T r y the H o m e P r in t S hop F ir a t THE SPRINGFIELD N TW KNTY-HIXTH YEAR BRIDGE CONTRAGI . TO BE LET TUESDAY < Hl’IUNGFIELD, LANE COUNT 4L TO AID COLLECTION OF PIONEER RELICS FOR ENGENE MUSEUM "The People's Paper** W A Y, OREGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 1. 192» Eckerson to G et 2 n d P lane Soon Marble Cham hion L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 2» ORCHESTRA ORGANIZED BY SPRINGFIELD MEN; FIRST CONCERT TUESDAY ¡C M 5I HILL CLIMB ON HEIGHTS S IM M Til« Hprlngfleid 41, has pledged II» Organization of the Springfield Sport Model Arrow Ordered; attive support In III» Kugene proposal Symphony orchestra was announced Students to Build Planes for the creation of h musi uin oi n,H i m Monday night, and the new biwty will Construction of 150 Feet of of III« plon««r days In Oregon, Il wax in School Here I present Its first concert free to the Western Motorcycle Riders to Approach to Structure Ex- announr«il W«*dneeilay aflernopn by ' public at the Intersection of Main Vie Here for Championship; Willi Ills Arrow sport plan« for us»- I and Fourth streets Tuesday night, pected to Start Soon; Judge w <’ Tyson. president of th« orgunl Local Man Among Leaders; In stu«l«nl Inst ruct Ion * ordered and ! August 6, at 8 o’clock. Barnard Estimates Comple-j M' T’",on t0 awaiting him In Seattle, Major (1. H Many Coming From Califor« _ niunh'itl« with Cal Young, who wax Fred Louk Is the manager of the ion in ays. j ap|MI|n|„,i to direct the collection of Eckerson will be* ready Io op«-n lb« nia, Washington, Oregon orchestra, and Ted la-nhart has been school of aviation at the local muni ' I relies, and promise him th« co-op«ra- ! selected as the director. Mr. Len With the contract for the con clpal airport early In September, soon Emerald Heights, as yet uncllmbed hart Is an accomplishes! musician and xtructlon of 160 additional feet of ' tlon of the 41,. after the completion of the National ! by any motorcycle rider, may finally The |>lnn««r parade which wax held Is at present the director of Teddy’s, concrete open approach to the west air races, which he Is expecting to In Eugene last Thursday showed that be conquered Sundav when more than an eight piece orchestra, which has C h arle s “ S o nny" . A lb a n y , 13, end of the new Springfield bridge enter thorn lx a wealth of authentic, pioneer von the m aride cham pionship o f been playing for dances In the Spring 25 of the leading rldprs of the Pacific 1o he let Tuesday morning at the Major Kckerson will not bring hla the U n ite d State» in the n atio n a l ! field vicinity for some time. He ex- Coast will gather here for the West Multnomuh county court house ut relics yet remaining In Oregon, hut new plane to Springfield untII after tou rnam en» a t O cean C ity . N . J. ’ pects to use the members of his or- l*ortlnud. an Imnodlate resumption of many of these will soon disappear If the races He made final arrange j Coast divisional hill climb of the j cheslra as the nucleus for the new work on the structure Is In prospect steps are not taken to preserve them men l x Ibis week to fly In the cross ; It was with this In mind that the DISTRICT CONFERENCE , Springfield body. Anyone who plays American Motorcycle association The i,fter four months of delay, contro­ country riu-es from Portland, Oregon j any form of musical instrument will climb Is being sponsored by the 1 versy, and rourt action. It lx not plana for the museum were launched to Cleveland. Ohio 11« will use his OF FREE MTEHODISTS i we welcome to Join the orchestra. known definitely how long It will he at a meeting In Eugene Thurnday and sport model Waco. In which he has i Eugene Motorcycle association, of MEETING HERE TONIGHT before the bridge cun he opened Io Cal Young was appointed director of been louring this part of the country ! The local band suspended for the which Ernest Nelson, SnrlngfleM man. ¡raffle, hut In the estimate of C I*. the n«w enterprise It Is planned to since Its pun l i