THPRSDAY. J l ’LY 25. 1929 T H E SPRINGFIELD NEWS TOWN AND VICINITY H a * T o n a li* Removed Mlaa M nry Lowell Man In Town Jonh Cane, Ixiuk underwent un operation for (he proprietor of the pool hall at Lowell, rtmovnl of her I ouh I I h al the offlre of wmm a bualneaa visitor In HprlugflelMiilun. Has Operation Mra Kona I’oat un «forwent a major operation ut the Pacific Chrlatlan hoapllnl at Eugeni- TuoHtliiy morning Santa Clara Woman Hare Mrs. K Thureton Woman In Town Mra K Folgaillih II of Suola ('Iura wax In S W ItlrhurilNon of Thurston wu» u Spi ItiRflelil for iiieillrul treatment liualneaa visitor In Sprlngfleld Tuea day afternoon. Hnturday J Aamurv Stockton Man Hare ('. () Jones, mil of town railroad man of Stockton, California, hilallicsH vlaltorx In Sprlngfleld hint Is spending u few days In Springfield on hiialni Hs Hnturday. H e re of F ro m lle n d w as B en d am ong M rs th e Margaret Wintarmryrr ol New York. 22. recovered her speech alter an aeroplane ride, during which shs received "atrial scat* wur* " P A M FIVE Back From Yellowstone Mr and "C O L L E G E LO V E ” A T Mrs. Ivan Male returnej thia M c D onald th eatr e ' from a visit to Yellowstone pant. wher> they spent their varrt'on. Undergraduate humor, that effer­ T h u rs to n W om an H ere— -Mrs. Her* vescent, sparkling characteristic of sema. Thurston resident, wan a busi­ youth, will be heard as well as seen ness visitor In Springfield Tueewlay on the screen for the first time In fllm,hlstory with the opening of Carl afternoon. l^aemmle, Jr’s., feature length colle­ M stcsIFs Back From V a c a tio n — M r gian musical comedy. "College Love, ’ 'and Mrs. Oren Metcalf and son L y le ,|„ (he McDonald Theatre no I returned Sunday night from i ultus This full-length climax of the Lake, near Bend, where they sp< nt popular short subjects created by I two weeks on their vacation. this young film executive and directed [ Hamlins at Roseburg— Mr. and Mrs (>y Nat Ross, brings to delighted F. B Hamlin spent Sunday on a trip audiences the rah, rah, rah of <»mpus ’ Io the Roseburg vicinity, where they , yells and the humor and drama of , Spent the day visiting with relatives every phase of campus and fraternal j und friends, life. same reason Neither of them actisally wen, to Ross becoming a director lor Univer­ sal at the age of 19, and I ave in mie. Jr. chooelng a film career Instead of a course at Princeton or Penn But they have done so much work on col­ lege life In connection with Ihe forty- odd shorter campus plrtures which they have made, that bofh feel their collegiate education has been more Intensive than could he obtained at any single school. H e re F rom Oakridge Mrs. Cl-. |» McPherson of Oakridge spent W--I- nesday In Sprlngfleld attending ,.o business malters. Return to Wisconsin—Mr and Mr«. I Mr,. Mosier Her«—Mrs. R. K RoM haK lon* kn<” rn “» the Maynard Olson and son Chaunc.-y, of ' Mosier of Grants Pass, a former re- col,,'K'' professor because of Spring Valley. Wisconsin, who have sldent of Springfield, Is visitine for ram lllarlty with every detail of been visiting In Springfield for some a few days with friends and relations 1 atmoephere. and (ari La. time at the home of Mr and Mrs. al Eugene and Springfield. Mr. emmle Jr., as president emeritus of'('hauncey Meacham, left Monday M osier has been here for some tim e. the same celluloid college for the morning for their home Canadian People Hero Dr. and Mrs. William Brown of Powell Hiver. Washington Man Visiting J K Returns to Bend Mrs Henry Korf British Columbia, spent the week-end returned Io her home nt Itend Sunday Huberts, of (¡lacier, Wasu,uglon, Is In Springfield visiting at the home of after visiting In Springfield with spending a few days In Springfield Mrs. A. II. Van Vallali. visiting with his sister, Miss Mary friends for some lime. Grass Burned on Lot—The dry grass Huberts, Mortensens at Salem-—Dr. and Mrs o* the vacant lot on Main street bet­ D u fu r M a n R e tu rn s P ra n k S p in n e r Il P. Mortensen spent Sunday at ween Sixth and Seventh was burner, Visits at Brother's Home Mr und of Dufur, O re