PAGE THREW TH E SPRINGFIELD .TFTETff TIUTHHDAY, JUNE 27, 1929 In T W A IN S C H E D U L E Springfield Stop« N O T IC E Goss H o m . fo r V l . l t - W ilfred Brown, Springfield Newa reporter, »pent Sunday visitin g with h l. pur «ni« al ( aman Valley. Douglas county N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N FOREST EXCHANGES (11X640 D e p a rtm e n t of the In te rio r, U n ite d S ta te . L .n d O ffice, R o .eb u rg , Ore gon, M ay 27, ,#20. N otice la hereby given that on May 2i> 1929. W illiam It Lymer, n»x 162. Honolulu. H aw aii. Died application No 01X640 under the A d of M »n h 20. 1922 142 S lat.. 466) Io axnbange the W H . Sec. :i6. Tp 16 H It 9 Went. W M . within the Sulalaw National For eel for the timber from approMlmute- ly 20 arrea lo ca l'll within the NW'4> SE>á N H SWL,. Sec. 19. W%. Sec IF, TV 20 H It. 4 Eaat, W M. within the Cuacado National Forest The purpose of thia n otice la Io allow all paraona claim ing the lauda «elected, or having bona-fide objec- tlona lo such application, an oppor­ tunity to file Iheir proteala with the III F ilter ol the t'nlted S ta te . Land OfH c at Roseburg, Oregon Any such pretería or objection« muni be filed In thia office within thirty day« from the d ale of first publication of thin nolle. . which firm puhlh «Man la June 6. IP29 HAMILL A CANADAY, non-coal R egister. J 6 13 20 27 JI 4 SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COUNT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR, THE COUNTY OF LANU. Gilbert Steven», Plaintiff. V». Jimle A. Slevena, Defendant To Josie A Steven», the above- named Defendant IN THE NAME OF T H E STATE OF OREGON You are hereby required to appear and anawer the complaint filed against you In th e above en ­ titled Court and Cauae on or before Ole ll lh day of July 1929 «aid dale being more than four week» from the day of the flrnt publication of thia sum m ons herein entered of record and If you fall no lo appear and an­ awer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief In hla complaint against you dem and­ ed. lo wit: For a Judgniitil anil decree of ill von i- d issolvin g the bond» of malrl m ony now unit heretofore existin g betw een you nnd the P laintiff on the grounds of desertion and for such other relief an to the Court may seem m eet. That Ihla sum m ons In served upon you hy publication thereof In the Springfield New» a new»paper of general circulation pursuant lo an order of the Judge of the Circuit Court of the S late of Oregon for the County of Lane dub made and enter ed of record on the loth day of June 1929 ordering Ihnt thin summon» be published on ce each week for four nucceaalve and consecutive week» In nald Springfield New» and that the date of the firm publication »hall be with . the ln»ue of June 13th 1929 and the dale of the last publication »hall be with the l»»up of July 11th 1929. FRANK A D ePUE, Attorney for Plaintiff R esidence, Springfield. Oregon J 13-20 27 Jl 4 11 ¡B U S I N E S S R m . Phons 166 Plano Movlng SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER WILLI8 BERT8CH, Prop. o m C E AT SERVICE OARAGE 633 Maio Btrsst Bnccessor to Buttoo Transfer WM. G. HUGHES FIRK AND AUTO IN IU R A N C I NOTARY PUBLIC Off Ics at FIRST NATIONAL BANK ngflsld. Or» gon DR. N. W. EMERY D E N T IS T Sutton Bldg. Realdsncn Phon« Phons fO-J 16S-M Springfield, Oregon General I-aw Practice I. M. PETERSON Attorney-at-I-aw City Hall Building Springfield, Ore. D. W . Roof JEW ELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon G uy Stevens of No. 16 at 3:64 A. M. Stop to detrain passen gers from Klamath Fall and beyond. No. 8 at 3:46 P. M. Hua connection« at Eugene for traina leaving 11:6# A. M and 7 P. M Jingle Bells ¡Continued from Page 2)_______ N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S a strike. The men who escaped left N otice Is hereby given that the un- ( WOrd that they would not come hack derslgned has been appointed ad m in -: _ M rathlx of the estate of Doiphns un‘ " th",r dFman'18 acceded to. i.1 wls. deceased, late of Lane