PAGE TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS [jingle Bells WHAT HAPPKNRD SO PAR Tom Bilbeck 1» the narrator. He 1» a fat newspaper writer who drive* a tumbledown car he call* Grandmother Page. He is In love with Maryella. his rival being Jim Cooper. The three are member* of an amateur drumatic club Plans for a play at the Old Soldiers' Home are under way. tiraiuhnotner Page has engine trouble while Mary, ella is out driving with Bilbeck. and Cooper in his big roadster, takes Mary ella home. After Maryella has left Bilbeck is able to start his car again The amateur players are to give Pygmalion and Galatea. In their ver­ sion Bilbeck is to act as the statue, and Maryella gets peeved when she discovers that Bilbeck is bowlegged. Mrs. Hemingway later flatters Bit- beck and talks to him about the play. Bilbeck pats her hand, only to find a rough hand grasping him by the shoulder and lifting him out of his THURSDAY. AVGUST 1. I»21* A I E ilt * H o te l S G Sllleck w ,i snoring too, Or. Van Valiah Hare H r C U. Van Mrs. Ilsninilngway opened her beau Va I »ah of Portland spent the week­ registered at the Kills hotel n, , j tlful blue eyes end ill Springfield visiting ul the week "Oh. John!" she exclaimed joy­ home of Ills mol her. Mrs A. II Van Lsbanon M an In T o w n E m n ie -i fully as she recognised her husband V a la a li R asm ussen. I.e h a u o n re s id e n t was In even in n derbv hat snd snowshoes A l S p r in g fls ld H o te l L e o n a rd G rin He made no move to respond Io Hie o f W a lt e iv ilie und F P ilk in o f Suu S p r in g fie ld fo r m e d ic a l Irsalm sut W e d n e s d a y m o rn in g i entreaty In her voice Francisco, C a lifo rn ia , w e re re g ls le re d "Why, what's the mutter?" she th is w eek u l the S p r in g fie ld h o le ! Rsbhan al Blue River— D r W c j>eiU,e,| Keldian made a professional trip "You know very well," he returned Be sure It It B E T T E R B R E A D Ni » Blue River Tuesday night Io y|, savagely. 'When I arrived I found H om e Bakery, sor» M ill S tre e t pul len I a liie r e . you In Tom Bllbeck'a arms," Go Io B e lk n a p S p rin g s M r ati-l "Me?" she said Interrogatively N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA LE ON E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E M rs W a lle r S c u ll le ft M un d a y f> "Impossible. It must have been N o tic e Is H e re b y G lv e u lliu l hy B e lk n a p S p rin g s , w h e re th e y w ill re Maryella von saw " v ir tu e o f an e x e c u tio n and o rd e r o f "It was not." hastily disclaimed sale III f i l l ecloNUre lasued o u t o f th e m a in fo r suiue Ilm « fo r M r. S e n t' i C ir c u it C o u rt o f la m e C o u n ty , O reg o n , h e u llh . voice in the rear of the group. My heart sank. I was In hopes on th e illa t day o f J u ly . 1929. In a In ju re d a l M ill A C T r a v is Is la i I s u it w h e re in , on th e 3011» day o f J u ly . that I would tie spared Marvella's 1929, ill MUld C o u rt J u lie K I I h i I i - h . o f f a l (ho lo c a l B o o th K e lly m ill a i participation in this scene re c o v e re d Judgm ent u g a ln a t d e fe n d th e re s u lt o f a q u ite s e rio u s In ju ry "I don't knew what happened." a n is C h a rle s M E lllo t l, unti lo lle M r. T r a v is In ju re d tw o o f h is v e rtu Mrs. H e m m ln g w n y w e n t on. s lig h tly E llio tt , h u sb a n d and w ife , fo r th e aum "'If you don't mind." said the rush In blindly where even angels sheriff, "we won't go back until wouW pause to put on goloshes morning. It's storming so hard out I stumbled down the stairs. Came now that I doubt if we could get agalu the faint cry: through. I'll just put my horse in “Help!" the stable." it was In Mrs. Hemmingwav '* "You can't, the stable is burnt up." voice. said the colonel. I peered in at the door of the great A compromise was effected by living-room. which was faintly Ilium quartering the horse in the cellar. inated by a single oil-lump on the As It happeued. there was an out­ table—the electric current was sup side runway leading to the base­ piled only until one o'clock I tils ment. down which supplies were us­ covered later The room was chill ually wheeled in trucks. After con with the penetrating cold of a win siderahle persuasion the horse was ter's morning when the fires have b e w ild e re d , " b u t I'm s u re th a t I can o f *2,1100 00 m id lu te re a t th e re o n at b ra e on Ills track In a f u ll a n d w ill ho th e r u le o f « •; p e r annulli fro m Oct u n a b le to w o rk fu r som e lim e induced to negotiate this and was lied j beached their lowest ebb. explain everything." 