t THUKHSlAY, JULY IH, 192» — . J L j f - jyj L L - —— T H » BFBINOl PAOS T H U S T R A IN S C H IO U L I Eslats of H a rry O. Brook», Deceased N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N N O T IC E OP P IN A L S E T T L E M E N T FO R EST EXCH ANG ES Notice Is hereby given that I-oui»n No. 018431 . NORTH W Daniel» has filed In the County No. 1« at 3:64 A. M Stop to detrain Court of the State of Oregon, In and Department of the Interior, United paeeengeia from Klam ath Pall and for Lane County, her final report, a» ätete» Land Office, Roseburg, Oro- 00". July |9, 1929. | beyond adm inistratrix of the estate of H arry No 8 at 3:4« P M 1 ° Brooke, deceased; and that ten , Bus connections a , Eu .ene for ^ t h ' V o f ^ lu /a T lS ( X r ^ W l X . *3 S p r ln g f U ld 4 trams leaving 11 60 A M and 7 P. M courtroom thefeof In Kugene, la n e f,lPd *PPBcatlon No. S O U TH County, Oregon, have tx»xi by said 018481 under Act of March 20, 1322 No. 7 at 13:47 P. M court fixed and appointed as the time (42 S U L . 4(5) to exchange the E% of No 16 at 10:0» P. M Flag »ton for and pUce ,(1r h‘ « rln < objection» Lot 4, E54 of W14 of Lot 4, NW SW W N W '4 . SE'4 8W14 N W I4. K*4 8 w 2 naaaenveca a ,h *reto and for the final settlement |S W Q NW H Sec. 3. w £ L o t£ passenger, to Klam ath Palls *«<4. N W * NEI4 8 E lC W -2 M r and Cedar P ilin g ,’ all sixes trains leaving 11 46 A. M via Siskiyou H * r r y O. Brooks, Deceased and Lot I d Northern part of Spring sheets. WxM hachea, suitable to* BW >4 N E I4 SE14, NW14 NE>4 NEW Quote prices f. o b shipping points. Ilia * . ! * ' E W H E E L E R , Attorney field. W ill assume If property la m a tin g tracings The N ava O l J i l l 18 26 A 1-8 8E* 8E *4. K f t Advlso quantities can supply, when j ----- priced reasonably. Address News. ------------ 8E>4 N B U 8E14 Sec. 4. Tp. 1» a , R. 10 W, W. M., within the Sluslaw N at­ Sprlngflnld tf LAWRENCE M O FFITT IN Released Prom Hospital. Robert C. i N O TIC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N ional Forest, for the tim ber on ap­ Parsons of Eugene, former Spring- «on A -l PARTY TH A T CLIMBS TO No. oi«6<>8 P A IN T IN G and K a Isomlnlng In all Ita proximately 11 acree located w lth la field resident, was released Monday S U M M IT OF MT. ADAWS Department of the Interior, U. ». Land the SW14 Sec. 23, NW W N W W branches Itndured Price«. Roy afternoon from the Pacific Christian N O TIC E OP H E A R IN G ON P IN A L ______ Office at Roseburg Oregon, June 23, Sec. 2«. SE14 N W fc Sec. 35 and N W W Koch Call 114J AC CO UNT N E % 8ec 3«. Tp. 1 8 . R 3 E, W M , hospital where he underwent an op laawrence M offitt, principal of the I?29 Notice Is Hereby Given: T hat the Notice 1« hereby given that Julius eratlon last „ . . . for appendicitis . . , | week . undersigned adm inistrator of the 14 " * ® '" ***’/ * ’!’ * * " One ° f * party I’eerson. of Jasper. Oregon, who. on within the Mt. Hood National ForeoL The purpose of this notice Is to al­ N O T IC E TO C R EO ITO R S M r I arsons Is s brother In law of tata of W illiam II W hitney, deceased. wh,ch rllmbed Sunday to the sum June U , 1927, made Homestead Entry. low all persons _______ claiming the tands Lum a Anderson and a son In law of has filed his account for the final mlt ot Ma. Adams, located 25 m ile s ! Serial No 016508, for Lot 9 of Section selected.’or having” boiTa fide oblec. N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N I list M r and M r* A II Kepner of this city eettlement of said estate In the County 1 north of Hood river In the Washing ?5' Township 18 8 . Range 2 W „ W II- Hons to such application, er settlement of said estate In the County north of Hood river In the Washing 15> - . . ________ an oppor- the undersigned hss been appointed Sat »<■ Meridian, Lf oel>f lee has V * — filed Pi I . U notice of a llln ito a to A d file U I _ iL. _ 1 protests with . . the — ' ' "u rl for Lane County, Oregon, and , on CMa4.adpa Th„ of -- lamette tunlty their adm inistrator of ths estate of W illiam that Saturday, the 17th day of August. 