I • . » i Try the Home P rin t Shop Firat TW K N TY -H IX T1I YEAR SCHOOL 10 OPEN IE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS SPHINCFIKLO, LANE COUNTY, OREGON. CITY PURCHASES LAND TO STRAIGHTEN MAIN; STREET RESURFACED CITY REAL ESTATE OFFERER FOR SALE THURSDAY, S E IT . 12. 1929 Inter-City Buses Every 2 0 Minutes "Ths P aopls’t Papsr" A LIVE NEW SPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN No. 35 REV. MULLHOLAND TO BEGIN DUTIES SUNDAY AT BAPTIST CHURCH BIG HUES HAVAGE 0 U FORESTS The Hprltigfield city council coin Her. Ralph Mullholand has arrived New Schedule When Bridge is j In Springfield and will deliver his | plated negotiations lust week for Completed; To Follow be purehuae of a trlungulur strip of , first sermon Sunday as the new — Springfield Children to Return land through the Brnttnln property Council Puts Price on Many Shorter Route j pastor of the local Baptist church I Hundreds of Men Fight Fir« to Work Following Summer ut the end of Main street, ao that It He succeeds Rev. C. H. Blom, who Lots Owned by the City; in Lane County; Bad B la u I Twenty minute bus service be ! resigned a month ago to accept a Vacation; Soveral New Tea­ will be poHHlble to co-operate with Some Choice Locations Of­ twn-n Springfield und Eugen» on Dollar Holdings Above w,ll call to the Baptist church of Utslrk. cher» on Faculties of Three the stale hlgliwuy conunlaalon III fered For Less Than the Is- Inaugurated by the Southern Mabel and Also on Camp idabo »trulgliteiilng Main street to the city Schools; Meeting Saturday. limits to connect with the new suc­ Improvements. Creek. I ! i Pacific «. .i... company when uie new r ,.» Mullholand was the pastor of , I ridge ts open, according to official» ,be Emanuel Baptist church at Kla- After n vacation of three months, tion of the McKihzJe liigtiwHy Else Prlces on all city owned lots, which of the company who have inter- Forest fires are burning out ot the lioya an-l Kiris of Hprlngflold will hundred dollus was palu for the pro­ have been lake,, for Improvement , u ,.wed c„ y counc,lroeB durlng the math Falls before coming to Spring- control in many sections of Lane return to ni bool Monday for lb., perty purchased liens, were made by the Springfield ,,.w day# „ b, ,,eyed that field, and he was recognized as one county, Oregon, and the northwest of the outstanding ministers of the It I n uncertain as to when the council ut Monday night's meeting opining of the full term Tlir local t with the .-avlng of time due to over church In Southern Oregon He has ’ and unless rain comes soon the most street grading will begin on the pur »■bool bonri, I n exporting the enroll The price In each Instance Is lower a quarter mile shorter distance, the disastrous season in years face been In Oregon four years, preaching metil to bo slightly more than that chase, aeiordltiK to the atate hlgliwuy than the amount of the assenant' n's service can be every 20 minutes. at Riddle, near Roseburg, before go­ timber owners, mill operators and of last year, anti the vacant room nt | Department nt Eugene but It will be and It I» believed that these lots will settlers. Fires are now burning on With the shortening of distance ing to Klamath Falls. the llrultuln school bun been flnish"il j within the near future The Cochran move. Th' mayor and council held the Mohawk. ,u the McKenzie and The new minister Is a graduate of company, which Is that It Is belter Io have this pro­ there may ulso be a change In the during the summer so that addition ' construction routing In Springfield. Instead of the I x > h Angeles Bible Institute and Willamette valleys, and in a dozen til space will he available for atud working on the .McKenzie highway perty buck on the tax roll and Im­ going down E street from Sixth the also of the Southwest Baptist Semin­ I or more places in Western Lane east of town, will do the work. Th proved than In Ihe cnls In ci.se It Is necessary. city's hands, bus may follow C street from Sixth ary at Dallas, Texas. While preach­ county. Unless these fires are got The teaching force for the three ■ company now has Its grndir at work even If It must sacrifice some In to Fourth and Dunce down Fourth ing here he will also take graduate under control soon It is thought ail logging camps will be shut down local schools for the year has un­ oil Ihe Cogswell hill section lit III the price to Main, thus eliminating Fifth and E | work In the University of Oregon. an-d the state will conscript the men dergone a number of changi s, but highway, and It Is probable that It The lot at the corner of Sixth and streets. This is also expected to to fight fire. the majority of Ihe teachers have will begin work Inside the city A streets has been priced at >1000, give more time for Ihe 20 minute , SHORTED WIRES CAUSE been employed here for one m more limits as soon us the grading there ns has also the corner of Fourth and More than a hundred men were service. FOUR SMALL BLAZES; years Among the new Instructors Is completed. The new section of A street. The corner lots at Fourth sent through here from Portland As yet the city council has not j slriet will he paved to the city ' are W E Buell, principal of the and B streets ownetid by the city SEVEN FIRES PUT OUT during the last week to fight a fire been petitioned to change the rout- ( high school, and 000. and the four ------- raging on the Portland-Dollar Lum- Ing In the franchise out is ex- i pal of the i-.