SUNSET TRAIL PAGEANT SHAPING INTO MONSTER WESTERN PERFORMANCE OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST E ugene, O regon, Ju ly IS (S pecial! —T he S u n set T rail P a g ean t, to be stag ed on H ayw ard field July 25, 26 and 27. will be th e m ost e la b o ra te ou td o o r p erfo rm an ce e v e r seen In O regon. It Is d ecla red by th o se who have seen early re h e a rs a ls of the huge show A east of 1500 Is now w orking n ightly on th e event, which will d ep ict th e d evelopm ent of tile O regon countrv fri m th e early, a l ­ most p re h is to r ic Maya days, on through th e p resen t to a vision of Principal Events of the Week Assembled for Information of Our Readers. The postoffice departn>»nt announc­ ed recently that It has leased new quarter» (or the office at Greehani The 34th annual reunion of the Tamhlli County Pioneer association was held in the Dayton city park Sat­ urday. Thomas Henry Williams was ap­ pointed justice of the peace of the Pondosa medical springs district in Colon county. Louis E. Bean of Eugene, chairman of the Oregon public service commis­ sion died at Salem recently, following a long Illness. FI .mes swept the Stubblefield lum her mill at Ix-hman Springs, a sum­ mer resort about 80 miles south of Pendleton and burned it to the ground The Ingalls west side barns at Du- fo r were com pletely destroyed by fire THURSDAY, JULY IS, 192'» THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PA O» SIX the future. One ot the o u tsta n d in g fe a tu re s of the event will lie Hie huge stage It self, which will he 240 feet long and SO feet deep. It re p re s e n ts a scene In a forest in O regon, w ith tall m ountains In th e background It re a rs over 36 feet In the air, and will give th e a p p e a ra n c e of u w hole m ountain side covered w ith m ajestic fir (Hies In one of th e m ost im prea sive scen es two large t r e i s will bo fallen, w ith re a l liim lierjncks sw ing Ing axes and h an d lin g saw s. T he p ag ean t will be offered each t-veiilng. and sta rtin g prom ptly at 8:20. will last for an even tw o hours w ithout a break S ealin g capacity | i f 10.000 eaeli night has b e e n arra n g e d fur, an d Indications a re th a t alm ost eaiwu 'ty crow ds wilt he p re se n t each evening T h» event Is Io lie fu ll' covered liy (lie p ress of Hie sta le , as a speeiul " p re ss box'' to hold 60 news- w rite rs each evening, has been eon stru etial III Ih c e n te r of the huge stand. O u tstan d in g d ra m a tic and m usical {alent ot th e s ta le lias been d raw n on for (lie pageant Mrs Ihirls Sm ith, of P o rtlan d K osarla fam e, will direct th e p e rfo rm an ce; Jo h n S ta rk E vans, professor of m usic al Hie University of O regon, will have c h a rg e of the eh o rils; Mrs M ildred l.e t’om pte Moore will d irect dancing, w hile lu th e casi will he M a n ti'll N.Dana, associati* ed ito r of th e OM »gnnlour- nal, who will have the Iqadlnjrole of p io n eer; Nancy T h lelem . disi m ezzo soprano, will sing as "S |" )"- w ea," and S idney Dixon, pnflur radio ten o r from sln tln n K Jit iffihe N ational llro a d iu sllu g com pany of S entile. Entries from all over tha Statuirò ponding In for th e Plotieer and n- d u atrlal parad es, the fo rm er to be bfl F riday and the la lle r S atu rd ay T h e a ir circ u s la alread y assu td of at least fdl p lanes p re se n t to pad c lp ate In races, slu m s ami o ilier fs lu res. T ills will be an ev en t on $)• day unii S u tu rila) aftern o o n s M rs M argery S. Corbett-Ashby. • I London, is chairman of (he In ­ ternational Women's Suffrage A l­ liance which w ill celebrate its twenty-hftb aaaivsraary ta Barlaa seat June - ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ a ♦ THURSTON ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ The Ladies Aid society held a sil­ ver tea at Mrs. Ibiul Jenkins last Thursday afternoon. USED URNITURE Mr. and Mrs. F ra n k C rum pton from Ben-1 visited a t th e A. C. W'ca- recently, with a loss of between $12,- ver home last Thursday. Mrs. 000 and $15,000, partially covered by Crampton Is a niece of Mrs. Weaver Insurance. They