T ry the H o m e P r in t Shop F ir s t THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW HN TY-HIXTII YEAH EFFORTS10 SEULE and Eugono Cham- bora Call Meeting: County Court Calls Commissions’ Aa- QU tention to D a n g e r o u s S p rin g fie ld Bridge. "Th« People's Pspsr*' A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N H BRING KIELI», LANE COUNTY, <>KE<¡ON THI HSOAY, JULY II, 1929 CRAY’S TO MOVE TO FIRE LIMITS MAY BE CHANGED TO ALLOW NEW CORNER LOCATION DURING COMING WEEK WOODEN BLDG. BUILT G ray 's C osh and C arry will move I Into tliolr lo w location In th e Per- k in s hhi-vctis b uilding at th e c o rn e r j o f i-'iftli unii Main Homo tim o ihn ng th e next w eek. ulthm igh th e exact ' annoi y.-t !.. d e te rm in e d . It was an n o u n ced thin m o rn in g hy D allas i M urphy, o w n e r of Iho sto re . Il was o rig in ally p lan n ed Io have th e grm « ry In Ils now lo ia tln n hy Ju ly I, hui Ihn rem od elin g and fin ish in g of the building took m ore tiin e Ih an waa ex p ected . T he Coi kliiH Slovena b uilding ra n now hardly ho m o g l i lx«d a« th e Hame one aw w as occupied hy K afo u ry 's ► t >ro ami b efo re th at hy th e F a rm e rs' Ex* hange T he old front of th e h'llldlng wai lo rn aw ay and u new one built T h e pew a rra n g e m e n t Includes a larg o ro rn o i e n tra n c e , fro n tin g on laith Main and f if th , a sm a lle r e n ­ tra n c e on Main, and a n o th e r on Fifth. T h e re a re 25 foot of window disp lay on Main Htroet, ns well an a leaner am o u n t on F ifth T he e n tire building h a s been re p a in te d In a cream color, with trim m in g In light brow n T h e fire llm lta, now ex ten d in g along Malo s tr e e t from Mill to S e v en th s tre e t, may be sh o rte n e d to S ixth s tre e t by th e < Ity council to pet mil w ooden hulldingM to be con­ stru c te d In th e hlo< k Het out P lans for a se rv ice Hlatlon at S ev en th and Mam has cau sed th e p ro p erty ow ner ( to ask th n t th e fire llm lta be revised. T h e fire and w ater co m m ittee of the council w as In stru cted at Monday n ig h t's m eetin g to a sc e rta in If the i ( h an g in g of th e fire lim its would a ffect In su ran ce ra te s and report buck ■ T h e s tre e t co m m issio n er wyis In stru c te d to b u rn g rass along the park in g - and on v a c a n t lotH before ln< reu sed in dry the fire h azard w e a th e r T h e cou n cil I« still co n sid e rin g the s ta te 's p ro p o sal to s tra ig h te n Main s tre e t »it th e end of th e pavem ent hut h as reach ed no u n d e rsta n d in g In un offerì lo fimi a wny out ol ilio Spi lu g li' hi bridge c o n tro v e rsy a Ji.lnl m eeting or (ho E ugene and S p rin g fie ld l'h a n ih o m of C om m erce bridge co llim iti..... wilt he hohl lo tilglil at Iho lin a i c h am b e r of ro u i m on i W est S p rin g field o b je c to rs lo th o d iri UH have been liiv iin i lo ho p ien en i. Il I# felt th a i I h o old bridge siru* tu re I h d ngerolls to ro n llllilo III use iiiniiv m onth« m ore and livut a Holiillou to Iho problem «lioiild he had Im m ediately T he ro tin i? court alno In ag ain Inkin g a h an d In th e bridge Inaile and Ju d g e C I’. B arn ard ban w ritte n Iho highw ay i m niiilsslm i lh al L. E. BEAN, NOTED LANE a piling ap p ro ach ho bulli al p re se n t. T he W ent R prlngfleld people a re COUNTY CITIZEN, DIES alili holding off on th e highw ay com SATURDAY AT SALEM T he In terio r a t th e «tore h as been m issio n 's offer Io e x ten d th e w est a p p ro ach 100 feel and th en fill W ith kalnoinlned In light green w ith the Ixiuls E. Bean, chairman of the T h e conn- Oregon stale public service commis­ out they accep t thin co m p ro m ise »n w oodwork p ain ted cream Leaves School fo r Stage Dr »«tFi Bowman, 19, member ol Boston's most exclusive social te t, has left an exclusive school to make her debut on the stag* H er lather is • m ultim illionaire stock broker ECKERSON WINS PRIZE IN ANNUAL AIR CIRCUS SUNDAY AT SILVERTON WHEELER LAW RETAINED AT LEAST FOR YEAR BY BOUNDARY BOARD The high schools of Lane county will continue under the Wheeler high school tax for at least one more 1 year. It was decided at the meeting , of the county boundary board in Eugene Monday morning, which was attended by Dr. W H. Pollard and W. G. Hughes of the local school hoard. Considerable sentiment against the law was expressed at the meeting, according to Mr Hughes. As many of the schools of the county have already made up their budgets and as the county assessor has made no provi­ sion for the levying of tuition against districts whose students attend other high schools, the boundary board de­ cided that It would be impractical to attempt any change this year. It Is possible that the county may change back to the original tuition system in another year. The Wheeler tax law provides that from a general tax levied