T H U R S D A Y . R W IT PAGE TTTREF Classified Ads (BUYING ff» SELL1NG^C\ t f ^ | ^THEY OFT RESULTS) W A N T K I) T O M E N T Am ali Kur- u lrtiM House by October 1st by rnsponslbl« party. Must bn r|««n and inodori) Phon« 78W. h li N O T IC E OF F IN A L SETTLEM ENT Ft til SALE OR TRADB Small Houes and lx>t In Northern part of Spring field Will assume If property Is prierai reasonably. Address News. Springfield tf Hop ITckiy hooks stocked at The ' Auction Sale 120 Head Dairy Stock T R A IN S C H E D U L E Brother of Local Man Dead 8prlngfleld Stop* A. P. G illette, brother of Albert NORTH G illette, died Thursday a t hla home No. 1« at 9:64 A. M. Stop to detrain , t Canyonville. M r. G illette was 78 passengers from Klam ath Fall aad ' yearn of age and was a retired , beyond. m la.ater of the Methodist Episcopal No 8 at 3:4« P M church. He preached throughout Bus connections at Eugene Oregon for many years, ills funeral I trains leaving 11 60 a M and 7 P. M was held at Canyonville Sunday SOUTH j afternoon, and he was burled in the ! S P R IN G F IE L D G IR LS BACK FROM C R A TER * A FTER SEASON T H E R ÌT Iowa Carlton and ElJxabetM Hughes. Springfield girls, returned Thursday from Crater Lake N ation al Park where they have been spending the Hummer az; employees at tho Albert O lllette and Crater Lake Lodge. M yrtle Hervwy, No. 7 at 12:47 P. M cemetery No. 16 at 10 M p. M Flag stop for; Mr aad there. Pawengrr. to Klamath Fall, and „ T “ Mrs •" H a rry G illette drove a’*> of «Pringfleld, w ill remain a»- from 10 here to Canyonville beyond. ----- " , ere Canyonville to attend ’ * • until September 20 Man»* | Bus connections at Bugene for th” iU8,’r*1 ,np Beth Johns, and Ghtdy» grains leaving 1146 A M. via Blsklrou |M m . ~ ~ ! 7 ^ " rPturn* 1 the lake Emma M. Griggs, Deceased. Ju,F. after spending a month there. NO TIC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T The girls had a very enJoyaMB PAINTING and Kalsuminrng in all Its Notice Is hereby given that M summer at Crater Imke, according to in the County Court branches Reduced Prices. Roy of the State of Oregon, In and for Miss Hughes. The weather was very Koch Call 125-J. Lane County, his final report as ad cool and pleasant there throughout m lnlstrator of the Estate of Emma most of the summer. In fact. In th< M. Griggs, deceased, and that ten early weeks of July and now. near •N e w T o S le e ” “ Thp ?uC ? the f ° renoon of Monday, the close of the season, the nlghtg I Nullen |a hnrnby giren that thn un New« office dnralgnod. Executor of the Etsstn of Lydia Mayo, deciasnd, bis filed hla T U E S D A Y , H E IT E M B E R 17th N O T IC E OF 8A LE finni report und account ns such En» the 6th day of October, 1929 at the Notice Is hereby given that the un­ eutor with the Clerk of ihn County A t the old Lewis D. Gibson stock courtroom thereof in Eugene, Ore­ are cold enough to be uncomfortable. Court o f l.mp. County, Oregon, uml dersigned, Charles E. McDonald, aw ranch, lo miles west of Eugene, 1 NO TIC E OF f in a l s e t t l e m e n t gon, have been by the Court fixed . There were 50 employed at the that Raturdnv. the 14th day of Hop the adm inistrator In the M utter of the tulle north of E lm ira road. Notici ce Is hereby given that the and appointed an the time and place Lody the lion C. P Barnard. Judge 16 Cows, milking, some Just fresh Hughes said I t Is not known aa < ourt of the Slat. Of O r e e o n r for „, " k . M. F. GRIGGS, of Oregon the of aulii Court, ns the time nnd place for Lane County, on the 31st day of « 2 y ar olds well bred Holstein County of Lane, Administrator his final avLUUUl account I <• —” ww « Of the Estate to hear olijectloiiH to the sume, and July, 1929, w ill from nnd after the i I Jersey 2 year-old, riglnterod, bred .. r,.| , U , of yet how many people were there, and that on Saturday th*- 12th dav of Griggs, Deceased 27th day of September, 1929, offer but the number Is believed to ex­ for the flnul settlement of nulli estui. 