T IIV ItS hA Y , JULY 4. 192» tub M FR iN orrm .n news PAGE THREW T R A IN SCHEDULE Sp rin gfield Slope NORTH No. IB at 3:64 A. M. Stop to detrain poaaengera from Klamath Fall and i beyond. No 8 at 3:4« P M Bun connections at Eugene for tralnn leavin g 11:60 A M and 7 I’. M SOUTH No. 7 at 12:47 P. M No. 16 at 10 09 P. M Flag atop for passenger» to Klamath Falls and OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events of the Week Assembled for Information of Our Readers. ------------- Two-hour parking restrictions will be enforced on the street» of Bend i n u " connections at Eugene for beginning July I. ,ralns lea sin g 11:46 A M via Siskiyou Rogue River valley fruit shipments *,n e- to the east thin season will he routed Spending W e e t at N e w p o rt.— Mayor i o ver tba A ,tu raa c u t» « by the South- and Mrs. C. O. Wilson left Saturday ero Pacific. for Newport, where they will spend At a recent meeting of Albany Elk» this week on a vacation. 360 waa voted as a gift to the Lebanon swimming pool maintenance fund tor this season. Nehalla golf course was opened June 23. This nine-bole course, three m iles from Vernonia on the V ernonia Forest Grove road, la the first course to be completed In Columbia county, Umatilla county court has received 40,000 pounds of calcium chlorate la he used in the eradication of the m o o t­ ing glory pesL Farmers have pur­ chased the entire lot and a lively can> palgn is In proepecL Harold Larsen, 17, of M ilw aukie j drowned while wading near the C lad» FOR SALK—Carbon paper In large V isitors From O lym p ia- Mr. au-1 NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN Hint amas river fish hatchery near Oregoa sh eets, Mx89 Inches, suitable fot (K enneth Girard of Olympia, W ashing the uudnrMigneil linn been appointed City. The body was seen on the oot- making tracing!- T he N ew t office ton, arrived here Sunday to spend the adm inistrator of tin- estat« of W illiam tom. but waa not recovered until aa - ..... ---------- -- ■ ! week visitin g ut the home of Mr. Olr- II. Colllnx, deceaaed, by lh« County hour and a half had elapsed. Court of Lull« County, Oreg«u. All PAINTINU uad Kulhonilning In ali Its ard n purenta, Mr. and Mrs Carl pcruoiiH having i 'I h I iiih ugulnat until brancbes. Reduced Prlcee Roy j Glrard. Mrs. Frank E. Jordon, 27, waa «•lu te nr« required Io preannt them, Koch. CaU 126-J. ________ drowned In the .Nehalem river, about with III« propur voui-hera attached. to " N O T I C E O F H E A R IN G O F F IN A L the undersigned ut lh« luw o ffice» of 30 miles from Astoria, while In sw ig» N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S ACCOUNT lnini«l A Evans, In Hi« Elrat Nutlonnl mlng with several friends. She waa Iluiik HullilI iik . In Eugene. Oregon, N otice Is hereby given that the NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN: That seised with an attack of cramps and Recovering From O p e ra tio n — W II within n il months from Hi« iluln of undersigned bus been appointed Ad ^he undersigned adm inistrator nt the Seventy five business men and farm­ sank before aid could reach her. thin notice inlnlstratrlx of th« esta te of Jennie M ( ««U te o f Carl Adams, deceased, has llam Horn, who underwent an opera- I luted nt Eugene, Oregon. thin 27th Hushand. deceased, by the U»>unty new telephone line Is being cow- hl" »<•'»mt for the final Kettle- Hon for appendicitis at the Pacific ers of Glendale and the Cow Creek day of June, 1*2* Court of Lane County, Oregon All | n,,'n* «aid nutate In the County j Christian hospital last Thursday In valley have organised a district chsm- strutted In the c.re«h«m.a andy.ng. ItO YAI. II CO LLIN S. persons having claim s against said f ourt f,,r Idtne County, Oregon, »nd rellorle<. . . r » n » » r t .. her of commerce. mascus-Boring districts by tha Coaet Administrator of lh« Estate of esta te are hereby notified to present , that Saturday the 20th day of July, __ «■ -------------- ----------------- The county road between Corvallis Telephone company to replace the old 'Wllllnni II Collins, deceased. Ih»* su rue to the adm inistratrix pro 1929. at the Court Room of nald Court IMMEL A EVANS. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S and Albany on the east side of the lines. New cedar poles with inodera p«rly verified at the office of Well« In the County Court House, In Eugene 'I Attorney» for Eatate. A W ells, attorneys, Bank of Com Lane County, Oregon, at ten o'clock N otice Is hereby given that the un- w u lam ette haa been much Improved equipment are already being placed J 27 Jt 4 11-18-26 m«rce Building, In Eugen«, I-ane i In the forenoon, has been by said ; derslgncd has been appointed admin-i with a coating of oil. between Orient and Sandy. • utility, Oregon, within six mouths of < ourt fixed as the tim e and place for intrathlx of th. „ .to , » nT?1 ? 10 N O T IC E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N - - ......... ............................... v - - '"tratnix or the estate of Dolnhi.« Only 22 vote, wer, cast at the An agreem ent has been reached be­ Hi« first publication of Ibis noil* , hearing objection» thereto, and for Lewis, deceased late of I ane C m intv No. 016508 tw een the Southern Pacific Railroad Ihiie of first puhlli itiliin June 20th, ; final s»4tlem »nt of said esta te. Oregon All persons h ” vln ,Unly' ! school election at Ashland. There was D e p a rtm e n t of the In te rio r, U. S. Land , . „ . v - — persons having claim s 183» i. i., h a y , against said estate should file the no contest for directors and there was company and the United S tates buread O ffic e at Roaebury, Oregon, June 28, EVANGELINE A. LAYTON. Adm inistrator of Hie Estat»- of Carl „amr duly verified with the under Uttle interest In the election. of public roads for the moving of s e a ,92«. Adm inistratrix Adams, deceased signed at the office of 8 D Allen N otice In hereby given that Jullun W ELLS A WELLS. Attorneys. "Overland to Oregon” Is the title of tlons of track along the Siuslaw river J 13-20 27 J1 4-11 Hovey Building. Eugene. Oregoni l*««rnon, of Jasper, Oregon, who, on between Mapleton and (hubm aa la J 20 67 Jl I I f I - — — within six months from this date. an historical pageant to be presented Jun« 11. 1927, untile H om estead Entry. for two nights at the Clackamas coun­ connection with the construction o( NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION June s ,h - 1929 Serial No 016608, for Lot 9 of Se< lion E state of Jami'H Franklin Powers, the Siuslaw highway. ty fair at Canby In September. 16, Township IS S . Range 2 W . WII NELLIE REDDING FO R EST EXCHANGES lam etta Meridian, hus filed notice of I D eceased Administratrix. 018637 H aym aking and the ripening of The first release of guinea fowl rais­ Intention 111 make Final Three year NOTICE OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T D e p a rtm e n t o f the In te rio r, U n ite d J « 13-20-27 Jl 4 ed at the Eugene state game farm has straw berries were retarded on account iToof. to estab lish clulin to the lundi N otice la hereby given that Mar States Land O ffice, Roseburg, O re ­ above described. before E O Immel. ««ret Frances Powers lins filed In Hie been made In western Lane county. of heavy rains, 3.97 inches precipita­ gon. June 3. 1929. t h is o f f i c e , a t I o n i c e o , m e . o i .n . y . . e r a ,n a te . , . , r , N o t lc e h l, r (. b y < l v M t h a , „ „ M a y I tion being recorded the first IS days One hundred birds were released. Eugene. Oregon, on m e 12th duy of l-sne f aunty, Oregon. her final report 24 1929, George n.-tnoehl. of Toledo, htatf r ft- n u ir ^ V » R1L ? ^ THE In June at Cove. With warmer weather E lectricians are on strike at Klam STATE <>£ OF ORECO OREGON, FOR THE as executrix of the last will and testa ' f | , ^ app||catten ' No „ j g ^ August. 