g o n , w ho had been vis it Salem visiting at hte home of Dr Ing at th e h o m e o f his son fo r s e v e ra l Mrs Hurry Chase ami family spent Mortensen's sister, Miss Martha Monday by Jess Smltson of the local fire department. Sunday visiting ut the home of Mr Mortensen. duys, returned home Saturday and Mrs Chester Chase on the Me At Springfield Hotel—-Charles Boyd Visitors From Portland Maud (lor Keusle Hiver eusl of Springfield Nebraska Man Visits — Lawrence and D. C. Cade of Albany, representa­ rle and Klery Pay of Portland h | m - ii I Davis, of Lincoln, Nebraska, who tives of the Mountain States Pofer At Elite Hotel Mr anil Mrs Jordan the week end In Springfield vlnlllng spent lust week visiting at the home at the home of Mrs C. I Uorrte, Sr Hllford and Mrs. Noble of Lakeside of Mr. and Mrs J E. Sweeimy, has company, and C. J. Sexton of Marcola were registered at the Springfield and Charley Edwards of llushmau Fall Creek Man In Town H end l ■ were registered Iasi week end at the returned to his home In the East. hotel this week. son Smart, Pall Creek resident, was Elite hotel Miss Morrison Visiting Miss Vern­ a business visitor In S p rln g fle l I Mon Runs Sliver in Hand—B L. Peeg. ein Morr son of Pori!.mil Is ap-n.Ing V is i, at Blue R iv e r M r and Mrs day m orning who Is employed at the Springrd-I: u few days In Springfield visiting at 1.11 m Andersiin and family spent Sun planing mill, run a large sliver Into Cottage Orove Men Here Mall day a, I,lue Hiver visiting Mr and the home of her parents, Mr. and his finger while at work Wednesday Mrs E E .Morrison Ma(Ides of Collage Orove was a vlrl Mrs (¡leim Hlddle, who are cumpi-d He was given treatment at the office lor In Springfield Sunday at the Imine there for ihe summer. H ere fo r Pageant M rs V iv ia n of a local physician. o' Mr ami Mrs llarry Gillette. Hurley uni ch ild ren of Santa Hosu. C ity H a ll Repainted The front ol California, are spending a few d a is i Bonners Visit—Mr and Mrs. James S p en d S u n d a y a t S p rin g s M r an d the Illy hull was repainted the latter |„ Springfield visiting with friends Bonner spent week end here enroute Mrs Fred l.ouk spent Sunday on a isirt of last week In u < ream ari l green and attending the Sunset Trail pa­ to Spring Valley. California, where trip to London Springs, near C ollage com liin a t Inn New screen doors and Mr Bonner Is employed. Mrs. Bon geant at Eugene this week-end. Orove. a new awning were Installed. ner was formerly Miss Bessie Bench Dr. Van Valzah Here—Dr. R. C. of this city. She visited her parents Returns From California — Miss Baker Couple Here ‘ Mr and Mrs Van Valznh of Medford, spent the here. Gladys Mullins returned to Spring Oscar McDaniel of Baker h | m - ii ( the week-end in Springfield visiting at field Sumluy ufter spelling two weeks weekend In Springfield visiting ai the home of Ills mother, Mrs. A. B Former Employee Visits—Thelmer at various California points. the home of Mr and Mrs. Robert Van Valznh His wife an 1 children, J. Nelson, former shop employee of Carr. who h ive been visiting here for some the Springfield News, was a visitor Back From Newport Mr and Mrs J M I air son returned Sunday from Has Tonsils Removed Clair Vuilgn time, returned to Medford with hlin. In town for a short time Monday. Mr j Nelson has been connected with the Newport. Mrs lairson spent las, the small son of Mr. and Mrs Orson M rs. Maxey Home—Mrs II. E -pimes-Herald at Burns since leaving Vaugn. had his tonsils removed at week In the cons, city, while Mr Maxey returned home on Monday | Springfield the office of a local physician Tues­ nlghl after n visit at the home of her | lairson spent I lie weekend there. day morning parents, Mr and Mrs E. H Turner, j Portland People Here—Mr. and Mrs. Back From Resdsport Mr. anil at Olympia. Washington. Mrs. Maxey i Arthur Cooper of Portland arrived Visits in Douglas County Wilfred Mrs C O. Wilson sn<| daughter. BII had been visiting In Olympia since ■ In Springfield Sunday to spend sever. Brown, reporter for the Springfield lee, have returned from Reedsport, by her son. Bruce. | al