1 „ P h Intention to make Final Three-year Register and Receiver of the United N O T IC E TO CRE O IT O R 8 I l Collina, dnceaaed, by the County Notice Is hereby given that the I 19:49 th‘‘ 'Court Rfor«-IOsMCUt*i°n order The party, guided by Jule W’ang, undersigned ha* been appointed Ad Attorneys for Estate the Trout Uer, General Lend Office, W aehin8too. n J “ , C^« r r” c?“ 1 ° f E V A N G E L IN E A. L A Y T O N . m lnlstrator of the estate of Bertha veteran mountaineer of the Trout D c June 1929 N ,g hp C rcult Court of I^ n e County, J 37 Jl 4 I I I« 26 i Adm inistratrix W E L L H A W E L L S , Attorneys I i 'n i e V,(" ^ " , 'r by()X ‘„ ’’“ " i l t r,c ,n ,’ y' drove up the o -i,h .i . U _ ___s i.i— i Oregon, on the 3rd day of July, 1923, ? L 7 " ,2 ^ a,. . 8ubJec? . ! 0 016 condition. ,n a guit whereln on thp J^.Oj., Jl 4-11 18 having claims against said estate Bre mountain as far as they could, about and lim itations of the act of June 9, “ T 9\ 9 on ' n.P « N O T IC E OP S H E R IF F 'S SALE ON « arthl plaintiff, hereby notified to yresent the same 1 »lx miles from the summit, Saturday 1916, (39 Stat 218), as amended by E X E C U T IO N IN FO R ECLO SU RE the act of May 17, 1928 (46 Stat. 597), E ’ w ^ W ^ tW e J ^ U NO TIC E TO C R EO ITO R S to the Adm inistrator properly vert night and camped there They broke Notice Is hereby given that the un A rm r’n e y 's r i u n k ^ f C o m m ie . ^ I d g < 8mp ” 2:30 ° C,0<'k 8und“ y m orn,n* and pursuant to departm ental regula- k F w Mead J 1“ ™«?* Notice Is hereby given that by tlons of April 14, 1924 (50 L. D. 376). M °ra c e K. Mead dersigned has been appointed Admin virtue of an execution and order of „ "L"” of. * 10kl * 7 wlth lntere’ t tr «»el1ng „ in easy stretches. , the tim ber on the following lands w ill sale In foreclosure Issued out of the Istratrlx of the estate of George W In Eugene. I^ n e County. Oregon, ot Circuit Court of Lane Couniv. Ore- Harker, deceased, hv the County I within six months of the first pub-j reached the top by 11 o'clock. The ' he sold August 12, 1929, at 10 o'clock , 9, 9 " .s J . " * . th es were traveled through “ * ra ■ publlc auction 331 at L the United .I*? ’ _ . ? ' _ “ ‘ . “ W ~ All llcatlon of this notice. IM te of first Ust through _ _ three miles were traveled . « , , **' ’ k /1-1 is i i s . a m u u u U C b U l W U I n *4 > il l * vs 4 A ♦ » k gon. on the 9th day of July. 1929. In Court of Lane County, Oregon persons having claims against the publication June 20th 193» | , h„ ~ 1 States land office at Roseburg, Ore- 1 e ® ” 1' at the rate of 8 per cent per a suit wherein Bruce Chesley llcsn said estate are hereby notified to W IL L IA M V IN C E N T , ¡ 'h ¡«on. to the highest bidder at not less ‘ “ and the fu rth er sum of 3126.33 and J D. Mills were plaintiffs, and A dm inistrator T h * a,r wa* <’ ul,e clear »found Ma than the appraised value aa shown by fees her«|tL and for costa Clara I, Clifton, B F Clifton W A present the same, properly verified, Adams Mr. M. .fltt said. To the this notice, sale to be subject to the , , “ r* e® ? a/ 8 herein in the sum W illiam s. C C Jay. Effie R Jay. and to the Adm inistratrix at the office W E L L S A W B L LS . Attorneys J 20-27 Jl 4-11-181 south of them thev could see Mt. i approv»1 ol 9 « retary of the In . ¿ J '* • o f W ells A W ells. Attorneys. Bank Rocle Jay are and were defendants, of Commerce Bldg . In Eugene, I-ane terlor. The purchase price, with an and , d?Sk* te” ln the Clerk a and wherein on the 8th day of July. Hood and beyond Mt. Jefferson. additional sum of one-nfth of one per °5f ’ .a d f' oort ln County 1929. In said Court the defendant County, Oregon, w ithin six months » ... „ «U M M O N S ,he north the peak of Mt, Ranier was cent thereof” ” being""’ commission ‘ al- the 29th dav of J” “ e. 1929. and ------- from July llt h . 