on the en­ tire county each high school district shall receive $60 for the first 20 students enrolled, $50 for the second 20, and $30 each for all above 40. A survey of the financial status ol the high schools of lame county will be made during the next year by Dr. C. L. Huffaker. professor of education in the University of Oregon, In an effort to conceive an Weal plan of finance. Dr. Huffaker Is being paid by the state to make survey in seve­ ral Oregon counties. The results of his research may have some bearing on the retention or discontinuance of the Wheeler law a year from now. NUMBER 2« SIUSLAW RIVER IS ROUTE TO BE USED Citizens at Public Meeting Op» pose Change, so Court Will Accede to Wishes; Federal Man Claims Cost Will not Ex­ ceed Original Estimate. The road down the Sluslaw from Mapleton to Florence will be con­ structed as originally planned instead of being re-routed over the .Mapleton bill as was proposed, it was announc­ ed by the Lane county court following a public meeting at the Chamber of Commerce at Eugene Tuesday night. The citizens from all over the county who attended the meeting expressed themselves as favoring the river . route, and the court announced that It would accede to the wishes of the people. The county, the state and the gov­ ernment are co-operating in sponsor­ ing the road. The cost of the un­ completed section was originally estimated at $1.000,000. of which Lane county was to furnish one-fourth. Later, however, after the land over which the proposed road is to be built was viewed, the opinion was ex­ pressed by Oral E. Crowe, county commissioner, and P M. Morse, the county engineer, that it would be more economical for Lane county to build the road via Mapleton hill route. Earl Hill. Cushman resident, who made a trip to Portland to interview H. F Farmer, head of the federal bureau in charge of the construction, stated at the meeting that $1.000,000 NORTH SISTER BALKS was Mr. Farmer’s original estimate ATTEMPT OF CLIMBERS and that Me would not alter It. Mr. TO ATTAIN SUMMIT Crowe spoke In favor of the change of route, but a motion made by O. K. An attempt to climb the North Sister Wright of Junction City and seconded in the Cascades, the most treacherous by Cal Young of Eugene that the road and difficult of the three to scate, was be constructed along the original made Sunday by Keith Ingalls, em­ route was carried. Judge Barnard ployee of the local Booth-Kelly mill j stated that If It were necessary for and Darold Elkins of Eugene. The the county to put up additional funds men say they came within 100 feet of J for the construction of the road, that the summit of the peak, but were they would be taken from the Oregon forced to turn back from there because and California land grant money of a cliff thnt separated them form which the county receives from the the top. The snow, which still lies federal government. heavy on the mountain, made the scaling of the cliff impossible. Rev. Pike to Preach Sunday While descending Collier glacier on Rev. J. C. Pike, pastor of the Spring* the mountain. Ingalls and Elkins had field Methodist church, will preach the experience of seeing crevasses at the Baptist church Sunday evening open In the Ice before them. The at 7:30 o'clock. The subject of his crevasses were not deep, Mr. Ingalls sermon has not yet been announced. said, but they rendered the way more All three of the local churches are dangerous. cooperating In union services every The two mountain climbers left Sunday evening during the summer. Frog Camp at 4:30 o’clock Sunday Last Sunday Rev. C. H. Blom of the morning and came down the mountain Baptist church delivered the message, at 3:30 in the afternoon. The ascent and two weeks ago Rev. Dunn of the over the steepest part of climb was Christian church. > made with ropes. The men expect to j try climb the mountain In about a Kester at Convention—Dr. EugeD« month. Kester left Wednesday for Portland Major G. II Eckerson. of the local municipal airport, was one of the 25 aviators entered in the annual air dr. cue held at Silverton July 6 and 7. ac cording to word received thia week. The major contributed a number of air stunts to the program and was also awarded second place In the whirlwind nice, the only one he entered. Tex the part of the «lute It Is likely that tors will he arranged around the sides sion and one of the most prominent Bankln of Portland, famous aviator the bridge suit must go through a of the room, with all of the large res.dents of l.an<- county, died sud and proprietor of the Rankin school of long drawn out appeal In the supreme ' center space given over to inerrhan ili-nlv of heart failure at his apart­ aviation, was awarded first in the court. 