ì °ACE FOUR IRRIGATION TOUR IN LANE COUNTY FRIDAY THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSTON THUHSHAV, AUGUST K. I »2-» Kansas Farmer anJ ftij IQQ% Wheat Farm “A SINGLE MAN” dian», killed grisallas and made love to eager señoritas with tquhl en SHOWS LIVELY TIME AT COLONIAL THEATRE thusigsm, are broughl Io the niotloif Mrs. George has sold her home Sykietns used In irrigating various truck crops nrlll be observed and place here io Mr Wrigley horn Cull picture screen In Paramount’s gor L i- . I ti- ’’è Hong. studied on the fourth annual supple- fornia. This place has a walnut IISIHIIlip Kg, Cocktails, swimming parties UIKI and ” genus love thriller, “Wolf W mental irrigation tour to be con­ orchard .alao a cherry- orchard. .»II virletles of the great Amerlcun w ,ll,h comes Io the Colonial Thealra There was a school meeting at the ducted the afternoon of Friday, Aug­ pastime, "making whoopee,'* are on •»»»!>. ust S, by the Lane County horticul­ grade school house Iasi Monday af­ i lap lu the film version of "A Blugle Fraternity row in Los Angelas ha I tural society cooperating with the ternoon. when they voted a budget Man,” adapted from thie famous "" •«•‘•'■esllug week end when Alice county- agent. A number of different kto run the school for the coming ■lag., hit in which John Drew once " b ile and her First National com types of pumps and distribution year. ¡»larri-u. puny moved there on location »•» Miss Florence Plait, whose home lu tills new M e ir o d o ld w y n M ayer ""’b'' ««me outside servies fo r “ H oi system s will be seen on the tour and •rill be discussed by the owners and is in California, visited relatives ____ Theu'r _____ • ___ f a ti re nt the Colonial on Stuff.” Hils collegiale picture, hailed by Prof. W. L. Powers, head of the j i here the first of the week today and P rill ay, an a co starting ,,n ,h* "lory by Hubert H Carr, Mr and Mrs Bown and children soils department of the Oregon Agri­ v e lia te for Lew C u ly and Alleen nam ed "T h e B lu ffe rs " rom es Monday from Astoria, motored down last cultural College I i'lngle, it woeli'-* si em that party i only to the Colonial Theatre. The schedule for the tour as au. thiturday night to visit Mr ¿»nd Mrs "S y n th e tic S in ," te m i rdid us the < «parts acted ss -e< hiilcul adv-iors luring the rilin'««. Bounced by O. S. Pletcher, county A. W. Weaver. Mr. Bown returned inosi entertaining su l m elting T h r ill Scenes In “ T h e Cop” •gent, together with notes on items of Sunday but Mrs Mown and children < onicdv driini-t in whlih Coleen pure wheat field L a p t s d » e t a *ico?d f " h** m 'd « ° f h‘* ,00% interest at each place, is as follows: 1 remained for a visit of a week or so. The t.psettlng anil dynamiting of h i M, r< has eve- appeared, lias baeu raises his wheat exclusively lor ¿ ¿ i o ,he pa" hve 1:30, Henry Holcomb farm north I The State has secured a gravel bed „ tariuers both here and abroad, 4l'd h‘* ,r e « « rk a te d tc armored bank car Juruishes one oooked Hl 'll • Ci loll III I i ' e i . l i l e fo r end of Coburg bridge. Pour-inch from George Platt to gravel the new of the most Ihr'lllng scenes in Tuesday and (Wednesday. highway. They are now Parma water lifter using eight-inch McKeoxle I P itlv a spectacular feature of New "SIMBA” PICTURE MADE MR. AND MRS. BAILEY distribution pipe. Irrigating 18 acres moving the rock crusher to Mr. V is itin g at K la m a th Mrs Chester REALISTIC OF JUNGLE BY peppermint and 10 acres cannery- Platt's place. Chase and children of Chase Garden, HONORED AT PARTY Miss Angla Hawkley received the beans. left