THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW ENTY-SIXTH YEAH •‘If H’s In ths D rug Lins— W s have It.” P m a c rlp tio n s ou. »>i»-rl»lty, All citm p n U D d llig lim n ' by iv g lH lc r m l ITiuruiui'IatH Your m ull o rd n rl nlgnllh-H your cnnfhli in It ahull [ huvi' our piTNOiuil and prom pt u tti’ Dllon Kelels’ Drug Store (tiim a n Kodaks and S u p p liti. t»pi ingnillii, Ori gini HOW’S YOUR SPARE? Drive a ro u n d h e re a n d let uh ch eek up mi y o u r Hpare lire. It Is Junt an im p o rta n t io have y o u r «pare good, an th e tlreH you a re u sin g , for you n e v e r know w hen you will w aul to line II. Ite lo re going o i l a trip to th e niountaiiiH o r sea oiHKl drive in h ere an d let uh ch eck up o th e r p art« of y o u r c a r also. A lew uilniiteH In i I i I h g a ra g e m ay save ninny h o u rs on th e road W m . R odenbough G arage PHONE 95 tted Crow n G asoline. NUMBER 29 SPHIN(iKIELI). LANE COUNTY, OltHGON THURSDAY. AUGUST 1 DRY CLEANING THAT PLEASES QUICK REPAIR SHOP W hen you; drive Into thin service atatlon we are prepared Io tak e cure of your every need. An ex- iert m echanic I h on hand to m ake any repair o r ad­ just on y our car with the IcuHt possible delay. ‘A’ St. Garage AND S E R V IC E delighted too, w ith the m any task« th a t we can do for you in the way of cleaning th at will lighten your T he G raf Zepperlin, which took off early this m orning from Kriedriehaliafen, G erm any, on a flight to the United State«. Thiala the first lap of a trip around the world. labors during hot w eather. We call for and deliver Phone 75-J Service Cleaners S T A T IO N S P R IN G F IE L D If It's a Pedigreed Used Car IV» the best bay In town. You will be surprised, and W h e th e r H’a gaso lin e, o r a tire o r y o u r e n g in e o v e r­ h au led we get oil th e Job lig h t now Violet’ ltay ganoline will lake you fu rth e r on u lankful. Try It on your w iek-em l trlpH. F EDIGREED USED CARS Elite Bldg. OREGON 3rd and Main POPULARITY Of the new Oakland and Pon­ tiac S ixes enables us to offer at this tim e an except tonally good selection of PEDI­ GREED USED CARS. INVESTIGATE WITHOUT OBLIGATION 1928 1926 1928 1923 J925 1924 1924 Pontiac Coach Eord C-oupe C hevrolet Coupe Buick Victoria Overland Coach Star Sport Roadster Eord D elivery AND EUGENE MOTOR CO (T H AND OLIVE PHONE 145 OAKLAND-PONTIAC DISTRIBUTORS LLOYD ALLEN MANAOER USED CAR DBPT miHIMIHIII The U. S. Peerless a New Tire G re a te r non-skid m ileage a t low er coat in a popular-priced tire built for shrew d buyers by the w orld's larg e st pro­ d u c e r of rubber. An entirely new product designed to m eet th e need of farm ers and o th e rs for a tire th a t will give m ore th o u sa n d s of trouble-free miles on all kinds of roads at all seasons. T H E N E W U. S. ROYAL T he tire of today for your c a r of today, g rea test non-sk id m ileage, easier riding, stu rd ie r c o n stru ctio n , easier ste e r­ ing, fre e r rolling, firm er side grip, su re r b raking, quicker g e t-a w a y , s m a rte r style— The Rest Riding foundation is T h e United States R oyal Balloon T ire lx*t us quote you prices Service Depot for Associated Gasoline and Oils and U. S. Automotive Rubber and Supplies < f $165 $265 $546 $296 $195 $136 $ 95 OTHERS _______( ¡oodrich I Ires SPRINGFIELD SERVICE STATION | Main at Fifth