1 dlse displays. Gray's will retain the ment al Salem Saturday night. event. The county court’s letter to the . lease on the buildings now occupied Mr. Bean had served as a member Major Eckeraon Is now at Vancou­ highway commission follows: ¡by the store, though It has not yet of the slate public service commission ver. Washington, where he is acting July 9, 1929 been decided as to what use will be since 1925 and had been chairman of as Instructor In war tactics at the The Honorable State Highway Coin i made of IL the body since January 1 of this year summer school for army flyers there. mission. Salem. Oregon i -------------------------------- Only three weeks ago he returned Shortly after July 15, after he has Gentlemen: W. C. T. U. TO PRESENT from Washington, D. C., where be completed his two weeks period of ser- T he m a tte r of th e ap p ro ach to th e PROGRAM AT CHURCH "pent fl*e weeks attending the grain vR.e, the major will again return to w est end of th e S p rin g field bridge rate hearings In the Interest of the thè reserve status and will come to seem s to hav e developed Into a co n ­ A public entertainment will be pre J Orl-gon commission. Springfield to complete his plans for tro v e rsy betw een th e S ta te H ighw ay Rented Friday night at 8 o'clock at: Mr. Bean was born In lame county j school of aviation he expects to C om m ission and th e people living In the Springfield Methodist Episcopal In 1867, and hud lived here practlc- Htart here early this fall. He has W est S p rin g field , w ho claim they church by the local Women's Chris ally all of his life. He was a graduate a|fO made tentative pkina for an air would he dam ag ed hy a fill th e e n ­ tian Temperance Union. A program of the University of Oregon and had , circus to be held at the local air port tire d is ta n c e and w hose claim has consisting of readings and musical practiced law In Eugene since 1898 ■ some time during this month. Tex been upheld by th e C ircu it C ourt. numbers will he presented by Spring. He was elected as Lane county repre- Rankin and a number of other noted We realise that the State Highway field and Eugene talent. sontatlve to the state legislature in flyers are expected to appear here, Commission might he able to keep The program of the evening Is as 1999, serving there for one term and Rankin and Eckerson are the only this matter In On- courts for an In-1 . then as stale senator from 1911 to follo WS Oregon flyers who have as yet an- definite length of time, making, as 1915 From 1917 to 1921 he served Wlnlfrld Tyson . .nounced their plans for entering the a common expression goes, the tax­ dann solo i- o >.h.n -«a as representative again being speaker B . . , .. | national air races from Portland to payers of lame County, the "goat." Vocal iluet Mr«. W ( Rebhun and of . the house In 1921. He was a can Mary Whitney. Cleveland. Ohio, In September. Eck- During the summer of 1921 the re- didate for the republican nomination Faye Parsons. ' erson will fly his new Waco sport -quest wus made by the lame County Read Ing for governor In 1922 Kyle Rmlth. model, and Rankin will fly another of Court thnt the State Bridge En- j Plano solo Mr Bean was the owner of a great the same make. Rankin is famed Xylophone solo Ted la-nhart glneer made an examination of the Mnry Devereaux deal of timber laud In Lane county. througbout lhp countrv „ the aviator old Springfield bridge and give us s Vocal solo R in d in g Mrs Marlon Adams, much of which is on the McKenzie I who dpf,pg BuperRt|tIon year report of Its condition. On October Paul Potter river east of Springfield. He was while flying in the races he corried a 33rd 192«, we received the following Vocal solo I dano solo Donald Fields, among those who favored a railroad j large black cat with him, and blamed report; j Vocal duet—Mrs. W P. Tyson and »P the McKenzie from Springfield. I his failure to win first on the fact that "Calculations made hy this De­ I Mrs. Roy Carlton. i he lost his mascot some place enroute, partment disclose the fact that , Reading Mrs. Lum Andengnn KENNETT HOLDING SALE j This year he has announced that he while the bridge Is not absolutely Violin solo Arthur Hendershott. TO DISPOSE OF SURPLUS will carry a number of mirrors with dangerous for traffic, It Is pretty Plano solo Bernice Neher. -------- , him. breaking them at stragetic points badly overstreased. If the pre­ An unloading sale which is to be- along the way. sent structure Is to be carried In come an annual event is being an i ---------- ERNSTING WINS SHOES service for a period In excess of nounced this week by G. W. Kennett MILL EMPLOYEES LOSE IN THIRD TOURNAMENT two years, It will be necessary to local clothing store owner. The sale j make another very thorough In­ 43 DAYS FROM MISHAPS By winning the weekly horseshoe will open Saturday morning with the j vestigation at the end of that Employees of the Booth-Kelly mill time and It Is quite possible thnt J tournament for the third successive store closed all day Friday In prepar- here lost a