M a re o la Man Batter-—Orvan From« B u y s N e w C a r— Mr. and Mra. N. A. Kowe, real estate dealers, have pur of Mareola, who lost a finger in an ac­ H A S C O M P A N IO N A T E cident at a planing m ill there last chased a new Pontiac redan w eek. Is reported to he much im ­ M A R R IA G E IN P L O T Mr. From«- has left the —Here From Thurston— Mr and Mrs proved. Interest*»!* glim pses of New York George Kramer of Thurston were hospital and is now staying in Spring- life uniory the working class« s visitors In Springfield Tuesday. ftehl for medical treatm ent. for the "atmosphere" of C o r in n e p ic tu re , Griffith's First National "Saturday's Children,” by Maxwell Anderson, co-author of "What Price Glory,” which Is promised as th<- at traction at the McDonald In Eugene, starting today. Miss Griffith has tin role of a stenographer In a big busi­ n ess concern and there are several i office and shipping room scenes, shots of Fifth avenue as seen from the top A -- -and mujiy other insect» * - - * of a bus. Interiors of a typical Har- i S l A N D A R D O i l, C O M P A N /Y O F , £ * t * J F O R lam flat and a cheap boarding house, and view s of Central Park on Bunday | with a band concert In full blast. | The com edy and drama of every day Ilf« with Its econom ic and dom estic problems are realistically portrayed and the plot furnishes considerable food for thought on the subject of com panionate marriage. Miss Griffith Is surrounded by an exceptionally ( good cast. Including Grant W ithers. Charles Lane, Anne Schaeffer, Albert Conti, Marcia Harris, Alma T ell and Lucien Littlefield. W ith an O. K. T h a t C ounts fin e of the finest n.i-slar ca sts ever are assem bled for a feature motion picture R econditioned or Checked and sold under our Is to be seen In the First National- S A T IS F A C T IO N G U A R A N T E E Vltaphone production of "The Squall." j which com es to the McDonald theatre on Sunday. The principal roles In this screen version o f Jaan Bart's sensational and daring stage play are played by ...,c e 9 4 2 O liv e S tre e t, Joyce as the mother, Richard Tucker OREGON EUGENE as the father, Myrna Loy as Nubl tho USED CAR LOT 7th and OAK sed u ctive gipsy maid. Loretta Young. Carroli N ye, N icholas Houssanln, as the fierce gypsy leader, Knute Erick son, Harry Cording. Zazu P itts as the w him sical servant girl, Marcia Harris as the destructive gossip, George H ackathorne as the silly, whimpering nephew, and numerous others In lesser i 942 W illam ette St., E u g en e, O r e g o n .___________ roles. •S A T U R D A Y S TOWN AND VICINITY Hara From Marcóla Hum Hpl. er. f On F la k in g Trip C. F N ew Persian H at K allm ann wua u business spout Munday on u flsliltig Irlp to III«- visitor In Springfield Monday , lake country m i r Junction City M u rc o lu r o a ltla llt, th a ra . Kill* e„i d m d ' Thurston R esident Vlalta George V is its W it h B ro th e r M i nod Mra. Platt of Thurston spoilt Monday In li m n Chum apuni h.tnduy visiting Hprlngfleld on business. ih o I l o n i" u i T i im u in ( 'h u a i' ui Leaburg Man Here C harles Cur lor. I.oiihnrg rancher. wus a hualnoas visitor In Springfield on Monday timnrlng. K uki no. Chai aa H a v a S o n A non H u n d n y ul I..« la - Ifh I .la l Io M i a nd M ra w a n h o rn C h ils llu n ho» B * o r« tl Chano Gilmore at Lost Creek Mr. and tillm oro spout Sunday ut Lost t'ri’ok, u tributary o f tho Me K entle river. o f ( 'h u n o t h i r d ' li > Vialta In A Itowo v ln ltliiK ui runa, John, Mm Albany Mi and Mm N apolli Sunday In Albany G e o rg e C H IL D R E N " O R O N IT E M ra . Currla V isits Mrs. Marthu V is it in g a t P o r tla n d d is s M a rg u r • t Sw i.rls h -ft lo r I ’o r tlu n d Holiday to Curilo ot Loahurg s|M at the homo of Mr. ¡ tou. •* Injures Finger — Glenn Neet of Sneed s brother. Hargb- Sneed, who Is the tariff com m ittee of congresa. Hr Hprlngfleld Route 2 was quite pain- a m erchant at Martina», mid will also w ent to the national capital to urgí f, lly injured W ednesday when he ran visit Mrs Sneed's purents. Mr. ami protection for northw estern lumber a large srlln ter com pletely under the | Mrs Allen. They will