THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Try the Home Print Shop Firat HPRINGEIRLIJ. LANE COUNTY, OKI9GON- THURSDAY, AUGUST 8. 192Í» T W E N T Y -S IX T H YEA H , SCHOOL BIST. OWE H Local School Board Reduces W arran t Indebtedness by $8,. 962.69; Expenditures $2,785.74 Lees Than Estim ate; Reve­ nue $1,812.65 More. The flnaiicbil report of Ihe Spring- T'rhl acliool district for the year «nil itiR June 30, 1929 was leaned at the l.oaril meeting Monday night by W II ham <1 Hushes, district clerk The r. port shows the financial condition of the district •<> he excellent, lie cording to Dr. W II Pollard, actins < hah man of the hoard The most outstanding fact »hows by the report Is the reducing of the warrant tndehtedtie*» July I. lit **• the warrant Indebtedness of district Ik was |17,7»7.39 By June of this year the Indebtedness had been re Oticed to »K.M2«9. « redaction Of (8,|84 70 The fact that the district ' board stand won taalda the bodgtrt ed expenditures and at the same time recared more revenue than was expected contributed materially to the reduction of the Indebtedness The estimated expend iures for the y,ar were »47,*!»> 72. and Ihe actual expenditures »45.113.98. a saving of »2,786 74 The estimated revenue was »51.699 72. and the revenue re­ ceived »53,512.28. a difference of »1.812.50 The expenditures of the school board during tho year Included the following; For general control »461 65, Instruction »32.716 12. opera- • ,,n of plant »4,704 74. Maintenance n<-inie-r of the Obsidian from two to five Inches In length A new breed o ( chicken minus wing* Known in England at the "fight­ than four months. A. C. Mathews, tiih and an experienced mountain came from the McKenzie trout hatch- and toe nail» it the evolution o f D r Engene contractor, who was origin- ing parson,” the Rev A. B. C Rob­ climber They drove to Frog Camp eryy and wer planted hire as part of R T Renwsld ol O m aha D r Ken- inson, Vicar of Potter» Bar, »par» i ally granted the contract for con- wald »ay» th i* change w ill rvvolution- from Hprlngfleld Saturday afternoon the state game commissions* policy with lightweights now and then I structing the fill, started this morning lie Ihe poultry indu»lry H e bebevea and remained there for the night, of bringing the fish to the fisherman just to o keep in trim. ke to move the dirt with which the flit thicken» originally were fi»h. The climbers left camp at 5:30 Sun- , The fish were hauled here In the was started last April. day morning and arrived at the peak game departmi nt’s tank truck, eight HA M LIN IS C O M M A N D ER Hargreaves and Lindsay, Eugene DR. C H IL D E R S C H O SEN o f the mountain about 10:30. The or ten thousand at a load Places tn | contractors, who were low bidders on OF A M ER IC A N LEG IO N ; trull was fairly good and the climb dump the fish had been previously P R E S ID E N T OF E. B. U. the construction of 150 additional feet was not 'overly difficult. Although found by John Hendcrer and M. B P E TE R S O N A D JU TA N T of concrete approach, started moving BY BOARD OF T R U S T E E S there was some smoke In part* ol I Huntly The planting here was tlnf F. B. Hamlin, local postmaster, was thelr machinery to Springfield today, the surrounding country, the view result of a meeting last spring of Dr 8. Childers, for six years pastor I from the top of the Middle Sister was fishermen with the chairman of the elected commander of the Spring- 'and they will start excavation for the of the Springfield Chrlatlan church, of the American I-eglon for bulldtn« of forn”’ for P,er» a" soon a . i quite good and tin- climbers could see game commission, Ben Dorris. was unanimously elected president of I Mt. Adams, Mt Jefferson,-Diamond ’ Stocking of the lower rivers with the coming year Friday night at a the Mathews company has cleared Ihe Eugene Bible University Saturday 1 Peak, and a number of the smaller of these large fry Is expected to make regular meeting of the body. .Mr., awa> the dirt in the places where the piers are to go. Hargreaves and at a meeting of Ihe hoard of trustees the peaks In the Cascades. Many flahing much better here. Especially Hamlin will succeed J. M. Larson. Ira Lindsay bid »12,258 for the construc­ of Ihe Inst II i l l Ion Dr Childers had Peterson was elected adjutant, suc­ mountain lakes were also visible, good fishing water la found In both tion of the concrete work, and were served on the faculty of the Instltu After remaining on the mountain for i rivers In thia vicinity and when fish- ceeding William Vasby. Other offl-1 Hun for the past ten years, prcalhlng some time, Ihe party descended, ( ¡ng |g good close to home It will not cers elected were Dr. W. N. Dow, granted the contract by the state _ . . __ . .. ,w Dr. at Springfield nl Ihe 4ame time since vice-commander; Carl , highway • ' department. They J state that reaching Frog Camp at 5:30 In the he necessary to spend so much time first , .