7 Jersey 2 year-olds, bred. October 1929 at the hour of Ten A E W H E E L E R , Attorney. A It K E ItF L IN G Executor . tor Mule nt the office of Howard M ¡5 Yearling Helfers Jersey Holstein. « i lock In th< forenoon at the County ceed last year’s total by several ¡B row nell In Eugene, Imne County, | 8 5-12-19 28 O 3 W E L L S * WELLS, Attorneys Ayrshire, Durham and Guernsey’ thousand. There were persons front ourt room In the Court House at A 15-22 29 H 512 I for cash or part cash and w. || br.-d Calves, weaned, various Eugene, Oregon has been dulv fixed every state In the union rn d almoat i part credit, all the right, title and breeds SUM M O NS and appointed a» the day. tim e and I Interest of mild deceased and of said j every nation of the globe registered Yearling Jersey Hull, registered place for hearing objections to cetnte In and to the following de- 1 said N O TIC E TO C R E D ITO R S Yearling Jersey Hull e OCF or r he rat e da in th rinal account nnd the settlement scribed real property: Ewes Notice Is hereby given that th thereof summer. Among the most famoug Thai all objections must be 1 lx,ta 2. .7, nnd 4 In Block 2 In C L A N E C O U N T Y Registered Shropshire Buck derslgned bus been appointed In w riting and filed with the Clerk J Cide's Second Addition to C Cole's I W alle r R. Brooks and Georgia I who stopped there was Greta Garbo, Black .Mare. 9 years old ecutrlx of the estate of Llnnli or said Court on or before said day Plat of Murchbi, lorn* County, Ore­ Hay Mare, 7 years old. Brooks, his wife, PlalnUffs- Vs famed motion picture actress, and Lllw nll, deceased, by the County and time. 7 gon. said proiM-rlv being subject to Gordon McCauley. M artha McCau- Dr. Ray Lyman Wllbnr, secretary o f Saddle Pony, good worker. Court of Lone County, Oregon All u mortgage of »500 oo. IR A T YOUNG, 25 Narrugansett Turkeys. Pew / J 1" F e ,,^ ohn- Mrs. Lewi« the Interior In President Hoover*« persons having claims against the l ... . A'ln,lri" 'r;i' or of ’ »M estate. The South 7« feet of Lot I In Block 1 good heuvv Wagon Pettyjohn, George Clartr Mrs cabinet. said estate are hereby nidified to pro, RANK A. DePCE, Attorney for the 7 In C ('..Il's first addition to (' ? Pa rKeJ ’ !ark' F ran ^ » M Chrisman 1 T ractor Plow. P a O., 2 bottom sent ii.e ..„in., properly verlfl d al Estate. Cole's plat of Marroin, Lat.e County, A number of Improvements wer« 1 English Shepherd Pup Juda E Chrisman, Amanda C the office of Wells A Wells, Hunk of Oregon, snld property being subject Term s on dairy ra ttle — 1-7 cash ______ ______________ S 12-19 26 O 3-10 ™ er ° nirtsm an,’ made at the lake this season. Mis» Commerce Building, Eugene, Oregon, to a mortgage of 1200 00. Istlnnce In 12 monthly payments Addle H arlan. M E Harlan, Hughes reports. A new porch was within six months of the dale of the N O TIC E OF F IN A L H E A R IN G Dated August 29, 1929 Credit to all. M a rr A Harlan. Robert E W alker added to the Lodge, and a new trail first publication of this notice Date C H A R L E S E M cD O N ALD, Seaboard Dairy Credit Corpora- Kate W alker. M artha T W laem an’ u hereby given that the of first puhllrutlnn, Aug 29. 1929 Administrator. tlon, Clerk. George O W alker. Mrs. George O.' was built from the edge of the lake " E U L A A PAR KER. Executrix r J i e T J ’ Davl8' ’ '’ minis A 29 S f. 12 19-26 S A N D Y K K IT H , . Auctioneer. W alker. Mrs. John W W alker down to the water. The park close» ' __________ ,ra ,o r w l’ h ’ he w ill annexed of the W E L L S A W E LL S . Attorneys Amy CaufleM, John Caufleld. Ina to the public September 20. There 507 Guaranty Bldg. Portland. Ore, ! F a n n v E " ’are. deceased A 29 S 512 19 26 z % n n s F I 1 z iz f _ a i _ _ a j has filed his final account In the N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N Owners, Getx, Moses Getz, Dora W alke r will probably be snow on the rim by Í ounty Court of I^ n e County. Ore- FOREST EXCHANGE John W alker, M arv W alker’ R It G IB SO N then, as park officials were expect- N O T IC E O F F IN A L AC C O U N T Kon, and that Sf-pfpmbpr 23rd, 1929 J W N IC H O L S W ’ " ’ '“'-. Neva H ollm ark. John Department of