Try the H om e P rin t Shop Ftrat THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW ENTY-SIXTH YEAH COUNTY OFFERS OIL FOR LOCAL STREETS SPH IN G EIEIJ), LANE COUNTY, OKKOON- TIU HSOAY. JU N E 27, 1929 MAJOR G. H. ECKERSON BACK FROM AIR TOUR THROUGH MONTANA II K hiirlzmi yesterday afternoon, circled around | tilt- <-tly a time or two, anil then ullglu ••4605. the payment of 70 per cent residents of West Springfield have The fiver» encountered much stormy f< r the summer nearing completion, and It is ex­ and of the stock hooks. of the Springfield portion of the Lane considered the proposal and have de­ weather In their Jaunt through Mon With Fifth street oiled by the pected that the grocery will move i county general high school fund, cided that they will compromise on * tana, according to the major. 13,200.81 of the special tax between the state and the West prnse, a quite extensive street tin Covered with military glory and voted for school purposes in 1928. Tlie old center entrance on Main i nla, before coming to Springfield. The Springfield people, accompanied them provenu-nt program Is possible In t major will remain here about two street, which was used when the sun burn, the Springfield unit of the This lacks >1200 of being 50 per cent to Portland. He expressed the belief Springfield this Hummer, according to l weeks before going to Vancouver, building was occupied by Kafoury's Oregon National Guard returned yea- of the tax amount due the local dis- that an agre« ment could be reached Mr Mcl.agan I Washington, where he Is to »pend a and hy the Farmer’» Exchange, has terday afternoon from Camp Clatsop. tricL The amount of the 1928 tax on the 100-foot opening and If it was Koine time ago McLagnn spoke to training period at the army airfield been eliminated entirely, and Instead Oregon where they spent the past was »32,699.72. of which >3795 was the court would ¿ten be petitioned" to ’ the members of the county court In a large corner entrance, opening on two weeks at the annual summer en- deducted for the payment of interest modify the decree, allowing the work there regard to having the streets of i+pring From July I to July 14 Major both Main and Fifth, lias been built. campment of the Guard. Twenty- on bonds issued by the district. Of to go ahead without injunction. field oiled by the county trucks, and I Eckeraon will be stationed at the Another entrance on Main street has three men made the trip, under the thig there is still due >15.704. at that time it was stated that this If the highway commission and the I Army airfield at Vancouver. Washing- been built near the west corner, and leadership of C. A. Swarts. first : would not be possible, as the county lieutenant and commander of the local , Mr Hu*hes estim ates that by July West Springfield representatives are I ton. acting as a training officer for the side entrance on F“1fth has also 1 the warrant indebtedness of the able to reach an agreement at Port­ trucks would he busy all summer nt »tudent pilots enrolled In the Army been retained. The front window of unit. i local school district will be reduced to land tomorrow, the case will not be work on the various county roads the store have been raised to about air course tie will give Instruction we7k7Ïm them ost pan'ln int’ensive ' ’ >9500, ¡T ’ iUr‘her redUt“ ° n8 ln C*rr“Ml int° thP supreme court « " » • Thl» week however, the court notified In fighting tactics. latter In the two feet from the sidewalk, and the Mclaignn thut the county would be leadins u t th 8 ghL LA8t ye*r at this time the recent,y ordered and construction summer the major Intends to attempt entire building has been repainted a military training, ♦ < g up o t e warrant indebtedness of”the district work can be re-commenced at once. glad to oil the streets here provided public demonstration to shatter the endurance flight record cream color. The Interior will be big battle which was held Saturday. J un“ of“mo~7' Z n \ 8 2Lh V ' " ‘ ’eTeral that the property owners would guar­ recently set by the "Fort Worth” In kalsomlned. and the counters arrang- antee the expense before the bridge can be opened to 22 Each morning drill was held from : m° re _^an>8200 ln o n e y e a r . Texas He will use a specially built gd so as to give the maximum amount • traffic, as It will require some time of display. The old overhead balcony 7:16 to 11:45. ln the afternoon tri motored monoplane which Is now for a concrete extension to be poured MEDAL RE-AWARDED being cnn»tructed