lAYfJULY 18. 1929 TH» q g R P I O g ^ p WWWB Dorntet $120,000 OWN AND VICINITY la E n d ice« |it of Here From W altervllle— R J. Per- Mr«. P latt In Tow n— M rs Kthol Spanish W ar o tl of W altervllle waa In Springfield Platt of Thurston was a visitor bore on business W ednesday morning. In town Wednesday. FOR RENT -M y hom e a t the corner W altervllle People In— Mr. and of Ninth and A Street*. E R. Thurston Mon In Town— Ira Gray, Mra. George Kastman of W altervllle ' Danner. Thurston resklent, waa a buatnooa H a r» --Miai Kiina Ta Vlalt In Saattla— Mr*. Pal«« Tom »I'th will leavr Haturday for H«*attl<*, |njra In Nprlngf l«.|il visiting re- wharn aha will aprnd a fnw daya vtaltlng at llia hnm« nt har alatar. hare. l'o it liin t l la a p i-n riliig , were day. a •Illg r e , .., H e , I II,la W eek by G » - ’ , )f w yeater- I Hurry Folks! Don’t wait Saturday July 20th Positively the Last Day of KENNETT’S UNLOADING SALE W e are not going out of business but we are closing out some lines SILK DRESSES r- q f - Closing Oul L LADIES Values up to $25.00 «DO.î/O Closing Ou1 t PATTERNS Closing Out L 1 WIDE MOUTH MASON JAR LIDS Closing Oul L L CRESCENT BAKING POWDER. 1 pound tin Closing Oul l L LARGE ALUMINUM STEW KETTLES V2 P‘IC6 £ 1 „ OC QOZ <| 1 9c 4/\ WHIZ POLISHING WAX t 50 cent size l Closing Oul sbOC 2 OZ. TINS SPICES, ALL KINDS 5c 4 1 5c H IZ ROADSIDE HAND Closing Out L l W CLEANSER, 25 cent size TOX, 75cent Bottle for Closing Oul FRUIT NECTARS $1.25 Bottle for Closing Out PURE OLIVE OIL .10 OZ. BOTTLE C* F? bOC or? «5ÖC -« 1 9c K e nnett s SPRINGFIELD, OREGON visitor In 8prlngfle|d Wednesday af­ AB wool Drees Ponte, v a lu e * to »10 nothing reserved. Vouv eboRae ternoon. Back From Convention— Mra. C. F. former Springfield realdent, la re­ ported to be quite III here at the Rgglmann returned Tuesday night from Roseburg, where she has been home of Mra. O. L. Stratton. attending the annual conference of Hare From Oregon City— Bob Arch- the auxiliary of the V eterans of the ambeau of Oregon City spent the ; week-end visiting with frlenda In M n Springfield. M amp Poeta Bring Repainted The j ultra« t h e red and rream com bination p iMiata along Main atraat are he , T h e r .lm w a r a la n re p a in te d . r e p a i n t e d In a dark g r e e n t h ia M n lla la P eo p le H e r e M r and Mrs '.-••k b y t h e p i i l n l e i - o f t h e M o u n t A M Cot bin o f Mnllala vlalted for a n H lu t c a P o w e r company. , ab ort tim e with A A. Anderson her’ 9 r » .. Along Track Burned Thn dry i Hi.tunlay Mr Corbin 1» m barber at trtiNN along lb«* Southern Pacific Molltbi, where Mr. Anderaon w«» for railway track» nt th«» south end of , >n«»rly hla com petitor. to w n w aa b u rn e d by a craw o f a e e tlo n i Spending Week at Newport Mn m en Monday a fte rn o o n , Wavtte Clover and daughter. June, are W altervllle Woman Here — Mra spending the -veek on the bench a, Walter llllefnatt of W altervllle waa Newport. Mr Clover "pent the w eek­ nmong the biisinäni vlaltura In end with them hut returned to Spring up-river country ¡ Held Tucadsy. Springfield from the Monday. Former Reeident Vlalta—T A Bar her of Drain. a former realdent of T exas M an V l.ltln g l.e o n n rit D un a gun of Ikillaa. T exas, la vlallltig In Springfield, v «Had In town Sunday at Hprlugfteld for a few duya at tin- home the hem e of tt'a brother. Clayton B at Mr Barber la the proprietor of of hla sister at,d brother In-law. M r her a confect!« n.'ty store und Hinge ter and Mra l-awretie,- Anderaon mlnnl In the Dougins county town. On T r ip to C oa.t Mr and Mra On Trip to Canada— Mr and Mra Ixivd Blowera left WedneadaV on a trip to the coast country They will W Wright and children. Scott, Kdna atop nt benchea at both Newport ana ami Margaret, are leaving Sunday on a trip to Watroua, Haakatehewan, SoaHlde. They will return Sunday. Canada, where they will visit with Back From Smith R iver Mr and Mra. Wrlght'a parent» Mr and Mra. J M r» O W Turner returned Saturday A. Rcott and will alao vlalt with friend Mr and night from Upper Sm ith river, near In Iteglna. Saskatchew an Itraln, where they apent the week Mra. Wright will go hv way of tht" on an outing The report an ex cel­ , Y ellow stone National Pnrk and Gia eler National Park In Montana. lent tim e on Ihelr excursion Closing Oul .FLY Springfield A I»Irani waa repainted last, weak In an Closing Oul l L In Mrs. Strock III— Mra. Maud *Strock, re F'em W altarvllle U«>itrr«> Mr At Elite H otel—Jay Offden. John In ,ii w .i n 11 » nil »n i .un m i i ii'- Mllla, and l.