17th. 1928, a ln i fo r th e fu r th e r sum to a post in one of the small store- | Mrs Hemmingway was walking up Wlile they were tulking the floor o f *150 110 us a re u a o n u h le a tto rn e y a R e tu rn to C a lif o r n ia M rs V lv l.i i rooms below. and down frantically screaming trembled violently and there was a fee h e re in , to g e th e r w ith Its costs a m i H u r le y and fa m ily o f S a n ta Ross. This done, the colonel assigned us "Help! " every time the thumping niuffled vrni(h henealh UR Soo|) f(|,. d la b u rs e lis i n ta In th is s u it, m i l said C a lifo r n ia , w ho h a ve been v is itin g seat. quarters for the night. Fortunutely. (and moaning would reoccur lowed a prolongin' lireiiVing of glass e x e c u tio n to m e d ire c te d c o m m a n d in g ' me In th e num e o f th e S ta te o f O re w ith fr ie n d s In Springfield vicinity Mr. Hemmingwav. husband of one there were enough vacant rooms so , Suddenly she saw me as 1 advanc- as If a brick chimney had fallen gen. In o rd e r to s a lis fv sa id Jud g m e n t, j fo r tin - post « o a k . re tu rn e d Bunday of the members, thinks Bilbeck Is in i ji u . .. . love with his wife During the argu h h f he ladle8 couW bave au 80 out of th*‘ durkn*‘8s As she did through a skylight. In te re s t, a tto rn e y 's fees, co sts id s u it to th e ir hom e and A i- r ru in g costs, to t e ll th e fo llo w meet the two men receive notice that apartment, while we men were billet an almost Inarticulate cry of desper­ CHAPTER IX. there is a jail escape at the peniaontl- ed on cots iu the general dormitory, ate fear escaped her Ill’s ami she lu g d e s c rib e d re u l p r o p e r ly to w it V is ito r* at tlvs Qor rls H o m e— T G T he Gay D eceiver ary This escape keeps Bilbeck busy where most of the veterans slept. B e g in n in g a t llie S o u th w e s t c o rn e r ' pitched forward. Conjecture was superfluous The o f l.o l F iv e (5 ) B lo c k T w o (2 | in Gorrle of Portlund und George Rim at his newspaper work, so that he CHAPTER VIII. I jumped quickly enough to catch disturbance was In the basement. We J o h n C h r is tia n 's A d d itio n to Eugene. ney of Cushman spent the week-end gels away from the dramatic club. her. She had fainted. " H e lp ! ” But Maryella summons him and starts plied down by the inside stuirway L u n e C o u n ty , O reg o n , m id ru n n in g In Springfield visiting nt the home of telling the story of "Dollyanna" who Mrs Hemmen way refused to retire th e nce N o rth 55 fe e t, th e n c e East 30 While I looked around anxiously Some one hud been thoughtful t'cel. thence North 50 te e t, th e nce Mr Gurrle's mother. Mrs. C I Gorr < believes ahat everything that happens un„, Uer husband Came. , offered for a place to d*po8lt - hVr fUl1 • nou«h '° bring 'he lump from the turns oat for the best East 20 fe e l, th e n c e S o u lit till fe e t, und Hr. The players arrive at the Old Sol- 8" up w1th ber- but she declined length I became aware of anew souna table. By It« lig h t w e d iH vovered a lie n, . W i s i 5 0 feel tu (he p ia i o f diere' Home, being greeted royally and vehemently. a rapping at the front door I was wreck that Impoverishes description. b e g in n in g , a ll in E ugene. L u n e C o u n ty. To Visit in Nevada Miss Irena meeting Pilk Henweaher and others. j "You know what John would think too busy to bother about It then. 1 O reg o n . J u h i > e f C h a s e G u ld e n s le fl M onday The play at the Old Soldiers' Home he found you and 1 sitting up picked up Mrs Hemmingway bodlb The post to which we had tied the N ew T ite rs fo re . In th e nam e o f th e sheriffs horse hud been torn out is interrupted because of a fire, the for Carson City mid Reno, Nevada alone together," she explained. and started for the table where the bodily und a tier of shelves contain S ta le o f O re g o n , m c o m p lia n t-! w ith players and veterans escaping. th e s u lit e x e c u tio n und o rd e r o f sale, wktre