at Santa Monica. has been torn away. The remodeled supervised athletics were held for the CORVALLIS WOMAN HURT sand to harden. If an agreement is not building will havp more than 25 feet enlisted men and a school of Instruc­ California, where the attempted re­ WHEN CAR LEAVES ROAD TO LAWRENCE DANKS I reached, the case will be heard in the cord breaking flight will take place. of window display on Main strpet, as tion for the commissioned and non- AT SEATTLE MEETING Mrs. O. P. Wolf of Corvallis was 8UI>reme court- an silscltatton from electrocution to the hospital in an ambulance, hut gers. More than 20,000 spectators More than 1600 Masons and their the West Springfield residents an- Hanks restored In breathing, using mas gift this week to her sister. Miss died of his Injuries soon after reach. gathered to watch the event. families from lodges all over this nounced that they were prepared to APInugh this Is the Shafer Prone Pressure method. Hattie Mitchell. 1 Ing there. Monday afternoon a track and field Part of the state gathered Sunday at ! fight the case in the supreme court It I quite e a rly fo r C h r c m is gifts. It Is E. N. Hillard, electrician for the Mr. Leonard was 39 years of age meet was held in which a number of the Seavey hop island, south of It were carried there. The hearing Booth-Kelly company, who was elec- | "one loo soon In this esse, as Miss and was a native of Minnesota. He Springfield men entered. One of the Springfield, for the second annual may be held some time next month If ry In Belgian trocuted In an accident at the plant i Mitchell is a miss op Is survived by his widow, his father, events was the establishing of com- picnic of the organization. A picnic the projected compromise fails to­ last July. However. Hillard died from Congo, Africa. Mrs. Murphy sent the E. A. Leonard of Rainbow, one sister, munications. This consisted of dinner was held at 1:15 o'clock, for morrow. gift hy Goldie Wells, n missionary In the effects of a fall he received after Mrs. Mabel Booth of Elmo. Washing- stringing out 100 yards of wire and which five large beeves were bai the same field, who visited In Spring- COMMISSION TO LET field some time ago. Miss Wells will ton, and three brothers. L. E. Leon- ( getting a telephone communication becued. ard. F. A. Leonard, and W. P. tuonarti through tn the shortest length of time, The principal speaker of the day «top in Belgium for study for a time F o rm e r Donna Man Dead CONTRACTS AT MEETING of Rainbow. His funeral was held The Springfield men placed fourth in was Milton L, Meyers of Portland, before going to Africa. Vance II. Seavey. 33 of Kellng. Tuesday afternoon at the Branstet- the nine teams competing. Don Bet­ master of the grand lodge. Rex Davis A number of contracts for road and Idaho, a former resident of Donna, ter chapel at Eugene, and the Inter­ tis and Frederick Clark entered the of Salem, past grand master, was also 4 L Holds Picnic bridge work in Lane County will be died at the Hood River hospital Over 50 persons. 41. men and their ment followed at-the new I. O. O. F. pole vault, and Don Palmer the high on the program. Governor I. L. Pat­ awarded at the monthly meeting of Sunday. He Is survived hy his widow jump. All qualified for the regiment­ erson was scheduled to make a speech families, nttended the picnic of the cemetery there. the state highway commission In and three children, Gladys, Harold, al team, but failed to place in the but was unable to be present. The organization held at Swimmers' De­ Portland Friday. Judge C. P. Barnard and Hale, and hy his parents, Mr. and finals. C h am ber to Discuss C eleb ratio n remainder of the afternoon was spent and Commissioner Clinton Hurd of the light Mondny evening. A picnic din­ Mrs. W. C. Seavey of Eugene, and Those who went to Camp Clatsop in swimming, and in a number of Lane county court will attend. ner was Berved, and the evening was The question of Joining with Eugene one brother, Lee Seavey, of Donna. spent tn dancing, boating, swimming In observation of Independence D ay;from Springfield were First Lleuten- contests sponsored by the committee The most Important contract will His funeral was held In Eugene. n ot A _______________x « • in and playing horseshoes. The regular will he the principal topic of discus- JanI * ' ' Ewarts, commander; Lieu- in charge. be that for clearing and grading the monthly business meeting was held sion at the meeting of the Springfield I ,enan‘ Wa,tep Staff S4er- 3.31 mile Black