County,! o f course It was really a lot more Oregon All persons having claim s i serious than that, but I wrote tt up In agalnm »aid e-ta le should file the that fashion for the Dally Mall. N ot H',I I II sam e duly verified with the under- , . No. 7 .r at 12:47 w . in P. I. M W «•! . « signed at the office of S D. Allen. | ' hat 1J " 1 1 Particularly pacetlous—far •No. 1.» at 10.09 1. M Flag stop for Hovey Building, Eugene, Oregon, Irom It, but that Is my newspaper passengers to Klamath Falls and within »lx months from this d a te ,! style. The public and my em ployers beyond. June 6th, 1929. expect It of me. NELLIE REDDING , Bus connections al Eugene for In From Goshen Mr. and Mr» Administratrix. What really occupied my mind was roll HALB— Carbon paper In larg. trains leaving 11:46 A M via ÍMaklyou J 6-13-20-27 Jl 4 the sn p leasan t recollection of my de­ sheet», Mx39 Inch.«, suitable for Gusta DelJos» of Goshen were busl- I ne»» visitors In Springfield last line. parture from the Sheridan Dramatic m aking tracing«. The New» "ffice N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G O F F IN A L N otice Is hereby given that the Club and sim ultaneously from tbo Saturday. ACCOUNT _ ___ ______ Ad- good graces of one Maryella, emln- I _______ undersigned ha» ________ been appointed PAINTING and Kalnooilnutg In all Its NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That m inlstrator of the estate of Bertha ' f-nt)v desirable snlnnier \ ai«n the undersigned adm inistrator of the Cox Vincent by the County Court of I , spinster. I also had branches. Reduced Price«. Roy FOREST EXCHANGES 018637 estate of Carl Adams, deei-ased. has |^m e County, Oregon All persons room ,n «’on sclou sn ess for an un- K och CaU 126-J Department of the Interior, United flled his account for the final settle having claim s against said estate are I ea"y speculation as to whether or not Statee Land Office, Roseburg, Ore­ ment of said estate In the County hereby notified to present the s a m e ! John Hem ingway really thought N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S gon, June 3, 1929. Court for la n e County. Oregon, and to the Administrator properly verl-1 th»t I wan n t r t l n v with hi. « ir . r N otice 1» hereby given that the N otice 1» hereby given that on May that Saturday the 20th day of July fled, at the office of W ells and W ells. tu n in g witn nis wire. I undersigned ha« been appointed Ad- 24, 192«, George Relnoehl. of Toledo, 1929. at ’he Court Room nf said Court Attorneys. Bank of Commerce Bldg. could get another Job, of course, but m lnlalralrlx of the eatale of Jeaale M Oregon, filial application No. 01X637 In the County Court House. In Eugene, i In Eugene, la n e County, Oregon, my berth on the Dally Mall and Its lluahnnd. deceased, by the County under Hu* Act of March 20, 1922, (42 la n e County, Oregon, at ten o’elocg within six months of the first pub- allied syndicate was very pleasant and Court of Lane County, Oregon All Slat . 466| to exchange the SW*4 in the forenoon, has been by said llcatlon of this notice. Date of first j lucrative persons having clalma agalnat aalil N W '4, N W ‘, SW '4. Sec. 6, Lot» 2 Court fixed as the tim e and place for publication June 20th 1929 . .. . esta te arc hereby notified lo present and 3. See «. Tp. 15 8.. Range 10 hearing objections therein, and for WILLIAM VINCENT. t T h e y had t0 hold the Pre,"’e" to r the name lo the ndmlnlntratrlx pro- !W e«l, W. M within the Hluslaw N at­ final settlem ent of said estate. Administrator. ( H*® c ,tT edition until I returned perly verified at the office of Wella ional Forest. for the timber from ap- 1 L. L RAY. WELLS A WELLS. Attorneys. (from the “pen,” so that It was after A- Wella. a llorn eya,. Hunk of Com I proxtmatelv nine acre« located within Administrator of the E state of Carl J 20-27 Jl 4-11-18 two when I finally left the office to mere« Building, In Eugene, l-an«- NW'4. 