-atlaln school Mr. i Graveling was begun yesterday on small lots near tin- end of the pave­ Seven small fires, four of them re- ber company holdings above MabeL lluell was prlMlpal of Ihe Est.u a la the new section of the McKenzie ment on Main street will be sold for pected that the matter will be up at suiting from one of the most un­ This is the former Coast Range high school, near Oregon City, last highway Just east ot the city limits. only >100 each. The city's lot near the next meeting usual accidents ever reported here, Lumber company timber. A coupl* year, and Mr Wood was principal of '1 lire« and one half miles of the road the end of the pavement on Fifth were extinguished by the Springfield of small fires are burning above th* the Jt fferson grammar school, near will he graveled and opened to traf­ street, 50x112, Is offered for >300. REBHAN AND MURPHY fire department Friday afternoon, Fischer Brothers mill near Marcalo. fic through the winter. The re­ A lot further out on Fifth In Hunt's Salem giving that body its busiest day for A fire on Cedar Flats Tuesday burn­ THRILLED ON AIR TRIP ed a great amount of wood already The faculty for the Springfield mainder of that which was graded addition, lot 8 block 2, Is priced at TO SOUTHERN OREGON 8*'veral month" Tin re are still two lots _____ The four fires were caused by a cut. The fire on the ridge above high school for the year Includes W , this summer will not he graveled only >50 In Sunnyside addition where the E. Buell, principal, who will teach . uniII next spring Ixillas Murphy ano Dr. W. C. radio antenna pole falling across the • Walterviile is still burning and high voltage lines of the Mountain another is coming up the ridge on history; Mrs Georgina Peterson of : A thorough re surfacing and re. city once hiixl a great deal of real 1 iiebban_ io10 each. Medford and Roseburg. They left Tnmseth house south of Willamette ' reports. In Western Lane fires were burn* merce; Miss kurille Holman of I being done this week by the paving The large lot at S'venth and A Kpringfl'ld Friday morning, and ar- Heights. The accident occurred, Miss May crew of the slate highway depart streets, back of Casey's service sta­ rived at Medford one hour and 18 about four o clock. One of the wires Ing near Crow, on Wolf Creek, Tri­ Springfield, English ; Main street from Second Io tion, Is priced at >1000 llewea of Springfield, mnthematlni; nietit minutes later The return Journey from the antenna of the radio hung angle Lake district, at Chickahominy Ernest McKinney of latkeview, mu­ Mill was completely re surfaced with j The council ordered In six street was made In a little more than an from the power line to the dry grass, Wild Cat Creek, Deadwood, and starting the (ire which brought a call many other places. sic; Gbnn Martin of Creswell, man asphalt, and gone over with the lights In the Sunnyside addition. It hour and a half. for the fire engine. ual training; Miss Margaret Nugent street roller, making It perfectly also ordered built a sidewalk on Mountain States Power company As the reader may have already ef Eugene. English; Miss Anna F smooth. The city and Ihe state Kelly street In front of thte Fitz­ surmised, Mr Murphy and Dr. Reb- Fire chief Jess Smitson and Police crews have been busy repairing lines and Wll- highway department are co-operating gerald property. Vogel of Eugene, sdenr han did not make the journey into Chief Kenneth Gile answered the call that trees have fallen across and in llam It Baker, of Independence, In paying for the work u this block, Southern Oregon by auto or by train, and put out the blaze, only to discov- many places the telephone wires are the city's share being >600. athletics und physical education. SUMMER HOME SCENE as is customary. They went with er that a second fire was burning in down because of fire. t streets with a Ford sedan owned . and Mrs. Carl Glson, Dr. and Mrs. Much of the flying from Spring- meter of the building. F’orestry and. Conservation Associa­ of Springfield, fourth B; Miss Urys by Bruce Thomas. The fenders ,,f Carl I’ll ' lleplaco. Mr. anil Mrs. Will field to Medford was done at an This fire was barely put out when tion. their central clearing house. tai Bryan of Springfield, fourth A; I the car were bent and the motor- Wrlgln, Mr. and Mrs. William Daw- altitude of 8000 feet, nearly two the fourth blaze was discovered in All wearily urge that, until the junior high. Miss Elizabeth i cyc| e wa„ almost totally demolished !1«”». Mr “nd Mr8- w H. Adrian,. Dr. miles In the air. The air at that the Orville Fandrem residence. In weather breaks, they need every c o of Engene. arlthni. tic; Miss Thelma M|. Umg w(|)| ali|th, |y bru|M ed by Ihe and Mrs. W. C. Rehhan. Dr. W. N. altitude has lost all of the sultriness this place a fuse in the electrically operation from forest visitors, lurn- Sweeney of Springfield, grunvnar, I (mpact -pb,, ,b|rd accident accurred Dow. Mr and Mrs. J. C. McMurray, prevalent at this time of the year, operated radio had been blown out berpir v railroads and other source* Mrs Mary Walker of Spi Ingf!