Try the H om e P rin t Shop P irat THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS HI’KINGKIELI), LANE COUNTY. OREGON TW ENTY-SIXTH YEAH Up to Date Sheriff OPENING IS M The T rail, th e g re a t A LIVE NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN NUMBER 29 CIVIC CLUB PICNICS LOCAL BUSINESS MEN AT W. A. HEMENWAY FARM TO CLOSE HOUSES FOR NEAR COTTAGE GROVE SUNSET TRAIL FRIDAY T h e S p rin g field W o m en 's C ivic C lub held an all day picnic T huraday In th e b eau tifu l fir g ro v e at the W. A Ilem eu w ay farm , th re e mile» weal of C o ttag e d ro v e Tip- ladle» brought u biiNkut d in n e r and Mr». H em enw ay serv ed th em w ith hot coffee and all kind» of fruit» First Showing of Sunset Trnil nt Haywnrd Field Tonight at 8:15; Big Pioneer Parade To­ morrow at 10 o’clock; Air Circus in Afternoon. J ill HSOAY, JULY 25, 1929 "The People's Paper” Heads O rder pn- ' geant of the aettlln g of th e weal, . which la to he p re«ented In E ugene today, tom orrow and S a tu rd a y , will hav e the co-operation of th e g re a te r! [ p art of the luiHineaa m en of S pring i field, who have agreed to close up i tom orrow F riday will probably be j the hlggeat day of th e celeb ratio n . : In th e aftern o o n Ml»» Aldine (Jar T h e principal feature» include th e , tin e n te rta in e d them w ith aev eral p ioneer p arad e tom orrow m o rn ’ng. vocal solos, a fte r w hich th e ladiea , th e N o rth w est a ir derby In th e after- E dw ard W . L ibbey of W ash in g ­ w ent for a awlm In a lake on th e noon, and then th e aecond pre.ienta ton, D. L , w as elected G rand Mon- farm l-a te r In th e aftern o o n Ice Hon of the pageant In th e evening • rch of the M ystic O rn -r of Veiled P rophet» of the I E n. banted Realm cream an d cak e waa serv ed . T h o s e , T » •s h v e ? bualneaa I follow , , i r ' w ing I n j, m m ii'n n l hnuaea iu u ,-,' n , Z r t.L V» ¡EXPECT TO SETTLE E County Court Makes Offer To- day to Highway Commission To Build 50 Feet More to West Approach on Springfield Structure. O nce again th e t lo n eers of III»’ Final settlement of the Springfield early tiny» of O regon co u n try a re with bridge question which has been much • h . come Io »lew tit«’ «lev,-loped discussed during the past four month« W ayne H om ing, »hrriff ol S h aw ­ ro u n try for which th ey laid th e fount! [ nee < ■ unty. K an, is the hrat Sheriff is in prospect at Portland today at tha atom. conic to recall to ua th e O regon I in the I ' S t o have an airplane aa regular meeting of the Oregon State «•tilt h they knew , ant, to bid fa rew ell j part of In« regular equipm ent in enjoying Mr» Hemenway'» hoapltallty haVf. , hua far aKr,„.(1 , ,M,perat(. ^ ^ h e ^ th annual meeting at Rock, Highway Commission. At that t.ima tu n n in g dow n law violators- Io th e ir ih K -endunts of today C ap tain Ju d g e C. P. Barnard of the Lana were M esdam es C (). W ilson, C by cloalng for the c e le b ratio n Fri- , Robert G ray 1» h ere, nml M eriw eth er | county court will present to the com­ W heaton, I, K Page, W W W alker, , ()av W hit, F ront G rocery, » w art» MOTHERS' CLUB FINDS l.ewlH, anti W illiam C lark, and Sac» > ANNUAL CAMP MEETING mission the court's proposal to pay Ira P e te rso n , It. It S altam an , Paul and Son M arket, Sne, d'a G rocery, t jaw ,-a, am i a boat of o th er» whoae I OF OREGON METHODISTS for the disi uted 50 feet of open ap­ CARBAGE TRUCK EASY Ural tain, Geo, P rochnow , L. G. G ray'» C ash and f u r r y . G ray 's Feed I n am es loom large In th e hlatory of th e | proach out of the county funds, thu« OPENS AT GROVE TODAY term iin, am i I» O M aher. THOUGH NO LIMOUSINE settling the controversy. S to re, W right and Son« h a rd w a re j weal, a» well a» th o se leaner her,»-» i »tore, M ing« Plum bing »hop, Ger- ' who tilt! noth in g »pet ta c u la r. hut yet Many Methodist» of th e S p rin g At the last meeting of the highway her'» B arber »hop. Nelson's »hoe ' ‘■Necessity is the mother of inven­ played a vltnl purl III th e hull ting of field v icinity a rc p lan n in g to a tte n d MRS. SHERMAN TO HEAD tion,' remarked one of the wise men commission the West Springfield ob­ LEGION AUXILIARY Hh,,P- B ennett'« .Market, lndepend tin- Weal Hu* n in th a n n u a l