hiring the pas. year The W right spent Sunday
on a fhshlng
A m erican
Union »rip In the McKenzie
near M yers
work« principally In the rural ills- » •» * T h ey fished from a boat, and
where no regular church caught 36 nice trout,
The New
Clear- Vision
Dr, ’Ko’y a l Qlck
F or S peed
P ow er en d
P ic k -u p • • •
a s ix w i t h o u t a
r i v a l a t its p r ic e
groups are, organizing Sunday schools
P. E. O. Meets— The P. E O. S is­
and supervising religious education.
terhood. national women's organlzn
Mr. Tobins made the follow ing re-
Hon, held Its first m eeting of the fall
port for his activ ities In this se c ­
senson at Eugene Monday night.
tion of the sta te; Sunday sch ools In
Mrs. W. H Pollard and Mrs. A. J.
operation, 20;
Sunday schools or­ Morgan of Springfield attended the
organized, 1; v isits In Sunday schools
■q;hlle In session . 68; Bi-rmon« and ad-
B«rnetls Have Gueste— Mr. and
d resses given during th year, 282; Mrg. w K Barnett had as their
m iles traveled.
g unday Mr. B arnell's mother.
12,243; visits to fam ilies, 871; R,b'ps Mrs. C. H. Porter of Ocean latke,
distributed. 69; new testam en ts dis ()regon anrt Mr. und Mrs. Roy Mer
tributed. 129; gospels distributed, I rill and Mr tind Mrs. Isler of Lodi,
807; dally vacation Bible sehools California.
held. 7; teach ers supervised In th ese
schools, 12; enrollm en t of schools,
Dr. Van Vaizah Here— Hr. II. C.
267; number of Individuals who are Van Vaizah of M ulford stopped in
training j g p r| n g f|e id Sunday to visit nt the
homo of his mother, Mrs. A. 11. Van
Dr. Van Vaizah Is spending
this week at Portland Inking a spe-
SORE WHEN SPOKEN TO ■clal course In dentistry nt th e North
“It actu ally Irritated me to have P acific Dentnl College.
anyone tnlk to me, I was so nerv
K e n n e th DeLassus H e re — Ki nnotti
our .
Vlnol ended this and I feel
DoLassns, form er Springfield rest
w onderful now.”— Wm. Fahy.
Vlnol Is a compound o f Iron, dent, spent the week-end here v isit­
phosphates, cod liver peptone, etc.
T he very FIRST bottle m akes you ing with frlnds nnd relatives. Mr,
sleep better nnd have a BIG nppe D eLnssus has been employed hy the
tlto. N ervous, en slly tired people Union Oil com pany at Cottage Grove
are surprised how QUICK the Iron, for serevai m onths and has now
phosphates, etc., give new life nnd been transferred to the company
pep. Vlnol ta stes delicious.— K etel's
headquarters at Corvallis.
Drug Store.
Vour friends have
telephones, and can
talk to each other
— hut can they
telephone to you?
cou rses, 17.
-------------- ----------------- Vaizah.
If a telephone received only in ­
co m in g m essages, an d couldn’t
ca rry your outgoing m essages a t
all, it w ould still be w o rth far m ore
th a n th e few cen ts a day it costs.
Tm P acific T futh o w e
T elegraph C ompany
W ith ou t a sin g le excep tion, th e P on tiac
B ig Six is th e fasteat, m ost powerful six o f
its price available today. Its sturdy, 200
cu b ic in ch , L -head en gin e develops 60
horsepow er a t m oderate en gine sp eed . "
Its speed and acceleration are th e fastest to lie found
in any low -priced six, according to th e “ fifth w h eel”
— th e m o st a ccu ra te speed m easurin g device know n to
a u t o m o t i v e e n g i n e e r s . U n q u e s t i o n a b l y , t o d a y ’»
P o n tia c B ig Six is th e perform ance leader o f its price
fi^ld—and th e sty le and value leader as w ell.
PO N TIAC “'«six
P ro d u c t o f G e n e ra l M o to r«
If you are in terested in a ear costin g a n y ­
w here near P o n tia c's price, your ow n in ter­
e s ts d em an d th a t you see an d drive today’s
P o n tia c Rig Six. And w hen you com e In,
bring your p resen t car fur ou r appraisal.
Its valu e w ill probably cover th e dow n
p a y m en t, leavin g o n ly a few dollars per
m o n th to p ay. A n d , os you pay, you w ill
ba en jo y in g th e fin est ear o f Its price th e
m a rk et affords.
Cenrirfvr (hedellMredprteNaN wvllaalk« IlM
» r ic e w h e n r a m n ttH n g • u to n m h ll *
. • •
la n d -P o n tto e i M i v r i i
in c lu d e a n ir a u th a r -
ia a d e b a r f fa r fr a ig h t anat tlaUaary a n d th a eharga
fa e a n y a d d itia n a l aacaaaaHaa ae ¿ n a m i n g daabad.
Springfield, Oregon
•a*b. C o n tia e, M UÜ.
t - t k » r Sadan
Bo.1, fc. FU L ar
F en tfae RI« SU , #74S t a
W95, / . • . *
M ich .,
9 a n d L aagfay abaab
m a n i a t a b g b t aatra