• Id. noar Mason's Corner, north of Spring- Mrs. Alice Ixirali Mr. and Mrs. John Mr. Murphy said. In fact, he found by the short circuit, starting a fire of carelessly man-made fires which, history; Mrs Crystal Male of Spring f|(,|d when ears driven by Anna Henderer. of Springfield. Dr. and the wind that whistled past them inside the radio box. The flames added to lightning, are making their field, geography; and Mrs Ella Loin ¡HandKII, bp Mohawk and J N Cui , Mrs. J E Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. along the sides of the plane similar spread from the radio to the walls of task of protecting the forest r^ bard of Springfield, civil govern hertson of Eugene collided collided. Onlv Only a Alex McKenzie, and Mr. and Mrs. to a mid-winter prairie breeze in the house, burning a hole in the cor- sources fo the west almost im- mint. Miss Sweeney ami Mr». Page slight amount of ilanic" was done. George Monroe of Eugene; and the Dakota. I ner. The radio was totally destroy- possible. hosts. Mr and Mrs. Flovd Flanery are the only new members of Ihe On the return Journey, coming up , ed and other pieces of furniture in j “California reports that, fanned by and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Walkcr. Lincoln school faculty. Ihe Willamette valley from Cottage ; the room were damaged by the fire. a state-wide wave of incendairism. BUILDING OF FORMS < The faculty of tin- Braltaln school Grove to Springfield, Major Ecker-1 No one was at home at either of the field and forest fire toll has amount­ CONTINUES ON BRIDGE includes Glen B. Wood of Jefferson, ACCIDENTS CAUSE OF son flew at a kiw altitude, so that Fandrem residences at the time ot ed to a damage of >184,000 from principal nnd teacher of the fifth Pouring of the con, rile piers all LOSS OF WORK AT MILL his passengers were able to see at the fires. more than 2000 fires, although most A. Miss Alla Manning of Spring the ni w Springfield budge was com­ Althought the call to the Fandrem- of this is to watersheds, range, grain night and Is now said to be recover- field, first grade; Miss Wilma Scott pleted Ibis week by Hargreaves and Tomseth district was the most as­ and improvements. Timber damags Flirty and one-half days work were farms over which they passed. of Eugene, second grade Mrs. Allen l.tndHay, contractors for the con- lost by employees of the local Booth- tonishing received by the local de- is estimated at only >165,000 on no- T Basford of Springfield, third I structlon. The building of forms for Kelly Lumber company as the re­ partment. it was the fourth for Fri-1 tjonai forests and >8000 elsewhere, EUGENE PEOPLE HOLD grade; Miss Mabel Olson of Urea ' the concrete sluhs Is now under way sult of five Industrial accidents dur- day afternoon. The first call came Conditions are still critical, PARTY IN SPRINGFIELD at 2 o’clock to extinguish a small , "Oregon has fared well, compara- ■well, fourth grade; Miss Anne Oor- { and It Is expected that the pouring log the month of August, according rle of Springfield, fifth B; and Miss of the slabs will begin some time | to a report posted. One man lost A party for Mrs. H. E. Maxey was grass fire which was burning on ' fively. Up to September, national Dorothy Girard of Springfield, sixth next week. The contractors exject near the i forests reported 653 fires, with only day» work as the result of being given at her home on Ninth" and A ' Southern Paciflc grade. Of these Mr. Wood. Miss to complete their work on the bridge struck in the stomach by a bundle of streets Thursday evening by the Booth-Kelly mill pond. The blaze j >8000 damage; while, outside natlon- Olson and Miss Scott are new by September 30. The A. C. Mat­ lumtier. Another lost 9 days as the Helmetta Club of Eugene. During wag put out without difficulty, Tlle j al forests the state reported 489 teachers. fires with timber loss of >7000; logs hews company has not yet started result of a strain sustained in the evening a number of husbands origin is not known. A number of repairs to the school The second call came at and equipment, >7,000; settlers' pro­ work graveling on the fill that Is to pulling lumber from a sorting table. of the members