PAGE POUR TUK SPRINGFUELD NEWS THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Ev»ry Thnrw lay at •prtngfleld. Lane County. Orefun. by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H. E. M A X E Y . Editor. Entered as second cla ss matter. February 24. 1803 at the poatofllce. Springfield. Oregon INDEPENDENCE DAY LOCAL STUDENTS TO MOUNTAIN STATES APPEAR IN RECITAL T he gayest, b rightest day in all th e year is PEOPLE HOLD PICNIC AT EUGENE SATURDAY Independence Day. for no tru e Am erican can help --------- ! T he iifn.-lul« nml employ««» o f the being thrilled by the stirring events ami tumult« T h re e S p rin g field girl», M argaret S p rin g field M ountain S tate» Pow er units national ad v en tu res that preceded the sign picnic ing of the D eclaration id' Independence and the J a r r e tt, B a rb a ra B ariudl. and Melba 1 com pany held th e ir a n n u a l birth of the United S ta te s as a land dedicated to ,,“rr,!* w,ll •'<' preaented in a piano Sunday a ftern o o n mid ev ening at freedom ami equality. re c ita l at th e M cM orran mid W a«h R lvorslde P ark , n ear (loahen on Die hurtle a u d ito riu m In E ugene Sat lit file t, the em otions tit patriotism aroused by urday night by Reuben ch ariy i th e F ourth ot July at»* so powerful th a t malty tio ffrclu re. E ugene ntualc te a c h e r tim es they have led persons to excess. T h e co n cert w tn begin m s o'clock mul will he open to th e public. In su n -b u rst of joy, persons have not exer­ THURSDAY. JU L Y 4. 1829 T he p ro g ram for th e evening 1« a« cised enough care in celebration, and countless follow» tragedies have u n fortunately been the result. A REASONABLE OFFER MEI.HA HARRIS Firew orks produce beautiful effects and help R oguish S unbeam » L ouise Ogle The Highway Com m ission’s offer to build 100 greatly in the proper celebration of this day o f M ich.let Aaron feet m ore concrete open approach to th e west days, but great ear«1 must be tak en in th eir use T h e Flying K ite T he Lim pid S tre a m tlurgm ulh r end of the Springfield bridge for the sake of set- T he more d angerous kind of firew orks ought to ¿«j,,. Chas, llu rg m u ller tling the controversy seem s to us m ost liberal, be discarded altogether. BARBARA D ARNELL W hile we have not approve«! all the highw ay 1 Above all. no parent should allow a child to La Strytenne, No. H llu rg m u ller llu rg m u ller d ep artm en t's plans for the new bridge we do be- rem ain uuw atehed on this day. R em em ber the B aiiaide. No. is llu rg m u ller lieve th a t this is a reasonable offer and it Is words of Ed Howe: "It is b e tte r to be safe titan Inquietude. No ts Sorry. Ia> R etour, No. 35 llu rg m u ller evident th a t the public does also. M ARC Alt ET J \ R H E T T 111 Iter If the bridge's use is to be delayed longer while ADVERTISING WHERE BUSINESS COMES Rtudjr. Op 45. No 2 FROM M om ent of M emory M onitor P h a se the fight continues through the suprem e court L eslie b o th Replying to criticism th at O regon's advertising Tripping then the responsibility for the delay m ust rest P relude. Op 28. No. 7 Chopin w ith the West Springfield com m ittee. T axpayers should be in th e east w here there a re 121 millions MEI.1IA H A RRIS who dislike having this expensive bridge standing of instead of the west w here th ere a re only Sw eet D ream «, Op 39. No. 21 .. u . V • , . s seven millions the O regon S ta te C ham ber of Tachalkowsky idle will now have their eyes on this com m ittee I Com m erce says: Sw aying of P ines, Op. 17. No. 2 M embers of this com m ittee will soon have a re-1 Of the 90,248 e a rs registered In O regon last M attingly putation of either being o bstructionists or reason- year, 53,031 or 58-1, ', were from California, D ance of the Dwarf.» M ichael Aaron able citizens, depending on their actions in the i 78.821 of 87 1-3', were from Pacific Coast and BARBARA R A R N E L l. im m ediate future. The E ugene and Springfield In term o u n tain states. And the 53,031 c a rs from jackstraw» W alter Rolfe C ham bers of Com m erce have done all th ey could S a .1? t,’Lnia " ere on!