THURSDAY. AUGUST 8. 1929 ' If*» • r I.OHT Large white cut with lealher string around his neck. Reward. Phone Mrs. I E. latWrence, 1119 It A 1-8 PAINTING und KulMimiining in ull It» branches. Reduced Prices. Roy Koch. Call 125J. estai« sre hereby notified to pr.-s.nt PAO* u m TRAIN SCHEDULE Wisconsin Woman V isits- .Mr». W NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Springfield Stops 1 Douulusou hud ua her guest the 1st- FOREST EXCHANGER NORTH | ter purt ot last week Mrs. Beverly No. 018431 No. IS ut 3:64 A. M. Stop to detrain White of Maiden Rocu, Wisconsin, Department of the Interior. United passengers from Klamath Fall and uuq her siau r, Mrs. H. Magner, o» State» Land Office, Roseburg, Ore- b4,yond Eugene. Mrs White went to achooi Bon, July 16, 1929. No. 8 at 3:4« P. M. w ua ,Rrs. Dona.uson anu Mrs. Wug- Notice la hereby given (hat Rus connections at Eugene for n- i. m ,n a iou. ot the PacUR i March 28. 192». Omar'¿¿’ wisdom of trains leaving 11:60 A. M and 7 P. M coast visiting relatives uud friends I Gienada, Oregon, filed application No under SOUTH ____________________ undef Act March 20, Act 1922, ot March 20, 1932 i (42 »tat., 465) to exchange the Eta of No. 7 at 12:47 P. M IN THE COUNTY COURT OF No. 15 at 10:09 P. M Flag stop for S f A l t u r oHECvN FOR TH THE Lot 4, E% of WV4 of lx>t 4, Nta SWU Ht NW'4, w u U * s SE'4 £ NWU W ,í SW*4 8ec NW'4, * * Eta * S'.Vta Ä passengers to Klamath Falls and COUNTY uf- LANE ' ! 8W Sec beyond. , UlTATluN. w>4 E ‘ 4 Lot 1 , E>4 Lot 1, Nta Eta Kta PREPARED TO AYD-E LOTT—Gas, HOUSE FOR SALK — Living room, Bus connections Hons at Eugene for “»«««r of tne guardianship of Lot 1. W'4 SEta NEta. Wta K Llewehen Harry u. SE’4 NE'4, NW'4 NEta SEta. W'4 Oil, Tires and Picnic Supplies. At kitchen, break fat, t nook, two bed­ trains leaving 11 1:46 A M via Slskivon y Hlewtlien, jr. I some Units spelled s w ta NEta SEta. NW‘4 NEta NF' Point of Controversy. Ayd e-Lott rooms and hath; with garden plot line. Lfewplhfll L.nnru QPl/ a u n re-?;, - _'8 M$weii«n/ sbiioortf. Service Oarage, Went Springfield If SE'4, 9W>4 SE(4 NEta SEta. bta und garage. Completely furnished NOTICE OF io .k»u»g<«rvi i^iuweiieo, Harry SKta. NEta SE>4 Sec. 4, Tp. 19 S . R. ACCOUNT ° N F'NAL b “ Jr" ,U,e “e>l of “ »“ 10 W’ W M - within the Bftstaw'NaT »1000; terms Owner, 218 West D WANTED lxreal concern wants (wo A 16 Nolle« 1« li l“‘uut* aud on persons in- ional Forest, for the timber on an- street. ___________________ „ „ j l ! 1, 1« Hereby Given: That the tv• hour of 10 o'clock i Lane, and the Seal of said Court R egister hereto offixed, this 6th day of August ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Jl 18-25 A 1-8-16 j 1929. * ____ _ FOREST EXCHANGES No. 018652 Attest; W. B. DILLARD, Clerk. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S 8ALE ON b) M. L McDERMGTT, Deputy. EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE ___ Department of the Interior, United (SEAL) and place for hearing objections States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore- present them on or before said date publication 18’h dnv of July, k RED E. SMITH, Atty, for Guardian. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN: That thereto and for th- final settlement ° on' Ju,y 20- 1929- >f final settlem ent ilA d lt N L. UI.A.Sh, ! ot the estate of said decease-;. A 8-15-22-29 S 5 by virtue of an execution and order Notice is hereby given that on July: ALTA KING, Attorney. NELLIE IIELTERBKAND. LOUISE W. DANIELS, of sale In foreclosure issued out ot 19, 1929. J. H. Leeds, of 353 E. 2nd St.. jl 18 25 A 1-8-1' M PETERSON. A.tornevEX,“'U,r”‘ ' rL ,he s“ ’ 0“ ’ of Los Angel.