1929 ment of Jam es Franklin • ow»-rs, . . M. rrh , n 1ft22 t w u n r T OF LANE, atb Falls for a five-day week, 31 a and sunshine the first cutting of al­ Claimant nam es as w itn esses falfa and berry picking are In full 4, P) , (( „ x,.hanK/ ¡ he " s w < 0 *Fr^ h5 <;^tOÍL ,PIa} n U ,,• V" CharI*a day and a closed shop. They have J O. Edmonton, of Springfield, deceased; and that ten o'clock In the I S u , progress with good crops. forenoon of Monday, the 15th day of : ^VV1 S W ’4 Sec 5 Lots 2 E ^barle. Defendant. Route 2 July. 1929, at the courtroom thereof . -' L, *6 T n * 16 S Range 10 T° char,eR E Eberle, the above- been receiving 31 per hour tor an 3- J R Hills, of Jastter, Oregon contract was placed recently with hour day. In Eugene. Oregon, have been fixed w ,.at; w M wlthm th eV lu sla w Nat na,n'‘d D ef"n 4 . Sec 19. W ii appear and answer the complaint of the blooming season, and many J I 4 I I IS 2!. \ 1 Jertlons to the sam e »ml for th final ucts. which will be distributed to the S*r. , ,R' , Tp "n S ’’ K, 4 East, W. M ii? alln,H, y?u fn th*' ab°v e en-1 visitors from a distance were present settlem en t o f the e sta te of said within the Ca.M-ade N ational Forest, titled Court and cause on or before u a stores in tbs Oregon district. The can­ N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S deceased The purpose of this notice is to al lh « 18th day of July 1929 said datp ; over tne w ee* *na’ N otice la hereby given that the nery, in view of the large order, la MARGARET FRA NC E» POWERS. low all persons claim ing the lands being more than six w eeks from the I Redmond Is going to have another undersigned has been appointed Ad preparing to increase its pack of veg- . Executrix selected, or having bone fide objet, »«at»* of the first publication of this stage line to Portland. It will be con- mlnlatrator of the eatate of Bertha t In n j 9 zx u s s z v li a rv rx l l o o * i o n 0 0 o n r io e F it FYlflffY 41 IS o e o iv . tlons to sm-h application, an oppor- 3411 sum m ons and h herein entered of record ducted over the W aplnitia cut-off, Cox Vincent by the County Court of A E WHEELER. Attorney J 13 20 27 Jl 4-11 tunlty to file their protests with the ann«l-||, D eii-l-ed Siuslaw N ational Forest, for the tlm sum m ons to be published once each jQr tbree daya. SK '4, N% S W U . Sec. 19. W'H, Sec 1 way In order to see the wonderful N otice Is hereby given thut the un­ her on the three acres located within week for four su ccessiv e and conse- 18. Tp. 20 S R. 4 East. W M within Control of wild morning glories and 1 view of the Sandy canyon and Mount the NW14. S E ' m . N% StV'i. Sec. 19, cutive w eeks In said paper and that dersigned, Mary I. Abrams, as the th e Cascade N ational Forest. Hood from the Bluff road. The purpose o f this n otice Is to adm inistratrix of the above entitled IW H . S ec 18. Tp 20. S.. R 4 East, the date of the first publication will Canada th istles with sodium chlorate allow all parsons claim ing the Innds esta te, has filed her final account W M. w ithin the Cascade N ational he with the issu e of June 20th 1929 spray has proved effective in Benton A survey of the prune crop in the and the last publication will be with county, according to County Agent selected , or having bona fid«* ob jec­ therrin; that hv order of the court Forest. Sheridan district indicates a spotted duly given :m l made the tim e for ■ The purpose of this notice Is to al- the Issue of July 18th 1P29. tions to such application, an oppor Briggs, who has examined spots he condition. Orchards located on the FRANK A. DePUE. tunlty to file their protests with the hearing the sam e Is set to be at the 1 low all persons claim ing th« lands Attorney for Plaintiff. sprayed last year. bottom lands have set from 40 to 60 Ri glster of the United S tates Land hour of 10:00 o'clock., A M . July 12. selected , or having bona fide ahjec- Settlers on the Stanfield and West- O f f e at Roseburg. Oregon Any such 1929: and that anv person having any I tlons to such application, an oppor- Residence. Springfield. Oregon per cent of a normal crop. On the J 20-27 Jl 4-11-18 land districts have received a conces­ protests or objections must he filed objection -hereto shall file the sam e tunlty to file their protests with the first foothills the crop will run about In this office within thirty days from i n or before the tim e for the said R egister and R eceiver of the U n i t e d -------------------------------- 80 per cent, while on the high lands 1 S tates Land O ffice at R oseb u rg. Ore- NOTICE OF S H E R IF F 'S SA LE ON sion in the use of water th is season. the date of first puhllentlnn of this Inuring They will be allowed water at 35 cents a full crop is expected, and in som e MARY I. ABRAMS. Kon. Any such protests or objections EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE notice, which first publication Is June A dm inistratrix. ; must be filed in th is office within per acre-foot, instead of 70 cents as cases a bumper crop is in sight. «. 