the Interior, United ing it soon at the time the local at ten o'clock In the forenoon there Doe H ollm ark. also «11 other per- States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore­ In the County Court of the Slate of or at the court house In Eugene 1 sons and parties unknown. Includ­ girls left. Last year the first snoxr gon, August IS, 1929. Oregon In and for the County of N O T IC E OF F IN A L H E A R IN G Lane County, Oregon, has been f1x»-d ing the unknown heirs of Gordon came earlier than this. Lane. Notice Is hereby given that on by said court as the tim e and place ttcCauMy. M artha McCauley. Lewis , _ ______ Notice Is hereby given that the June 4. 1929. It N Hoover. Secretary This was the second season at th» IN PR O B A TE No. 474S y * ’’ L *>w1" Pp” 7lnhn. Lake of the Hoover l-nnd Company, filed . undersigned, Ida C. King, executrix ror hearing said account and Bettde- for Miss Hughes and Mis» ment thereof, and for anv order that . orge Clark, Mrs George Clark. In the matter of the E state of Eugene application No 018577 under the act w,lh lh,‘ * ” 1 annexed of the estate If deceased, claim ing any right. In- Carlton. W Bowder, deceased. of March 20, 1922 (42 Stal . 465) to j of -'’ ary J Lincoln, deceased, has may he proper In the premises Date of first publication August 22nd, 1929 terest, or easement In the real To Whom this May Concern Notice exchange the W '4 S W ', N E% , W>$ h< r final account In the County estate described In the complaint Is hereby elven thnt the undersigned E '4 S W ', NE14. E 4 S E '. H W 'i C o u rt of Lane County. Oregon, and A t T ? R£ ? L i ,n A V ,S - Adm inistrator N E W O FFIC E R S CHOSEN A I-T A K IN G , Attorney. herein. Defendants Ralph C Bowder, as ibe ad m in istra­ N E ', . E ' i S E ', \ W ' , . N W ', S E ',. (hat October 7th. 1929 at ten o'clock To Gordon McCauIer. M artha M e A 22 29 S 5-12-19 tor of the above entitled estate, has S W ', S E ',. S U N E ', S E '4, N W ', I In the forenoon thereof at the Court BY J U V E N IL E C IR C L E Can'ev, I.ewlR Pettvjohn \ f r« L e w i. filed his final account In the said es N E ', SEK*. S W ', N E '4 N E ', SE '¿, HouSe In Eugene, Ia,ne Couny, Ore­ nî‘, t t )Oh.n' C" ‘orKP c ,a r ’i Mrs Georeo tnte: and that the Court has fixed f'-.- H W ', S E ', N E ', . N W ', S W ', gon. has be- u fixed by said Court as SU M M O N S The Springfield Juvenile Circle 162 Clark. Amanda C Moore. Addle E September 17. 1929 nt the hour of ten S K ', N E '4 . Section 12. E 4 N W '4 the time nnd place for hearing said o'clock A. M ns the time foe the NK*-i Section 13. Township 10 South. account and settlement thereof and 'n the Circuit Court of the State of lar.en. M E Harlan. George O. W al of the Neighbors of Woodcraft elect­ Oregon for the County of Lane. ker. Mrs Georee O W alker. Ina Getx ed officers for the coming year at a hearing of the said final account; nnd Range 5 East. W M !a>l 2. N E ', lau for any other order that may be pro­ Security S a v in g a Loan Asgo(,la Moses Getz. Neva all persons having anv objections 3. S l i ' i S E ',. S W ', S W ', Lot 3 per In the premises. T, .. H ollm ark. and meeting held Saturday afternoon at Don a Corporation. P laintiff. Vs John Doe H ollm ark, also all other the Woodman hall under the direc­ thereto shnll file the same In w riting Section Date of first publication. September EM, f»W«4 S W ', S W 'i ’ 9>nald W. M cKinnon and Pearl In said probate proceedings on or be­ Section 8. K'y N E % N W ', »nkuoam. Includ­ N E U 5th. 1929 McKinnon, his w |fe : Clarence w . ing the unknown heirs of Gordon Mc­ tion of Mrs. C. F. Eggimaun. Senior fore the time for snld henring IDA C. K IN G , Executrix. E'-. SW >, N E M . N H N E ', N W ',. Guardian This v.