T ry the Hom e P rin t Shop F i r at THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS HPUINEEIEIJ), LANE COUNT twenty - sixth yeah Tights Prohibition C HM M 1M Five Blocks Ready For County Oiling ------- Opposes Heflin I A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 25 Y. OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY 4, 192» CHAMPIONSHIP CUP TO BE ON DISPLAY AT BANK TOMORROW “ T h « People’« Paper" WEST SIDE PEOPLE REFUSE STATEOFFER The sliver cup which was awarded to the Springfield high school by Property Owners Who Want Hendershott's gun store of Eugene for Street Improvement Should winning Ihe baseball championship Bridge Compromise Failure Be­ Notify Recorder ’Wheeler High School Tax Law last season ltus been received by cause West Springfield Com­ Hold Disadvantageous t o ■ Leonard Mayfield, athletic coach, and With properly owners on five of mittee Will Not Accept 100 Springfield and Larger High will he on display at the First Nat I the city blocks signed up for oiling ' Foot Concrete Approach lonal bank tomorrow. The cup Is 18 and more In prospect, one of Ihe most Schools; Boundary Board to Opening. Inches high and lias engruved on It : extensive street Improvement pro- | Decide Question Monday ' the fad that Kprlngfleld won the Jeets In Springfield for several years ' The Springfield bridge approach championship und the names of the Is In prospect this summer. The Discontinuance of the Wheeler high suit must go to the supreme court for I twelve lettermen who were I net rumen ! blocks will be oiled as soon as the I tihoiil lux law, miller whic h III« high' settlement and the public be deprived ’ tai In winning the championship. I county trucks complete the oiling of 1 mi hiMiia of Lum- have h< i resigned a Republican i cup are Don Palmer, Jai k Danner, I lie oiled If the property owners guar- mingham, Ala., who announced that reversion to the original tuition sy N a tio n a l l o m m iltre in rm h rr. ix lead­ Springfield bridge committee which he would oppoxe U. S. Senator Hugh Cowart. Thayer McMurray, La I antee the expense. whl< h will he ap­ loin will he iiilvoi-ixti.il by directors o f 1 ing nation wide movement o l women attempted last week to bring about Thomas Heflin in next year * Demo­ Verne Lawson, Don llcttls, John proximately »10 per block. p.„ ,.rd the repeal o l the E ighteenth tin Springfield high school ul the c ra tic p rim a ry. a compromise between the state and A o icin line n t. , Lyni It. Everett Squires, Freeman nieetliig of the lame county lioundsry So far the property owners have the West Springfield plaintiffs to the ' Squires, Lawrence itoof, Ralph Cole, litM iril at Eugene Monday. Education filed notice at the i lly hall of having suit only to see the state's offer to VIEWERS MAY TURN and Hershel Tomseth. of 66 student« last year living outside Sixth street oiled from E to F, Eighth build 100 feet more bridge turned The local leant hal a hatting aver­ DOWN SIUSLAW PART district No 19 at a coat of »4,126 to SOUTHERN PACIFIC street, from D to the first alley. D down by ahe people from across the age during the past season of .331. street from Eighth to Ninth, C street the district 1« the principal reason for • OF FLORENCE ROAD river. PLANS EXCURSION a c io r d ln g Io M l' Maytleld, which was the desired change. from MIJ1 to Seconl. and Ninth" street At the highway commission's meet­ TO CRESCENT LAKE exceptionally good for a high school from A to B. That the Siuslaw route from Maple­ The Wheeler tux law. which was I ing In Portland, G. M. Plummer, the team. Eugene high school, the run­ («««ell hy the legislature a number of 1 An excursion Io ('rcsient Lake. Io- Fifth street was oiled last week ton to Cushman may not be recom­ chairman of the West Springfield ner up for the championship, hatted mended for the Willamette valley tear« ago, provide« that from a rated over Ihe summit of the Cascade from the city limits to the pavement committee, demanded 150 feet of blanket tax levied on ull county pro mountains on the Natron cut-off, will at 226. The individual halting aver­ by the county trucks which were oil­ Florence highway by the viewers Is opening and without he recedes from ages for Ihe Sprlngrield boys were. a probability according to people who lierty each high school «hall he paid he sponsored Sunday, July 7th. ing the Mohawk highway which en­ this stand no compromise can be '»fat each for the first 2(1 student«, »60 by the Southern Pacific Railroad Palmer, .600, F. Squires, .600, Bettis ters on Fifth. Fine gravel was com­ have talkel with the viewers the last reached. The highway department .376 M < Murray .383, Danner .362, few days. While the road Is to be each for the aecond 20. and »30 each company. One of the big features of bined with the oil there, giving an is willing to complete the bridge at Lawson .362, Cowart .333, Roof .333, for all the «indents enrolled over 40. excellent surface. The oiling on the heavily financed by the bureau of once provided its offer of 100 feet la the trip will be the motor boat races ; Lynch .333 E. Squires .305, Tomseth oiher streets will be lighter than th at! publ,c roart" and thp Htate highway accepted, but expressed doubt that tinder this system the Hprlngfield on the lake which are being sponsored ! 