-s, C alif, filed application NOT,CE OF SHERIFF’S SALE ON «he Circuit Court of Lane County, No. 018652 under the act of ____ March 20 ' EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE Oregon, on the 3rd day of July, 1929 A 1 8 90 i V y? ° ' Brook*, Deceased. _______________ A _ T 8 i . - . - 9 A K WHEELER. Attorney. 1922. (42 S tat. 465) to exchange"the NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON Notice is Hereby Given that by , “ 8“,t wherein on the 28th day of Jl 11-18-25 A 1-8 8W14 of NE'4. REV, of - NW'4 NE'4 . _ _ _ , virtue of an execution and order of June’ 19i-9« Martin Nelson, plaintiff, EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE ». ,. NOTICE . . TO , CREDITORS 1 --------- BW'a and NW'4 of SE'4 of Sec 8 "ble In foreclosure issued o u t o f the recove''ea Judgment against the de- Notice Is hofeby given that by * y ' l " . . ] , N O T I C E OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON T” 14 s - « »« W. W M . within the Clrcu.t Court of Lane County, Oregon f.endap ,8ME W Walker, Clara M. Wai- virtue of an execution und order i ' b 'r - I g t u <1 bus been uppolnte.l Admin EXECUTION IN FORCLOSURE Rluslaw National Forest, for the tlm- on the 31st day of July. 1929 ¡n a M Mead and Grace K Mead sain In foreclosure Issued out o f the latnitrlx of the estate of George W Notice Is Hereby Given That hv ‘ »TT. ° n “WOXlBiately 4 acres In the • uit »herein, on the 30th day of July the ’? m of »t®*4 *>7 with interest Iknrkar, deceased, by the County Circuit Court of Lune County, Ore­ v irtu e of an and orden orden ot ,,i 1 ■ t-4 . .. 19 _TP R 1929. in said Court Jane K. » ? 0,“ ?8th day 01 in xeeutlon xeeutlon and • e- 2® S, •> — ............— n . Hodes, noues, iq ,q» R'eelver of the United fee herein, together with its costs and 8,aid Coort ln 8a,d County on Rode Jay recovered a Judgment front July llth , 1929. the date of the Johnson w ifi. Jessie F S|>eer and P (' s r 8 ,a ’‘'" , -an(t Office at Roseburg. Ore disbursements In this suit, and said ’ 6 ,th day nt J"ne- 1929, and said against the defendants (Tara L. Clif­ first publication of this notice. her husband, for the sum of »1-.1»G2 K° n Any suph or objections ' execution to me directed commanding exe<;«tion to me directed commanding LAURA II. PARKER. ton and B F Clifton for the sum of ,m e the name of the Stnte of Oregon Administratrix together with Interest thereon at the T?"1 bp f,lpd ln ’hlR office within me in the name of the State of Ore- »2,600 00 together with Interest there­ rate of » IO»/, per from ,hlrty dayi’ fronl thp da,e of first 8->n, In order to satisfy said Judgment lni or’- a« «he Southwest front door described property, to-wlt: lief prayed for in snld complaint, to- ■ County, Oregon. Now therefore. In of Intention to make Final Three- p >',s and accruing costs. I will, on «he County Court house in Eugene, Lot 3 of Section 20. Township 1« wit • for a decree of this court grant- the name of the State of Oregon, io year Proof, to establish claim ‘o »he i ' ",,,rdsy. 