-as the first meet­ Cauley, M artha MeCaulev n ’■'"Klo man: and Ter- R A L P H C. BO W D ER , L pm ’ ím N 'y SU, N E ', N W ', S E ', SE«, A L T A K IN G . Attorney for the Estate. rillA o ig r Planing M ill Co a cor- Pettyjohn. e , ,M r" Pp’ tvjohn. ing of the organization since June. Adm inistrator N E 'i N W ',. N E ‘ , N W ', N W ',. N'H S 6-12-19 2« O 3 George Clark. Mrs. George Clark If poratlon. Defendants A 16-22 29 S 5-1 The officers who were elected were N \ \ ' , N W ' , N W ' , . S U 8 64 S '-, S E >4 To Clarence W Fandrcm. Defend- deceased, claiming any right Interest N W ', S '* S U 8 E '4 S W 'i N W ', N O T IC E OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T ant Guardian Neighbor. Alice N’eet; Ad­ or easement in the real estate des- S' . S W 'i S W ', N W , . N W , S W 'i N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N In the Name of • the State of Ore. Pr” ’p<* ’ he complaint herein, de- visor. Essai Adams; Magician. Teddfe Notice Is hereby given that the s.«w » zxcavxr X »4 v/ro* Section 17. SMi S E ',. N E ', S E ',. W '4 Departm ent of the Interior, U. S. K«n; You f"'1'1” ” * _____ _______ Lipes; Banker. Franklin W ardlow _ ; J undersigned. Adm inistrator of io n are hereby required to ap- the Land Office at Roeeburg, Oregon. S E *i NE64. S E ', SE«., NEMi. S 'j Estate of Elfrenda Kalanquin, ha« pear nnd answer the complaint filed in thp Name of the State of Ore- Attendant. Lois Deeds Clerk Esther N E ', S E ', N E ', . K '4 N W ',. Lot 2. August 7. 1929. above entitled Kon, you and each you herehv W ardlow ; . ...... of ......... - are ..r-reoy WU WU NW , N E 'i . S '4 SE'4 filed his final report un<| account n s , aga nst you , in the - --------- Inner Sentlnal, Cordon « . n fo" r weeks from the date T^Gtifrod to appear and answer the Notice Is herehv given that Newton N W , N E ', . S E ', S W , N W 'i N E 'i such adm inistrator with the Clerk Baldwin; Outer Sentlnal. Donald I.ln dlev of Springfield, Oregon. Route Section 18. Township 10 South, Range of the County Court of Lane County, of the first publication of this sum­ complaint filed against you In the above entitled Court and came, on nr Baldw in; and Flag Bearers O liver mons. and If ou fall to so appear Oregon, and that Monday, the 14th 2 who. on Julv 20. 1920. made Home 6 Enst. W M within the Snnilnm The new stead Entry Serial No. 018577, for Lots National Forest, for the tim ber on ila,' -if October. 1929 at 10:00 A M nnd answer, the p la in tiff w ill apply before the expiration of the t ime Adams and Teddie Neet. 2 nnd 3. Section 13, Township 17 approxim ately 8 acres In the W 4 In the County Court Room of said to thp Courl for the relief prayed tyescrihed in the order of publlca- officials w ill be installed at the next t on. to w it: On or hefore the expira­ South. Range 2 West, W illia m .d te Section 18 nnd N W 4 . S E ', nnd N64 County at Eugene. Oregon, has hem for In the complaint, to-wlt: F IR S T That it have and recover tion of four weeks from the date of meeting of the senior circle of the M eridian, has filed notice of Inten S W , Section 19 Township 20 South, set li> the Hon. C. P Barnard, Judge against the defendants first publication of this summons, and Neighbors of Woodcraft, which w ill of snld Court, as the time and place Judgment tlon to make three-year Proof tn es Banc - 4 East. \Y M within the C m to hen objections to the same, and Donald W. McKinnon and Pearl C lf. 4OU,Lail fo answp’’ fpr want thereof *>p he’d at the hall Wednesday, Octo- tahllsh claim to the land nhove cade N ational Forest w i" apP,v ,o ,hp Co'‘ rf for ber 9. final seulement of said McKinnon ad each of them. In the described, before E O. lm m el, st The purpose of tills notice Is to f for the sum of «2.910.28. with Interest there- ’ he rp" pf nraved for In the com. Eugene. Oregon, on the 20th ilnv of allow all persons claim ing the lands ■ • slate. on nt the rate of 1(1% per nnnuni plaint, to-wlt: H A R O L D J. W E L L S . September. 1929 selected, or having hona fide objec 1 Th” oaoh and all of said rtefenq- POW ER CO. IS TR O U B L E D Adminlstratni fro m jh e 15th dnv of 9nrll. 1928; and Claimant names ns witnesses' tlons to such application, an oppnr j the further sum of »300.