1929. the dpte of the Rocle Jay recovered n Judgment ' "f11E C IR ( I IT C O U R T O F T H E visible above the cloud banks. The lowed, must be deposited at tim e of execution to me directed commanding first publication of thJs notice against the defendants Clara L. C llf I- A I’ RA R PAR K ER . * the Stnte of Oregon C O U N T Y °O F °IRAFN>->N' F<)R T H E ,rlp bark down ,b * mountain to camp ’ ale- mon*y 10 b* ■'«turned If «ale *’ ( T o r t e i ’ to ’s T tV ft ton and It F Clifton for the sum of Adm inistratrix. C O U N T Y O F I-A N E not approved, otherwise patent w ill orner to satisfy Judgment, interest, 32,500 00 together with Interest there leorge Corton. Plaintiff, Va Charles wa" ma' Rppnf before being included in any offer of State of Oregon, in compliance with Judgment nnd decree wins enrolled snd IN T H E N A M E OF T H E S T A T E O F date of the first publication of* this ,be week-end on the auunal climb of a larger unit. T 15 S., R. 1 W . Sec. said execution and order of sale and docketed st the Clerk's office of said i f M' ^ c e d a r t^n M ? i e r e s ^ ^ . X n ’“ ? ' ’' , “ W Court In snld county on the 9th day O REG ON Y o u a re re’ u' rX ' ° . a,>i ^ i "»mmons sml herein entered of record M t. Hood sponsored by the Oregon ^ h ite complaint riled an.i ip v . f ,, _ ” white rlr 70 M. red cedar 120 M. Nvv % terest. attorneys fees, costa of suit answer the of July. 1929. and said execution to and . .. . . ---------- . ... y u fall so to appear and an- American Legion. The climb up the SW14 red fir 939.043 feet, hemlock and acctulng costs. I will on Saturday. me directed commanding me In the against you In the above entltl<>d suit swer for want thereof the P laintiff the 8th day of August, I w ill apply to f ‘ mountain from the American I-eglon 40 M. T. 16 S., R. 2 W ., Sec. 5. N W i4 1 the 10th day of August, 1929, at the name of the State of Oregon In order on or _ before _ _ ,, ...... ______ * 111 appi» the Court for the relief In M 3 , and If you fall so to answer h|M r „ mp,alnt against you demanded cam P on T illvjan e creek was made *4 . 1900. M. hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of to satisfy snld Judgment, Interest, at 192». w an, thereof the p plain 7»« nemanded. red M T 21 S Ft 4 W .. Sec. said day. at the Southwesi f i o n i d”^ or want lain tiff w ill , o wj , . torney's fess, costs of suit, nnd ac for - -u. a ’ » u 35' N E ^ NEK‘ rpd flr 1b0° « ' cpdar of the County Court house in Eugene, cntlng costs, to sell the fiklowlng take a decree against you for the re- lief prayed for In snld complaint, to- ! JU^ T n ‘ “5 a,ln" t >'ou for the ; one-third of whom were women. — poles - - 125, N W '4 NE>4 red fir 1600 •• M . , , -------- I-ane ----------- County, Oregon, offer for sale described property, to-wlt: wit for a decree of thl» court Krant- f and Interest thereon The party camped on T lllyjan e SE>4 NEts red fir 1200 M. incense and sell at public auction to the high- Ix>t 3 of Section 20, Township 1« Ing to the p lain tiff an absolute divorce , . H h / ] ! ne 1928 u n ti* 1) j creek, ________ ___ __ _ _ ________________ __________ as fa r up the peak as autos can cedar 50 M, SW *4 NE14 red fir 1700 ; est bidder for cash in hand, subject South Range 7 West of the W illam ette r , t n o o r l o c e e n K ” f * k - * d C * ^ 1 r X 6 T o 3 " 1 * 1 m . J?f a — x _______ » • > • . e ^ t from the defendant and forever dis a n d f „ r ,h ..Ps u n ,: f 'i6 00 rp a M rby‘ X ,,.n’ ^ ¡ . Sat’uriU y nlg'h,“ T h J broke K.C I ' n ^ n o V n o ^ M eridian In Lane County, Oregon Now therefore. In the name of the solving the bonds of matrimony now 2 m / ,r . " ' m " " ' " nd f o r .th ’* fu rth er camp and started up the mountain at g E ^ red ftr 800 M . incense defendants E W W alker Clara M State of Oregon In compliance with existing between the p lain tiff and , as attorney s fees and <:30 o'clock Sunday morning. The cedar 40 M. T. 14 S.. R. 6 W ., Sec. 7. W a lk e r , F. M. Mead and' Grace k " eaid execution and order of sale ano defendant and for such other and . fu rth er relief as to thla court may ! th l* suit ’•«’‘ mhursements of ,)lnb B)p(lp and qultP tirin(t M r N E % XB% red fir 410 M. S E Q NE>4 Mead, 'and of 't h e other defendants In order to satisfy said Judgment, In 1 For a d ' p " pp ^ « c lo s in g the mort- Peterson said, but no, overly difficult S W ^ ‘ ^ n N E i ^ e B o ^ ' f l ^ n V » « SrTd — t u i'm t o g ^ ' terest, attorney's fees, cost of stilt, seem equitable In the premises Pursuanu to an order of the Circuit and accruing costs. I will on Salttr- gage o t the I la in ,iff and ordering the or dangerous. The route led around Hr 1S0 M . non„ of thp tim ber on these through or under them or anv dnv, the 10th day of August. 1929, at Court of Lane County, Oregon, made the s h ^ l j o \ ? J J r’ coun7y Ore’ g'/n In " " ,hP gl" C' e r’ - Wh‘Ch- a rp / lulte . dan' ^ » ’ 2 ? ,b u p s° ld ? e“ her of lhp® a" d «»id premise», and entered In the above entitled the hour of one o'clock In the after and yellow fir, 31 | noon of said day at the southwest cause on the 5th day of July, 1929, the manner prescribed by law and that gerous for travel at this tim e of the per « 7or ,be H. L. BOW N. . for the white fir and hemlock.: front door of llic Court House In this summons Is served on you by the proceeds of the sale be applied vear. Members . Sheriff. of » .u_ the ( r- rag n Rats . P«r . r n M __», u __ i cedar. j __ tn 31-50 per M for . the red 50 cents Eugene, lame County. Oregon, offer publication thereof In the Springfield In satisfaction of said Judgment. Jl 11-18-25 A 1-3 Hood River mountain-climbing organ per M for the Incense cedar and 40 I News, a newspaper published In and for snip nnd sell for cash at public This summons Is served upon you cents each for the cedar poles. T. 16 ' auction, subject to redemption as of general circulation In Ijtn e County, by publication thereof in the Spring- Izatlon, acted as guides. SU M M O N S BY P U B L IC A T IO N Bv traveling In easv stretches and 8 - p 1 • Sec. 17, S E \i 9 W 1,, red provided by Inw. all the right, title, Oregon, once a week for four succes­ field News pursuant to an order of . . . . . .. . « r 450 M. T. 17 S.. R. 1 W .. Sec. 31. IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T OF T H E and Interest of snld defendants Clara sive weeks, said order fixing the date the Honorable C. I’. Barnard. Judge stopping frequently to res', the party g E U s w ^ Or 4g0 M whhp S T A T E OF O REGON FOR I.A N g L. Clifton and B E Clifton, her hits of first publication hereof In the Issne of the County Court of the State of C O U N TY . tauvd, nnd all persons claim ing by, of said paper appearing on the l l t h j I Oregon for the County of I-ane duly of mountain-climbers reac ted the top 20 M, S H of Io, 2 of S W U red fir 840 of the peak, five miles from thelr M. white fir 20 M T. 23 S., R. 5 W.. In te r State Fidelity Building and through, or under them or either of day of July. 1929 i made and entered of record on the C H A R L E S