days as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. where they have spent the latter part News. s|wnt the week-end at Camas Walter Parrish. Mrs. Cooper Is a Valley, Douglas county, visiting with of lust w e e k visiting with friends. Boy Injures Foot—Tni small son sister of Mr Parrish. relatives and friends. T Mr. anil in s . SI Jones Injured hl-* Trent Rasident Here W H. Bohnrt Camp Creek Man Here — Albert Station Repainted The J M I-nr font quite aev* rely Wednesday after­ of Trent was u visitor In Sprlngfleld noon when he Jumped on the spout Simmons, Camp Creek rancher, was a son service station at the corner of Monday morning Mr Bohnrt hoe of an oil can The spout penetrated visitor in Springfield for a short Just returned from an extened tour Main and Second streets was re­ Ills foot to the bone. He was given time this morning enroute to Eugene painted this week by the painters of through Eastern Oregon und Wash treatment at the office of a local to attend the opening of the Sunset , the Richfield Oil company. Ingtnn physician. Trail. R eturn to N ebracka M r and Mrs Special Train Passes Through—A George Sweeney of Ravena, Nebraska, Neets Go To Portland—Levi Neet. «he ha I - i n visiting in Sprlngfleld Hpci-lal train loaded with delegates to his mother. Mrs Mary Neet. and his for sono- time at the home of Mr. and the regional convention of the daughter Nadine Neet, went to Port­ 61 E. B R O A D W A Y Mrs .1 A. Sweeney, left Thursday for Neighbors of Woodcraft at Portland land Saturday to bring back Mrs. Levi this Wt-ek passed through Springfield Neet. their home. ' h..- ' .' visiting there for C O O L IE C O A T S — Wednesday atternoon. Most of the the past two weeks at the home of b rig h t and p re tty Undergoes Operation Mrs J. W deli gates on the train were from 98c Mr Neet s brother, Oro. Eastman of Marcola underwent a California. I major operation al Ihe Pacific Chris­ ' Potter Making Trip-—George Potter Return From Black Rock Mr. and - ,,j Cottage Grove, a former Springfield tian hospital ut Eugene Monday even­ ing She Is reported to be doing Mrs. W. E. Buell and family return resident, was In town Monday morn- well e il Sunday from Black Rock, near |gg enroute to Itend and Crater Lake Dalla», their former home, where ! O l blp vacation. Mr. Potter is being i At Springfield Hotel—E. H. Hut­ they spent the latter part of last accompanied by Joe Nedeau of Culp chinson and L. H. Pearn of Toppen­ week. Mr. and Mrs Buell are owners Cre< k. ish, Washington, und Mrs. C E. Mi of a farm at Black Rock. ! Pherren of Eugene were registered M edford G irls H ere— T h e Misses i over the week end nt the Springfield Return to California—Mr. and Mrs Zoe and Irene Newman of Medford hotel. L. G. Ewhanks of Santa Ana, Cali­ are visiting in Springfield with their fornia. who have been visiting with aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mr«. G H. Her, From Wyoming—Mr and Mrs. friends and relatives In the Sprlng- Turner. They will stav about t'.ree R. B. Mathews and daughter, Mrs. field vicinity for the past two weeks, weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Turner and the Bessie Walters, and three grand­ left Monday for their home In the girls are now In Portland on a few children of Casper, Wyoming, are south. days' visit. visiting for a few days In Springfield st the home of Mrs. Andrews' sister. Mrs. A M Fischer. LOOK FOR T H E NAM E B e tte r B rea d T h a t New Bread with the H om e-m ade Fla- ivor. Rich, W holesom e and Delicious. /Ask your G rocer or Call New Home Bakery Phone 1UJ 405 Mill S tre e t Motor Reconditioning and General Repair Work I have opened a shop in the K epner Building a t 5th and B s tre e ts and I am prepared to handle all hinds of general Automobile R epair work. Special price on m otor reconditioning. My m any years experience in autom obile rep a ir work insures a first class job. 5th and B Streets F. 0. SPENCER Springfield J.C.PENNEYC0. 