are planning on moving back The established price of 4 cents a into this valley. pound for loganberries was broken at Betty Gray, the small daughter of Salem »hen Kay Mating of the Wood­ Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gray of Lan- burn cannery offered to take 300 tons dax. visited with relatives here last of the product at 5 cents, week. A Jersey cow owned by J. H. Hil­ The P T. A. is giving an ice cream dreth of Scio. Linn county, gave birth social at the hall here next Saturday- to triplets recently. Two of the calves evening. They are presenting the weighed 3? pounds each and the third play “Looking Through an Old 33 pounds. All are well. Album.” Royal Anne cherry picking began on Mr. and Mrs. Glysp of Oakland. the Clarence Badger farm in the Grand Island district recently. An California, are camping on Roy Bd- average crop seems assured and will miston's place near the river for their summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. be sold to the Newberg cannery. Eleanor Sizemore. 3, died In a Med­ Heinie Adrian of Springfield visited ford hospital from burnt received them Tuesday evening. Mrs. Taylor Needham, who has while she was attempting to light an •11 stove lu her parents' home. Her been quite ill. is greatly improved and dress caught fire from the flames. Is able to be up now. Date (or the second airport bond Mrs. Rose Patton , of Pendleton, electlou at Klamath Fails was set for visited her niece. Mrs. A. W. Weaver August 8. The first airport bond last Wednesday. election, held November 1. waa declar­ Lafe Moore from Eugene visited ed invalid because of a technicality. his daughter, Mrs. Bert Weaver, here A 16'A-pound rainbow trout, declar­ last Friday. ed to be one of the best specimens of Charles Donolson of Idaho, visited large trout ever caught in Klamath Ira Nice's home here last Wednesday. county, waa hooked from the William­ son river by G. R. Wells of Klamath He formerly resided here. Mr. and Mrs. John Endicott and Falls. Waiter D. Bateman, 38. was killed Mr and Mrs. Ray Baugh and Mrs. at.his farm home near Lebanon when John Edmiston attended the Walter- a woodsaw which he was operating at vill district Sunday school conference high speed flew to pieces. The car­ at Deerhorn last Sunday afternoon. riage struck Bateman, crushing his ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ a * head and chest. UPPER WILLAMETTE ♦ Eugene enjoyed Its first buffalo hunt ♦ when e bull bison, "color" for a com­ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ a * ing pageant, broke out of its pen. visit­ F. W. Smith, who the past two ed in the neighborhood and chased a years has made his home with his score of golfers over the municipal nephew, E. B. Tinker of Pleasant links before it was captured. Hill, left Sunday, July 14, by auto A crop census of the delta diked for San Diego, California, to visit his lands near Scappci'te take.i by E. E. daughter. Mrs. Robert Pratt. Later Wist. Scappoose banker, shows that a he intends to go by boat from San total of 4088 acres are now planted to crop, with an additional 500 acres Diego to New York via the Panama Canal and across country to Saginaw, being prepared for next year. Michigan, his former home. Tourists are sw aiming into Crater The Lintons, who traded their Lake national park at the rate of moie than 1000 automobiles a day, ac­ ranch at Pleasant Hill last fall for cording to rangers checking incoming a ranch at Orland, California, are machines. From July 1 to July 5, a finding the climate pretty warm, with a temperature of 104. Owing to total of 6022 cars were checked. frosts and stray summer winds they Oregon increased just a bit in the amount of Income taxes paid the fed­ have lost their fruit and nut crop for eral government in the fiscal year this year. 1929, as compared with 1928, the fig­ Andy Olson and Chris Telefson ures for the two years being $5,902,- baled hay the forepart of the week. 675 in 1929 and $5,815,361 in 1928. Frank Lemley is running the baler Kernels of wheat t'aced by children this year. Al Davis. Jess Phelps. in the gasoline tank of an automobile R. P. Lavil