1989. N otice is hereby given that by vir- thirty days from the date of first HAMILL A. CANADAY. II E. SLATTERY previously charged. Four men were killed near Coquille puhllcation of this notice, which first 1,10 an execution and order of sale Attorney for ' minlstratrtx. non-coal R egister. The Coopers Spur lateral of the Mt. 4 .,I publication Is June 6. 1929 * n foreclosure Issued out of the Cir- recently by what is believed to have J 13-20-27 Jl J 6-13-20 27 Jl 4 —— HAMILL A CANADAY, - | eult Court of I-ane County. Oregon. Hood Loop highway w ill be open for been a premature explosion ot dyna­ R egister. on ,b e I I ,b day °I June. 1929, In a traffic by July 7, according to County mite at the Evans Auto Loading com­ J 6-13-20-27 Jl I fult w h en in. on the 10th day of June. Non coal _______ 1929. In said Court, The Pacific Sav­ Clerk H. J. Blackman, who has re­ pany logging camp on Sandy creek, ings & Loan A ssociation, a W ashing­ turned from watching a road crew a few m iles from Remote. The blast SUMMONS . ....... . , x ---- —-- --- - --- ---------- — ---- - - ton corporation, recovered Judgment blast deep drafts in cuts below Cloud took all but one of the crew of Charley I ^ c T v r i i / " V 1 o *cî!î$ iRainst the defendants M. A. Gallow ■ ■■ , ■■■■, — ----------- Cap inn. y T A T L * OF ,iie I OREGON in l ' z ï i i e F O R T H F - -- - — _ Christian, who had a contract to get STATE Office Phone 176-J R es Phone 176 M and Maybelle Gallow. his wife. Mont­ Res. Phone 110 Plano Moving COUNTY OF LANE. 1,500,000 feet of cedar for the Evans Nearly 500 students, alm ost 100 rose M. Ringler, Booth-Kelly Lumber Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. Illbert S tev en s, Plain company. more than the figure for the first day Company a corporation, and Jennie H. SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER General Practice. Speclnl Attention A. S teven s, Defendant. Jones, for the sum of 313.590.13. and last year, enrolled at Eugene for the WILLIB BERTHCH, Prop, Hopes of having Eugene designated to O bstetrics and D iseases To Josie A. S teven s, the above- lnterP!, t , hereon at the rate of 10% o r n c i AT SERVICE GARAGE 1929 summer session at the Unlver as an air mail stop have slumped soma named Defendant. of Children. per annum thereon from Septem ber 632 Main Street on receipt of a communication from IN TH E NAME OF THE STATE 1st. 1927, and for the further sum of slty of Oregon campus, according to F irst N ational Bunk Building Snrceasor to Button Transfer OF OREOON You are hereby required Dr. Dan E. Clark, director of tho Eu- Senator Steiw er that there is little 31,698.84. taxes paid, and for the fur­ Springfield. Oregon to appear and answ er the com plaint ther sum of 313.00. and for the further gene session. . prospect at present for the service. filed again st you in th e above en ­ sum of 3800.00 as a reasonable attor- — —— — — — — --” Senator Steiwer reported that Second titled Court and Cause on or before neys fee. together with Its costs and THE MARKETS A ssistant Postmaster-General Glover the 11th d a y o f July 1929 said date disbursem ents In th is suit, and said | WM. 0. HUGHES Portland DR. W. N. DOW had definitely stated that under pres­ being more than four w eeks from the execution to me directed comm anding FIRR AND AUTO IN8URANCR w h ea t — Big Bend bluestem, hard D e n tis t day o f the first publication of th is me in the nam e o f the S tate of Ore- ent circum stances Eugene cannot have „ , , , , . NOTARY PUBLIC F irst N ational Bank Building sum m ons herein entered of record gon. in order to satisfy said Judgment. *W ta. »LJ’ H . •<>« w hite, western an air mall stop. Phone 43 Springfield. Oregon and If you fail so to appear and an ­ interest, attorneys fees, co sts of suit j O ffice at 31.13*4; hard winter, northern Harry Newberg, convicted of man­ sw er for want thereof the plaintiff Office hours, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. and accruing costs, to sell the follow- spring, and w estern red, 3 1 1 0 ^ . FIRST NATIONAL BANK slaughter In W allowa county in con­ will apply to the Court for the relief lng described real property, to-wit: E vening» by Appointm ent H ay—Alfalfa. 