<-r lluak, all of Portland, lr to w n v la lln r a In R iir ln a lb 'ld mul Jan lliiiihinn nf Oregon <‘ltv wara ■lay. raglatarad laal wank at Ihr Kille hnlal nlra Being Repaired The car a nt the Simlhi rii Pa. Iflr depot ' 9hop Fr0„ f Rf(, „ nt, d T h„ puny men. vis ito r. D «P«w ha* $120 000 to the G eorg, -i'h in g to ti University )n Wash- mjfton U C . lor special m public »peaking The gif. „ ¡„ m e m o ry .1 be, hu«b Harrisburg Men In Town— W illiam Sperlen and D I). Carr, Harrisburg residents, were am ong the business visitors In Springfield Tuesday. Camp Creek Man Here J. T. Rosa- Vlrlting With Lloydt Mi and Mra man, Camp Creek rancher, waa a (! Melionald of Portland are visiting business visitor In Springfield Wed- , al the home of Mr. and MPa. Wilbur neaday morning. Lloyd. To Visit at Portland— Mr and Mrs Hae New Car Mr and Mra W. C Fre«l lllnaon left thia morning for Melaigan are the ow ners of a new Portland where they will spend sev ­ Kuril sedan which they pur« haaed eral days visitin g with their aon thia weak. Delbert and hla fam ily Santa Clara Man Here — John Return to P ortland- Mr. and Mra. Paden. Santa Clnra realdent. wan Roy Moore returned Sunday to their among the out-of-town visitor* In home at Portland after vialtlng here ! Springfield Tuesday. for a tim e with Mra. Moore's mothe Mra. Bowen in Town—Among the Mra. A. E. Bartlett. K afou ry’s SI E . B R O A D W A Y JC.PENNEYCO. 942 W illam ette St., Eug ene. Oregon. A $200,000,000 Buying Power Is The Secret o/ Our'Low Prices Step Into jo , «tore end you'll tee In a minute that buying for over 1200 itoree at once, makea a grtat dif­ ference in the cost of thing*. W e u k our JjnO.uOtj.OOn B uying Power to tare YOU out-of-town people in Springfield Back From Southern Trip— Mr. and Tuesday morning waa Mra Ed Bowen Mr». W alter 1.1 pea returned Saturday of Lowell. even in g from an extended southern « III With Poison Oak—Carol Adama, trip that took them through California t who baa been employed clearing the and Into Mexlro. T hey report an ex­ cellen t time. rig h t-o f-w a y along the McKenzie highw ay la reported to be suffering Have Tonaila Rem oved—Sidney, front an attack of iioiaon oak. Joan, and Dorothy Ward, the three V. L. Hamlin Here Mr and Mra. V children of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L. Hamlin of Portland apent the week Ward, had their ton sils removed yes­ end In Springfield visitin g al the terday m orning at the office of home of Mr liumlln'a parenta, Mr. and local physician. Mrs F. B Hamlin. Vialtlng at Oakridge— Mrs. Ella W alker left Tuesday for Oakridge, V isiting at Portland Mrs Ix-vl where she will spend several w eeks N eet la spending thia week at Port visitin g at the hom es of her sons, land and visitin g at the home of her Earl and W ill W alker, who are brother-in-law. Ora N eet. Mr N eet ranchers In the Oakridge vicinity. will go to Portland for her Sunday. G uests at Pirrle Home— Mr. and Mrs. Robert Plrrle had aa their guests over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Bis- kett of Portland. Irene and Robert Plrrle. and Barbara Booth of N ew ­ burg. and Mrs. Edgar Paden of H al­ Spend Sunday on McKgnzie— Mr lowton, Montana. Mrs. Harlowton is and Mra W . P. Tyson and fam ily the »later of Mr. Plrrle and w ill re. spent Sunday on an outing at the main here visitin g for som e time. sum mer hom e of Mr. Tyson's brother, Return to C alifornia— Mr. and Mr». G. H. Tyson, on the McKenzie river A. M. Perry and son Abram and Mrs. near Vida. Nick Meier have returned to their Visitor Here From Portland— Miss hom es at Durham. California, after Florence Coffin of Portland is visit­ visitin g here for several days at the ing In Springfield with friends thia home of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Peddicord w eek. Miss Coffin Is a former