1 THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1029 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PACK SIX UNTIE THE KNOT ■WIIIWIW In this community--in every community—hands are tied, production is limited, pleasures are denied—-and all 60 needlessly. Credit—-the magic word that will untie the knot, awaits our summons. I To enlist the aid of Credit—-unleash the bends that ere restraining our com­ munity from the development that is at hand, we must each and every one make our word our bond. ■ Then, and only then, can we hope to grow and as we glow, to prosper. Community credit is based on individual credit. to keep our credit good. We owe it to our community The following business and professional interests stand ready to serve you and Springfield. A W RIGHT SONS Hardware and Furniture W. C. REBHAN, M. D. EUGENE KESTER, M. D. SPRINGFIELD MILL A GRAIN COMPANY COMMERCIAL STATE BANK HENDERER ELECTRIC John Henderer, Prop. W HITE FRONT GROCERY W. A. Taylor, Prop. GRAY'S CASH AND CARRY Dallas Murphy, Mgr. THE W ILLAMETTE PRESS Printers and Publishers SPRINGFIELD GARAGE W. H. Adrian, Prop. MOUNTAIN STATES POWEI COMPANY