PAGE TWO THURSDAY, AUGUST 8. 1»2H THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ItsBliaked B rary Tkurwuay at Springfield, Lana County, Oregon, by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H . E. M A X E Y . Editor. Bntervd m second class w a ite r , F eb ru a ry 34, 1DU3 at th . postonica, Springfield. Oregon L E T 'EM SAY YOU'RE CRAZY COUNTY FAIR OPENS WIIAOOA YOU CARE? AT EUGENE GROUNDS "S ince 1902," w rites Dwight C. Rose, savings WEDNESDAY, AUG. 21 { hanks ami insurance com panies have in the ag- IT iiiim are In full awing (or the big I g reg ate probably suffered g re a te r loss th ro u g h i unsuccessful speculation on the trend of interest lam e county fair, scheduled for the rate s Ilian th ro u g h any oilier form of investm ent fairgrounds at Eugene August 31. 33, I or speculation.” In o th er w ords th e financial 33 and 34. which prom ises Io edlpao w ise-acres were 100 per cent off th eir trolleys all previous falra held In the county With the buildings and pavilions tw enty-seven years ago. Every fifteen years or so som e new scientific tru th appears and upsets half of th e accepted THURSDAY. AUGUST S. 1939 scientific tru th s, which drives the scientists cuckoo and gets their g o ats besides. And ever mckenzie in bad condition so often som ebody discovers th a t for tw o c e n ­ The beautiful .McKenzie is a sm all asset to tu ries school-teaching has m ade less progress L ane county this year from the shape the road th an tobacco-chew ing, and th e achoolniarnis go is in. T he highw ay is in the poorest condition **ld when you rem ind them o f it. it h a s been for y ears and tew to u rists are stop- h jll8t 8eemg th a , everybody’s m ore or less ping along the banks of the river. ’1 Tie lo w e r' half-cracked, im m ature, unbalanced, provincial, highw ay is very rough while tne dust on t h e ! one-sided, stupid, stolid, hum drum , prosy, flat upper ingnw av com pletely sh u ts o n a d riv e rs and stale, heavy in th e head. We all laughed out Vision every tim e he is passed by a n o th e r c a r .1 ¡"Ud, a ‘ ,h e °!d T b o rn e and f 1i,nplcx ty pesetting , 3 i m achines, and in tu rn a t the linotvpe and niono- I h i s condition and the bad places to go turougn type. We all used to give advertising th e ha-ha. at points oi c o n stru ctio n reduces the recreation- (W e were so durned sm art ourselves.) T hink of alau v am ag es oi the river to r alm ost nothing. i pulling a carriage w ithout a h o rse h a -h a ! T hink of a flying m achine— hee-hee! It is evident th a t if the McKenzie is going to bold its own th e road m ust be oiled com 8til1 crazy. from both Inside and outalde the com pletely pletely Il? aO| * hken 8on‘ebody t,e118 118 . , , , F ■ *ets be broadm inded. Let s answ er. “ Well, von county. The Waldo Hill stock farm over the sum m it and kept in first class coudi- v an 's hurt our feelings.— Spinal Colum ns. at Silverton has entered a flock of tiou. This is one of th e chief revenue produem g • • sheep In the sheep exhibits. Mr Sw ango has asked that Lane livestocg counties for the s ta te license tees. \ \ e snouiu HEALTH SUGGESTIONS FOR AUTOMOBILE TO U RISTS n,en make (heir plans early for en- dem and oi the s ta te better m ain ten an ce for im -i , „ „ . . . tries und make reservations of stalls McKenzie highw ay. (By O regon S ta te Board of H ealth.) a„ aoon BH ..... To speak of disease when planning a to u rin g T he Four-H d u b children win vacation, th e United S ta te s I*nblic H ealth Ser- Hgaln ho|d th.-i, big »how .,t .h e fab W ithout a dented can or dam aged label 2400 vice points out, m ay seem tac tle ss; but we all Usi„g th. attractive new buildings Thl. (.h|,d ren « can s oi H aw aiian pineapple w ere smppvu iro iu know the d an g er to health from im pure w ater pu, up ,ast H onolulu to e m c a g o in iigut wooucu Boxes. Many tourist cam ps a re so located th a t they m ay events have proved to be on . of the C hecks w ere m ade oi the sm pm ent m ro u te ai have w ater from the public supply. T h a t is for- nwa, „„ractlvc feature» of it... fair, A horg,. rat.,ng program which pro- various term inals to see u m e new Doxes were tu n ate . O thers m ust develop th eir ow n supplies stau u m g up to th e u aru useage, especially in b e ­ from such Bourses as wells and springs. In doing „uses real thrills tor those who like ing um oauea trom shipboaru. o u ic ia is ot m e th.1,8’ the.r‘‘ anS e? the Possibility of unsafe w a te r these c o n t .s l. is being arrang.d tor c a rrie rs praise the wooueu box. \> e m m is w oou unless the developm ent work is done in accord each afternoon of the fair, with Chet co u n try snouid also praise m e wooueu Dox aim W,t 1 acceP,e d san itary principles if th e tourist tkinlels as manager and J K Greer re tra in Hom using wood sub stitu tes. t tu a t »-« c a ,“ p has been Inspected by a _ governm ental as starter* Many of the best racers m ake m akes Oregon and