'he 31st day of August, 1929. «-an® County, Oregon, offer for sale f^'iith Range 7 West of the W illam ette lug Io ’he plaintiff an absolute divorce compliance with the said execution - land above des-rlhed, before Hamill at tbp bo,,r defendants Clyde B. Johnson and HAMILL A. CANADAY, Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon. provided by law. all the right, title, Oregon, once a week for four sucees- ! Flora M. Johnson, his wife, Jessie F Register A 1-8-15-22-29 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION and Interest of said defendants Clara liv e weeks, said order fixing the date Speer and I’. C. Speer, her husband A 1-8-15-22 29 N flTir F n r « u r o ir r - o « » , - “ 7 ? IN THE CIRCUIT COURT GF THE L. Clifton nnd B F. Clifton, her hus- o f first publication hereof In the Issne i and all persons claiming by, through -------------- --------------- OF R IFFS SALE ON STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE hand, and nil persons claiming by. of said paper appearing on the llth or under them. In and to the said NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON mm FORECLOSURE COUNTY. through, or under them or either of day of Julv, 1929 premises. EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE CP ‘S. hereby 8 'VPn ,bat by v,r’ them In and to the said premises. CHARLES A. HARDY. H. L. BOWN, ] tue °* an execution and order of sale Inter Shate Fidelity Building and Loan Association, a Chrporation. H L. BOWN, Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence Sheriff of Lane County. Oregon Notice Is Hereby Given that by jin foreclosure Issued out of the Cir. P la’ntiff, Vs. C. K. Clendenin, and Sheriff of Lane Countv, Oregon and Postoffice address: Eugene, A 8-15-22-29 S5 virtue of an execution and order o f ' Court of Lane County, Oregon, Mina M. Clendenin, his wife; »he By FRANK B REID, Deputv. i ii ' gun. ----------------- - - - sole In foreclosure Issued » » ' e ' n ’b" 29th day of July, 1929. In a Jl 11-18 26 A 18 First Investm-. nt Company, a cor­ Jl 11-18-26 A 1-8 NOTICE OF 8HFRIFPR s i l f <-> n Circuit Court of Lane Count- Or - ! where n, on the 25th'day of July. poration, (of Cottage Grovo, Ore­ FORECLOSURE 1 gon, on the 19th day of July. 1929. ln 1929. In said Court The Pacific Sav- gon); Tom Shelton, and Ella M. .... , , , , suit wherein, on the 18th dav o f ' in*s * Loan Association, a Washing- Shelton, his wife; and H. H. Hap. .iw .?’ r " hereby given That b y |j uiy, 1909, )n said Court. The Pacific i ton Corporation, recovered Judgment ton. Defendants y„yt a".“? ’ Savings & Loan Association, a Wash ¡»SAlnst th» -Wcndants Will G. Nor- To H. H. Hopton. Defendant: he ( Ircult Court of the State j )nK(on Corporation, recovered Judg-lw’oo following described real property. Lot eight (81 In block nine (9) in Block 4 of J. I. Jones Addition to Cot­ Evenings by Appointment of July 1929 In the office of the ( lerk t0 w, . : College Hill Park Addition to Eugene, tage Grove, thence South 58 feet; of said Court and snld execution was: jj 0 Three (3) in Block N o .; Lane Countv, Oregon. thence East 212 fret: thence North 58 to me directed commanding me In Two (2), Tiff's Plat, an Addition to Now Therefore, In the name of the feet: thence West 212 feet to the place the name of the State of Oregon In Eugene, all in Lane County, State of State of Oregon, In compliance with of beginning, in Section 33, Township DR. N. W. EMERY order to satisfy snld Judgment nnd Oregon. : the said execution and order of sale. 20 South of Range 3 West of the Wil­ neerulng costs to sell the following DENTIST Now Therefore, in the name of the and in order to satisfy said judgment lamette Meridian. In laine County, described real estale, to wit: State of Oregon, in compliance with including interest, attorney’s fees, Oregon. > Sutton Bldg. Phons 2O J Not numbered Eighteen (18) In the