TIKTItSDAY, A r c r m OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Members of the Oregon supreme court will be on vacation during the month of August and no more opinions will be handed down until some lime In September. f T H E SPRIN G FIELD NEWS TO W N A N D V IC IN IT Y A dvises Farm Boys On Business at F la n e ry apd W \ F P o rtland - -Floyd W s lk e *. local business men left yesterday business trip to Portland plan to return tomorrow ou a T hey Articles of Incorporation have been Bebhan at R oseburg -Dr. W. C. filed In Albany for the Lacomb Berry Here From Camp Creek—T. Ross- Growers' association, which proposes Itebhan made a business trip to Rose man of Camp Cteek waa a business Returns to Washington—Afra. N. to promote the production and proc­ ! burg Bunday. visitor In Springfield yesterday. Melr left W ednesday for her home essing of berries, fruits and vegeta- M re. F is h e r H e r e -M r s Fred Fisher In From Thurston— D. Im hoff of at Granger, W ashington, after spend­ bios A processing plant will be built of Marcala waa In Springfield for Thurston was am ong the out of town ing the past four weeks In Bpring- al Lacomb by the company. The llulii'il Status comtn.rclnl air m edical treatm ent Monday. people In Springfield W ednesday. I field at the home of her daughter. ••rvl'-u baa fi’HHiul a tract of lun born on a farm in llulldlng In Eugene for the eeven visitin g with her husband, who la lace Hawke underwent a minor op­ New York State 42 years ago. One aaine ranch recenily. (W a tc h fo r T h e m ) eration Monday morning at the office months' period beginning January 1 of the moil prominent of American • mployed there. This S aturday, Devils’ Food. Loganberry picking for market la of a local physician. bankers, he it noted also for his in­ thia year and closing recently ap­ big 60c L ayer Cake for almoat flniabed In d istrict. surround terest in matters pertaining to farm proaches (he half million dollar mark, t M-' Millican Viatte— Ixtster Mllll- T h e y are Delicious In From Harrisburg— W illiam Bper- ing Dayton Evergreen blackberry life and the problem of the boy on with estim ated coat of construction • an of W altervllle waa among the len. Harrisburg resident, was among the farm picking la acheduled to begin In three I At W HITE FRONT GROCERY fixed at 1443,666, according to records up-river v isitors In 8prtngfleld on M ain , b.-tw een 4 th and 5th the business visitors In Springfield J weeka and a good crop aeerna aaaured. at l lie office of City Building Inspector Monday. Monday. M ade and Baked by Cam p C reek M an In T o w n — A lb e rt I he Bohemia Lumber company ban Rudlett. w Claudell a Have Son— A son was NEW HOME BAKERY cloaed Ita aawmlll at Divide for the Mrs. Georg» ‘ S 1"loni*' Cttn,P Creek rancher, was in M rs. H o rs fa ll H ere A new two and o n eh a lf ton fire Phone 103 405 M ill St. born Buturduy night to Mr. and Mrs H orsfall of San F rancisco Is visitin g l- ° wn on bu»lB*«» T uesday morning. niw tner becauae of lack of water with truck has been received by the forest Clarenc« Claudell at their home at which to operate. The mill probably In Springfield at the home of her service for use on the Crater National C hase Gurdens. will be cloaed down until about Octo­ father. forest. It will be kept mainly at the ber 1. Fish Lake road at the base of Mt. Grata Fir« S u n d a y -T h e local fire Cedar Flats Men in to w n —John Work began recently on the Poll- Mclotughlln. equipped with pump and departm ent was called Sunday after- nnd Albert Hart, Cedar F lats rest maa Wendt Irrigation and drainage h o s e and all modern equipment for noon to extinguish a sm all grass fire dents, were business visitors In Y 1 wall near the Wendt grnenhouae, A. fire fighting. on South Second street. The fire did Springfield W ednesday I have opened my new shop in the K epner Building M. Knulaon of llolae having movtal hl« Another new record In building per- no dam age a t 5th and B s tre e ts and am prepared to do m o to r over­ drilling equipment there wlthla the m ils for 1929 waa recorded at the W a lte r v llle M an V is its — Richard hau lin g on all m akes of cars. paat few daya. Klamath Falls city hall wheo permits H as Minor O peration—The sm all Eastm an of W altervllle spent a short Graveling the river road by the granted for the month of July showed son of Mr and Mrs. C. Burden of In Springfield on business Com e in an d g et an e s tim a te on y o u r job and y o u ’ll Wheatland ferry over the recently al • total of »333,330. With thia figure Eugene underwent a minor operation Tuesday. be surprised. tered portion, near the building« of far surpassing any month so far thia Monday morning at the office of a C reek Man H e re — John Flta- the old Furruat farm, la In progreaa. year, 1929 promises to be a banner local physician. 