and P. N. [.aird have been resulted in burns being suffered by busy getting their hay crops in the Newell Vantassel of Terrebonne when barn. an explosion occurred. Vantassel was C. E. Curtis and son Merk. Henry attempting to remove the wheat from Olson. Mr. Bock, and I!e:i Telefson the tank through the drain when the are working on the bkl ng crew for gasoline came in contact with a hot Frank Lemley. exhaust pipe. The explosion scatter­ Donald Kabler. Floyd John, and ed flaming gasoline over Vanassel and Alvin Olson, who are working on the the car was considerably damaged. baling crew for Harry Schrenck at Meadow View, spent Sunday at their T H E M ARKETS homes in Pleasant Hill. Portland Mr. and Mrs. Cedi Wheeler are the Wheat — Big Bend bluestem, hard ■white, (1.31*4; soft white, western proud parents of a baby girl, born ■white, $1.21; hard winter, northern July 1st. W. P. Sheridan, principal of tthe spring, western red, $1.17*4. Hay—Alfalfa, $20 0 21 per ton; val public school at. Pleasant Hill, who ley timothy, $22; eastern Orgeon tlm- has been In the forest service this othey, $20 0 25; clover, $20; oats, $17; summer, has been forced to give up his position and return to his home oats and vetch, $17. Butterfat—43@47c. at Pleasant Hill on account of Infec­ Eggs—Ranch, 30035c. tion In his eyes, which has become Cattle—Steers, good, $11.50012.50. j very serious and may force him to Hogs—Good to choice, $11.7(012.50. . give up his school the coming year. Lambs—Good to choice, $11013. Mr. and Mrs Leland Ewbanks of 8s«ttl« Santa Ana, California, visited at the ! Wheat—Soft white, weatern white, hoTne of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse A. Phelps 11.23; hard winter, weatern red, north­ last week, and then motored to Oak­ ers spring, bulk Montana, No. 1, fl.SO; ridge and Bend on a fishing trip. Mr. Waestem, $1.37. Ewbanks Is a brother of Mrs. Phelps Eggs—Ranch, 220310. and formerly lived at Springfield. Butterfat—47c. A number of Pleasant Hill folks at- ; C a ttle — Choice steers, $10.(0011.59 tended the Hill reunion picnic at H ogs- Prime light, (12 75011.90. Jasper last Saturday. i Lambs—Choice, $11013(0. Mrs. Fagle and daughter Anna are Spokane spending the summer at Yakima, Cattle—Steers, good, $10.2(011. Washington. Hogs — Oood and choice, $12.250 Mrs. Grant Lattln preached at the ■ 12 36. Pleasant Hill Christian church last Lambs—Choice, $10.75011.25. Sunday. Harlry Benton wrlll deliver the sermon next Sunday. J R O W ER ’S Store is Overcrowded again and in order to make room for the new stock we now have and for the new stock we have coming we MUST SELL ALL OUR USED FURNITURE at once. Accordingly, we have cut the prices far below the regular cost. This Furniture is in good condition, much of it being nearly new Come Early! Ik- because at these prices we will have a quick SELL OUT! $ 1 0 .7 5 to $ 6 7 .5 0 32 USED BEDS. PRICED FMOM $ 3 .9 5 to $ 5 .9 5 19 USED MATTRESSES, PRICED FROM $ 2 .5 0 to $ 7 .0 0 38 USED SPRINGS, PRICED FROM $ 1 .4 5 »o $ 9 .5 0 22 USED DRESSERS, PRICED FROM $ 8 .7 5 $ 2 7 .7 5 17 USED CHIFFONIERS, PRICED FROM $ 7 .9 5 to $ 1 7 .5 0 $ 1 9 .9 5 to $ 3 9 .7 5 4 USED VANITIES, PRICED FROM 3 TAPESTRY OVERSTUFFED DAVENPORTS $ 2 3 .7 5 to $ 2 7 .7 5 5 OAK FRAME BED DAVENPORTS $ 1 0 .0 0 to $ 1 7 .5 0 6 DOUBLE DAY BEDS. CRETONNE COVERED $ 8 .0 0 to $ 1 6 .0 0 9 WICKER BABY BUGGIES $ 5 .0 0 to $ 1 5 .6 0 48 ROCKERS, ALL FINISHES ...................... $ 1 .5 0 to $ 8 .0 0 65 DINING CHAIRS, ALL FINISHES 85C to $ 2 .5 0 48 KITCHEN CHAIRS, ALL FINISHES 5OC to $ 1 .0 0 7 CHINA CABINETS ............................ $ 3 .9 5 to $ 1 7 .5 0 11 BUFFETS, ALL FINISHES .................. $ 6 .5 0 to $ 2 0 .0 0 13 DINING TABLES, PRICED FROM $ 4 .9 5 to $ 1 6 .0 0 9 LIBRARY DINING TABLES ............... $ 3 .9 5 to $ 1 1 .5 0 12 LIVING ROOM CHAIRS $ 7 .7 5 to $ 3 0 .0 0 13 RANGES. PRICED FROM S I AND IN FACT ANY ARTICLE YOU COULD WISH FOR TO FURNISH YOUR HOME COMPLETE. (ALL ADVERTISED ARTICLES SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE) Terms o f Real Convenience POW ERS Furniture Company Eleventh and Willamette Eugene U se Your Credit*