133, and Cole .100 This was for the on Fifth, but sufficient to settle most department It Is said that I-ane the bridge would ever be completel school district receive« »30 each front by the Eugene Moaor Boat club The seven league games and did not in­ of Ihe dust for the summer Second county’s expense will be greater than If It had to abide by the circuit court the county for the 55 outside atudenta races are divided into three classes, clude the practice games which were street was oiled also last week by the !f "he built her own road via the ruling for 250 feet of opening no • attending high school here, whereus "B." "C," and unlimited. played. property owners on the street, and the North Fork route. the cost per «Indent In Ihe local high i The special excursion train will , Next year Springfield high school level grade instead of on grade with school Is 1106. Thus. »76 per student ' leave Eugene Sunday morning at 7 will be loathed by Bill Baker, first- driveway along by the Mountain | The right of way alone will take the bridge itself. nearly all of the »104,000 sepclal tax win paid out of the fund« of the dis ■ o'clock, stopping al Kprlngfleld Io string pitcher on the University of States Power company and the Booth- The West Springfield committee voted for this road and the county Kelly mill was oiled by the power trlct Under the original tuition sya- pick up any pasaengers who wish Io Oregon squad and pitcher for the went to Portland on the Invitation of must stand one-fourth the cost of the lun, each district collected tuition go on Ihe Journey It will arrive at Eugene town team this summer. Leon- company and the lumber company. heavy construction. The viewers the state highway commissioners, equal to Ihe cost per student from the latke about 11. On the return , aril Mayfield has accepted the position It Is not known how soon exactly have reached an agreement of 49 out who wished to reach a compromise either the student or his district, de­ Journey the araln will leave Crescent 'of athletic coach at Grants Pass, after the county trucks will be available of OS pieces of land for right of way if possible instead of carrying the pending on whether or not the «chool latke at 6:30 In the evening. The having hla teams wlu the champion- for the oiling here, hut all property and the rest will have to be con­ case through the state supreme court district where the student lived sup­ round trip fare for the excursion will ship here In two successive seasons, owners who wish oiling done should demned. The appraisers J. W. Mc­ as had been previously ordered. The ported a high school. This system Is be two dollars The excursion to Seven of the lettermen will be lost leave notice at the city hall at once Causland, Welby Stevens and Mr. members of the committee were in effect In many Oregon counties. Crescent Lake hus been an annual through graduation, but there will be so that Mr. Petemon may notify the Bergman will submit their report to George Davenport, Marion McClain, The county board, which consists event for the past several years, latsl five left on which to build next year's county court as to how much work R. B. Oldham, i the county court July 20. It is un- and Mr. Plummer. of the county Judge, the county com year the train wns loaded Io rapacity, team, as well us many capable players there will be here. one of the owners of the green house , derstood that the viewers object to iriissloners. and the county school and tile rallroud officials are expect­ who were unable to make the first i making the affadavlt that the land at the west end of the bridge, and E. superintendent, has Invited directors ing a large crowd this year. string this year. Those who gradu­ PERKINS AND STEVENS I can be bought at a reasonable price E. Morrison, chairman of the bridge of the various school hoards anil other ated are Don Palmer, Jack Danner, and If the viewers report is not fa- committee of the Springfield chamber PURCHASE ABLES RANCH interested dtlxens of the county to of commerce, also accompanied the , Hugh Cowart, Thayer McMurray, meet with It and consider the ques­ MAY NAMED CHAIRMAN EAST OF SPRINGFIELD l vorable that the county court will men. LaVerne Lawson. Everett Squires and encounter difficulties In carrying the tion of continuing under the Wheeler The highway commission offered to OF NEW INSURANCE Lawrence Roof. The Ables ranch, consisting of 285 work forward. plan The hoard may make the extend the present concrete structure CLAIMS COMMITTEE A meeting of the road committee of acres of Irrigated land two and one- change If It sees fit. It Is possible or the bridge lor 100 feet, completiWL SPRINGFIELD PEOPLE the county chamber of commerce has half miles siAitbeest of Springfield, that representatives of the Eugene which was traded by Kenneth Ables been called for next Tuesday In the approach with a dirt fill to the MIGRATE FROM CITY and Cottage Grove chool hoards will L. L May was appointed chairman of Pacific highway, as was originally cooperate with the local men