a s o last May. The ? The district quarterly meeting of summer, but It was felt by many peo­ Is secretary. Barnard, Judg- of the lain« county house the relics In some temporary races will start at Portlund on Aug­ j th«- Free Methodist church convenes ple that the town should not he with­ The climb up the hill will he di­ hut fire proof building at llrst, itnd | court. It will be about »10 days ust 24. and tin- major will he gone at the Free Methodist church In West out some form of musical body even later to build a permanent museum vided Into three events, two for pro­ The offer of the l.ane county court from Springfield for about two weeks Springfield tonight for a four day during the summer months. It was < pav for 50 of the 150 fed of up building, pohalily on the I’nlveslty of I While he does not definitely say xesxlon Ministers and laymen from this that prompted the organization fessionals and one for amateurs. The professional riders will use 45 and proach for the sake of settling the Oregon ronipux. 1 that he expects Io win the race, he all over this part of Oregon are ex­ of the Symphony orchestra. Mr. Len­ 6t ruble Inch machines, while the Mr Tyson staled that the 41. will controversy and keeping the dispute ‘ does state that 1« .-xpects to obtain a pected to atti-nd. according to Rev. L. hart and Mr. Ixiuk expect to have the out of the supreme court was accept end'uvor to collect for the museum I considerable amount of publicity for E. Fenton, pastor of the West Spring- orchestra present a public open air amateurs will u se motorcycles with «si last Thursday nt the 'egutar as much ax possible of the pioneer , his school her«-, and when the major field church. concert each Tuesday night, and they 80 cubic Inch envines Three hund­ meeting of the state highway com material In the Springfield vicinity, i sets out to obtain publicity he gets It, i hope before the close of the summer red dollars In orives will he awarded Rev. A. C. Archer of Medford, dis mission, and at that time a call for lie believes that this work will he ns was shown at the air clrcuN at Eu­ , to have a high class musical body. to the professional climbers, while trlrt superintendent of the church hide on thte addition was Ixxncil bv carried out more efficiently If Ithe gene Inst week The first practice of the new- or­ the amateurs will receive merchan­ ' for Southern Oregon will preside at county Is divided Into districts and the commission Following the let­ chestra was held Wednesday night. dise awards. An Interesting feature of th« school T p addition to »ho prizes and the ting of the contract Tuesday, It Is mmi' group Is mini«, responsible for of aviation will be the actual bulld- I the meetings, which will be held Persons wishing to Join should notify Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights Old artlilea which probable that the work will he be­ each district. s Ing of airplanes by the students. The i and all day Sunday. Among the prln- ; either Mr. Lenhart or Mr. Louk as distinction of climbing a hill as vet were brought across the plains or uncl'mhed. the winning riders will be gun at once. soon as possible. major expects to have each class of ' A <*. Mathews. Kugene contractor, shipped around Cape Horn, or which his students build one plane at the 1 i clpal speakers at the conference will given the privilege of competing In who wax given the contract for the were used In the pioneer days are local airport. This wilt be about : j lie Rev and Mrs E. A Archer, brother SILAS PETERSON, 74, the finals of the national hill climb construction of the fills, will move desired for the museum to form a j one plan« every three months. This 1 and sister-in-law of the Medford at Muskegon. Michigan, later In the DIES SUNDAY MORNING year. Thp winners of the national the dirt placed at the west end of , permanent record of early daya In « will he In addition to the Instruction superintendent, both of whom are In­ structors in Los Angeles college, a the