I Try the Home Print Shop Frrat THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW KNTY-SIXTH YEAH HI’ltlNGEIKIJJ. LANE COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY IN, 1929 P IR R IE S T A R T S M O V IN G STEW ART BUT PLANS FOR SCHOOL CO. G A R A G E PLA N S GO A W R Y A Trick of Fate O F F IC E R S O F R E B E K A H S ; ’•Th« People’s Papar" A LIVE NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN N U M B E R 27 Brave Boy Scout O D D F E L L O W S IN S T A L L E D A T J O IN T C E R E M O N Y A garage of h o i con struction , o w n ­ The new officer» of the Rebekah» ed hy the H u rry S te w a rt F uel com and of the Odd Fellows were Installed puny, nnd local «el on c ity p ro perty at a Joint ceremony at the Springfield Twenty-six Students Signed for at N in th and M ain streets. clashed 1 O. O. F. hall .Monday night. The Instruction; Harry M. Walker vio le n tly w ith the n rtla tic aenaea of ceremony was public and attracted a Itohert I ’lrr le . local man. ao Tuna- to bo Assistant; Circus to be large, crowd The Installing officer ' Held at Local Airport During day aftern oo n M r. P lrrle applied nt was Jesse Inman of Eugene, former the city hull for |>erinlNMlon to move September. Springfield man, who 1» the District I the s tru c tu re to it lean p ro m inen t Io Deputy Grand Master of the Odd Fel­ cation A h M r H tew u rt had ulreudy (J. I I K< keriHiti, S p rin g fie ld ’« rivin g lows lodge. Refreshments were serv. boon asked hy the city council Io m ajo r. I n buck from Vancouver, Wash eu following the meeting move the garuge, c ity Recorder Ington. n ite r tw o week« of arm y duty The Rebekah officer« who were in­ Peterson fe lt that he hail no u u lh o rlty | (here w ith plan« alnicnrral W rn d rll C. Neville, to grunt the rei|ue«t of M r P lrrle . Neb . saved M r * . Grover Cleveland out tor lh '' new achool of aviatio n he who vervcd in four w a rj without a Grand; Mrs Zella Cantrell, Vice) But the delay of the S te w a rt Enel Alexander, wife of the famous St. wound. it m a Washington hospital 1« In te tld ltlK to open nt the local m u n i­ Grand; Mrs. Genevieve Look, Record-j Louw pitcher, from drowning in the com pany was Irrltu tln g to M r I ’lrrle , with a broken rib suffered when he cipal a irp o rt ea rly thin fa ll T he m a ­ lug Secretary; Mrs. Alice Lorah. i Platte River slipped anil fell in a bathtub. 1 ho a fte r dark TucHilay night in- jo r lias g iven m ill'll p ilh l'e lty to the ' hitched onio the b uilding w ith a Treasurer; Mrs. Lee Putman. Right new school d uring hl« lo u r of the Supporter to the Noble Grand; Mrs. EUGENE MEN PURCHASE , truck nnd started houae m oving T he N O T E D R ID E R S T O B E A T N o rthw est hint m onth «nil hl« various Lillian Black. Left Supporter to the 1 propoaed new «lie of the garage 1« H O M E B AKERY FRO M E M E R A L D H E IG H T S FO R other aide trip « over the «late, mid aa Noble Grand; Amy l-ove, Warden; • I not di fin ite ly know n, fo r a« M r M R . A N D M R S . V. M O O N n re«ult ho linn 26 «tiideur« already W E S T C O A S T H IL L C L IM B Mr« Wanda Barnes. Conductor; M r«. I ’lr r le reached the In teraectln n of aigned up nod ready Io begin InNtrue Love, "aaplalo; Mrs. Meda Catching,; I N in th and C streets, the none too- The Home Bakery, located at 405 tlon «« «non as the m hool open« lie Emerald Height«. Springfield, on Inside Guardian; Mrs Stella Findley. »crore brace« of the b uilding guve o ip e rta to en ro ll a ro n «ld ern hle until Sunday, August 4. will be the scene Outside Guardian; Mrs. Alice Doane, Mill street, was sold last week by w ay aa he w ent to turn the corner, lo r more 11« «0011 «« the t'n lv e ra lly of of the unuual West Coast divisional Right Supporter to the Vice Grand: ) Mr. and Mrs Virgil Moon to C. J und the gnrugc <-oltnp«ed In the mid Oregon opena for the full term motorcycle hill climb, the biggest Mrs. Helen Donaldson. L e ft S u p p o rter McKee and H. A. Moore of Eugene die of the afreet M r. P lrrle waa The new owners took over the busi­ The mujiir and hl« partner. James j event of It« k'nd on the const. It 1« to the Vice G ran d anked hy K enn eth title , tra ffic o fficer, T Stovall, of Eugene, an Instructor In The officers of the Odd Fellows | ness Saturday morning. to continue the moving fa r enough sponaorod by lh« Eugene Motorcycle Mr. McKee and Mr. Moore are both geology In the University of Oregon, aKHodatlon and 1» being directed by who were Installed were A. C. Peddl- no (hat tra ffic would not he oh- professional bakers, having been em­ ore negotlutlug for the purehnse of | atructed, which he agreed to do. M r ■ Ernest Nelfon of Springfield, secre­ cord. Noble Gra'ud; George E Findley. ployed in bakeries at Klamath Falls o new Arrow »port plane which they j tary of the association. Vice Grand; John 8 Ixtrah, Warden; S te w a rt