armed with refresh­ buildings have boon inude by the he made, but they expect to do so The third employee lost 11 »4 days' ments surprised the party by march- o’clock. A fire, supposedly set by 1 perty $2000; being a low record school hoard during the vacation. work from a wrenched shoulder and i ing in on the ladles. There were 32 children, was burning in a rubbish considering seasonal hazard. Now, within a few days. The roof of the high school bnlldlng b which ho suffered when a present to partake of cake and Ice heap at Seventh and L streets. The . however, fires are increasing fast, l’luns for Ihe formal dedication of has been repalntod, and a concrete blaze was extinguished to prevent 1 unless the rain falls. Governor Pat- ’umber struck another to cream. floor has been poured In the furnace Ihe new bridge will probably tie dis­ its spreading. The third fire was at terson will postpone the hunting i. i-oon was attached. Those present were Messrs, and Tooni of Ihe hlffh school gymnasium cussed nt the next meeting of the The foitrto toa 1 days as the Mesilames J. C. Cady, Fred Ludford, the Bud McPherson place in Sunny­ season, supposed to open September The play shed nt the Brattaln school local chamber of commerce, accord re i’’ of heil.* uck on the foot George Blair. D. E. Yoran, A. F. side Addition, where a stubble field lifteenth. has been enclosed on three sides, Ing to F. B. Hamlin, president. T lllng pile of 2x1's Bremer, O. H. Jones, Frank Poin­ was burning. The Eugene fire de­ "Washington, outside national for­ u’i'.tr anu a number of other minor repairs dedication will probably be held 8V4 days from rtin- dexter, Walter B. Dillard, H. E. partment also answered this call, ests, reports good luck on the west­ a i<1 the ftft i ,the time the structure Is oper 9 have been made. - er almost completely Maxey. Mr. Jack Luckey and Mes- and the fire was put out without ern slope but terrific season on the n 1000 merchantable stained In July. Forty son. Lillian Dttnnum, Lucinda De- acres of stubble were burned. in' Rebek«hs Plan Dinner will be held nt each of the three timber loss, >7500 log loss, >16,000 □Gt at the mill during Burgh, Ethel Glaze, Minnie Larson, ■nyi, , tln-if buildings Saturday afternoon to give cafeteria to raise funds Fire at Fisher Home logging equipment loss, and >9000 jrd a half day better than Roman», Nora Strawn, Nina Stocker, Jui?. by tin tho. principals an opportunity to talk treasury will lie present The Springfield fire department settlers’ loss. Majority of fires were t. and Mae Moon. over the plans for the coming year Jtebekah Springfield Io was called Tuesday afternoon to ex­ ascribed to careless smokers. Nat­ i. O. C ). F. hall FYlduy with their teachers. tinguish a fire In the atlv of the ional forests In Washington report I Attend Norrrtal School Elected to r'cout Committee ¿ember 27. The detail l..e • , Frank Fisher home, South D street. 451 fires with most of the damage, . u r, Tne Misses Lena andi Frances , John Henderer, president of the The blaze was supposedly caused by about >450,000, In the Chelan and Returns From Hood River—Gerald will be worked out p the •!•• i .n, II will leave this week for Mon- Springfield Lions club, nnd Chester a short circuit In the wiring. It waj Colville regions of eastern Washing­ tne Chase, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. idrs. W F. Walker i. ' ith where they will spend the Aldrich, former sedut master ot extinguished with chemicals hefor ton. The worst season on record In Harry Chose, returned this morning 4if the committee iv i i .y _________ .r attending the sessions of the Troop 11. w-ere elected members of any serious damage was done. from Hood River, where she had these reaglons and still critical. Spend W eek Ip Fortlsn.l Mr i t ,-egon Normal school, which opens the Troop 11 scout committee at a been visiting nt tho home of Mr. anil "Idaho, outside national forests, ' 'i- N o- n> (onday. They will live at the home meeting of that body last night. The Mrs. S. J. ui wan. On her way back Mrs. Ivan Male Purchase New Truck—Stuart an had 515 fires by August 1, largely o III s'.-t > of their grandmother, Mrs. Parker. In ,commlttee has not as yet found a Holverson, proprietors of the Indj from llghtllng, but an excellent re­ she stopped nt Jefferson nt tho home Templeton, of Ui-i w k nJ addition to the regular Instruction, successor for Mr. Aldrich nt. scout­ pendent meat market, have purchnj cord of property protection—loss be­ of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Gowan. She Mrs. Male, spot . ’ • li ■ On'-.-- .. lhe Misses Frltell will study vocal master, so nt present Troop 11 Is ed a new Chevrolet truck, which thd ing about a million feet of timber, roturned to Springfield from Jeffer­ visitin g and matters In 1 son with Mr. and Mr.i. John Avltt. music and piano. without a leader. will use In their business. (Continued on Para •)