In ask­ ( Ihe new Insurance claims commlttae TO OBSERVE FOURTH and his father, L. C. Ables, for Cali­ Eugene. At that time the completion offered. Although the committee hast i of Ihe Springfield 4L by W. P. Tyson, ing the change. fornia property last month, has been of the road will be discussed and the set 150 feet as the absolute minimum president of (he organisation In ac Today Is a day of migration for the purchased by Welby Stevens, presl-1 advisability of changing the route in on which * It would compromise the C. A. Swart« took the oath of office , cordance with the requirements of the Early this dent of the Commercial State bank the face of the state and federal se- case, all but one of the members, ac­ Monday night as director of the ’ Provident Life and Accident Insurance people of Springfield. Springfield school district for the next ; company, In which the 4L voted last morning they started, some east along and A. J. Perkins, former Springfield , lection will be considered. cording to Mr. Morrison, were willing ---------------------------- three years, and W. G. Hughes os week to accept a policy of group In­ the McKenzie and other parts of the man and president of the Guarantee j to accept the offer of the highway rlerk for one year at the first regular surance. Other members of the com Cascades, some west In the direction Trust company of Portland from E. DR. C H IL D E R S O FFE R E D commission. That one member, how­ meeting of the board since the raittee are George Cox. Theron Cogli), of Newport. Florence, and the Pacific H. Kueffer, Oakland, California, bank­ ever, held out for 150 feet, and as a EU G EN E P A STO R A TE BY er. The new owners are not yet cer­ ♦ lection. result the compromise failed. Mr, Thorval Nysten, and John King, ocean, some north and some aouth. tain whether they will farm the place BOARD OF D IR E C T O R S all Imbued with the spirit of Inde­ I). J Deals assumed the office of secretary. Morrison suggested that they split themselves or lease It. pendence. with the Idea of getting chairman of the board for the first Dr. S. E Childers, who served until the difference and extend the con­ The new committee will act on all ' ouj and enjoying themselves on the The Ables farm Is one of the largest lime, now being senior member. Dr. recently as the pastor of ihe Spring- crete of the bridge for 125 feet, but claims for compensation from sick day of the nation's birth, a traditional and most valuable in the Springfield w H. Pollard Is Ihe third member. field Christian church, was elected as neither the commission nor the com­ ness and non-occupatlonnl accident« i holiday for all Americans. vicinity. It Is all under cultivation, The school board voted unfavorably pastor of the First Christian church mittee looked with favor on his pro­ and will make ahe awards without the | Getting out In the woods seems to now having crops of clover, hay and on the propoaed kindergarten for the assistance of a representative of the I bavp of Eugene at a meeting of the board posal. , hc )dpa| of moBt of th# 40 acres of alfalfa standing. It in­ (hlldren of the district which was re- i insurance company. Claims for da­ There Is yet some hope of a com. of directors of the church Sunday. Dr. of this vicinity, although the eludes an Irrigation system for which (ommended recently by a parent- mages for accidents suffered while people promise on the 100 feet offer of the , , . .. . _ _„» , . , , _ -v »« t .- _i Childers has acted as supply- pastor of usnal celebrations In a number of i water Is taken from the McKenzie _ _ teachers' association committee head, commission, according to Mr. Morri­ 1 at work are settled through the state Willamette valley towns attracted river. The system is capable of fur-1 'the Eugene chutch since April. The cd by Mrs. L. K. Page. That the Industrial accident commission action of the board Is contingent on son. The bridge committee which he many. Over at Eugene today Is the nishlng water for nearly 15,000 acres establishment of the kindergarten previously. heads is still working and he bellevei biggest nearby celebration. A rodeo of other land In addition to the ranch, the approval of the congregation. The at this time would be unwise given as matter will be taken up by the con­ that except for a few individuals the sponsored by the Lane county fair Although the consideration was not !he reason for the negative vote. property owners on the west side ot gregation Sunday. July 7. DOC AT JASPER HOLDS board will be held this afternoon aa mentioned, the Ables ranch is said the river are willing to accept the of­ Dr. Childers had been member of i the principal feature of the day. The : bp Talued at »50.000. RATTLESNAKE AT BAY fer. If it is not done soon, however. MISS BERNICE NEHER the faculty of the Eugene Bible uni- ' rodeo will Include steer bulldogging, It will be too late, as the highway versiy for ten years and the pastor UNTIL MASTER COMES , ,,uffal)) HONORED BY SHOWER riding, horse races, pony M cp H E R S O N ’S H O N O R ED of the Springfield church for six commission is preparing to appeal races, dog races and number of other Doc, a big colli» -