adm itted that he wna ra th e r will use aa a training «hip for stud- The competition will be divided John W. Gales, Conductor; R. W. and Eugene during the past several vexed hy the nctlona of M r P lrrle , years. They plan to extend the busi­ «nta at the local airport. They ex but did not Ind icate w h eth er or not into both amateur and professional Smith, Chaplain- Charles E Nolf, j ness considerably catering to both pert to have their second plane hy the classes and 1» expected to attract a Right Supportet tc the Noble Grand; I he would tnke any fu rth e r course of tune the new achnol open« number of the most noted motor­ L. L. Kintzley, Left Suport’i- to the retail and wholesale trade. As soon action. as they are well settled here they will COURT M W SETTLE DISPUTE ON BRIDGE Judge Barnard Believes That County’s Offer to Build 50 Feet of Trestle in Controversy Will Break Deadlock Over Approach. The offer of the Ixine county court to pay for 50 feet of the 150 of pro­ posed concrete trestle approach on the west end of the Springfield bridge will be accepted by the highway com. mission in the opinion of Judge C. P. Barnard, who has been negotiating with the highway department. He «ay« that State Engineer Roy Klein has practically agreed to recommend the 150 feet of trestle under these conditions and as the highway com­ missioners have indicated they would accept any solution worked out by the engineers It Is likely a compromise will be reached. Cost $3825 Assumed The highway commission at Its last meeting offered to bnild 100 feet more bridge but the West Springfield peo­ ple held for 150 feet more before they would agree to the dismissal of the Injunction. The cost of the last 50 feet of bridge would be #5.000, while the cost of a fill Is but 1117#, Noble Grand; A J McKlIn, Right Supporter to the Vice Grand; W. G. remodel and repaint the building. One according to the engineers’ figures. Hughes. Left Supporter to the Vice of the principal features of the busi­ The difference of #3825 is the part ness under the new owners will be a the county has agreed to assume to Grand; Henry Wooley. Inside Odard- lan; Hugh Jolllff. Outside Guardian; delivery service. They will deliver get a settlement and the new bridge bread or pastry anywhere In this opened. On account of extensive re> S. N. Campbell. Right Senior Support­ i vicinity. The business will be known L .. .. P*lrs necessary to keep the old bridge er; and Harold Poole. Left Senior H° me Baker7 *“ order the county felt It would be Supporter. Mr. McKee and Mr. Moore will move good business to break the deadlock Oswald Olson 1» the Secretary and Carl Girard the Treasurer of the Odd to Springfield from Eugen within a between the state and West Spring- • short time, although they have not field by assuming the extra cost. Fellows. They were not Installed I yet rented here. Mr. Moon is un- Wye Would be Moved Monday, as they continue In office I certain as to his future plans. The wye approach to the new bridge through the remainder of the year. comes 137 feet from the end of the M ARCOLA MAN PASSES; ; present concrete and the building of Major Eckeraon ha« »eleited a» hl« I cycle rider» on the coast. The list of oe«l«tnnt In conducting the ln«trudlon competitors Is not yet complete, but here Harry M Walker, of Yakima, S M A L L B O Y S T R U C K It Include« BUI Itarls, Springfield, BY IDAHO MOTORIST northwest sectional hill climb cham­ Waahlngton The two flew together • —— — in the government foreat service In pion; Al Forsberg. Seattle, Washing Bobble Culver. 7. «mall «on of Mr Wanhlngton for a number of year», ton; Windy Lindstrom. Loa Angeles. and the major knowa Walker aa a and Mrs J. W. Culver of Fuat Malo California; Swede Matteson, Oakland. atreet, waa «truck by an unidentified eteady and reliable air pilot Cutllfornla, former «ectlonal cham Much ado win made recently of the Idaho motorlat while atartlng to pion; and a number of other noted feat of Mcndnll and Reinhart, Califor­ I cron« the alreet near hl« home yea- riders. The hill climb here 1« a part nia pllota, who «haltered nil record« I terday morning about 10 o'clock. of the American Motorcycle Associa­ hr «laying aloft nearly II day«, but The boy Buffered numerou» hrillae« tion's elimination, and the first, sec­ that la a ahort time compared to the and scratches. but was not seriously ond and third riders will be eligible mark Major Eckeraon and Mr Walk Injured. The blow threw him en- to compete In the national bill ellmb j tlrely out of the road Into a ditch. e r will aim at In September In an at­ The Idaho car waa traveling at a which will be held later in the sea­ AGED LEABURG MAN tempt Io ahatter all record» The FUNERAL HERE MONDAY 150 fwt more brMge win “ecesaiuw high rate of «peed, according to Mr son at Muskegon. Michigan. DROWNED IN CREEK; major »tale» that they will aet