bridge uh soon as he receives Oregon. will receive larve cash awards and necessary for the obtaining of Free Methodist institution. Silas Peterson, 74, resident of Instructions to that effect from the i will also he given emnlovment by llcensi.s, which will he given at the Rev. and Mrs. Archer will be in ! ^Pr'nsfleld for many years, died various cycle companies If they de- Hate highway department Mr Mat , MANY GATHER TO HONOR school. suddenly Sunday morning at his home thews started the construction of a j THREE OF CHASE FAMILY Major Eckerson believes that the chargc of the services Sunday. Rev. on B street. Mr. Peterson was a re­ i slrp It. Archer will preach In the morning fill approach nt the west end last T h e r o ste r oV e n tr ie s In th e c o n ­ AT BIRTHDAY PICNIC building of the plant's will give the and evening In the afternoon Mrs tired farmer and was born at Water­ April, but was stopped by an In I students a knowl««lge of the prln- ‘ te st hero RonOsv Is not vet com- loo. Iowa. He and Mrs. Peterson had Archer will apeak on the Free Metho­ Junction filed by the cltltens of W- st I More than SO persons gathered clples of aviation which they would dist missionary work. Mrs. Archer is been married for 52 years. He was a , píete. hut It |ncl«d«s a number of Springfield. It will be necessary for not otherwise Ite able to obtain, and riders who have «•on fame in other Sunday at a picnic nt (’hasp Gardens the daughter of Mrs. Bishop Mac- member of the I. O. O. F. lodge at the dirt to be removed before the new that It will also Increase their inter­ Pac'flc Coast contests. One of the In honor of three members of the Geavey, the founder of the Free j Waltervllle. * contractor can begin the construction Chase family, whose birthdays fell est. The first plane to be built here Mi'thodlst missionary society. Mrs. Mr. Peterson Is survived by his most noted of these will be Bib Davis, of the concrete forms on or near that day. Those who were will be a light weight speed plane, Archer will also give a number of widow, Mrs. Nancy Peterson, five i of Snrlnvfleld. Davl« Is the North­ * With the completion of the new I honor'd were Mrs. Merle Chase, Miss weighing only about €00 pounds, but vocal solos, accompanying herself on sons, Don. Joe, Albert, Arthur and west sectional hill climb chamnlon, section of the approach, there will Oladys Chase and Miss Maude Chase capable of a speed of 200 miles per I Clarence, and one daughter, Mrs having won the title recently In a he 300 feet of concrete beyond th«* , 1 e arp A basket dinner will be meet at Corvallis. He also was the Those who were present Included hour The students will make the ; held at noon. Saturday night Bev. Mary Hathaway, all of Kansas City, west bank of the river. Judge O. K ' Mr. and Mrs It O. Smith and family. entire plan« from raw material, with ! E. A Archer will deliver a lecture Missouri. His funeral was held Mon- ' winner of the h’11 climb held at Sklpworlh. In upholding th«. Injunc Cottagp Grove In May. Mr. and Mrs H K. Wylie, Mr. and the exception of the motor. The se- i tlon of the Westside people, ordered Mrs Robert Crawford and family. Mr j »'end plane will be a pexsenger plane entitled "The Tabernacle," which has day afternoon at the Walker-Poole Other famous rid ers who wIM he Springfield, with Rev. C. J. thut 250 additional feet he construct and Mrs. F II Kingsley, Donald Th,‘ Planes will be the property of been well received wherever present-' f baPe' seen in action here w*l! be Gene Bvne ed by him i ,n fharge of the services. In- ed. making a total of 400, hut th«' Kingsley, Virgil Kingsley. Dale Kings . aviation achool wlwn completed, . ferment followed at the Mt. Vernon of Sacramento. California, rated as West Springfield committee and tl»«' ley. Miss Ixila Kingsley, Mr and Mrs I Major Eckerson was never so im- Rev. L. E. Fenton extends to the ... , , i cemetery near here, on of th e h-'st on the coast: Ren Fog state highway commission, through public an