< vice-commander; i „a«., • ! , work on the bridge 1922. He left here Ip April to accept I*hettep!ace, second " will be rushed as evening On the return twelve of the | and expense In getting to a place to u _i_i_ .- a much as possible, and the position of pastor of thi- First , that the struc- Boy Scouts were left at Camp Lljcky j f|gh. This Is expected to especially H. O. Dibblee, chaplain; and Tex „ Mead, . sergeant . at ______ Tk„ ture will be completed and can ba Christian church at Eugene, where arms. The new ~ Boy on Blue River, where the sum- j benefit working people and others . __... : opened to traffic well before October he was elected Io presch for Ihe com u rner ramp of the Lane county hoy i who mug, gO fishing in the evenings officers will be installed formally on 31, the date set for the completion of Ing year. October 1 and will begin their terms Is being held this J gnd on Sundays. i smut council 1 the contract The distance between The Eugi ne Bible University Is one j Local people who watched the of office at that time. ’ the end of the new approach and the of the most outstanding religious summer Those who made ihe climb were | dumping here found that^practtcally Mr. Hamlin and Mr. Peterson are fic highway be njIed by schools In the country. It has a stu­ Chester Aldrich, scout master nf none of the small fish died In tran­ attending the American I-egion con , Matthews company. The dlrt wlth dent holy of nearly 500 and more Troop 11. Walter Neajon. assistant sit and all seemed to be In good con­ ventlon at Salem this week as the wh)ch the f,„ wa„ gtarted in April than 25 faculty members. Dr. Chilli­ master of the troop, and W. C. Me- dition when released in the river. offlcoal delegates of the Springfield : w(1, moved and ngp<1 fn th< er» succeeds ns president Dr. Jiugene Lagan. The following scouts ol These fish are large enough to find post M. B Huntly was elected »» I COMtnlctioB. Sanderson, who resigned recently Troop 11 made »he climb: Henry their own feed and it Is the belief one of the delegates, but was pre-1 after holding the position since the Trlnka, Gordon Wright, Dick Wright, of the game department officials vented from attending by the death I The circuit court order that thers founding of the Institution 34 years Joel Cowden, Don Monagomery. Don that they will practically all live to of Mrs. Iluntly's father. W C. A. be 250 feet of additional concrete ap­ ago. A reorganisation of the college proach was modified last .week by Nelson. Irvin Hanson, Bob Hayes, be sport for the fishermen. Pohl, who died at Astoria Saturday administration was announced by the . . . , Judge G. F. Skipworth, since the Rolland Wheeler. Roy Smith, Bob night. A number of other members of board In hiring Dr. Sender Childers. West Springfield plaintiffs in the Stark. Ralph Hughes. Winston Bas- the local legion post are expected to SYM PHO NY O RCHESTRA Dr. Chlhlers will he the edm at tonal bridge case were satisfied with the cus. Earl Wheeler. Ford Danner. Ro­ attend some of the sessions of the ! 150 feet. , head, and Dr. Walter L. Meyers, for­ G IV E S F IR S T C O N C E R T bert M( lagan. Arthur Pengra. and convention. merly vice-president, will be chancel­ The distance from Springfield to Jack Williams From Troop 12 the TU E S D A Y AT A IR P O R T lor. or business head Previously the Eugene will be reduced by almost half following boys were present: Bruce M A N Y A T T E N D PIC N IC two positions were centered In Dr. a mile with the completion of the new Squires. Donald Hawke, Milton The new Springfield symphony or- Sanderson. H O N O R IN G ECKERSON bridge. The old bridge will be moved Doane, Chester Gerber, Lloyd Stlpley. chestia made its first appearance be- Dr Childers Is a graduate of the T U E S D A Y A T A IR P O R T • to Creswell and re-erected across the Kenneth Cox. Wilfred Swindell - —...............— - ------ fore the public Tuesday night when Eugene Bible University and also of -------- river there, although It Is not certain la-onsrd Moon, Morris Stewart, and „ prt,SPnted a program at the Lions the University of Oregon He was Between 300 and 400 people from ' whether or not that can be done this Morgan Chandler. club picnic in honor of Major and very well liked by the people of the Others who made the climb were jjrs. G. H. Eckerson at the local Springfield. Eugene and other neigh- i season before the high water, Springfield vicinity. During the time E. A Schnetsky, Howard Hughes, B • mun|ctpal airport. The new musical boring communities, all Interested in j The delay in the completion of the he preached here the membership of C. Klght. C. B. DeFo^i Russel Me body, which is managed by Frank aviation, gathered at the local muni-, bridge grew out of a quarrel between the church nearly doubled. Lagan, and !