942 W illam ette St.. E ue ene. Oregon. Smart Silk Frocks Styled for Every N eed — Priced for Every Purse! K a f o u r y ’s T ru ly a delightful assortment o f clever new frocks . . . prints and plain colors in pastel tones and dark shades for street and travel. Combinations, too. Such a plentitude of smart styles! Such values! You'd be wise to see these dresses while the assortment is complete 1 $9.90, $14.75 °W . Mrs. Eggimann at Convention—Mrs C. F. Eggimann left this morning for Portland where she will nttend the regional conference of Ihe Neighbors of Woodcraft and the dedication of the New Woodman's building nt Port­ land. She will return to Springfield Saturday. I H e re ’s the firs t all- ta lk in g college featu re — AND HO W I F la m ­ ing youth ram p an t on the cam pus and on the foo tb all team . Do they love th e ir college— and th a lr co-eds? Oh, boy I S E E and H E A R George Lew is, D orothy G u lli­ ver, C h u rc h ill Rost, H ayden 8tevenson. 100% TALKING and SINGING also Lupino Lane T a lk in g Comedy Idaho Couple H e re — M r. unit Mrs Claude Allen of W»lser, Idaho, visited In Sprlngfleld with frlenu. for a short time Monday. They are "Isltlng at the home of Mr Allen's pn.°nls nt Eugent and nre staying for the Sun- pageant this week. Mr. merchant In the Idaho Mrs. Lemley Here—Mr. and Mrs Fred E. Lemley of Portland spent the week-end in Springfield visiting. Mr. Lemley returned Sunday, hut Mrs. Lemley Is stnylng here this week i visiting af the home of her mother, , Mrs. J. Richter, nnd her mother-in- law, Mrs. Vina McLean. Go to Crater Lake—Mrs. W. O. I Hughes, Mrs Roy Carlton, and Ralph Hughes left Monday for Crater Lake where they will npend a few days visiting with Elizabeth Hughes and Iowa Carlton, who are spending the summer there. Clss Hughes nnd Iowa Carlton are among the several Sprlngfleld girls employed as wait­ resses at Crater Lake Ixidge. ^M ^e cro ts ien« i?uhin»Idn For as you were when first your eye I eyed. Such seems your benuty still.—Shakespeare. Pure white or silver hair can be soap In several clear rinsing waters. suili beautiful hair! R.itt. grad*.us, Then give the hair a final rinse In a he- basin of water to which a few drops most I: cu lly fashion It illtns facial of French bluing have been added. lines almost magically and brings out But take care not to get too much of the rosiest tints In Ihe skin. the hitting in the water. Jus now It Is extremely fashionable Recently I saw a very pretty young to have silver or snow-white nalr. woman whose prematurely white hair And It Is often worn short, approprl- had evidently Just been given a bluing ntely waved and dressed, with a very rinse, tinder her bright red hat It lovely effect. looked distinctly blue In color. The But short or long, the white or sll. effect was weird and not at all nt. vet- gra.v head needs more than or-j tractive as so many startling effects dinary care to keep it lovely. Unless j may he. 11 •" properly shampooed, rinsed, dried In drying white hair avoid strong and waved, It often becomes dry and heat. This rule applies to all types yellowish or streaked. ! of hair, but for gray or white hair, Here Is a particularly good sham 1 which Is usually Inclined to be dry or poo for thia type of hair: Sllve a brittle, It Is doubly Important. To I cake of pure Castile soap and mix with dry It well, gently rub the hair and It one-half ounce of potassium car scalp with soft, warm, Turkish towels honate and three ounces of water. Ix«t to absorb the moisture. simmer until thoroughly dissolved, White or sliver hair should never then add one ounce of glycerine. be waved with an hot Iron, as the Blend and add more water to the mix­ action of intense heat Is yellowing. ture If necessary Shnmpoo In th e , Instead use a warm Iron, or wave usual fashion. ! with "water wave" combs. Be very careful to rinne out the H E L E N A R U B IN S T E IN . Luggage for the Vacation S 1 .5 0 - S I 0 .0 0 Club Bags ..................... ................... S 5 .7 5 - S12.OO Hat Bo* ..............................S 5 .2 5 - S8.OO Gladstone B ags............ ............... S I 1 .0 0 ~ $ 2 0 .0 0 Trunks ...... ........................... $ 9 .7 5 — UP Suit Cases Wright & Sons HARDWARE FU R N IT U R E PAINT r