8E'4. N'4 sw * 4 . Sec. 19. W'4 get «upper at an all-night lunch- County, Oregon, within alx month» of Bee. 18, Tp 20 S . It 4 Ka»t, W. M. Adam», deceased. J 13-20 27 Jl 4-11 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ’ , , . , . “ " ftrnt publication of thin notice within the C ascade N ational Forest th STATE OF OREGON, FOR LANE counter 1 " " fe d In about three, but of first publication June 20th. Ita le The purpose of this notice 1» to al COUNTY. didn’t get to sleep for an hour or so SUMMONS 192« [ low all persons claim ing the lands W L. Cop- After that. EVANGELINE A LAYTON. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Vlol'‘* Mae Coppernoll Admlnlnlralrlx , »elected, or having bone fide objeu pernoll, C. A. Foust and Pearl It seem ed as If I had barely dozed STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE ' Hons lo such application, an oppor- WELLS & W ELLS, Allorneya Foust, ITaintlffs, Vs. Unknown off when my telephone rang. I got COUNTY OF LANE j tunlty to flic their prole»!» with the heirs of Simon McAllister, true „ . .. J 20 27 J1 4 11 IX R egister and R eceiver of the United George Corton, Plaintiff, Vs. C h a rles' name Simon McCallister, Un. up and »nf” r«r*d «t E. Eberle. Defendant. Slate» Land Office at Roseburg. Ore­ known heirs of John N. Johnson,! “Hello," I growled. Franklin Power«, gon Any such protests or objection« To Charles E. Eberle, th e above- E»lale of Jium Unknown heirs of M annaweather i "Hello, Tom. T his Is Jim Cooper named Defendant: Deceaaed. must he filed In I hl» office within Brown. Unknown heirs of Jam es talking." N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T ■ thirty days from the date of first IN THE NAME OE THE STATE OF D annals, Unknown heirs of John Noth-» In hereby given that Mar­ publication of this notice, which fir»: OREGON, you are hereby required to I muttered som ething under m y Btowell, Also all other persons garet Fram e« Powers has filed In the I publication 1» June 13, 1929 appear and answ er the complaint or parties claim ing any right. breath. office of the County Clerk In ami for HAMILL A CANADAY, filed against you In the above en­ title, estate, lien or Interest, In “Don't sw ear,” he observed pleas- Lane County. Oregon, her flnnl report R egister. | titled Court and cause on or before < the real «state (P-scrlbed In the antly. "You ought to be glad I wok« na executrix of the laat will and lent« non-coal the 18th day of July 1929 said date com plaint herein. D efendants. i men! of Jarne» Franklin Power», I______________________ J 13-20-27 Jl 4-11 being morf* than six weeks from the To the unknown heirs of Simon y p. deceaaed; anil that fen o'clock In the date of the first publication of this M cAllister, true name Simon M e-1 Glad. I repeated Increduously. N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N forenoon of Monday, the 16th day of sum m ons and herein entered of record Calllster, Unknown heirs of John No "What have I got to be glad about?" FOREST EXCHANGES July. 1929. at the courtroom thereof and If you fall mo to appear and an Johnson, Unknown heirs of Manna- “Because M aryella w ants to talk to 018669 In Eugene, Oregon, have been fixed for onc , hi s h e asked me Department of the Interior, United sw er for want thereof the Plaintiff w eather Brown, Unknown heirs of hy the County Court of the S tale of will apply to the Court for the relief In Jam es Dannals, Unknown of States Land O ffice, Roseburg, O re ­ his complaint against you demanded •,ohn Stow ell- Also al! other persons : to tel1 you t0 come ov®r Oregon. In and for Idtnr County, aa her hous« gon. M ay 29. 1929. the lim e anil place for henring ob­ to w it; '¡o r parties claim ing any right, title. | as soon as pssible. You see. It Is N otice Is hereby given that on May jection» lo the »«me nnd for the final For a, Judgment against you for the efltate* llen °r Interest, in the real I all for the best, settlem ent o f the e sta te of «aid 29. 1929, L ester V Skeels. of Alse» described In the com plaint., **Go to the deuce," I advised crossly. Oregon, filed application No. 01X56« sum of $200 00 and Interest thereon ‘‘8tat/ deceased W T O E N A M B ' o F THE ST A T E : "I shou,d *lad t o " he was an' u ndir the Act of March 20. 