5th and B Streets Springfield gerald, Fall Creek rancher, was Hkortage of team« baa greatly hin­ 1 year In Klamath Falla. dered the work. B eck From Loa A ngeles— Mike am ong the business visitors In th is i 1 Two tourists, man and wife, names Leather and daughter, Sadia, return- H ty yesterday, The petition of the Portland Uaa A | unknown, were held prisoners for six ed Saturday even in g from Los An­ hours recently by the darkness of Coka company for a franchise to lay In From W altervllle— Mrs. W allace g eles. where they had been visitin g gas malna on roads, highways and Lava river cave, on The Dalles-OsB- Hlleman o f W altervllle was a bust sin ce May. fornla highway 11 miles south of Bend. alleys west of tba WlUamette merid­ n ess visitor In Springfield W ednes­ ian In Marlon county waa rejected by , The tourists were stranded one mile H o lverson a on C am ping T r ip — Mn day morning. from the entrance to the cave when the Marlon county court. and Mrs. Pratt H olverson and fam ily their flashlight failed.' W a lte r v llle Man V isits— Richard At a meeting of the D eschutes Coun- ; left Monday morning fo a two w eoks’ To combat the alfalfa w eevil, dis­ cam ping trip on the Upper W illam ­ E aston, W altervllle rancher, was ty Dairymen's association held at Red­ b usiness visitor In Springfield Mon­ mond recently, It waa voted that rattle covered In Jackson county, a large ette river. day morning. leele be compulsory for the 192# Dee- consignment of Ichnnion files w ill be Go to N ew port— Mr. and Mr«. cbntv« county fair. Only heap by herds Imported by the state horticultural Thurston Man In Town—George board from Balt Lake city. The tchu- Donald Miller and Mrs Ben Skinner can be displayed at the fair. mon fly 1« parasitic and is propagated spent the wee sum m er here aaeatha, according to a statem ent pre­ gu ests last week-end Mr. and Mrs for »14,140 for the completed building the hon,,‘ o t her mother. Mrs CANNING PEACHES— ELBERTAS, $1J5 BOX pared by Mark McCallister, state cor­ exclusive of electric wiring and fix­ Oorrle, 8r„ w ill return tom orrow to Alb'‘M S h |ck'rnu»n »nd daughter, poration commissioner. Mrs. Shtcker- tures. The structure will be of tile their hom e a t W estlm ber, W ashing- BdBa' ot The The Sunset Trail pageant celebra. with stucco finish on the outside and ton. *• * »later of Mrs. Williams. Phone W. A. TAYLOR Phone ttoa la Eugene recently waa a, /laan gravel roof, with hardwood Door, to O n V a e a tls n T r i p - J o e G e rb e r o f * Chll4,r* " H « *e T o n «lle O ut— Wve- clal aucceaa and receipts will total no be completed by October 1. Bpringfleld and Rolland Tolerton o f 1 tyn' JeTry and N’ornxan- the three less than S30.000. according to Uvgh With a 60 per cent , fruit yield In Monroe are sprnding thia week-end children of Mr. and Mrs. Joe M srtir- Roason, pageant manager. Eugene view. Rogue river valley pear growers on a trip through Eastern Oregon, i aen of W estfir had the.'r t o t n ls re­ tmataesa men underwrote the affair are tellin g their crops at a price o f T h ey went by way o f Ashland and moved yesterday mornlug at the and It la now eatlmatad they they will approximately »80 a ton to buyers who K lam ath Falla, and will return by office of a local physician. have to pay nothing on their pledges. are swarming over that territory doe- The Sunset stage overturned near in* contracts. Buyers report the val­ Way o f Bend end the McKenzie high ­ Em ployee« on Vacation— Miss Lulu ' Grants Paaa at Merlin hill recently, ley fruit In excellent condition for way. M cPherson, Jack Henderer, and Mr due to the lights going out. Twelve canning purposes and within a few A vltta at Jefferson — Mr. and Mra. Wade, all tm p loyees of the Mountain persona, moat of whom were asleep daya the movement la expected to at­ John A viti and son Junior spent Sun­ S tates Power com pany, are taking at the time, were treated for minor tain top speed. Their day at Jefferson visitin g at the home their vacations this week. Injurlea. The driver, George Helms, work is being carried on by the Cherry grower» In Grande Ronde of Mrs. A vltt's brother-in-law, Mr. and ilia m e tte S t.. E ugene, tire to n baa driven alnce 1912 and waa praised valley are harvesting the finest crop Mrs. D. M. Goln. Mr. Avltt returned other m em bers o