A. H A R D Y . ..... . , , , ... starting place at 12:30. The last ®ec 7. S E U &E*4 red fir 630 M, T. 32 I-oan Association, a Corporation. them In and to the snld prentlsea ... r for P laintiff i-tir r i> ,„ in ....... | _______ 33th dav • of June 1929 ordering this Attorney Residence . j ___ ____ P lain tiff, Vs. C. K. Clendenin, and 11. L. BO W N. mile of the route led through the • w w j summons to he published once each address: Eugene.! fir 500 M. vellow pine 50 M. T 13 Postoffice M ina M. Clendenin, his w ife; the Sheriff of Lane County. Oregon and week for four successive and conse snow fields The peak of M t. Hood S . R 6 W „ Sec 25. NE*4 NE>< red First Investment Company, a cor­ By F R A N K B R E ID . Deputy. Oregon. ll i i 18-25 A i.s 'c u llv e weeks In said paper and that was covered with clouds Sunday. Mr. fir 670 M. S E U N E ‘4 red fir 500 M. T. poration, (of Cottage Grove, Ore­ Jl 11 18 25 A 18 —— ------- the date of the first publication w ill . u , , gon); Tom Shelton, and E lla M . I be with the Issue of June 20th 1929 pe»eraon said, so I, was impossible to 18 S.. R 6 W., Sec. 27. NE<4 S E Q red fir 910 M. hemlock 20 M. NW >4 SEQ Shelton, his w ife; and H . H. Hot», and the last publication w ill be with K«l n view of (he surrounding country red fir 1020 M. hemlock 30 M. red ton. Defendants. the Issue of July 18th 1029. such as is obtainable when the a ir is cedar 20 M. SE*4 S E ’a red fir 720 M. To H. H. Hop,on. Defendant: F R A N K A. D eP U E clear. A fte r spending a short time SW>4 S E 1, red tlr 945 M. T. 8 S., R. IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E O F ,„A7," m P; J ° L ™ l , n , l K on the summ it, the party returned 1 E - »«c 25. S E 1» SE<4 red fir 2175 Residence . Springfield. Oregon M. S W Q S E ’ i red fir 3100 M. SE«4 O REG ON : You are hereby required Office Phon«1 176-J Ras. Phone 176-M J 20-27 Jl 4-11-16 down the mountain, reaching the Le- rP(j j , r 2360 M. T. 9 S.. R. 2 E. to appear and answer the complaint R m , l'hons 140 Plano Movlng gion camp about 5:30 in ,h evening. u N E U S E 1; red fir 1670 SL filed against you In the above entitled Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. suit within four weeks from the date SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER General Practice, Special Attention N W ’4 SE>; red fir 1160 M . none of S U M M O N S FOR P U B L IC A T IO N of the first publication of this sum­ W IL I.I» B E R TS C H , Prop. the tim ber on these sections to be to Obstetrics and Diseases In the Circuit Court of the State of Purchases New Truck mons, nnd if you fail to so appear sold for less than 31.50 per M for the fW F K 'E AT S E R V IC E G ARAGE O regon fo r the County o f Lane. of Children. W illis Bertsch, local transfer man, and answer, for w ant thereof the red and yellow fir. 31 per M for the 633 Maln Street Mabel Reed, Plaintiff. Vs. Floyd Reed. F irst National Bank Rulhling purchased a new Reo Six Speed white f i r . '75 cents per M for the red p lain tiff w ill apply to the Court for the Defendant. Bnccessor to Sutton Transfer Springfield. Oregon wagon for his business this week. The cedar and hemlock and 33 per M for re fie f prayed for In the complaint To Floyd Reed, Defendant. to-wi, : IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E new truck has a maximum capacilv ,bp Yellow pine. T. 29 «., R. 10 W . 