-v o i a ^ th e vars registered Away w. o«> F ru n cea T erry . . . . ’ in C alifornia, in o th er words, 5 8 -4’,7 of ou r bust b. W right to bring this issue to a fair com prom ise and the ness represents only 4 of ou r possibilities. T hat T he Bell M argaret J arrett highw ay com m ission has com e half way. If W est - is why the sta te cham ber opened an office in To a w ild R«.»e M cDowell Springfield continues to hold up this expensive C alifornia, sent Mr. F o ster to the Yellowstone Yellow B utterfiie« Evan» and needed bridge, she can expect no sym pathy l’a rk area a n ^ *s conducting an advertising can t­ S c a rf D ance C ham inade. or aid from eith er Eugene or Springfield in fur- Pai/*n !n th e w eestern sta te s. W hen we get th e r solving her flood problem s. ' e l° talifornia 3 we U take in HUNTLY'S BACK FROM rtiore territory. TOUR THROUGH NORTH • • • OREGON NEEDS PROMOTION TH E SW EET POTATO Mr anil M rs M B. Ilu n tly re tu rn e d ON BUSINESS BASIS Sw eet potatoes a re e ith e r long and thin o r S a tu rd a y night from a th re e week»' C alifornia has gone ahead by leaps and bounds sh o rt and chunky, and E astern co n su m ers prefer ,our tha* ,h’’m dimugh Wesaern chieflv because she has gone about in a business the short and chunky ones. T his discovery led O regon and W ash in g to n T hey left like way of advertising her resources John to research which resulted in an am azing m ani- S pringfield Ju n e 8. sto p p in g m Port ,, , , .. ____ testatio n of m an 's knowledire o f t h e » o il a m t '»»<1 for a few d ay s to a tte n d tth e u y, m anaging trector of The C alifornians, m an 's power to direct the shape of vegetable Rose F «"’iv»l P m or P o rtla n d they Inc., who has the direction of her publicity cam - grow th w ent to C am p C latso p to the N ational sto p p in g en ro u te paigns. told the Oregon Editorial convention a t The New Jersey S ta te A gricultural E xperim ent Guard visit th e ir d au g h ter. Albany, Friday. S tation proved th a t the chunky variety of sweet St *' potato will grow only in soil to which fertilizer Mrs. F red Loubow, and at A storia to c l i m T r » aU fK Ornia««at n° thing bUt r k h æ potassium in relation to nitrogen has been visit Mr«. H u n tly 's fa th e r. W illiam clim ate to offer, but a lte r she had a ttra c te d peo- applied. On the basis of five y ears of experim ent Pohl. Mr Pohl accom panied thorn pie bv her clim ate she then interested them in by P rofessor S cherm erhorn, potato grow ers of on ’h,‘ r, r”“'n,l,'r of ,he ,rl>’ industry, so th a t they would have som ething to New Jersey now have available a form ula for fer- Whll,‘ in th,‘ A",or,a vl<,n,,y Mr do. T en years ago S o u th ern C alifornia w as in s ^ o r t ^ h u 'X y '^ X s ^ a v ^ MrYun’ . ^ w’.‘s „ ' I S MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE " * • yaar In A dvance-------$1.75 Three M o n th » _____ 75c ■tv Month» ........... $l i"' Single Copy b u n /nidSt a" |b° Oin‘ bUt " 0W She haS built up to substantial prosperity, Mr. Cuddy pointed out. N orthern California has advertised to r selected settlers and has been grow ing rapid- ly and substantially, although not so sensationally as S outhern California. high PerceRtage of protein, and long, thin ones • a high percentage of carbohydrates , Specifications were given as to the ideal dim en- sions of the com m ercial sw eet potato. Four and a half inches long and two and a half inches thick- We are willing to w ager th a t these specifica- !,s a rap,aln ,lur'" K ,h" wnr Whlle th e r e th ey «aw th e s te a m e r "L a u re l" ; h‘c* tai’r“l(, X " e"! '"s, "’""¡s 's ' ,h(. °wre"k look«,., th e for, C re rn n n o x -aitai c t r 1 tions will be m et. And th e re is som ething inspir- The H u n tlv s and Mr. Pohl crossed w t 8 w parallel N orthern California and ,ng m the tho u g h t. Now th a t the farm er can the Columbia on a fe rry to the W ash W ashington in advertising and can expect the guide the destiny of the sw eet potato, th e re 's no ington »hie and th e n drove to Ana sam e results, it is believed. But it can not be , telling w hat he'll be able to do next! co rte s, W ash in g to n , located eighty done w ithout m ore m oney is spent th an has been • • • m iles n o rth of S e a ttle on th e C ana in the past. If Oregon is to go ahead it behoves T here are a lot of bootleg au to licenses from 1!