(10 as a rea­ ants be required to set forth Albert Lindley, of Springfield, O re­ tunity to file their protests with the ' W E L L S K- W E LL S , Attorneys. the’ BY F IR E S NEAR L IN E S S 12-19 26 G 310 sonable attorney fpe herein; and for na’ ,,rp ° f th claims or right, title. gon. Route 2. Register of thn United States Land I ,t\■J72.s2 ---? ni’ j ” B’"irsements herein ’n’prest, or easement of. in and to W illia m Lindley, of Springfield. Office at Roseburg. Oregon. Any The service men of the local SECOND: That p la in tiffs mort- ’ “ *1* Property hereinafter described. Oregon. such protests or objections must be I N O TIC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T gage he decreed to be a valid and ;,nd ,hat a "y and all adverse claims Mountain States Power company C lair M cHenry. of Wendling. filed I11 this office within th irty days subsisting lien upon the following of Rai'’ defendants or either thereof have been having considerable d iffl- Oregon from the date of first publication of • Notice Is hereby given that the described real premises: nf- and to said property mav be enl»v a,■,.(„„ . Z ------ Elvln Stevens, of Springfield, Ore this notice, which first publication undersigned, Adm inistrator of the The South 60 determined by bv a a decree d e c r e e o of f this t h i . Court, ° during the past several day» «0 feet feet of of I.o( Lot Nnmho-. Number- determined gon. Route 2 estate of Elizabeth Taylor, deceased, w ill be August 22. 1929 on account of forest fires which are ed One in Block Numbered Ten of and ” *a’ said decree it bo declared H A M IL L . C A N A D A Y, has rendered and filed In the County H A M IL L A C A N A D A Y, the original Plat of Springfield. Ore- ar,d adjudged that the defendants and burning along th eir lines in several R egister. Register j ’ ’"urt of the Slate of Oregon for the gon. as platted nnd recorded in the Pac’1 and all thereof have no estate parts of the county. Friday two A 22 29 S 5-12-19 | Fo" n’ y ’ •an'' hi" final account and | JJ/n 15-22 29 S 5 12 that on Saturday the 12th dnv of ¡ Coun’ ?r CIp''’' of Lane in,pppst- ” ” p or easement whatso- burned trees fell across n r fn e a ia j I ---------- fell across the wires October. 1929 at the hour of Ten ° r n ,o Iand a"d pro-' iv an said „ j 'hat miles west fe" of aCr° Elm 8S ira, and ser« I o'clock in (he forenoon at the Count? . I a a . T ' ’ W ,"amp” p ?hT ? i t)2r ,herpnf; » a"d Court room in the Court House at Addition to Springfield, Ore- ,,,lp of plaintiffs to said property vice to the residences in that die« Eugene, Oregon has been duly fixed k°And that said Hen 311 “ Wh°*e ~ - thereof Is good and tric t was suspended for 40 minutes. ho decreed to ™ ’’d and that any adverse claims of The Snellaon Brothers saw m ill near and appointed ns the day. time and h„ „n o r snnerlor !" " " * ......... -o .« id . V r a i r y & r & r r f f i " . u ; said defendants or either thereof property as again',? h E lm ira was Office Phone 176-J Ree Phone 176 M over three and to said Bea. Phone 110 Plano Mnvtng final account and the settlement tn said Plaintiffs he quieted and that said de- hours on acco1” ” of the accident, property by any defendant Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. thereof. That all objections must be herein. S P R IN G F IE L D T R A N S F E R fendants and each and all thereof be Saturday night a burned tree fe ll General Practice, Special Attention In w riting and filed with the Clerk WII.LI» BERTSCH, Prop T H IR D : That p laintiff's mortgage PT,Joinpd and barred from as. across the power line near Jasper of said Court on or before said day lo Obstetrics and Diseases he foreclosed and the real premises O r n C B AT 8EHVICB GARAGE and time. of Children. ■■ ............... nhove described, and all thereof, 622 Malo Street WILLIAM M. TAYLOR. sold In the manner prescribed hy law or easement whatsoever in or to o ri 0 minutes Fnday afternoon a radio First National Bank Building Baccessor to flutton Transfer Adm inistrator of said estate. for the sale of real property In exe­ over said property or any part there- P°1 ö falling across the wires at tho Springfield, Oregon F R A N K A. Dt'PCE, Attorney for the cution on foreclosure, and thnt the ° Beginning at a point 4 chains H?,m9ethj r 9'dent the reserv,or Estate. Proceeds of said sale he applied. 