m aterially a ffects ou r a Ke,1<-'J antl approved and certified, the safety of on the coast will make the circuit the w ater supply can be assu m ed ; but if it has which Include» the Lane fair, und this individual to rtu u es. not. we should know tth e ou tw ard signs of a year'» program should more than properlyd eveloped supply for which to look. equal the races at lust year's fair, X . . —— — W . A . I I V i ll * 1 .1 1 1 0 T he com m unity wmm eatabllshed about a year before (be lumber company higiin Io operate there Saglliaw 1« an Ophwu Indian word meaning Sauk place, referring lo I tie Sank or Sac Indiana Saginaw (eiaI office was ••» tahllabed March 4, 189k. w ..o laittni W eaver ns firs! poet m aster ! J i A tta n d ln g Cburch Convention Mra. Ikilhia Murpby, ber alatera-lu law. thè Miasea lincei and Irrudel packed with Interesting aftrlciillurul Murpby, and ber pannila . Mi and and Industrial exhibits, the barns Mia II T M llcbell of Asbland are filled with livestock and poultry, anil In Si a lile Ihla week attendine thè In big afternoon and even in g programs i (erm iiloiuil convention of tha Chris going ou before the grundstond, the ! Gali cburch Itelegales troni alt fair prom ises four big days for Spring JA SPER T he c o m p ile r baa I mo n parta of Ibe Unitisi S tates and Canada field people who attend lam e county's *tin «urcuMaful In his «(forte in a«cun u ri' m eeting Ihere tu d lscilss Ibe proti »how i the origin of the name of this place icuis of ib e cburch. Already space Is nearly gone In lb«' ALVADORE Alvadore is a town agricultural building and In the main alMiiit 1(1 mill's northw est of ISugene. F ire at W e a l S p rin g fie ld pavilion at i he fair, and a great varl located mi u branch lino of (the The roof of Ira Young's home In ety of exhibit« Is indicated In the Ikiuthern Pacific. Il was named for entries. Com m unities nml farm or Alvadore W elch, a public utility p r o W est Springfield was destroyed by ganlzatlons throughout the county Rioter of Portland, who built lb> fire late Saturday afternoon. The are busy on produce and com m unity Portland, Eugene and Kaeh-rn rail blaae wus auppnaed to have originated from a d efective flue. T he local fire displays, and the fair will mirror the way through the comm unity Tin departm ent responded to the call and agricultural prosperity of the county. railway was aubaequently acquired by succeeded III saving Ibe boose, using C. B. Swango hus beep placed In the Southern Pacific. i benih alH mol u garden hose. The loss charge of the livestock show at the GOSHEN The com piler «loes not wus fully roveri«! by Insurance fair and Is receiving many entries, MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE i year In Advance-------81.15 Three Months Montha ..„.......... ......... it l>0 Single Copy . * of Cottage Grove Mr. Sm ith waa In know wbo nullied thè town ut Oc In bihllcal geogrsphy (ioshen strum«situi tu «»curing the post offlc«' , alien «ml nMined II for Mrs Walker. The! wus a paMloral regimi In Inwer Egypt. post office at Walker wus dim on ■Kciipled unii colonlted by thè Israel Ile» liefere thè Kxodus. Il was altuat lliioed about 1.1*35 S A G IN A W T h is pince wus named «si east of thè della and w«s1 "t“ »' troupe a p p a re n t backw ard child som etim es is ¿ "¿ ¡g ro u n d to th e w ater-b earin g s tra ta , or at least ,,f i***’’' 0«'"1**™- irupeze artist«; ai sm a rte st. to th e first layer of solid rock. To th e top of th e NuU,e- d o w n , if. different casing the pum p m ay be a tta c h e d ; and about BCt,; Manuel Madu». spectacular * * * th te casing and under th e pum p th ere m ay be wlre w alker- “"d a «reat firework» A pound of ground barley is equal to a pound ,b uilt ,a w a te r*d &ht sloping platform . If, in your dem onstration arranged by the Hitt Of shelled corn as a dairy or hog feed, according ^rav e*8■ y ° u a re not sure of th e q u ality of th e Firework» com pany of S eattle, are other feature«. to experts of the s s ta ricu u ltu ta te te a ag g ric ltu ral ra l college college. ^ r 'n k in g w ater boil it before using. A fter boil­ In addition, the Browning am use­ ing. it will probably have a flat taste . T his m ay B arley is one of th e easiest crops grow n in ment com pany will have thriller» and be rem edied by pouring the w ater from one ves- W estern Oregon., while corn does no t. alw ays -eh. A * million bushels of barley wv're T* l ° a n o ^h er a »um ber o f tim es, which proce- am usem ents on the ground, making tu rn out well. a r«-al carnival event for the big fulr. grow n in W estern O regon last year. W ay n o t d u r e p e r in i t s t h e w ate r to a e ra te itself, T he Odd F ellow s band of Eugene will m ore barley irom Oregon and less corn irom m e ! a11 the ca m P facilities, the to u rist will pro- furnish m usic for both afternoons middle west as a feed ration, Mr. F a rm e r? bably ap preciate n o thing m ore th an a clean, saf und evenings. and sa n ita ry m ethod of sew age disposal. Flush T his year, a loud speaker n system y n i v i i i Is * * * toilets connected to a sew erage system of a city being imifalled at ih«1 fairgrounds, T he fact th a t P resident H oover’s an cesto rs provide th^ be8t a rra n g e m e n t of all; but, if this through which enter!, tainnu uts .uni an I I cam e trom Sw itzerland m ay explain wny he is ! 