total of 43 days work as DR. CHILDERS ACCEPTS considerable reinforcement will ■ time. Gilbert Ernsting. local high , atlon for the event. i school boy, was awarded the posses- ' It Is Mr. Kennett's Intention to the result of five Industrial accidents I PASTORATE IN EUGENE be found necessary. At the pre­ sent time some of the Joints and , slon of the nickel-plated pair of shoes | clear all, or the major part of, his at the mill during the month of June offered by the local horseshoe club, of summer goods off his shelves before according to the monthly report ' Dr. 9. E Childers, for six years connections are pretty badly over- stressed In rivet bearing and In ! which he Is a member. D: J Beals stocking up on the fall lines. He Is posted. One man lost 11 days work pastor of the Springfield Christian was tho runner-up In the third contest. offering, he says, his goods at the as a result of being struck on the : church, will serve as pastor of the shear and some of the main dl Although Ernstlrg is given the minimum of profit with hopes of dls- knee by a 4x4 which tipped up when First Christian church of Eugene agonal members are stressed nearly to the yield point of the I possession of the -h- ■ a, he will he posing of all his surplus within the , |,p gjppp,,,! on r . The second lost one during the coming year. It was an­ obliged to defend them against pill shortest time possible. Mr. Kennett day from a severe bruise on his arm. nounced Sunday following the vote of metal under standard highway competitors every two weeks during expects to make his lino of goods the third 10 days from a sprained the congregation of the Eugene church loading Extensive repairs to the the horseshoe season, which will last carried more complete when he wrist. One man lost 13 (lays during which approved the action of the roadway and decking will also month as the result of an accident board of directors in offering Dr. until September If he lias retained stocks up again following the close he necessary. If the structure Is of the sale. them for longer than anybody else in the planing room which cost him Childers the post. to be carried for any considerable during that period, they will be his , one finger and will also lose some time j Dr. Childers accepted a position on l period. Altogether the ol dsteel 4L To Have Float permanently. this month. The fifth man lost eight the faculty of the Pacific Bible sem­ span has outlived Ils usefulness The Springfield 4L will enter O'days from being struck on the hand inary at Los Angeles following his and should be replaced by u mod­ i flout In the industrial parade to he a ]arRP sliver thrown backward resignation from the Springfield pns- B aseball Cup Displayed ern structure as soon ns funds the held nt the time of the Sunset Trail ' jrom ,},p e,iger a totul of 15 days torate and from the faculty of the Tho silver eup awarded to can be made available for the Springfield high school for winning i pageant In Eugen July 25, 26 and 27. | wpre |„st a( tho mill during the Eugene Bible University. However, purpose.” he was granted a year’s leave of ab­ the league baselxill championship last i W. P. Tyson, presldentof the organi month of May. sence by the California school In On March 29th, 1927 an agreement j BPai)on now on display In the wln- ration, has appointed L. L. May as was reached between the Stale High i ()(>w of Roors jPWP|ry store. The the chairman of a committee to take Party Goes to Newport—Mr. nnd order that he might accept the posl. wav Commission and the Lane County l p nhnnt 1S inches high and charge of the construction. No plans Mrs. H. E. Gerber, Mr. end Mrs. tion at Eugene. Uourt whereby tho County agreed to j hgg np (hp ,op (hp fI(rurP of „ haBphHn have as yet been worked out. George Gerber, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy i Delicatessen Entered contribute $65,000 of the estimated p|ayPr 5 framed picture of the local Houck and families spent the latter • Burglars entered Moon's delicates­ Legion Delegates Chosen coat of $150.000 for the completion of j (pflm w)(h Lponar() Mayfield, the part of last week on r camping trip , ■the structure and approaches, the coach. Is displayed In front of the Commander J. M. Larson. William to the Newport vicinity. They left sen on Main street Monday night, but County to purchase all right-of-way, cup. The cup was awarded hy the Vasby, nnd M. B. Huntly were elected Wednesday and returned Sunday. It took nothing other than a small eatlinnted to cost at least $20,000. On Hendershott gun store of Eugene. as delegates from the Springfield , wag an especially Interesting trip for amount of merchandise. There was the 27th day of March, 192R, a con­ post of the American Legion to the , ,hp H E Gerber family, as none of no money In the cash register in tract was entered Into by and be­ aside from the decking, would last nt slate