cam p m eetin g of of the world, long.long ago, “and jectors to the fill approach were of­ — e n t M arket, ideal G rocery, A nderson T he occasion 1» th e Kunaet T rail th e Oregon C onference, w hich will la- adaptation is her step-daughter'' added fered 100 additional feet of bridge by Mr». J I, Sherman wa» elected and C lover B arb er »hop. H all'» Shoe pageant w hich open» today at E u g e n e , held at C o ttag e G rove b eg in n in g to six members of the Springfield the commission, but the offer wa« »hop. S ervice C leaner», Chic'» Feed u n tl will he preaetlted to n ig h t, to ­ day -mil laatln g until S unday, A ugust p re sid e n t o f th e S p rin g field A m erican Mothers' Club enroute home from refused by the committee member«, sto re . T u rn e r’» N ovelty »tore, K en­ Legion au x iliary at th e re g u la r m eet m orrow am i S a tu rd a y It la a g reat 4 T h e re will he no p reach in g ut th e their regular meeting late, late Tues­ who stated that they would be willing n ett'» . S pringfield B akery, Commer­ epi, of th e hlato ry of th ia cou n try local M ethodist ch u rch c ith e r thi« Ing of th e o rg an izatio n in th e c h a m ­ to compromise on 150 feet, but none day night. cial S b 'te Bank. M orris B arb er shop, b er of co m m erce room» M onday night. w ritte n by W. F G T h a tc h e r, prof,-«- S unday o r next on account of th e less. It came about In this manner. The and J. C. M cM urray. eor of ahort atory In th e I'n lv e ra lty of cam p m eetin g , alth o u g h S unday school S h e succeed» Mr». M It Huntly to With a view of satisfying both tha mothers' Club met at the home of th e post- Mr» I N E n d ico tt wa» O regon, nml d ire c te d by Mr». Dorla will he held aa uaual. Mrs. Clarence Chase at Chase Gar­ highway commission and the West ch o sen vice-p resid en t of th e o rg a n ­ FOUR COUPLES HOSTS S m ith of P o rtlan d More th a n 1500 T h e cam p m eetin g ground» a re dens, some five miles out of Spring- Springfield citizens, the Lane county a. tor» will p a rtic ip a te In th e a ffa ir. located In a grove fo u r block« eaat ization. and Mra II (). D lbhlee »ecre- ANNIVERSARY PICNIC field. After an evening of discussion, court offered last week, following an Which will he liehl at H ayw ard Meld i of th e Pacific highw ay at C ottag e ta ry -tre a a u re r. T he e x e cu tiv e com­ investigation of conditions at tha m ittee ch o sen for th e com ing year on the I ’nlv eralty rntnpua. T h e pa Grove Four Springfield couples, Mr and the meeting adjourned and the mem­ T h e m eeting» a re held In un constat» of Mra. 11. E. M axey, Mr«. Mrs. Jack Henderer, Mr. and Mrs. bers started for home at 12 o'clock, west end ot the bridge, to pay for g ra n t la arra n g e d Into eight episode» i open-air i»»vlllon. w hile th e re 1» or thereabouts. Mrs. Lawrence Mof­ the additional 50 feet of approach p o rtra y in g the hlato ry of th e O regon p len ty of au rro u n d in g apace for • A It Van V alzah and Mra. I. M. P e te r­ Paul S. Basford, Mr. and Mr». Dallas son. A n u m b er of ap p o ln ta tlv e offi­ Murphy, and Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Reb- fitt was driving one of the cars, and rather than see the dispute carried ro u n try from th e day» of th e Maya cam ping Rev. M A. M arcy of Eu Into the Supreme court and the bridge civ ilizatio n . up th ro u g h th e day» of gene, d is tric t su p e rin te n d e n t o f th e cer« will be selected by Mr». S herm nn han, whose wedding anniversaries all riding with her were Mrs. Carl i stand Mie for many months more. Phetteplace, Mrs. Clifford Wilson, later. In d ian a, and th e pioneer», to th e pre S o u th ern O regon co n feren ce, will |>re- fall on or around July 23, were host» Mrs. Clayton Barber, Mrs. Sidney Today the offer will be made before No n o m in atio n s h av e aa y et been pent, cloning with a vlalon of th e fu ­ | aide at th e m eeting» at a picnic In observance of the occa­ A mong th e , the highway commission, and should tu re M arahall lia n a , m an ag in g ed ito r ! p rin cip al sp eak er» will be Rev. I,. M d efin itely m ad e fo r th e officer» of sion Tuesday night at Swimmers’ De­ Ward, and Mrs. Walter Gossler. All went well until the party was it be accepted, the