f the company staff. by the travelers for his coolness and of cherries they have had in years. to Springfield Sunday night, but Mrs. Has T on sils Removed— Molly Chase care. There la an army at work picking and A vltt nnd Junior will remain in J ef­ the sm all daughter of Mr. and Mrs. all the packing houses are running al ferson the rem ainder o f the week. TH E M ARKETS C larence Chase of Chase Gardens, capacity. With an output of about Portland unt’erw ent an operation for the re­ Medford Man V isitin g— A. L. N ew ­ W heat—Big Bend blueatem, »1.40; five cars dally. Union, La Grande and ton sils W ednesday man of Medford is v isitin g for a few m oval of her — --------- ” " soft white, western white. »1.36; hard Cove are all busy. The yield In thia days in Springfield at the home of niorni,,F a* *he office of a local winter, northern spring, western red, valley will be around 80 cars and will *■- - ■ -- - H. Turner. _ Mr. New physician. Mr. and Mrs. G. bring about »300,000. »1 31. man Is a brother-in-law of Mrs. Tur­ Hay — Alfalfa, »18018.50 per ton; V isiting at Oakridge— Mrs. Ella Excitem ent of the gold discovery valley timothy, new, $ 19f«i> 19.50; east­ on Mule creek, a tributary of Rogue ner and (he father of the M isses Irene W alker left Tuesday for Oakridge ern Oreghn timothy, new »20.50021; river, about 45 miles from the Ben, has nnd Zoe Newnian who have been where she will visit at the hom es o f clover, new, fl,r>; outs, »16; oats and grown to alm ost a stam pede and pros- visitin g here for several w eeks. her sons, Earl and W ill Walker, who vetch, »15015.50. Mrs. Vectors nnd fortune hunters are trick­ At E lite H o t : l— Mr. and Mrs. A. are ranchers in that vicinity. Bulterfat 44047c. ling In from three directions; coming C urrent of Spokane. W ashington. Mr. W alker will be gone from Spring- Eggs Ranch. 30 0 3 6 c. up the river from the w est; trailing and Mrs. George Willis and fam ily of field several w eeks. C allie Steers, good, »12012.25. south through the forests from Pow 19n"nn,l. M P. nrnell. M. M. Thomas J H .ne From B erk eley -M r. and Mrs | Ilogs -Good to choice, »11.60013. ers, a two-day trip, and leaving from ii n ' !al,ns Wheat Soft white, western white, of whlto pine blister eradication In e ,d” a "n " X I#9‘ , Murphy. Mr and Mrs. Osborne were »1 35; hard winter, western red, norlh Oregon, nnd M. C. Riley, Spokane, te . te hotel. , ,,nroute to S eattle to attend the i ern spring, »1.32; Big Bend blueatem, connected with the United States bu »1.40. Adams Back From T rip — Mr. and international convention of the Chris reau of plant Industry, are Inspecting tian church there this week. Eggs ltunch, 26037c. the Snntlam forest relative to the Mrs. Marion Adams and son returned ir ‘r H? 2 y “ tw o'w eek "'i Major Van V alz.h C om in g-M ajor Bulterfat—47c. white pine blister rust there. Caltlo - Choice steers, »10.50 011.50 The new electric sawmill of the ¡ ¡ « ‘far sotoh C q " fOn ' a' The>’ WPnt and Mra s L- Van Valzah of Denver, Ilo g s- Prime light, »13.60 0 1 3 65. Gleason Lumber company was put In as far s, nth as San Bernardino, where j Colorado, are expected to arrive In Lambs Choice, »11012.50. Wlt“ Mr and » P '” ” «*'"’ or tom orrow to , operation for the first time last week. Mrs' H A c " " Spokane The completion of (his plant and Ra , ' er f”>r",sfleM "rend their vacation with Major Van 4 M Cattle—Steers, good, 9.76010.60. operation will make a welcome addi­ resid en t, who are now living there. Va,xah's m other, Mrs. A. B. Van Val- H ogs Prime light, »13.50013.66. tion to the Sw eet Home payroll, as It m lston ThnTs, ThUr‘ t0 " - J ',hn Ed' « h . Major Van Valzah Is a surgeon Lam be—C hoke, »10.60011. m l. on Thurston rancher, was a j connected with the sta ff of the Fltz-| will probnhly employ nbout 30 men. , " r <" Springfield Monday m o rn -' slm m on . General A rm y hospital Principal Events of the Week Assembled for Information of Our Readers. Another Saturday Special a 4i-Uc Announcement F. 0. SPENCER Our S pecialty £ Q Q W h a t V e g e ta b le s T o d a y ? a 9-WHITE FRONT GBOCERY-9 J. C. PENNEY c © We Welcome the Customer W ho Is uJust Looking ” We welcome the customer who is “just look­ ing.” Her desire to compare prices and values evidences a sensible appreciation of thrift. Such a customer will be sure to notice the ex­ cellent quality of our merchandise, and under­ stand the saving that our Low Prices represent. Don’t be afraid to drop in, at a J. C. Penney Store at any time. People who are “just looking” are always more than welcome. i Denver. flt I I