^. b?un',“ry' Th. T AI her to organize on a business basis and profit by C alifornia ru n n in g around in Oregon. S ecretary Pohl, b ro th e r of Mrs. H u n tly nun th e spot we can a tte s t th a t they did not T h e B ritish am bassador to the United S ta te s finish th e war. •» Carsons Picnic H onors has given up liquor and the Am erican am bassador terso n s, including I O ver tu lrty -flv e pci to London has given up sh o rt pants. Both differ ’letit, w ere p resen t I se v eral from S prlngflc from the custom s of the service they are in. None of the drivers of these large tru ck s on the 1 a t a picnic given at Ju n c tio n City S unday In honor of Mr. anil Mr«. highw ay we have m et have the inferiority B right colors are said to have stim u latin g psy­ D avid C arson, who left M onday for complex. chological effect. T h a t’s why these shining m ulti­ th e ir hom e a t W elkin. W isconsin. Mr • • • colored cars go p ast us so fast on the highw ay. and Mrs. C arson had sp en t th e past e e e Sw itzerland has voted a g ain st prohibition. We can im agine th a t drying up in Sw itzerland would T aking a long trip is som etim es done on a be lily trying to dip the oeean dry. d o cto r’s advice but m ore often it’s a law yer’s. PINKY DINHY By Terry Gilkison y e a r In the S p rin g field vicinity. The picnic w as held at th e hom e of Mrs C arso n 's s is te r and bro th er-in law. Mr. and Mrs. P earl A dam s of Junc­ tion City. Mr. C arson Is a cousin ot j G eorge C arson and of Mrs. M arlon A dam s of th is city. M ilt Close» fo r Fou rth T h e S pringfield Booth-K elly mill will sh u t down from Ju ly 4 to 8. glv Ing the em ployees a fo u r n a y s' v aca­ tion. O p eratio n s will he resum ed on M onday m orning. W illam ette riv er T h e a ftern o o n was »pent In sw im m ing and p la tin g game« , T h o se who w ere p re se n t w ere Dr and Mrs. W N Dow and non. Hilly; Mr» W C H ohhan and »on. Hobble; Mr am t Mr» C It S u th e rla n d and ch ild ren . Lloyd and H elen; Ml»» P earl lle lte r b r a n d ; Mr» K slher T hlene» and »on». H enry and J in k ; Mr and Mr» E m ery R lchurdson and ch ild ren , tliilah, R ichard and R o b ert; Ml»» O nlta S m ith , Lloyil K lin g er; 11 C K n ig h t; Mr and Mr» F ra n k Sm lt »on and ch ild ren , M axine and P rllx; Ml»» E lw lna M eacham ; Mr and Mr» E W a lte rs, M. I. W h ite; Mr and Mr». W K B arnett and d au g h ter, B a rb a ra ; M arilyn M ink; and Mr and Mr» W C M, L agan and »on.«, R ussel and R obert R etu rn to Globe Mr» F lorence D unbar and h e r alater. Mr«. Ada H u rlb u rt, re tu rn e d S atu rd ay to th e ir hom e» aa Globe, O regon, a fte r via,,- mg In S pringfield w ith th e ir purenta. Mr, and Mr«. O, p. K iser, for sev eral days. Spent Sunday at Salem Mr VIVIAN LEMMON T ea c h er of Plano and V io lin S tu d en t Ellison W hite C on serv ato ry ot Mualc, P ortland Phone E ugene I90K 503 5th SI S a tu rd a y s DR E C MEADE O P T O M E T R IZ T ____ 14- W t / T «¿ h AVE OUR USED CARS With an O. K. T hat Countu a re R econditioned or Cheek«*,I and sold under our SATISFACTION GUARANTEE MORRIS CHEVROLET Co. 942 Olive Street, EUGENE USED CAR LOT 7th and OAK OREGON A Cooling Station Don't get overheated, drop into E ggtm nnn's these hot aftern o o n s and evenings anti have a nice Ice cream or cold drink. We cool off m ore people titan anybody else in the country. We like to do It. Follow the crowd her,« on hot «lays and he assured of the best. T ake hom e som e to the family also. F G G IM A N N ’S ■ "Where tha Service Is Different" ECÍAL RAIN TO CRESCENT LAKE AND RETURN Sunday, July LEAVE SPRINGFIELD 7:00 A M. Return Leave Crescent Lake 5:30 P. M. Leave O'Dell Lake 5:35 P. M. Leave Cascade Summit 5:45 ROUND TRIP and Mi» F red I.uck and tum lly sp en t Sun day visiting fi lends at Salem S 2 .0 0 ROUND TR IP Everybody Welcome— Join the Party and Enjoy a Wonder­ ful Day’s Outing in THE BEAUTIFUL CASCADES MOTOR BOAT RACES Under Auspices EUGENE MOTOR BOAT CLUB CRESCENT LAKE, SUNDAY, JULY 7th Class “B,” “C," and Unlimited. Plenty of Thrills, Spills and Speed Some of the Fastest Boats in the Northwest will be there