1922. paid I ^ t h e ' hra't“ y o4 S>4 and for th. »urn ..f $8 o0 paid by plain OF OREGON: You are hereby re- sw erlng In an unruffled tone as I hung S'-. 8 W H , N'-.- sw > , s w , 8W%. A E W HEELER. Attorney J 13 20 27 Jl 4 11 Sec 13. W '4 SE '» KE'4 N W ’4, SW>4 tiff for Insurance, and for the further 1uired to appear and answ er the J up the receiver. j went bacg to my nice warm bed, N E U SE'« N W ',. ^ '4 NW '4 S E ‘4 »um of $75.00 as attorney's fees and com plaint filed against you in the the costs and reimburs' m ents of »hove entitled suit within four w eeks , giePD was effectu ally routed for N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S N W '4. SW '4 S E ', N W '4. Sec. 23. Tp for this suit from the date of the first publication DUl BlepP '*as en eciu a n y rouiea ror I 15 S.. R 9 W est. W M within the For a decree foreclosing the mort of th ‘" and ,f you fa” to the day My curlon8ity was a™u«ee fractional block one of Ellsworth bad cold w eather before, and there J 13-20 27 Jl 4 11 publication Is June 6, 1929 the date of the first publication will Addition to Bngvne ( l t r In L a n e , couple of inches of ice on the HAMILL A CANADAY. u _.uu , i... i„ n O *>mh 19»9 County, Oregon as platted and ot | he with the issu e of June 20th l»_9 , river, but this was our first snow- N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T R egister. the last publication will be with recoru. I . J 6-13-20-27 Jl 4 and ra I r liiiv isth ifi°9 And that each of said defendant.« storm. IN THE COUNTY COURT OE THE Non coh I FRANK A DePUE. be decreed to have no right, title. Mrs. Hem ingway w*as with Mary- STATE OF OREGON IN AND FDR N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S S A L E ON Attorney for Plaintiff, " «'ate^ licn or '",erest ‘" ." i ’? „“„‘a ella. The huge living-room of the THE COUNTY OF LANE. „ r,___ _ prem ises or any part thereof and FORECLOSURE IN PROBATE R esidence, Springfield . , . such other relief as to the court may W aite house was littered with sew ing NOTICE IS HEREBY OWEN. Thai In re the E state of Elizabeth Young bv virtue of an execution and order _______ J J ‘ appear equitable. m aterials, endless ruffles and basting- kli Dowell. Dei e'l«ed. nf sal« Issued out of the Circuit Court T his sum mons is published by : threads. A cheerful fire was burning N otice 1» hereby « ¡ o n (hut the un­ of the State of Oregon for the Count' N O T IC E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N order of the court dated May 24. 1929. d e s ig n e d , Mary I. Abram», a» the of I-ane on the 27th day of May 1929 FOREST EXCHANGES and requires publication once each in the grate. ailnilnim ratrix of the above entitled upon a Judgment rendered in said The two young women were on the 018536 week for four su ccessive w eeks. (■mate, ha» filed her final account Court on the 25th day o f May 1929 D e p a rtm e n t o f the In te rio r, U n ited Date of first publication. May 30. floor cutting som ething out of w hite therein; that hy order of the court In a suit wherein Janie L. Cruzan was S tates Land Office. Roseburg. Ore- 1929. cloth. The atm osphere was too happy duly given m il made the lim e for plaintiff and Petra Jones, and C. N gon. M ay 23. 1929. C. A. WINTERMEIER. and industrious for me to preserve my hearing the name 1» set lo he at the Jones her husband. E. C. Sum m ers N otice in hereby given that on May Attorney for Plaintiffs. R esidence: grouch on. 1 alm ost regret to say that hour of 10:00 o'clock., A. M . July 12, and Vernla Sum m ers his w ife, Chris 22. 1929. B eatrice M. Rexford, of Cor- Eugene, Oregon. 