contract can ba of th e O regon Jo u rn a l, will play th e G riggahv, p a«tor of th e F irst M etho th e A rem tcan Ix-glnn for th e com ing light, near Goshen. The evening was let within a short time, and the lead in g p art In th e p ag ean t aa th e dial E p isco p al ch u rch of T aco m a, y ear, alth o u g h a n o m in atin g co m m it­ spent In swlmmling and dancing, after about three and one-half miles from bridge can possibly be completed this which refreshments were served. The Springfield, when things began to tee haa been ap p o ltn ed by M J. pioneer. W ashington, anil Rev. Dean C. Ih itto n , season. The cost of the additional Hut th e pag ean t la not th e only a t ­ n a tio n ally know n M ethodist evangel. Larson, commander, to make recoin- remarrying of the couples in a mock happen. As Mrs. Moffitt rounded a , ceremony was one of the big features [ corner, one of the tires of the car 50 feet of bridge above that of a fill tra c tio n at E ugene th ia w eek-end 1st. Rev and Mrs. Ira Dunina will he mendatlons. ---------------------------- j of the evening. This Is an annual collapsed, and was found to be a total will be approximately $3825. Second only In In tereat will be th e 1 In c h arg e of th e m usic. eveni j loss after a stop for examination was Another matter of general county p io n eer p arad e, w hich will he held at LOS ANGELES FLYER Interest to come before the state 10 30 o ’clock tom orrow m o rn in g Mora • Present at the picnic besides the j 600,000 TROUT TO STOPS _____ AT LOCAL FIELD hosts and their families were Mr. and The six members of the Mothers highway commission is that of tha th a n 130 e n trle a p o rtra y in g tth e em l BE RELASED HERE g ratlo n of th e pioneer» to O regon will . A Loa Angeles aviator, the district Mrs. Carl Olson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry [ Club alighted from the car and after j Siuslaw highway. The court will also ta k e p art. T he g ran d m arah al of th e BY GAME COMMISSION „g.-nt forth,- Arrow airplane company, i Whitney, Mr and Mrs. C. E. Kenyon, j» consultation started to walk the discuss this matter with the bureau three and one-half p a ra d e will he C a p ta in O liver Apple- ~ “ miles between of public roads while in Portland. -------- [stopped at the Springfield airport for Dr. and Mrs. W. N. Dow and Mr. and ’ them and town, an undertaking which g ate of K lam ath F alla, n oted In d ian Six hundred thousand small rain [ a , hort t|nl„ Tues(jay to demonstrate I Mrs. J.C. McMurray was soon found to be somewhat more BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS fig h te r amt a nephew of Jeaae Apple- how tro u t, ran g in g In alze from th re e (jne (>j f,|a A rrow sp o rt m odel planes, j difficult than was at first thought. g ate, noted wagon tr a in lead er. C ap ­ to five Inches, will he rele a se d In 1 Thfi p | an e w hlch hp waW fly in g is MISS FLORENCE COFFIN PLANNED BY BOARD tain A ptdegnte croaaed tth e plain» In th e M cK enzie and U p p er W illam ette [ slm l,a r Wnen the ladies had all but given thp o n e w hich M ajor 0 . H. _____ ’ HONORED AT PICNIC hl" uncle'« p arty In IMS up hopes of reaching Springfield be­ riv e rs w ithin th e next week hy th e ^ c k e rs o n In ten d s to p u rch ase for th e ! A number of improvements of the An a ir circu s w hich 1« ex p ected to s ta te gam e cointnlKslon of w hich Ben school of aviation he 1« to start here j picnic In honor of Miss Florence fore morning, they suddenly sighted local school building were announced a ttr a c t m any fiver« from all p art« of i D orris, local m an, 1« ch airm an . within a few weeks. |Coffin, of Portland, former Spring the lights of a car approaching. They by the school board following a tout th e N o rth w est will he h eld at th e E u ­ planted themselves determinedly in of inspection Tuesday night. The M. It. H untly and J a c k H en d erer, T h e m a jo r Is n e g o tia tin g for th e I Geld re sid e n t, w ho is v isitin g w ith gene airp o rt F rid ay a ftern o o n nt 2 local sp o rtsm en . have I h - i - i i sp en d in g the middle of the road and waited. most important of these will be the p u rch ase of th e \rro w , hut has not frien d s here, w as held S u n d ay a t th e o’ clock and S a