convention at Salem August 8, j ,bem had seen the ocean before, hav- either the delicatessen or Swarts meat market and the safe In the market tween the 8tato Highway Commission least twelve or fifteen years and 9. and 10. pit the meeting of th o jlnf, romp from North Dakota. was not disturbed. The Intruders __________________ nnd Lindstrom & Felgenson, and the would not In any wise he considered Legion Friday night. H. E. Maxey, [ took a carton of cigarettes and a bridge waa completed nnd except for a poor Investment. C. E. Swarta and Vern Wooley were | Many Go To Laks However, the time has come when chosen as alternatives. I . . small amount of tobacco, candy and the eontroveray with regnrd to tho _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Approximately 1600 persons, In- pastry. They entered the building west npproach, could have been open­ we must pul expensive repairs on ' Former Residents Visit—Mr. and eluding 63 from Springfield, made a through a rear door. ed for trnffic at least by July lat of the old bridge If It Is continued In use Journey to Crescent Lake, located and we feel that It Is not unreasonable Mrs. L. G. Ewbnnks of Los Angeles thia year. over the summit of the Cascades on P arty Plans Mountain Clim b If a piling approach extending went to ask the State Highway Corniola are visiting with friends In Spring- the Natron Cut-off, In three special M r. and Mrs I-awrence M o fflt and from the present structure about 250 alon to complete Rome approach to field. Mr. and Mrs. Ewbanks are trains Sunday. The excursion Is an Mr. and Mrs. Chester Aldrich are plan­ or 300 feet to correspond with the the new Springfield Brklge and re­ former Springfield residents. MPa. annual affair sponsored by the South­ ning on climbing Mount Adams, lo­ present bridge waa built of Port Or­ lieve the people of Lane County, who Ewbanks was employed for a time In ern Itociflc company. The big feature cated In the Washington Cascades, ford cedar with fill from there- to have acted In good faith, of any more the Springfield ghrnge here. of the day waa the motor boat races this week end. They will go to connect with the Pacific Highway at cost In connection with the old bridge which were held on the lake during McPhersons at Banta Barbara— A. Trout lake, Washington, where Mr. the neareat point which would be the and alao the risk to human life which the afternoon. and Mrs Mofflt formerly lived, and turn neareat the bridge, the expense cannot he weighed agalnat the amali A. Anderson received a poet card extra cost, If there be any extra, to yesterday from Alva McPherson, who will go from there to the mountain would probably not exceed $10,000. On Vacation—Mr. and Mrs. P. 8 provided weather conditions remain The Intereat on the preaent In- completing these approaches as soon left last week for California. Mr. Me • Phtrson has obtained employment Kohler left Wednesday on their vaca. favorable. Mr. and Mrs. Mofflt will vestment. County $86,000 and State as possible. Tours respectfully. driving a truck In the oil fields near tkin. They are on a fishing trip to leave Springfield today, while Mr. and $06,000, at five per cent Is $7.600 per DANE COUNTY COURT, Banta Barbara. tha lake country of Eastern Oregon. Mrs. Aldrteh will leave tomorrow. year. An approach of thia character. to attend the national convention of the American Medical Association there this week. He Is especially in­ terested in surgery and goiter. Dr, Mortensen is now the only physician left In Springfield, but he plans to go for the closing days of the meet­ ing, as soon as some of the other local doctors return. R. E. Mosier Here—R. E. Mosier, one-time owner of the old Springfield creamery and now Interested In gold mining at Grants Pass, is visiting in town at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Murphy. Mr. Mosier injured one of his eyes quite badly while at work recently and Is now taking treatments at Eugene. New Endeavor O fficer — Beulah Thurman was appointed secretary, treasi'ier of the Springfield Christian Endeavor by Winifrid Tyson, presi­ dent. Miss Thurman succeeds Carl McKinnis, who resigned. Back From Montana—William Han­ cock returned to his home here Tues­ day afternoon after spending the spring In Montana. Mr. Hancock has been working at Missoula since Mprch. Washington People Visit—Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kingsley, son Dick, daugh­ ter Eunice, and grand-daughter Betty, of Aloa, Washington, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chaee at Chase Gardens over the 4th of July. Kansas People Here—Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Olle of Eebon, Kansas, ere visiting In Springfield for a few days at the home of Mr. OGe’a brother, Kenneth Gilè. Medford People Here—Mr, and Mm. C. H. Olle of Medford worn In Sprtm*- fleld Snndev vlelttng nt the home of their son, Kenneth Olle.