1. T hat the mortgage referred to . . . . , . , Sec. 29 NE14 VW '1 , uouglas fir 600 cp(£ r 10() M N W V. in p laintiff's complaint herein he d * O F O REG ON. You are hereby requir­ of four tons nnd a maximum speed ot M port Qr ed to appear and answer the com WM. G. HUGHES 70 miles uer hour. Mr. Rertsch ex xvVki douglns fir 740 M. port orford d ared to be a first nnd valid lien upon DR. W. N. DOW P1 h h / " ed f ix 1» l o m o l n l A i l l o i n r v l n l . ' • 8 V . Phone 43 Springfield, Oregon publication of this summons, and ing a trip to Klam ath Falls for Mel- * „ w pL vellow nine 55 M of • ,« the C Southwest corner of r Lot A 2 ia O fflcs M if a il an »r* a n t i c a * * orni a v m ix m v «« « ww_. '4 J I if xrrxti you f fail so to appear and answer Block 4 of J. I. Jones Addition to Cot­ Office hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. vln Hanson of Eugene. sugar pine 45 M. red fir 20 M . N E U FIR S T NATIONAL BANK for want thereof the p la in tiff w ill Evenings by Appointment N W ’4 yellow pine 25 M. sugar pine tage Grove, thence South 58 feet; 3*rln0fl4 NE*4 yellow (green) County. Oregon, to satisfy plaintiff*« S p rin gfield. Oregon tiff have such other and fu rth er re fir 1400 M. dead yellow fir 275 M. none Judgment. lie f ns to the Court may seem the work on account of illness. 2. T hat the defendants and each of of the tim ber on this section to he equitable. 228 Main St. Residence 125 C Bt sold for less than 3150 per M for the them, and all persons claim ing by, This summons Is published once N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S General I-aw Practice j green fir and 50 cents per M for the through, or under them, or any of them «2 J «2 M each weok for four successive weeks Notice is hereby given that M artin dead fir T. 3 9.. R. 3 E.. Sec. 19. he foreclosed and forever barred from in The Springfield News, a weekly L. Glass on the 5th day of July, 1929, NW *4 N E U , red fir 800 M. red cedar any right, title or interest In or to I. M. PETERSON newspaper of general circulation was appointed adm inistrator of the 10 M, none of the tim ber on this sec­ said reel premises, or any part there­ Full Auto Equipment Attorney-at-l-aw published In Lane County, Oregon, by estate of Sarah J. Glass, deceased. All tion to be sold for less than 31.50 per of; and for such other and fu rth er Lady Assistant C ity H a ll Building order of the Honorable G. F. Skip- persons having claims against said M fo r the red fir and red cedar. T . 18 re lie f as to the Court may seem equtt- worth, Judge of the C ircuit Court ot estate are hereby notified to present g , r i w .. Sec. 17, N W ’4 NE>4 red fir ahle in the premisee. Springfield, Oro. I-ano County, Oregon, which order them duly verified as by law required 1000 M. w hite fir ICO M, red cedar 60 This summons Is published hy order hears date the 3rd day of July, 1929. to said adm inistrator a t his residence M. SW>4 N E U red fir 1500 M white of the Hon. O. F Sklpworth. Judge o f nnd the date of the first publication at Veneta in Lane County. Oregon fir 40 M.red cedar 40 M. none of the the above entitled Court. FRANK A. DE PUE of this summons Is July 4th, 1929. w ithin six months of the first publi tim ber on this section to he sold for Date of first publication. Jnly 11, 1MB. A T T O R N E Y A T LAW cation of this notice. Date of first less than 32 per M for the rod fir, Date of last publication, Ang. 8, 1313. P O T T E R * K IN G . IM M E L * EVAN S. N O T A R Y P U B L IC Attorneys for Plaintiff. Residence publication 18th day of July, 1929. 31.25 per M for the red cedar and 75 JE W E L E R Attorneys for P laintiff. Resldenoe M A R T IN I-. GLASS. and Post Office Address, Eugene, cents per M for the white fir. Springfield, A L T A K IN G , Attorney. Sutton C. C. M O ORE, Commissioner and Postoffice Address, Eugene. Drw- I-ano County, Oregon Repairing a Specialty Jl 1118-25 A 1-8 Jl 18-26 A 1-8-16 Jl 4-11-18-25 A 1 J1 4-11-18 25 A 1 gon. Ora gon Building B U S IN E S S * D IR E C T O R Y Walker-Poole Ghapit Funeral Directors D. W. Roof Springfield, Orcgou * S to p «