Saturday for Klamath Falls, WONDERFUL DEVICE 8L ALUMNI OF SCHOOL ( news of the death of her father, who where they will visit for a lime with 3:00. Sam Bartholomew farm on [ lived in California, last Friday. When "SIMBA" comes to the her parents, Mr and Mrs Griffith Bartholomew market road, about 3 A group of the alumni of the Mrs. Lulu Buht visited Miss Maude McDonald Theatre today, local pat­ Springfield residents miles northeast of Springfield. Elec­ Springfield high school of the years trically operated pump with Skinner Edmiaton last Friday. She left for rons will hear for the first time a 1915 and 1916 gathered Suturday Purchase» Registered Sheep Pre. I Alaska Monday. They formerly were marvelous sound picture device uam system on various truck crops Wallace. Jasper rancher. |Nisse>| ed the "Dulceione.” The svnchroi.li«. night at the Eugene-Sprlngfisld auto school teacher« together. 3:45. S. G. Moshier farm adjoining camp to honftr K“V Rev * and Walter U,d Mrs. Mr" W ,l,er through Springfield Wednesday with Mrs. and ' children tlon and (he talks by Marlin Johnson o n Bam Bartholom ew, place. Three-Inch i " 2 , Veneta ' ene'’ Weaver WeaV*r *nd are said to be remarkable The lU “y of 8 l’r,n*n *M. Massachusetts, 10 head of raciatered Lincoln sheep centrifugal pump operated by gaso- “ Aln” who are visiting friends and relatives which he purchased al Albany. Mr, sound pictures have taken the coun Frank Cramptonn and family from line engine. Canvas hose distribution Rev. Bailey graduated from Wallace plans on stacking his ranch try by storm and “SIMBA" is the here. ,h Sisters spent Tuesday and Wednes system Cannery beets and carrots. local high school in 1916 and with the Lincolns. 1 day at A. W. Weaver's last week on first traveling road show to use It Mrs. Bailey, formerly Winona Platt, 6:00. Dr. O. R. Gullion garden The film record of the Martin their way to Dexter where they have north of millrace at east city limits rented a place. Johnson expedition in Africa Is an finished in 1916 The evening was spent In talking Of Eugene. Skinner system with amusing and Instructive film. The Both or the Thurston thresher ma­ Johnsons have a flair for showman over old limes. A group of old high automatic oscillator. Overhead pipes The smaller ship which makes the Instructive ’,rh“° l annu“1" criuted a great deal supported by wires and moved on chines are running. n a l n t e . - and an,‘ »""»«’'«nent. Norton trolleys. Water from direct connec. machine started at Homer I uetteplace part of f the performance painless Pangra, one time yell leader of the tlon with city system. Cannery farm last Friday. Bert Mathew's la enjoyable. running it. The larger machine beans and beets. With Martin behind the camera and high school, led in the singing of u The county agent states that all started at Dan Baugh s last Saturday. Osa behind the gun the thrills are 1 number of the high school songs A marshmallow and wqlner roast con plentiful. people interested in supplemental ! William Barnett is managing it. eluded the evening irrigation systems are invited to take Every Imaginable kind of wild Among the honor guests present REV. PIKE TO PREACH part In the tour. animal is pictured. The xebras. os- at the and Mrs. W W ». » party were Mr. “nd AT UNION SERVICES t ches. antelope., a ry ,. the leaping L Impalla and the parade of elephants i , £ a ’’ T ™ ‘ " d “ nd M rs ALDRICH RESIGNS AS , £ °y °f Mr« »-lunk. “The Church and Its Message For and giraffes perform bravelv before MASTER OF TROOP 11 Today" will be the subject of Rev. the camera. - formerly Nora Sorensen, was