1929, and that any person having any T ellefson. Jam es Wm. Jones nnd ------ vallls, Oregon, filed application No. M 30 J 6-13-20-27 I thawed at once. objection 'h ereto »hall file the name Jon es his w ife were defendants and 018536 under the Act of March 2 0 . ------------------------------- "We're m aking pads." Maryella ex­ on or before the tim e for the »aid wherein the P lain tiff recovered Judg­ 1922. (42 Stat.. 465) to exchange the NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON plained after I was com fortably hearing ment against said defendants. Petra S '* S>4 S»E>4 S W '4, N»4 SE*4 SE>4 EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE settled. MARY I. ABRAMS. Jones and C. N Jones her husband N F u \ e < ^ 11 T n ^ i s ^ R N ot,c® ls hereby given that by vir- A dm inistratrix. for the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars “For me?" I asked suspiciously, S H NVN « NE 4. Sec. 11. Tp. . . * (ue an executjon and order of sale II. E. SLATTERY. together with interest thereon from L1 —for everybody who needs them." f W , ?hn H m h p r frnrn in foreclosure issued out of the Cir Attorney for A 'm ’nlstratrlx. the 22nd day o f May 1928 at 7r7 pet National^ N ational Forest, timber F o r e st for to ^ the b e ^ im b e r ^ fr from o tn Court of I-ane County, Oregon, j M aryella added hastily, interrupting .1 13 20-27 Jl 4 11 annum and for the sum of $125.00 as approxim ately 4 acres located within attorneys fees together with the costs the NW'.*. SK '4. N H » W U . Sec 19. on th e 11th day of June. 1929, In a the hostility in my tone. "For you. for and disbursem ents of the said suit W>4, Sec. 18, Tp 20 8.. R 4 East W. suit w herein, on the 10th day of June, Mr. Cooper and for Mrs. H em ingway." together with the accruing costs M. within the Cascade National 1929, in said Court, The Pacific Sav­ “For Mrs. H em ingw ay?” I repeated ings A Loan A ssociation, a W ashing­ which Judgment was scro lled and i Forest. ton corporation, recovered Judgment incredulously. “1 don't see what sh« docketed in the office of the Clerk The purpose of this notice Is to al­ of said Court on the 25th day of May low all persons claim ing the lands against the defendants M. A. Gallow needs of—” M aryella Interrupted me before 1 1929 and said execution was to me j selected , or having bona fide objec­ and Maybelle Gallow. his wife. Mont­ Office Phone 176-J Re» Phone 176 M directed com m anding me In the name tions to such application, an oppor- rose M. Ringler. Booth-Kelly Lumber could finish. Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. of the State o f Oregon, in order to i tunlty to file their protests with the Company a corporation, and Jennie H. "Mrs. H em ingway, who Is speech­ General Practice, Special Attention sa tisfy sHld Judgment and accruing R egister and R eceiver of the United Jones, for the sum of $13,590.13. and less with m odest blushes, w ish es m« interest thereon at the rate of 10% co sts to sell the follow ing described S tates Iatnd O ffice at Roseburg, Ore­ to O bstetrics an«1 D iseases properly to-wlt: gon. Any such protests or objections per annum thereon from Septem ber to thank you on behalf of h erself and of Children. B eginning at the w est lin e of the must be filed in this office within 1st. 1927. and for the further sum o f ! her Creat'o r. A„ a m atter of fact w« First N ational Bank Building taxes paid, and for the fur-, Edward Mulholland and wife, Martha thirty days from the date of first $1.698.84. ther sum of $13.00, and for the further are not making any pads for her. Springfield. Oregon Mulholland D L. C. No. 44 in Town­ publication of th is notice, which first sum of $800.00 as a reasonable a tto r-, Qwite the reverse, in fact, ship 19 south. Range 2 w est of W ill, publication In June 6, 1929. neys fee, together with its costs and 1 “But we are building som e for you am ette Meridian at a point 10 chains ROBERT E. CRAWFORD. north nf the sou th w est corner of raid Acting Register, disbursem ents In this suit, and said \ an(j j j m •• gee , he f,ne , ch est D. I,. C. running thence north 28.15 non-coal DR. W. N. DOW J 6-13-20-27 Jl 4 execution to me directed comm anding i „You chains to a point 17 98 chains south me In the nam e of the State ot Ore- w o .w D e n tis t gon. In order to satisfy said Judgment, w® have w ished on our husky Greek nf the n orthw est corner of said D. L. First N ational Bank Building Interest, attorneys fees, costs of suit warrior; and as far as you are con- C.; thence south 89" 52' ea st of 19.72 SUM M ONS Phone 43 Springfield, Oregon chains parallel to the North line of _____ _ snd accruing costs, to sell the follow-1 cerned— W ell, all I can say Is that we Office hours, 9 A. M. to 6 P M. said D. L. C. to n point 30 feet North E ven in gs by Appointm ent 89’ 52' west of a ston e set In the Coun­ COUNTY. ............. »klnner's\ d d 7 t L to E.'