said execution nnd order of sale, eosts and accruing costs, I will, on and that the same be foreclosed In Block Residence Phons 163-M , . . . . numbered „ , Three (3) of Hunt's an,i ,n '"'d er to sntisfy said Judgment, Saturday, the 31st day of August, the manner provided by law, and said addition to Springfield, Lane County, including interest, attorney's fees, 1929, at the hour of one o'clock in j premises sold by the Sheriff of Lane Springfield, Oregon Oregon, together with the tenements j costs nnd accruing costs, I will, on the afternoon of said day, at the County, Oregon, to satisfy plaintiff« hereditaments and appurtenances ( f^tm-dav. the 24th dav of August, Southwest front door of the said Judgment. thereto belonging or in any wise ap j 1929, «t the hour of one o'clock In County Court House in Eugene, Lane 2. That the defendants and each of 228 Main 8t. Residence 125 c St. pertaining, the afternoon of snld day. at the Í County. Oregon, offer for sale and them, and all persons claiming by, General I a w lTactlce «2 J 62 M Now Therefore In the Name of the Southwest front door of the said sell for cash, at public auction, sub through, or under them, or any of them State of Oregon, nnd In compliance I Co„ntv Court Houap tn Eugpne Lane Jcct to redemption as provided by be foreclosed and forever barred from I. M. PETERSON with snld execution nnd order of sale County, Oregon, offer for sale and law, all of the right, title and interest any right, title or interest In or to Attorney-at-Law Full Auto Equipment 1 will on Saturday the 7th day of sell for rash, at public auction, sub­ of the said defendants Will G. Nor­ said reel premises, or any part there­ September 1929. between the hours ject to redemption as provided by wood, and Zelma Norwood, his wife. of: and for such other and further City Hall Building Lady Assistant of Nine o'clock A. M. and Four. P. M law, all of the right, title and Interest Twin Oaks Lumber Company, a cor­ relief as to the Court may seem equit­ of said day, to wit at the hour of One of the said defendants Guy R. Harvey poration, The First National Rank ot Springfield, Ore. o’clock P. M offer for sale In one and Olive V. Harvey. M. P. Bonnett Junction City, a National Banking able In the premises. This summons Is published by order percel for cash nil of the defendant's. and Fdlth ,T. Bonnett, N. J. Minton Corporation, and Alsea State Bank, of tho Kon. G. F. Sktpwor’h, J'i'i.T* ot FRANK A. DE PUE Charles E. Eberle, right, title Inter­ and Effie L. Minton, and all persons an Oregon corporation, and all per­ the anovp entitled Court. est, elalm and equity In nnd to said claiming by. through or under them sons claiming by, through or under A T T O R N E Y A T LA W lands nnd premises and every part or any or either of them ln and to them or any or either of them, in and Date of first publication, Juiy 11, 1929 Date of last publication. Aug. 8, 1929. N O T A R Y P U B LIC thereof. JEW ELER the said premises. to said premises. TMMEL tk EVANS, H. L. BOWN, H. L. BOWN. H. L. BOWN, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Residence Repolrlng a Specialty Sutton 8prlngffald, Sheriff of Lane Onuntv, Oregon Sheriff of Lane County. Oregon. Sheriff of Lane County. Oregon, land Pestofflee Address. Eugene, Dr-y- Building Springfield, Oregon Orsgon Jl 26 A 1-8-15-22 J 25 A 1-8-15-22 A 1-8-15-22-29 gon. Jl 11-18 26 A 1-8 B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y Walker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors D. W . Roof