she will spend u few week i Riding away from the scene of th e , 1 agreed with her heartily, so we lamp was. In the absence of a couch ing several hundred glass jars of a nd In o rd e r to s a tis fy sa id Judgm ent, yls'llng with h- place He led the way to Bill, who, trussed j coun'rl'8 ex-defenders began to fray In Oaks Lumber Company, a i or- up In bis chair, had fallen asleep temper. W hat right had every- burden on a long table before he poratlon, The First National Bunk of peacefully. bod>' to 9leeP while I struggled in could reach me. Just in time I,Junction City, a National Blinking straightened up to find myself in his Corporation, and Alsea State Bank, . vain to woo Morpheus* 77 EAST BROADWAY EUGENE The entire situation was explained l w an Oregon Corporation, for the sum grasp. might have become accustomed to of *1047.16 and interest thereon at to the sheriff while he peeled off a We wrestled back and forth silent­ the rat« of 10% per annum from SERVE YOURSELF AND SAVE layer or two of clothing and revealed a regular snore, but there was one— ly. Twice he kicked me in my bruis-d September 25. 192S. and for the fur­ Comrade Pilk Henwether. for a dol­ himself as a small old man. with shin with his snowshoes. The only ther sum of ,1100. und for the fur watery blue eyes and considerable lar—who gurgled In hfs sleep. The way I could prevent a repltitioti of ther sum of »100.00. and for the costs foliage in front of his face. His exasperating part about it was that those tactics was to stand on the and disbursements of this suit, and execution to me directed cum beard was white, except where it was 1 he didn't do it all the time. Only oc­ broad webbing of the shoes myself. said mandtng me In the name of the State casionally above the diapason of his Stained with tobacco-juice. 'fellows came this unearthly gurgle as A" ’ WelKht‘d son,e,blnK over Mvo of Oregon, In order to satisfy sal I Judgment, Interest, attorney's fees, if dishwater were disappearing down hundred. I effectually anchored him cost of suit and accruing costs, to sell to the floor. a sink. the following described reul property, While we stood embracing one to-wit: S p e c ia l I tried to calculate the Interval L o t e ig h t (81 In b lo c k n in e <9l In between explosions and finally another in a deadlock a low moan College Hill Park Addition to Eugene thought I had him timed to twenty- escaped from the Bps of Mrs. H.m- L : ne C o u n ty , O reg o n . mlngway. S a tu rd a y eight seconds. Then he fooled me Now Therefore. 1n the name of the Haunt you better take care of Stutc of Oregon, In compliance with by missing on one cylinder and re­ maining quiet a full minute. It was your w ife? " I panted, apprehet: ,iye the said execution and order of sale, 60c WHITE LAYER and in order to satisfy said Judgment, lest she roll off the table. almost a relief when he burst forth CAKE 4 9 C incliiiing interest, attorney’s fees, "You seem to be able and wll'ing again. o.:ts and accruing costs, I will, on to do that," he hissed vindictively. Saturday, the 31st day of August, Saturday only at the Something had disarranged his “You home-wrecker." White Front Grocery, Main 1929, at the hour of one o'clock In timer, for he became erratic from "You are mistaken,” I returned the afternoon of said day. at the between 4th and 5th. now on, sometimes firing twice In 8. uthwest front door of the said i hastily. succession and sometimes falling me County Court House In Eugene, I^ane ' Get yours Early. Made “Of course." he sneered. "I didn't County. Oregon, offer for sale and ' tor two or three revolutions at a walk in Just now and find her In sell for cash, at public auction, Rub- I and Baked by the time. His compression was wonder­ your arms at four o'clock In the Ject to redemption as provided hy : trouble was In his spark. NEW HOME BAKERY ful. At The morning! I only thought it was you! law, all of the right, title and Interest j last my brain gre% curdled with of the said defendants Will O. Nor- 1 In reality It was some one else and wood, and Zelma Norwood, his wife. futile exasperation. I may have Phone 103 405 Mill St. you were up In your room fast Twin Oaks Lumber Company, a cor­ dozed, or possibly I had a fever de­ asleep! ” poration, The First National Bank of lirium. I don't know. Anyway, It