>elghton Whitsett of ¡xiuk. and directed by Ted Lenhart, clpal airport Tuesday night at a pic-1 the residents of Went Springfield and Eugene Troop 7. In addition to well received by those attending nlc and party given in honor of ! the state highway commission over R ID E R S T H R IL L C R O W D S these there were a number of people the p)cn|c. Jt Is the plan of the dl- Major and Mrs. G. H. Eckerson. The whether or not a fill would increase , who went to Frog Camp from Spring-. rectors to present a public concert affair was sponsored by the aviation the flood menace across the river. SU N D A Y ON H E IG H T S ; I field hut did not undertake the moim- every Tuesday night. The next one committee of the local Lions club, of The west side people won a decision D A VIS LOSES IN T IE tain climb. These Included Mr. and wq, be ^ven at the intersection of which Dr. W. C. Rehhan is chairman. In the I^ane county circuit court The Following the picnic supper. Major highway department prepared to carry After tying for first place tn the 45 Mrs. Willis Bertach and small daugh- j,-ollr(h and Main streets. Hckersnn made a short speech on the case into the supreme court but S program which was presented cubic Inch professional division of ter. Mrs. W. C. Md-agan, Miss Ixiulsa the advantages and possibilities of compromise on 150 feet was effected Cowden, and Mrs. Chester Aldrich. {h < > #|rport bv ,be orchestra Tues- the West Coast hill climb here Sun­ the local field. The Springfield air by the Lane county court, so that dj|v n((rht day. Bill Davis, local star, failed to Whlle thq other party were on the day night )(( Is >R as fo,lowg: follows construction can now proceed in make the grade on the finals and mountain, those who remained behind I Fort Washington March O. Schuman post, he said, both from a geographi cal and an air standpoint, has natural ! manner satisfactory to all parties, made a trip to Lost I-*ke. near the Melody In F................. A. Rubenstein. lost the privilege of competing In the advantages unexcelled on any of the Sister You Were M«ant for. Me N. H. Brown National contest at Muskegon. Michi­ many fields with which he is fami­ HIGHWAY FOUND ROUGH Bride of the Navy. 4 gan, later In the season. Davis and Barcarole ................ ........... Offenbach liar. both on the Pacific coast and Al Forsburg of Seattle tied at 9 and M O U N T A IN C L IM B E R S OVER WILLAMETTE PASS IMIms ...................................... Psure. throughout the rest of the country. two-flfths seconds In the trials. In the H O L D IN G CAM PS IN Nearly all varieties of road wer< attempt to break the tie, Foraburg e .c -rc B C D C n n W ¡Kin« of the Air Everett J. Evans. The conditions of the air currents T H R E E S IS T E RS REG O Wedding of the Painted Doll. here are especially favorable for traveled Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. L. B. wmt over the top In 11 nnd four-fifths tvlatlon. he said. The major believes | Scott and Mr. and Mrs. J. Morlock, > . 1« «-as bet’» Talk About Love ...... ..... Alger seconds, while Davis’ machine failed Two groups of mountaineers, . e j that with a little further development I who made a round-about tour through to reach the top. now encamped in the Cascade moun- and Improvement the Springfield the Cascades, crossing Into Easter® In the 61 cubic Inch division of the tains east of Springfield, spending ,r 1 u of the new orchestra airport could become the finest In Oregon by was of the McKenzie Pass, ea t p ■ members contest Bill Davis alev took second, tains their vacations in climbing over he I the Northwest. He also gave a brief and returning by way of the Willam- with Tommy Slflon of San Francisco scenic country In the vicinity of the Ru<>n outllne of his plans for the school of ette Pass Mr. Bcott found the Mc­ as first. In the 80 cubic inch amateur Three S.sters. The Oregon Maxam>, kenp aviation, he said. The major believes Kenzie highway In fair condition, he event bone of Ihe rldera made the An organization of mountain climber» , p » .« nv Major Eckerson demonstrated his said, and the dust not so bad in ths top, hut Tony Jaegler of Salem was with headquarters at Portland Is hold- |"n ____ big W’aco sport plane to those pre­ early morning when they went over first and Bill Cameron of Seattle the Ing Its annual summer camp In the sent He did some fancy stunt fly­ the road. second. • CU LP CR EEK MAN DEAD vicinity of Obsidian Cliff, near the ing and took «P some passengers. After reaching Bend, the party Although motorcycle climbs has tomb of William Prouty. who first FU N E R A L H E R E M ONDAY Many more wished to go up hut were turned up hv Crescent I^tke and came been made on Emerald Heights for climbed the North Sister and whose prevented by the darkness. The new over the mountains and down the the past three years, Sunday was the ashes are embedded In the side of The funeral of George E. Potter. symphony orchestra played during middle fork of the Willamette. That first time that the hill had ever been I the cliff there. The