1S 1,nP°KS!b,e. tb e y m ay w ith satisfactio n be (. in­ nounrem ents will he broadcast holding down on the navy bunding program , nected to a septic tan k . Chem ical closets arc ac- throughout the grounds. Sw itzerland has gotten along all these y e a is ceptable if 8,ven tb e necessary care and a tte n tio n . A w ell-planned to u rist cam p will have th e s u r­ w ithout a navy. face co n tain ers for receiving g a rb a g e ; a tte n d a n t service for rem oving and cleaning th e g a rb a '” O cean-going vessels are now crossing the c an s; and the necessary m eans for its ultim at ________ CRESW ELL—C resw ell post office A _________________ tlantic in four days and a _____ half. P erh ap s pros- di8P°8al such as an in cin e ra to r or nearby buria pects of a ir com petition is causing the builders ground. C areful a tte n tio n should be given to th e •A.'» established March 4. 1876 The to design faste r crafts. ! source of tb e »rtlk supply, particu larly if th ere place wan named by Ben Holloday , a re children in th e party. A sw im m ing place for John A. J. Creswell, postm aster • • • I should be selected w ith care also, in o rd er to general from 1869-74. C resw ell has avoid th e use of rivers carry in g sejyage wage from an elevation of 645 feet and is on the T he buyer w ho goes to g rea t pains to purchase i ' com m unities located upstream from tne cam p. main line of the Southern Pacific in the lowest m ark et is usually the one who gets E ducational m easu res are th e only m eans of company and the P acific highw ay. beaten. i reaching th e hundreds of th ousands, o r m illions, C resw ell Butte, about a m ile to the • • • rath e r, who an n u ally s ta r t out on a trip in th e ir j ^ utht' h„ ; an «ie vation of 982 feet, rr s / q i » j cars. H ealth officials a re endeavoring to j ohn a . J. C resw ell was born in S T n r 18 ° f Sw188 ex[ra c t,o n ' d e c e n t help the to u rist keep them selves free from sick- MarylaIxJ lD 18ig and Herved as aM v , of a f a m ily of linen w eavers who cam e to this I ness, thereby m aking possible the fullest enjoy- 8. rep resen tative and as senator be­ co u n try in 1740. T heir nam es were once H uber, m ent of a trip of this kind. fore joining the cabinet. In 1874 he Imagine a Picnic without Ice Cream T h a t's hard to do in tills day mid nge. F^ggimunn's deli­ cious ice cream m akes a success out of any picnic. A liberal helping o f o u r pur»» w holesom e ice cream surely is appreciated these hot days by people out in the open. O ur candy too. is a sph'iidid tre a t for you on your vacation. T ake along u box and you'll enjoy yourself. Candy not only keeps you in good spirits but peps you up to do th e m any things you wish to do on your trip. F G G IM A N N ’S "W here the Service Is Different" k Z in Histo/y of Local Names PINKY DINKY By Terry Cilkison was appointed counsel of the U nlttd S tates in the Alabama Claims matter and served unt.« 1876. He died In 1891. Creswell station was named by Holloday several years before the post office was established. WALKER-—Walker post office was established In 1890. Francis Smith, first postm aster, had com e from Crawford County, Iowa, to seek a w estern horn« and open a sm all mer­ can tile business. He secured proper­ ty from Mrs. J. F. Walker, a pioneer resident of the neighborhood north Let Us Tell You All About It E w a n t to tell you ab o u t R est-H aven M em orial P a rk —all a b o u t it. We w ant to explain to you ju st w hat th is Hplendtd and gr»»atly needed develop­ m ent m ean« to th e com m unity—and to you a s an Individual citizen. We w ant to lay before you th e com plete plans of the u n d er­ taking, and to give you th e nam es of the m en w hose vision and w hose practical good sense have m ade possible the launching of this enterprise. W We w ant to give you th e nam es, also, of the m en and wom en who a re already co -o p erat­ ing in this developm ent. No doubt you'll find th e n am e of a n eighbor or a friend am ong them . And we w an t to tell you ju st what it m eans to p a rticip a te in this w orthy project, and w hy fh»'se good people consider them selves fo rtu n a te . All th a t we ask is th e privilege of talking to you. W on't you g ra n t us th a t opportunity? J u s t call 830, o r drop us a card. A rep re­ se n ta tiv e will call upon you a t your con­ venience. Our smart styles do not detract from one’s appearance —T hey of­ ten add to it. DR E C MEADE O P T O M E T R IZ T 14- W E Z T B TH A V E R est-H a ven MEMORIAL PARK