.gene, *”•» ^ a t Is not what I asked you to ty survey No. 2028; th en ce south com e over and talk about.” 17.69 chains to the North line of Marguerite Sm ith P lain tiff Vs. Leo , anp Counfy Oreffon: \ \ Smith, Oefendant. Now. therefore. In the name of the County Survey No. 1690; thence west "No?” with a polite Inflection from IN THEWN AM Fh OF fTTlEn » T \T F S ' a ,’> of Oregon, In com pliance with me along the said North line 9.72 chains lo the north w est corner of said , 7». ™ *"» - - • County survey; nnd thence south 10 o chains to the place of beginning nnd containing 44.67 acres of land more or less In Lane County, S ta te of Ore­ gon together with the tenem ents, here dltam ents nnd appurtenances there­ Hw „Inlnllir w ill t« k , "„".'V .";.’ ! " I f “it's . .b o u t a . great (,<•«' m .n y H in g ..- about unto belonging or In an yw ise apper­ the X plaintiff will take Judgment £ ™ o n o ; .«Id. d8\ S V i i e r e H e f ’ i U n r V n K House. In E ugene Lane Cojtndy. Maryella explained s seriously, “but taining. 228 Main St. R esidence 125 C «1 NOW THEREFORE IN THE NAME complaint nnd Mr a decree of ah- Oregon, offer for sate and sell for m ostly it s the story of a girl who be- 62 J 62 M OE THE STATE OE OREGON- and dlvorqe from you. nf lleves that no matter what happens It In com pliance with tho execution anil Isolute T his sum m ons Is published once ! redemption ns provided hy law. all of Is all for the best. She is an awfully order of sale T will on Saturday the Full Auto Equipment week for four con secu tive w eeks. | the ri5 ,l t ' 'd ear little girl, and she alw ays look« 29th day of June 1929 at the south­ I each Lady A ssistan t In the Springfield N ew s, a w e e k ly ; said defendants. M. A. Gallow and dear little g i n . _____ _______ _ _ w est door o f the County Court House on the bright side of everything. It’s In Eugene! Oregon, betw een the hours new spaper published nt Springfield. M aybelle Gallow. his w ife, M ontrose sort of sad, too, because she gets hurt 1-nne Countv, Oregon, by order of the M. R ingler. Booth-K elly Lumber Com- of 9 o'clock A. M. and 4 o’clock P. M. '■ panv, a corporation, and Jennie H. once and nearly dies, but she cheer« of said day offer for sale In one parcel Hon. O. E Sklpworth. Judge of said for cash a ll the defendants' right, Court, m ade May 28th, 1929; and Jones, and all persons claim ing by. everybody up Just the same and tells FRANK A. DE PUE through or under them or any or title. Interest, claim and equity In and first published May 30th, 1929. A TTO R N EY AT LAW eith er of them . In and to the said them that It la «11 for the beet becaaae WHITTEN SWAFFORD, to said lands and prem ises heretofore It has been a dull season for the un­ Attorney for Plaintiff, residence prem ises. described and every part thereof. NOTARY PUBLIC g r RESULTÒ BUYING 0 2 SELLING' The person who broke the pitman on my m ow ing m achine while I whh mowliiK grans in SprlnKfleht Inal week In known. Send me 11 .60 and I ahull nay no ntnre about It Other- wine I »hall take the m atter up with the police. I. N MILLS. Engetl". Motor Itoute It Donne visitors In Kprlngfield Monday. NORTH Classified Ads From Donna was among the out of town P IR E C T fO R Y Waker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors H. L. BOWN, Sutton Building S p rin gfield, Orwgon S h eriff of Lane County, Oregon M 30 J $-13-20-27 and Post Oregon. Office address, Eugene M 30 J (-13-30-37 1 H. L. BOWN. dertakers anyway. Sheriff of Idtite County, Oregon TO BE CONTINUED J 13-80-37 U 4-11 1