tu rd a y nt m e nam e I th e pan, se v eral day» lo catin g places The driver of the truck, for such it completion of the unfinished room at yet d efin itely o rd ered It. Ju s t now j farm hom e of Mrs. C. I. G orrie. S r . tim e. along th e riv e r w here it will be pos­ he Is m ak in g plan« for th e N ational e a s t of tow n. T he (flcnlc w as held in was, was rather astounded at the re­ the Brattain school, so that It may S a tu rd a y m o rnin g w ill be h eld th e sib le to dum p th e flah from th e a ir ra ces from P o rtlan d to C leveland th e woods on th e b ank of m e mill quest of the women for a ride. His be used for school purposes next year I n d it a I r In I p arad e, w hich la nlao a t­ tru c k s Into th e stre a m s. car, he explained, was not intended if it Is deeded. The room was left un. It 1» n e ­ Ghlo, which he will e n te r th e la tte r [ stre a m . Follow ing . e din n er. tr a c tin g m any en trle a , am ong them ce ssa ry for th e tru ck » to conic w ithin for hauling passengers. As a matter finished at the time the building waa part of August. Tex Rankin, famous ! afternoon was spent visiting th e S pringfield Mill and G rain co m ­ th irty feet of th e w ater, nnd such of fact, it was intended for hauling built because of the shortage of fin­ Portland aviator, will also fly in the plnvlng games. p any and the S p rin g field 4L. but one thing—garbage. He was on ances. but it will now be floored and lo catio n s a re ra th e r sc a rc e alo n g l h e ,ra(.e(t | Those who were present at the af- N early everyone In S p rin g field will river. T h e heavy tru ck w ith th e ta n k j I fair were Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wheaton. his way home, well loaded, from plastered the same as the others. be at E ugene for aom e p art o f th e c e le ­ of sm all fish cornea ns close to th e Eugene. Mill Closing For Pageant ' Another Improvement will be the b ra tio n Moat of th e b u sin e ss h o u se s ! I ! Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Gorrie. Jr.. Mrs. The Mothers' Club consulted to­ enclosing of the play shed at the w ater a s possible, and th e tro u t a rc will , I) .C. England. Edna Swarts. Anne 'I he local Booth-Kellv mill w ill doae F rid ay for th e P io n eer p nr | rele a se d th ro n g h a 30-foot ho»e six gether again, deciding at length that Brattain school, giving the children ihnt down for Friday and Saturday | Van Valzah. Margaret. Anne and ad e an d o th e r featu re» , and th e B ooth Inches In d iam eter. Maude Gorrie. Jeannine Withers. LII-1 an>r form of transportation was pre- a warmer and dryer place to play IB of this week, according to an an­ K elly m ill will he closed both F rid ay About five truck loads of the rain­ nouncement posted by O. H. Jarrett, Ian England. James Gorrie. Marvin I Arable to walking. Two of them during the winter time. In addition and S atu rd ay . Gorrie. Elery Fav. David. Dan and 1 climbed into the cab with the driver. bow« will he dumped into each of superintendent. The reason for the the rivers by the game commission closing” Is to give the employees an Don England. Florence Coffin and The work will begin ns soon as A first class swimming test for enough sultnble Incntion« are found. opportunity to take In the Sunset Mrs. C. I. Gorrie, Sr. Trail pageant which is being held at the scouts of Troop 12 will he held To Visit Parent»—Miss Era Dell Eugene Thursday, Friday and Sat­ Sunday morning at 9 o'clock near the Murphy of Great Falls. Montana, and Families Move— Mr. and Mrs. H. E. urday of this week. old bridge plera In the Willamette, It Mrs. Glenn Arehart of Lebanon are 1» announced hy BIB (‘ox, assistant Muxey have moved from Fifth and expected this week to visit at the Eggimann’s On Outing—Mr. and A streets to the E. It. thinner home »«cut master. Those who wish to home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. take the test will meet at the Cham at Ninth nnd A streets. Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. Egglmann spent Wedneesdav on I. E. Murphy. an outing tip the McKenzie river. Danner have moved (o Eugene to live. her of Commerce. The test requires a awlm of 50 yard». The Knuts of both troops are making preparation» Here They Come Across the Plains to Eugene, Oragon j to attend the summer eamp which will be held at Camp Lucky Boy In the Cascades beginning August 5. To Hold Swim m ing T est Goodman's Back From Tour Mr. and Mrs. William Goodman, proprietor» of the Eagle Cafe, re­ turned Wednesday night from a 20 day trip through Western Canada. They left Springfield July 5 and visit­ ed In Vancouver Island, Alberta and Urt'lsh Columbia. They were ac- companled bv their daughter, Miss j on.,Ida Goodman, nnd Mrs. Good- m ans sl»ler, Mrs. I. A. Macdonald, both of Nnnnlmo, British Columbia. Miss Goodman and Mrs. Macdonald will visit her, for some time. Offer Closes This Week The special sale of Holpolnt nnd WeslinghotiHe rnngt-s now being con­ ducted by the Mountain Statea Power Company will come to a close this week. Many locul housewives have taken advantage of this special offer and are enjoying, according to W. K. Bornell, local manager, more leisure and cooler kitchens. Mashes Finger—J. H. Thurman, local carpenter, mashed one nf his fingers quite badly while at work Fatudray. Ho was given medical treatment nt the office of n local physician. » > -'S» V? ii- tv. ■' * * O'1" •, •. •*., > S' ' - . ■ ■ .-.-A J - ■ iB . ' -a V A scene from the Siinnet. T r a il P ag ean t at Eugene thia w eek. Cal Young, head of the pio­ neer phase of the celebration with his ox team and Miss Mary G ierhart, queen of th e S unset T rail. two stood on the running board, and the remaining two spread newspapers over some of the more substantial F»rbaFe and *at there on the back. And so they returned home to Springfield. Scouts Go On Hike ! to these will be a number of minor I repairs to the buildings, such as new doors for the high school gymnasium and the straightening of the chimney | there. REV. PIKE TO PREACH AT UNION SERVICES Five boy scouts of Troop 12, under the leadership of Bill Cox, assistant scout mastej. climbed to the top of Castle Rock on the south fork of the ¿HcKenzie Sunday. The boys were taken to McKenzie Bridge by Clifford Wilson, scout master, and hiked to the rock from there. Those who made the trip were Paul Schantol, Wilfert Swlndall, Lloyd Shipley, Mor­ gan Chandler, and Kenneth Cox. Ed. Pinkley, who is serving in the United States army and is in Springfield on furlough, also made the trip with the boys. "Christ's Claim on His Church” 1« to be the subject of Rev. Roy L. Dunn at (he Springfeld Christian church oB Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Bible school will be held in the church at 9:45 o'clock with R. G. Moshier a« chairman. Sunday evening at 7:30 Rev. C. J. Pike, pastor of the local Methodist church, will preach at the union ser­ vices, which will be held at the Christian church. His subject has not yet been announced. A union service of the Christian Endeavor, Epworth League, and Young People’» Wins Costume Prize Union will be held at the Christian Nancy Ann Chase, the small daugh­ church at 6:30 o’clock. ter of Mr. and Mrs. .Clarence Chase of Chase Gardens, was awarded first Breaks Arm prize in the children's division of Howard Park of West Springfield the pioneer costume parade held in broke both bones In his right fore­ Eugene Wednesday night as the first arm Just above the wrist Sunday event of the Sunset Trail celebration. morning at his home. He wag crank­ Several hundred persons participated ing a car, when the crank kicked In the parade, with prize« awarded fat backward out of his hand, striking the best set of whiskers, for the best him on the wrist. He was brought real old costumes, and for the best to Springfield and the broken bone« modern Sunset Trail costumes. were set by a local physician. Guard Suspends O lli The Springfield National Guard has suspended drill until August 22. ac­ cording to C. A. Shvarts, commander. Many nf the members are out of town at this tlmp of the year, making It • eiy difficult for^drllllng The drills which are raUttmd will be made up before the chjT" of the year, Mr. L» brts said. Perkin« Building School George Perkins, local contractor, who was recently awarded the con­ tract for erecting the new concret« grammar school building at Wendllng has begun work there, tearing down the old structure to make room for the new. The cost of the building will be approximately $20,000.