the . ' ‘»tn m ,.vlal teacher on the faculty Boy L. Dunn at the morning service Chester Aldrich, scoutmaster of Another feature of the perform of the Springfield high school In Sunday at 11 o'clock at the Spring Springfield Troop 11, has tendered his field Christian church. Miss Ruth ance Is the beautiful colored lllustra 1915-16. Dr McCoy and Mrs McCov resignation to the committee of the Helms will sing as a special number t on of me 'Song of Ute Buf.r'," j then Ix-na Newton, also taught here' Lions club, sponsors of his troop. Mr sung on the “Dulcetone” bv Prank « u „ y *T.ink Alumni Who were present ut the “Sometimes." Bible school will be Marfin ♦ho * Aldrich stated that he has too many Martin, the famous Brunswick re- party included Mr and Mrs Winfred held at the church at 9;30 as usual cording artist. other duties to give the proper atten­ May, Mr and Mrs. Clarence Chase. Union services of the three local tion to the scout roop. He had served _______ Mr- “n,l Mrs. Frank Crawford. Mr churches will be held In the Metho­ as he scout master for Troop 11 for and Mrs Royal Collins. Mr and Mrs dist church Sunday evening. Rev. C. two year8. His resignation will t a k e ,,. pa.slur or Wilfred Cook, and Mr. and Mrs M RS. M A R T IN JO H N S O N J. Pike, pastor of the church, will e l 2 i L a8 A8 8 8Ucce“ or can »» deliver the sermon, Howard Colton, all of Eugene; Mrs York life, "The Cop.” In which elected. The Lions club scout com-1 Doris BJoraet. Mrs Margaret Harms, Hum Boyd plays titla rob Mrs. Jean Norton, and Mrs. Waller otl.» • 'a the g ir.flaht on n H ,^ " r Woodward, of Cottage Grove; and -lv> r nruwbrldgo where ll.i Norton Pengra. Mr. and Mrs William Rorit-nboogh. Mr and Mrs. Walter Gossler, Mr. and Mrs John llender »•r. Mr and Mrs Neil Pollard, Miss P .laces Travis, M I hs , Emma Jean Travis, Miss Grace Male, and Mrs. Fern Rlehaidaon of Springfield. Better Bread at Your Grocers || * UPPER W ILLA M E TTE Mrs. Louis Circle's mother and two brothers of Florence, Oregon spent last week at the Circle home having come for the Sunset Trail celebration. Mrs. Darling Hall of Corvallis Is visiting at the home of Mira Dilley at Coast Fork. The young people gave a party In her honor Wednesday night, August 7. E. B. Tucker has been confined to his couch the past five days with an Infected foot. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Phelps and two children, Robert and. Evelyn, motored to Cottage Grove Sunday, August 4, to visit John Palmer and family, former residents of Enterprise district. The Etigen Girl Scouts are picnic Ing at the Itflly Resort, Riverside Park. WASHES, CARRIES COAL, WOMAN CAINS 18 POUNDS "I wash, Iron and carry coal and don't get tired since Inking Vlnol. I Also, I have gained 18 pounds."— Mrs. 8. Cortesse. 1 Vlnol Is a delicious compound of ene LEW CODY and AILEEN PRINGLE in "A SINGLE MAN” A lAUffhlng farce of a man of 40 year« who Htaitcwi to be young again. O UR GANG C O M ED Y PATHE NEW S SATURDAY ONLY Special M atin ee fo r C h ild ren WILLIAM BOYD in “THE COP” A thrilling Htory of -lie Inside life of a policeman Com edy— F O X ' S P O O K S SUNDAY A PATHE ONLY MONDAY GARY COOPER in “THE WOLF SONG' picture you will remem her. Com edy - long) K IN O G R A M S , NEW S ONLY ALICE WHITE in “HOT STUFF” Allen is loose again. Ih’M't ml.-’H thia one Comedy - K IN O G R A M s I T U E S D A Y and W E D N E S D A Y COLLtEN MOORE in “SYNTHETIC SIN" Charming Colleen tries to get a Job us an actress in a big city. You'll laugh at this one. C o m ^ n ^ J^ g ^ 0 P L A C E 8 '" K IN O G R A M S THE COOLEST SPOT IN i ALL EUGENE