Invitation to attend the I Will Dodd. Mr. unri Mrs I (1 Me pressed by' the excellence of the of Aberdeen. Washington, a comedian the nld of the I-am- countv court, sessions of the conference. Springfield airport as he was follow­ Elhaney, Miss Lucille Wylie rider who a lw a y s wears a straw Hat GEORGE W. SPAUN DEAD: were finally able to compromise on Clayton Kirkland, Bernnld Holton. ing the flying circus in which he par­ wh’le engaged In contest: Swede the lf,0 feet. FUNERAL HELD TODAY Mattson of Oakland. California hotdof Joel Holton. Howard Hught's, Mr. and ticipated at Eugene last week, he BAPTISTS TO HEAR Hubert W. Sawyers of Bend. pub Mrs Isaac Cline, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph said The tail of Ills Waco, he said, REV. WALTER BAILEY George W. Spann, a resident of of the Northwest chamninnshin for llxher «if the Bend Bulletin and a Cline anil family, Mr and Mrs. Tru- was somewhat damaged by the coarse AT SUNDAY SERVICE Springfi. Id for the past 10 years, two vears: and Wlndv Lindstrom of member of th • state highway com man Chase and family. Mrs. Iris of gravel on the field at Eugene. A turf died at his home on E street Tuesday Ix>s Angelas, chamnfon in a number mission. Is no v In Lane county In­ i Portland, Mr. and Mrs Harry Chase field such ns there Is here is much Rev. Walter Bailey, pastor of the morning at the age of 79 years. He of California contests. specting a nun,her of the mail pro­ i and family, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin superior, he said. Park Memorial Baptist church at i Tommv Sifton. San Francisco. Cali­ new j Chase and family. Mr. and Mrs. llomer jects her«. He Inspected th Springfield, Massachusetts, and a j was born December 26, 1849. and in 1872 was married to Miss Viola Lock- fornia: Dud Perkins. San Francisco, bridge yesterday. former resident of Springfield, Ore- 1 CLIMB UP MOUNTAIN Chase and family. Mr. nnd Mrs. Eu­ wood at Belleville, Michigan. They California: Rill Crane. Oakland. Call- gon, will deliver the sermon at the 1 gene Chase and fnmllv, Mr. and Mrs. W ITH LOCAL SCOUTS came to Oregon from North Dakota 1 fomla; A. K. VanDeMark. Oakland, local Baptist church Sunday morning Charles Myers. CRAY’S STORE OPENS California: AI Forsberg. Seattle, TO BE HELD SUNDAY at 11 o'clock. His topic will be in 1911 and to Springfield in 1919. Leo Scott, Mr. anil Mrs. Clarence Washington; AI St. Clair, Seattle, IN CORNER LOCATION "Power to Become." Mr 8pal,n ls Burv,ved »»y his widow _____ Chase and family, J. W. Chase. Miss The annual hike to the top of the J and by two daughters, Mrs. Ella Con- Washington: Bill Cameron, Seattle, Rev. Bailey was brought up and ,,_,i , Maude Chase, Miss Gladys Chase, F. Middle Sister sponsored by the The moving of Gray a ( ash anil way and Mrs. Guy Williams, both of Washington: Glenn Rice, Salem; Chase, Harry Waatell, Miss Sylvia Springfield Lions’ club primarily for educated In the Springfield vicinity. Springfield. He is also survived by and Clyde Johnson, Salem Carry to Its new location was com- He graduated from the Springfield ,deled the first of this week, and the Struhen, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Merle the hoy scouts of the town will be high school In 1915, and later from three grand-children and six great- This will be the third year that a held Sunday. All persons who wish grocery opened for business nt the Chase. grand-children. “the University of Oregon and the hill climb has b«»en held at Emerald to make the trip will meet at the omer of Main and Fifth streets on Mr. Spaun's funeral was held at Rochester Theological Seminary at | I Heights, but never y»t has a rider Camp Commission Meets Tuesday morning The remodeled Springfield News office Saturday af­ ■ the Walker-Poole chapel this morn­ Rochester, New York. He was or­ i succeeded in reaching the top. Thia The Methodist (iinin Meeting com­ ternoon. at 2 o'clock. The party, building which Gray's have occupied at 10 o’clock with Rev. C. J. Pike