return to products. nal! of his finger. The splinter was Ih o h o m o n o f M m R o w u ’s Hprlngfleld about July I. A ttending Conference Mrs Fred F reee und daughter. Dorothea, and Mrs. P. S ch lew e left Tuesday morn Ing for Portland, where they will a t­ tend the Puclflc Coast conference of the German Baptist church, which Is being Io-Id from W ednesdny to Sun­ day of th is week They will return to Springfield Sunday or Mondav. V isitors at Sinners-- Miss I-etin Hititinr of Portland spent the week end in S p rtn g flell visiting nt the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Slnnar. MI hs Slnnar Is cm- ployed In the W estern Union tele- Mrs graph station at Portland. Pearl Slnnar of Long Beach, Califor- nla, was also a visitor at the Slnnar home over the week-end. NOW! T IL L SATURDAY M ID N IG H T HOME OF PERFECTED TALKING PICTURES PREVIEW THURSDAY NIGHT r M LK I1 C <-W U\D CORINNE SATURDAYS CHILDREN* . COMING SUNDAY <7Z/«r i r a f N a tio n a l a rri A T em pestuous ___ , Rom ance of Gypsy Passion and a F a th er and S on’s Infatuation. f the office of a USED CARS MORRIS CHEVROLET Co. J.C.PENNEYC0. Thousands of Women never bother about going to so-called "special sales*’ because . . . it is often inconvenient to leave their work at the advertued hour. . . . . . . they can buy what they want ex­ actly tt’/tr»» they w a n t it in our store without fighting "bargain crowds." . . . experience has taught them that our everyday low prices are as low and often lower, than so-called "sale price*." For Homes that want the BEST local We recommend Biltuvll upholstered furniture to those who take pride in their household furnishings Biltwell furniture is soundly constructed, beautifully designed and skillfully covered in the choicest of long-wearing fabrics. Biltuell comes to us and goes from us to you with a guarantee from the makers which assures you of life­ long satisfaction You'll never regret your choice of Biltu>ell furniture. V isiting Mrs. Gorrie— Lilian E ng­ land of W estim her. Oregon. Is visit­ ing In Springfield at the hom e of her grandmother. Mrs. C. 1. Gorrie. Miss England attended the -4H summer school at C orvallis before com ing here. H o t e l— F F . N e ls o n , of Portland. H. A. Pederson and Roy Wlrth of Salem , and Mr and Mrs. L. L. Sheldon of LnVIne. California, are registered at the Hprlngfleld hotel this week. V isiting With Flanerys Mrs E. V L illy o f Corvallis and R H. Lilly of Silverton, mother and brother of Mrs. Floyd Flanery. are v isitin g at the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. Flanery the latter pari of this week. Margaret O’Dell of Corvallis Is also visitin g , there with Dorothy Flanery. Return to California— Mr. und Mrs ! S teven Manykl of Richmond, Califor­ nia, who have been v isitin g in Sprlng- j field, returned to their home W ed­ nesday. Mrs. Bee R oberts Gay. sister J of Mrs. Manykl. returned to California j with them and will spend her vaca- ; tlon there. Former R esidents Com ing— Mr. and I Mrs. A. B. Middleton of M ansfield, l-Ohio, former resid en ts of Springfield, I I are expected here for a short visit ! | n«xt week. Mr. Middleton w as for- | tnerly the owner of the drug store 1 now occupied by K etels nnd Is now i the owner of a drug store in the Ohio ! town. the "special bargains’ are often the wrong shade or size. V isitors From South— Mr. and Mrs R ussell W alcott and daughter of Pomona. California, visited the early part of the w eek at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jack on Camp They left T uesday for a tour of Canada. A t S p r in g f ie ld M iffith 7vvœ ’Ù - A Tudier <»' ( r r iH ! ) ! rem oved at I hysiclan. OUR TERMS You’ll Like B aker Cut V elour D a v e n p o rts.......- .................................................... • $ 5 2 .CO I T ap estry D avenports ............ ...........................- .......... - ......... $75 51 2 5 All Over M ohair D a v e n p o rts .............. S88.7S $155 JULY SPECIAL L arge size All Over M ohair, w ith T a p e stry reverse on cushions .............................................................................. $109.50 WRIGHT & SONS HARDWARE FURNITURE PAINT