1st. S 12-1^26 O 310 North of the Southwest cerner of the “ T “”* 1 8eVeral short clrculW To the pnvment of the costs nnd ex­ DR. N. W . E M E R Y aQd disrupted things in general for penses of said salp; 2nd. To the sat­ Gordon McCauley, D. L. C. No. 44 DR. W. N. DOW N O TIC E FOR SALE OP REAL isfaction nf plaintiff's Judgment here­ Notification No. 626 Tp. 21 S R 2 a while. The company officials ar<- O K N T I8 T D e n tis t PROPERTY in: 3rd. To such other persons as the W . W. M. running thence North 2.20 chain» » a »h a .............anx*0U8’y watching other fires n ear First National Bank Building Court m.av determine; BuMen BM» Fhene BM Se?Ho9n tO3 ‘L V t p I ^ V " * 9 Notice Is Hereby Given: T hat by Phone 43 Springfield, Oregon F O U R T H : T hat n latntlff have and ReelAenoe Fhone 1M-M virtue of an order of the County thence West 16 chains to the South- trouble' Office hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Court of I^ine County, Oregon of recover from the defendants Donald — ------------------------------ Evenings by Appolntmsnt Springfield, Oregon date July 13, 1929, In thte m atterof W McKinnon and Pearl C. McKinnon west conrer of said lot 6 thence North a :;." c o u ^ , c h a m b e r m e e ts the guardianship of Julian F. M iller, a Judgment for anv deficiency there­ after rem aining unpaid. a minor, the undersigned, the duly F IF T H ; That the defendants, and ve w d Septem ber 1. 1893 hy deed re- W E D NESDAY AT GRO VE appointed, qualified and acting General Law Practice _____ guardian of said minor and the estate each of them, he foreclosed nnd for­ corded In book 49 page 265, Deed j Lane County, Oregon, The Lane county chamber of com* of said minor, w ill, on and after the ever barred from anv right, title or Records. I. M. PETER8ON Interest In or to said premises, ex- 23rd day of September, 1929, offer Attorney-at-Law and sell at private sale for cash, or cent snhlect nnd subsequent to the “ J " next Wednesday City Hall Building for cash and credit, to the highest ludgment of p la in tiff herein and save line of the Oregon and Routh Eastern evening, September 18, according to and except the rig ht of redemption Railway Company right-of-way., the-cp bidder In Eugene, T,anp County, allowed hv law Sontherly and Easterly along said word received by Walter Gossler, Springfield, Ore. Oregon, all the right, title nnd Inter­ S IX T H : T hat the p la in tiff be per­ Southerly line to n point North 47 2-3 secretary of the local chamber, fro~t est of snM minor In and to the real property thereof, being an undivided mitted to hid at said foreclosure deg East of a point 4 chains North T. J. Flippin, secretary of the county sale, nnd thnt the purchaser of said of the Southwest corner of said Mc­ 228 Main 8t. Reeldence 125 c 8t. one-half Interest therein, to-wlt: body. The principal speaker of the 62 J Ix it No. Tw enty-three (23) In premises he put In Im m ediate posses­ Cauley Calm thence S. 47 2-3 deg j 62 M ion thereof- and West to the place of begtnnln- all in evening will be Leonard E. Read, Block No. T hirty-three (33) In the S E V E N T H - For such other nnd Izine County, Oregon, nnd that plain­ of Portland, assistant manager of Amended Plat of Fairm ont, now a J EW ELER fu rth er re lie f as to the Court mav tiffs hnve such other and further re­ Full Auto Equipment part of the C ity of Eugene, In Lane Repairing a Specialty seem Just nnd proper herein. lief as to the Court may seem Just the Western division of the Unitod County. Oregon. Lady Assistant States chamber of commerce. A This summons Is published once and equitable. Springfield, Oregon Thnt said sale w ill take place nt This summons Is published hy order number of problems of general 1m the law office of Alta King, In the each week for four successive weeks Court House, Eugene, Izine County. hv order of the Hon. C. P Rarnard of the Hon. C. P. Barnard, Judge of terest to Lane county probably will Tud