Maxamas hold ' chip Creek man, who died Saturday road. Mr. Scott said, is not even In scaled by a rider. Bill Davis was their encampment each year In some at the Pacific Christian hospital at the picnic. Major Eckerson left by train T ups - • fair shape He found It rough and the first man to go over the top in mountainous section of the North­ Eugene. was held In Springfield Mon­ the first event, hut he was followed west. They camped In the Three Sis­ day morning at the Walker-Poole day night at 10 o'clock for Los An-1 narrow and steep. There has been no by a number of others. Three hund­ ters region previously In the years chapel with Rev. Harry Benton of the geles, California. He will return in work done on the Willamette pass two or three days, flying back in his this year, he said, nor did It look as red dollars In cash, as well as a con­ 1911, 191«. and 1923. ’their camp Eugene Bible University In charge of new Arrow sport model, which he though there had been any done for siderable amount of merchandise was began Sunday and will last for two the services. The Springfield Mason­ has purchased for use at the school. some time past. distributed among the winners of the ic lodge, of which Mr. Potter was a weeks. The Arrow is smaller and lighter three contests. The meet was spon­ The Obsidians, a T.ane county member, officiated in the ceremony than the Waco, and will be used for DOCTOR T E L L S BIRD sored by the American Motorcycle mountain climbers association Is at the grave. a training ship. Association through the Eugene asso­ OF A FISH S T O R Y Mr. Potter was 46 years, five holding Its annual summer camp In Dr. Rebhan states that the Lions ciation. It was the final und moat the Cascades near the foot of the months, and 17 days old at the time We have all heard of birds that Important climb sponsored on tho South Sister. The members are ntak- of his death. He Is survived by his!S ! club will sponsor another picnic at Pactfle coast this year. Ing various expeditions Into the widow, five children. Raymond. Le- Ihe airport, some moonlight night catch and eat fish 6ut this week a new after the completion of harvesting in ; story comes to us about a bird-eating surrounding territory from there, j roy, Robert. Rolland. nnd Jackie, all About 30 nre now at the camp. Oh- i of Cnlp Creek, and three brothers this vicinity. Major Eckerson will flah p r f nri phetteplace says he CHASE G A R D EN S H O M E demonstrate night flying and will also ; wag fishing up the river near Jasper B U R N E D TO GROUND i sldian camp also opened Sunday nnd (nnd two sisters. take up passengers for tours over the , when he hooked a large fat chub. [ — A two-story house occupied by Mr. will last for two weeks. surrounding country, which Is said to Doctor says he always throws the __________________ I Winzenreids at Klamath.— Lum nnd Mra. Clarence Clattdell at Chase Pumphrey’a Back From Vacation— j Anderson receive^ b card veester- have a very attractive appearance chubs away but this one Interested Gardens was burned to the ground when viewed from above in the him because he knew that the chubs ■ '— P. — Pumphrey, local • day from Mr. and Mrs. John Wlnzen- late Sunday, the fire starting In an James B. and — moonlight eat the redslde fry and the fish overheated chimney. Practically all men. returned Tuesday from Thom­ reld, who are spending the summer looked like he had an exceptional Mlea Roberta Taking Vacation— at Klamath Falls for Mr. Wlnxen- of the contents of the building were son's resort on the McKenzie river Miss Mary Roberts, local librarian, meal. Perhaps this Is the reason or held's health. Mr. Winzenreld states above Vida, where they spent the saved by neighbors who came to the has been granted a two weeks' vaca­ maybe it was his Interest in surgery assistance rtf the Claudells. Mrs. last week on their vacation, camp­ that he is enjoying the Klamath tion by the library board. Mlsa Ro­ that caused him to perform an opera­ country. They expect to return to Claudell and a baby son who was ing and fishing. berts has been 111 for the past week tion on the big chub. The doctor Springfield In September. born Saturday night were removed but la now reported to he much Im­ says that among other things ho found Ha« Tonalls Removed—-Miss Edna to the Richards home nearby. Tho proved. Mrs. Vina McLean and Mrs. In the fish’s stomach was a small Grant Tolliver Hara—Grant Tolli­ houee was owned by the Chase Oar- Severson of Chase» Gnrdens under­ L. K. Page will take turns acting as bird. This Is food tor thought, a® ver. rancher of the Jasper vicinity, dens florists, where Mr. Claudell Is went an operation for the removal well as tor flshse -"How do fish employed. The loes Is partially of her tonsils Wedneaeday morning was among tho business visitors In Bbrartan daring the absence of Miss catch birds?’* Roberta. Springfield Wednesday. at tho office of a local physician. covered by Insurance. «