Junction City, a National Banking w as n m a r»e».i.i- ■ . To emphasize his remarks he Corporation, and Alsea State Bank, was not a refreshing sleep that came hailIed o„ w|fh his right arm. which an Oregon corporation, and all per-4 S A V F W IT H t A F E T Y to me and It was crowded w ith I had carelessly allowed to escape sons claiming by. through or under A T nightmares. and 'hem or any or either of them, In and 9uddeny I opened my eyes and me, and belted me energetically in to said premises the ear. The S /o re , listened Intently to a new sound that H. L. BOWN, I don't know what might have Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon. ( had been beating againstmy eardrums happened further between up had A Í-8-15-22-29 ■ for several minutes during my doze we not been separated hy a willing A series of Irregular tappings, ac­ assortment of half-dressed old companied by a low moaning, became gentlemen. audible above the steady roar of the "Stop this racket!” shouted tthe storm. My relaxed nerves became sheriff, displaying his star conspic­ alert once more. uously. "I represent the law and or­ What was It? der around here and I'm going to The Irregular thumping was re­ have peace!” peated. It sounded far away, and I was dragged off from Hemming- ' yet strangely near, as If it might be way’s snowshoes. We stood glaring in the walls of the building. Was It at one another. It Is Impossible to I a spirit tapping? Instantly forget a ringing blow on ! I had never believed In such the ear. I find, even If it Is delivered things, but then I had never had by a very good friend. On his side j proof of any kind to convince me. We winh to announce that we have moved Into our beautiful new One hair-raising supernatural Incl- I suppose that his resentment toward me was at least particularly Justified store at the corner of Fifth and Main Streets and will be glad to have all ¡dent will make a spiritualist of _ by appearances. It was hard to think i our customers and other friends come in and visit us. anybody. of those things Just then, however. ! i A sudden sound of some Our business in Springfield and vicinity has grown so rapidly that one and as a matter of fact, I didn't. Sixteen Ounces j strangling made me sit up In bed larger quarters and better facilities for handling groceries were needed "Good morning, Mr. Hemmingway," j 1 his last was In the room so I soon In line with our policy of serving the public the best we remodeled the decided that It was my friend the greeted Jim Cooper, arriving in what building for our new quarters and now have one of the best icrocerv I thought at first was an abbreviated j stores in the country. ” y eccentric snorer, who had hit upon sleeping garment, but which I later I Puretest Milk of Magnesia a new speciality. is a reliable antiacid for We have faith in Springfield and we know you will be as proud as But the thumping and the moaning discovered was his Greek tunic. ’'’Glad counteracting excess acid ! you got here at last. Why—What the we are of the new store. Make this your headquarters when you are continued. I t h r e w off the covers In the stomach and is a deuce— ?’ down town. We’re always glad to see you. “nd got out of bed. determined to gentle laxative for restor­ i His glance had rested on the Investigate. I had Bo ing the bowels to normal. prostrate form of Mrs. Hemmingway. Sold only at your Rexall bul^ 7oe n° POCketf' ln my tl*ht8- “Mrs. Hemmingway fainted.” I ex­ but I felt my way to the door, bark Qrug Store. plained. l"K my shins only once on an , "Oh, I see,” he considered thought­ cot. William’s Self Service Store Special Saving in L A D IE S ' D R E S S SH O ES Ladies’ Dress Pumps, Ox­ fords and Ties. Patents, Blondes and Kids. High, low and medium heels. S p ecial P ric e d $ 1 .9 8 For Heartburn and Constipation $ 2 .9 8 Visit Us IN O U R NEW ST O R E 50 cents Flanery’« DRUG STORE T a - MvC J*--«» fully. " I suppose It's all for the best Jointly came a cry for help, I imagine that Is the only way any made haste. I am o chivalrous tool; no one ever yells for assist one could get any rest In this In­ stitution." •nee without getting It from me I Evidently Jim had noticed the GRAY’S CASH AND CARRY DALLAS MURPHY, Manager Phone 22 Next door to former location Fifth and Main St». 4