dained as a minister at the local i ing , .k »« .k -j. . , k . , ypar. however. Ernest Nelson helievea is said to he one of the most attrac­ mission, of which ■-veral Spring- which will Include most of the scouts B)„ Dav„ an(, Romp Baptist church In 1919. He was pas­ of «he Methodist Episcopal church in tive nnd best arranged In Lane field people are members, held Its of Troop 11. will go to Frog Camp, charge of the service«. He was buried o(her rl(lprs. wjn #ucree<1 )a tor at thp Baptist church at Norken- at the Laurel Hill cemetery. county. The Interior Is very well final meeting of the year Wednesday near the summit of the Cascades, zle for a time, and was for three reaching the summit. lighted by a large 25 foot window night at 6 o'clock at Cottage Grove. that ovenlng and will camp there years pastor of the local church. Business mntters relating to the pre­ S«iturday night. Sunday they will across the front of Main street and MANY LOCAL PEOPLE MR. AND MRS. N. A. POHL by a smaller one on Fifth street. The sent Methodist meeting nt thte Grove hike to the top of the Middle Sister. ATTEND CAMP MEETING I SM1TS0N BURNS GRASS were taken care of. and tentative On the return Sunday night the window serves as an excellent me­ HONORED AT DINNER dium for the display of merchandise. plans for the session next year were scouts will be left at Camp Lucky ON VACANT GROUND The annual camp meeting of the | Springfield people who Boy on Blue River, where the August A dinner In honor of Mr. and Mra. ' The Interior of the store also haH dlaeuxsi'd. Mon. xrass on a number of vacant Oregon conference Methodists, which M A. Poh, an„ fam„y wh„ space for large displays of goods, are members of the commission are camp of the Lane county boy scouts is now being held at Cottage Grove doy for their home at Anacortes, Dr. W H. Pollard, Dr. N. W. Emery. will be held. 1 l°t9 *he town was burned this at the same time being roomy and this week, will come to a close Sun- The party party will will be be guided guided In In the uncrowded. The outside of the R. W. Smith, Mrs. A. B. Van Valzah, the i * epk by Je’ " Sl"itson. local fire day evening. The sessions are being Washington, after visiting in -^ring- chief. Mr Smitson burned the grass field with relatives for a month was building whs repnlnled In cream and U. G. McElhancy. and Rev. (’. J. Pike climb of the Sister by H. E. Maxey attended by a great many Methodists light brown, while the Inside wns A number of the men of the town will on three lots at Eighth and G streets, of the Springfield vicinity. On ac­ given Sunday at the home of Dr. and To Collect Magazines kalsomlned light green, with the go, Including ( hester Aldrich, scout on five lots at Eighth and E streets, count of the meetings no preaching Mrs. Mortensen. The Springfield W. C. T. H. Is plnn. maslor of Troop 11, Walter Nealon, on four lots at Eighth and Main woodwork painted cream. Those who attended the farewell was held at the local church last nlng nn old newspaper and magazine assistant scout master, and Rill Cox, streets, and one lot between Second to Mr. and Mrs. Pohl were Mr. and Sunday morning, and none will be drive which will he launched within assistant scout master of Troop 12. and Mill streets. He also burned Legion to Elect Officers held this Sunday, although Bible Mrs. M. B. Huntly, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. h few weeks. The exact date has not The scouts who thus far have signed the parkings on Sixth, F, and E school will be held the same as usual. Schnetsky, Mrs. Josephine Johns of The Springfield American Legion streets. This reduces the fire haz­ as yet been set, hut local people are Springfield people who went to Chase Gardens, Irvin Schnetsky of and American Legion Auxiliary will urged to save all of their old papers up for ramp and who will be taken ards materially during the dry season. hold their regular meetings Friday and magazines for the organization. on the trip are Don Montgomery, Mr. Smitson