320@21 per ton; val- Rgrlngtleld, Oregon In his com plaint again st you dem and­ nection with the involuntary killing of Lot ten (10) in Block eight (8) In i jey timothy, 322; eastern Orgeon tlm- ed, to w it: Fugene Sklnnpr’s Addition to Eugene, I Leonard Olsen, while Newberg and othey, 32O@25; clover, 320; oats. 317; For a Judgment and decree of di­ Lane County. Oregon: Fred M. Black were hunting deer, vorce d isso lv in g the bonds of m atri­ DR. N. W, EMERY Now. therefore. In the name of the oats and vetch, 317. must serve a term of five years in the mony now and heretofore existin g S tate of Oregon. In com pliance with Butterfat— 43044c. DENTIST state penitentiary. This was the de­ betw een you and the P laintiff on the the said execution and order of sale, E ggs—Ranch, 31 0 34c. grounds o f desertion and for such and In order to satisfy said Judgment. cree of the state supreme court in an Sutton Bldg. Phone » J Cattle— Steers, good, 311.25012.25. other relit f as to the Court may seem Including Interest, attorney's fees. opinion handed down in Salem recent­ R esidence Phone 163-M H ogs—Good to choice, 311012. [of Rb|t and accruing costs, I will, on ly. The opinion was written by Jus­ Lambs—Good to choice, 311.71013. That this sum m ons Is served upon Rgtnrdnv the 13th dnv o f .Tulv. 1929. 8prlngfleld, Oregon tice Rossman and affirmed the ver­ you by publication thereof In the nt the hour of one o'clock In the nf- Seattle dict of the Jury in the lower court. Sprlngflnld N ew s a new spaper of (em oon of said dav. nt the Southw est W heat— Soft white, w estern white, 228 Main 8t. R esidence 125 c 8t general circulation pursuant to nti front door of the sold Countv Court The small daughter of Reuben 31.14; hard winter, w estern red. north­ General Lnw Practice order of th e Judge of the Circuit House. In F ugene. Unne Countv. 62 J 62 M Thomas of Redmond had a narrow ern spring, bulk Montana, No. 1, 3113; Court of the Stnte of Oregon for the Oregon, offer for sale and sell for escape from death when she ran h * 1. M. PETERSON County of Lane duly made and en ter­ cash, nt public auction, subject to bluestem, 31-30. hind the car her father waa backing A ttorney ut-I atw ed of record on tho 10th day of June redemption ns provided by law. al, of Full Auto Equipment Eggs—Ranch, 328033c. 1929 ordering that th is sum m ons be tho right, tltlo and tnterost of the out of the garage. The child wan Lady A ssistant Butterfat—47c. City Hall Building published on ce each week for four said defendants. M. A. Gallow and knocked down and one toe pinched off. Cattle—Prime ateera, 311012.50. su ccessiv e and consecutive w eeks in Mnyhelle Gallow. his w ife, Montrose Hprlngflcld, Ore. Governor Patterson appointed H. B. Hog»—Prime light, 312 80 011.80. said Springfield N ew s and that the M. Ringler. Rooth-K elly Lumber Com- Van Duzer, Portland; Robert W. Saw­ Lambs—Choice. 312013.26. dnto o f the first publication shall be onnv. n corporation, and Jennie H FRANK A. DE PUE yer, Bend, and C. E. (Pop) Gates, Med­ with the Issue of June 13th 1929 and Jones, and all persons claim ing by. Spokane the date of the last publication shall through or tinder them or any or ATTORNEY AT LAW ford, members ot the state highway Cattle—Steers, good, 31O.2601L be with the Issue of July 11th 1929. either of them . In and to the said comm ission, and Judge Duby, Baker, Hogs — Good and choice, 312.160 NOTARY PUBLIC FRANK A. DePUE, prem ises. JEW ELER and R. A. Booth, Eugene, as members 12.35. A ttorney for Plaintiff. IT. L. BOWN. of what will be known aa tha Oregoa Repairing a Specialty Button Springfield, Lambs—Choice, 31125011.6«. R esidence, Springfield. Oregon. Sheriff o f Tjtne Conntr, Oregon. Pork com m ission. Building Oregon J 13 20 27 Jl 4-11 J 1S-30-37 Jl 4-11 Springfield, Oregon N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S A A [ b u s in e s s D I r e C TjO r y Waker-Poole Ghapsl Funeral Directors D. W. Roof