resi­ Leaves For Portland— Mrs. Georgie dent. being em ployed In the First G rlffiss left Saturday m orning for N ational bank for a number of years. Portland where sh e will make her home. On Trio to Y ellow stone— Mr. ano Mrs. Ivan Male left Saturday on a At Springfield H 'te l— Doris Sneed trip to Y ellow stone Park anil other of Eugene, U. Ernest N elson, Port­ points of scenic In te re st In th e N o r t h ­ land. 8. F. Shaw. Portland, H. C. Cul­ w est. They will be gone about two len. Portland. Art W arner. Marsh- Back From Eastern O reg o n -M r. and Mra Ben Rndloott returned W ed­ nesday from Eastern Oregon, where they have been visitin g for som e time. weeks. V isiting at W altervllle— Mrs. Ever­ ett Sim pson, of Aberdeen. W ashington spent the week-end visitin g at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs J. J. Cabe, at W altervllle. She returned to her home Tuesday. fi« Id. Jam es H enson, Portland. Joe King. Cottage Grove. Melvin M. Ford. Portland. A. W. Dale, Portland, Sam ­ uel W right, Portland. Clair King. Eu­ gene. Charles Fagan. Klamath Falls, and R. E Plank, C raw fordsville were registered last week-end at tha Springfield hotel. Go B lackberrying— Mr and Mrs W elby S teven s. Mr. and Mrs. M M. FOR SALE— Fine Lot. full sized; Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roberts, W illam ette H eights north fr n*. and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Kenyon spent Street graded and rocked. $260.00. Sunday picking wild blackberries at Terms. T el. 121-M. 1-t Alpine, west of Monroe. T hey found the berries there quite plentiful. Scouts Paa» Swim m ing Teat— Three boy scou ts of Troop 12 passed the first-class sw im m ing lest required by sw im m ing 60 yards near the old bridge piers Sunday morning. Those who passed the test were Bruce Squires. Paul Schantol. and W ilfert Swendall. Loa Angele» Physician H ere—Dr and Mr». Charlea W ill of Los An­ geles stopped in Springfield for a short tim e Monday to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Endicott and Mr. and Mrs. 1. N. Emlleott. Dr. and Mrs. W itt were enroute to their hom e after an extended tour of the Pacific N orthw est. Band Pdactice D iscontinued—The practice session s, of the Springfield municipal band will be discontinued during the sum m er months. It was decided at a m eeting o f the board of ' directors last Friday. It Is believed ¡ that m ore interest will be shown In tile work If It la begun an ew next j I'September. Fred Louk waa appoint* ed m anager of th e band for the com ­ ing year. Make Trip to Lake— Dr. and Mrs. R. P„ Mortenson, Mr. and- Mrs. A. J. Uchnotaky, and Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Pohl of A nacortes. W ashington, spent Saturday on n trip to latke Creek, below T riangle Lake on the Sluslaw highway, where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. B. H untly who were cam ping there for a few days. Mr. and Mra. Huntly returned to Spring- field Sunday night. Luggage for the Vacation $ 1 . 5 0 - $ 1 0 .0 0 Club Bags $ 5 .7 5 - $ 1 2 .0 0 Hat Box ............................................. 55 2 8 - 5 8 .0 0 G ladstone Bags $ 1 1 .0 3 _ $ 2 0 .0 0 Trunks ............................................ .................. $ 9 .7 5 — up S urt Cases ..................... Wright & Sons HARDWARE FURÄITURE PAINT All EUGENE Invites You JULY 25, 26, 27 The W est’s greatest pageant Am erica’s most unique parade All-Northwest air derby Industrial Oregon in review The greatest pioneer celebration ever held in Oregon will arouse a new admiration for the brave deeds of those that settled this great area. The pioneer pageant, with a cast of 1500 people will thrill you as nothing ever has before. The pioneer parade will be the m ost unique and novel event ever held in America. Every phase of Ore­ gon business and industry will be in the industrial parade. The air derby will be the outstanding aeronautical event of the year in the Northwest, Send in reservations for1 the Sunset Trail Pa­ geant to Sunset Trail headquarters, 948 Oak St., Eugene. Seats on sale from 75c to $2.00. • 1 ' -• Plan Now to Join All Oregon at Eugene A PROGRESSIVE CELEBRATION. IN TflUE PIONEER SPIRIT