Expects to burn the grass Cottage Grove for the meeting last Hot Springs. South Dakota, Miss Mar­ Wight in the Chamber of Commerce A pnrt of the money derived from the Ford Danner, Robert Mcl-agan, Win- on a number of other vacant lots as Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Harry garet Mortensen, Miss Irene "Johns, ston Bascus, Don Nelson, Joel Cow Gllette and family; Rev. and Mrs. C. Mr. and Mrs. Pohl, and Dr. and Mrs. hall The principal matter Io be taken aalo of old papers will be given to den. Ray Smith, Robert Hays. Gordon ;soon aR 11 drY enough J. Pike, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hughes, Mortensen up by the legion will be Ihe election the W. T. C. U. Children's Farm Home Wright, Dick Wright, and Arthur I • Mrs. Robert Drury, Mr. and Mrs. 8. of officers for the coming year. Plans near Corvallis and the remainder Will Pengra. The Lions' Club will furnish ¡FORM ER R E SID E N T 9. Potter and family, Mr. and Mrs. FIRE SIREN CONNECTED for Ihe stale convention at 8alem bo devoted Io local uses. transportation for the hoys. DEAD AT BEND HOME P. A. Wooley, Reuben Smith, Miss next week will also he discussed at DIRECT TO CITY HALL Faye Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. Sam ihat time. The Auxiliary elocted Navy Man Here Catches Big Fish I Bert Mitchell, 45, a former Sprlng- Bartholomew and family, and Mr. and officers at a meeting two weekH ago. A wire from the city hall to the Irvin Sehnelsky of Hot Springs, A 16 pound ling cod was the hag of i field resident, died at his home In Mrs. Lawrence May. fire siren at the Mountain States South Dakota, Is visiting In Spring- Mrs. N. L. Pollard, who went deep- Bend Tuesday night at 10 o’clock. Mr. power company plant was installed At Ketels Homs—Mr. and Mrs. F field with relatives during his fur­ sea fishing with Mr. Pollard and hla Mitchell had lived in Bend for a C ars C rash at In te rs e c tio n this week by the employees of the O. Crowell of Snn Diego, California, lough from the United States Navy mother at Newport Sunday. They number of years where he was env A Star touring car driven by Oliver company. The new arrangement will are spending a few days visiting at In which he Is serving. Mr. Sehnot- went out with a large party In a . ployed by the Brocks-Skandllng lum Sankey of Madras and a Chevrolet enable the whistle to he sounded the home of Mrs. Crowell’s parents, sky Is a member of the U. S. S. Mary­ fishing boat from the dock at New­ her company. He was the son of Mrs. coupe driven by Josh Cane of Lowell directly from the fire department Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Ketels. land which carried l*resldent Herbert port, going about five miles off the Mitchell of Springfield and the bro­ collided Saturday morning at the In­ when a fire Is reported. Previously Hoover on his trip to Central and shore. Mrs. Pollard found the sport ther of Mrs. Arthur Pengra. Mrs. tersection of Ninth and Main streets. when a fire was reported, the men on Back From Summer Camp—Louie South America Inst fall. He is visit­ very exciting, although the rocking Harry Chase, and Mrs. John Avltt, No one was Injured, although the duty at the city hall telephoned the Tuhey, local youth, returned this ing here with his grnnd parents. Mr. of the boat by the sea, which was all of this city. He was a member of Star was almost a total wreck and the power plant, where the alarm was week from Todd l«ake where he at­ nnd Mrs. A. J. Sehnelsky, and with rather rough, had a bad effect on the Christian church. His funeral Chevrolet was quite badly damaged. sounded. It Is believed that the new tended the annnal summer camp of his uncle nnd aunt, Dr. and Mrs. R. many members of the party. Mrs, will be held at Bend this afternoon at The Madras motorist purchased an­ system will help Increase efficiency Pollard's was the Largest fish caught. 3 o'clock. P, Mortensen. the Lane county Y. M. C. A. other car here to proceed on his way. In time of Ores.