their - ■ j the moving of these curves and would j Culver. The Impart cauaed It to mark at 20 daya In the air, and he la William Hvnry Tull. S6. a resident sharpen the one to the south. Thia FUNERAL WEDNESDAY 24 BOOKS PRESENTED * fully confident that they will he able I turn croaswaya In the mad. put It of Marcola for the past two years, "ras tbe reason advanced by tbo TO LOCAL LIBRARY Oeorge C. Walker, 80 year old Lea. died Friday at his home at Marcola 8ta»e at »be last highway commission to stay up that long The attempt proceeded without «topping aa aoon BY MRS. HENRY CHASE burg resident, was drowned in 18 following a long Illness. He had lived meeting for not consenting to 154 will be made near Ixis Angelea, Cali­ ’ aa It waa righted. Mr Culver re- fornia. The machine to he uaed will 1 ported the accident to Kenneth Olle, inches of water in Trout creek, near j In Crawfodrsvllle. Linn county, be- feet of opening. However. Judge Twenty-four books of fiction by Leaburg. late Saturday night. He Is fo e coming to Marcola. f>e a new apeclally bull! tri motored local traffic officer, who notified the Barnard says that the department So far the well known authors were donated to believed to have fallen from a small monoplane. It being their plan to wear j county authorities. Mr. Tull is survived by his widow, has now indicated they will consent | motorlat ha« not been located. Mr the Springfield public library this bridge about four feet Into the water, out two of the engine«, and then run | Mrs. Anna Tull, and ten children; to the change provided Judge Skip- aa long na It la posnlble on the third j Culver atnlea he will file a complaint week by Mrs. Henry Chase. Mrs. striking his head on a rock and Leonard Tull, Noti; Ralph Tull, worth will dismiss the injunction. The plane has been built at Santa before the next meeting of the city I »’base gave the books from her prl- drowning before he regained con­ Wendling; Floyd Tull. Orville Tull. The commission meets July 25 and concerning »raffle traffic regulations regulation» vate library. This is the third time sciousness. Monica. California, but the engines council roun<" ®oncernlng and Lawrence Tull, Marcola; Ilay the whole matter will again be Main »treet. Hp He aay* »ay« ,hat that ,hat MrR ‘’hRRe baR *,ven b(X,k" ,o are net vet installed Eckeraon ami on Bast Bni” Maln Mr. Walker had been aiding a num- Tull. Dallas. Oregon; Mrs. Florence brought before It. motorl»ta on thnt section of the atreet Walker will begin their flight about °n »hat street the Springfield library. On the other ber of other men of the Leaburg Shoemaker. Camas. Washington; Mrs. I Much effort by the court and the «how no regard for traffic laws, law», tra- tra­ occasions she gave 15 and 17 books. September ’0 i "bow vicinity In resuclng a horse which had I , Opal Willoughby, Hoquiam. Wash-1 Wash- ' pubBc has been put forth during the — muusuuy, Hoqniam, veling nt -» excessive rates of of speed »peed Major Eckeraon Is also working wMn« ‘ esslve rates The books which Mrs. Chase pre- fallen Into a well at the Miller place Ington; Mrs. Reva Harper, Marcóla; j,aat wepk toward solving the bridge and R"m”" sometimes three «breast. nhreutit. out plans for an air circus Io be held ,nrt n’'’R »hr«« «ented to the library are "Glenn of there. He left the party about ten and Miss Edna Tull. Eugene problem. The county court at first a, .he Springfield air port early In ---------------------------- Jbe Mountains." hy Harriet T. Com- o’clock and started to return to his The funeral services were held at suggested a wooden trestle and It S ep tem ber H e Is not vet ready to " C H R IS T 'S C L A IM " T O P IC "Th<> Conquest of Canaan." by home, apparently falling into the the Walker-Pooie chapel at Spring- was rejected by the engineers. Last release anv of the details of the A T C H R IS T IA N C H U R C H ' H° ° ’ h Tarktn*»"n : "The Breath of | creek a short time after. His body field Monday morning at 10 o'clock, Thursday evening a Joint meeting of . .... , , Is assured j of » .v _____ '»he Gods,” by Sidney McCall; • "The plans, but he the pre- -------- the Springfield and Eugene bridge was found by searchers 10 o'clock j Interment followed at the Laurel I eence of Tex Rankin, nationally fam F "Christ’s Claim for Himself" will Arundul Motto." by May Cecil Hay; Sunday morning. j committees was held in this city and cemetery. «ua Portland aviator. He experts 1 bM ,hc ’‘’P1'' ®r 'he »«rmon by Rev j ’Beverly of Oraustark. hy Oeorge I W’est Springfield complainants were Mr. Walker came to Leaburg from ' the dreus to attract most, of the K'»r l>"»’n Sunday morning at the n“rr McCutcheon; "The OH Ma’ monlh(l ani, hnd M O T H E R OF MO M AM llM ■ invited in. At this meeting the West commercial flyer« from a radius of »Prlngfleld Christian church nt 11 | • »«-ret. by E Marlttt; "liar- ‘ ’»« «u