River canyon section Mrs. Van Valzah Better E rn s tin g W in s T o u rn am e n t at the same time. It Is expeeted that chamber of commerce Friday night, i *’eant T,l,t’ert Henderson; Sergeants of the Willamette highway. The con­ Mrs. A. B. Van Valzth, who has the picnic will become an Rnnunl The Eugene chamber has Invited ™ arle8 Scott’ Orval Cantrell. Ell Gilbert Ernsting was the winner tract calls for the excavation of hern quite III for some time. Is re­ event. Springfield to Join In the celebration ' ,in<* Crval Eaton; Corporals J of the first round of the Springfield 139.000 cubic yards, and the comple­ ported to I k > much Improved, although Alfred Townsend. Don Bettis, Elmo ; Horseshoe club tournament held at tion of the work by September 1, 1930. there. she Is still confined to the Eugene Remple Moves to Michigan Long, and William Cox; and Privates | the local court Friday night. He de- A contract for surfacing of seven hospital. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Remple and Albert Harper, Don Palmer. Roy | feated George Cox. the runner-up. If miles of the McKenzie highway east Picnic W e ll A ttended Her three sons, Dr. Lnurah Vnn Val- children, residents of Springfield Severson, Alvin Cantrell, Edgar Louk. Ernsting repeats his performance for of Springfield will also be let. Other rnh of Denver, Colorado, Dr. Robert vicinity for a number of years, left The annual Methodist ptenic held ! Alonso Manwarlng, John Lynch. Free. the next two weeks, he will be given contracts Include those for the ap­ Van Vnlznh of Medford, and Dr. Ger­ Wednesday fop Flint. Michigan, where Friday afternoon and evening at man Squires, Verol McFarland, Stan- the possession of the pair of nlckel- proaches to the McKenzie, Gates ald Van Vnlznh of Portland, who were they will make their home. They Swlmmers' Delight was the most sue- ley Miller, Frederick Clark, and Bert I plated shoes offered by the club. The Creek, and Indian Creek bridges and here to visit her Inst week, have re­ will stop In Kansas to visit relatives cessful one which has been held. In Tomseth. person winning the shoes will be for the construction of a section of turned Io their homes. ___________ enroute. Mr. Kemple experts to ob­ the opinion of those who attended. 1 ------------------- ------ — I obliged to defend them every two the Roosevelt highway south of The afternoon and evening were , tain employment in an automobile V is it W ith M ortensens , weeks until the end of the season, Glenada. Girls to Work at Crater Lake spent In swimming and playing factory In Flint. Dr. and Mrs. George Horsfall of ; when the one who has held them the Six girls from Springfield and vi­ games, and at 6 ¡30 o'clock a picnic, San Sancisco, daughter and son-ln- largest number of weeks will keep Carsons to Return to Wisconsin cinity left Tuesday night for Crater dinner was served. Over 150 per law of Dr. R. P. Mortensen, stopped them permanently. Cyr Honored at Party Mr. and Mrs. David Carson and I-ake Nntlonnl Park, whero they will Lester Cyr of Chase Gardens was sons attended the affair. The pientc in Springfield Tuesday enroute for family of Welkin, Wisconsin, who spend the summer acting as wait­ honored on his birthday hy a surprise was sponsored by the Methodist home. They were called north by P. E. O. Holds Picnic have spent the past year ln the resses nt the Crater Lake Lodge. party at his home Wednesday night. Brotherhood, with Frank Bartholo­ the serious illness of Mrs. William The P. E. O. Sisterhood, composed Springfield vicinity, will return Mon­ Those who are going are Myrtle Har­ Those who were present were Mr. mew, president of the organization, Horsfall, mother of Dr. George Hors- of Eugene and Springfield women, day to their home. A picnic ln honor vey. Maurlne Ixunhard, Elizabeth and Mrs. Harry Chase, and family, Mr. acting as chairman. fell and wife of Dr. William Horsfall held Its annual piculc Monday night of them will be given Sunday at the Hughes, Iowa Carlton, and Beth and M th . Eugene Chase and family. of Marshfield, who Is confined to a at Swimmers' Delight. The husbands home of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Adams of Johns of Springfield, and Elsie Wal­ Miss Maud Chase, J. W Chase, Ever­ Hamlins at Roseburg—Mr. and Mrs. Portland hospital. Miss Margaret and children of the members were Junction City, sister and brother-to- ker of Oakridge. All of the local ett Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Walter laxx. F. B. Hamlin spent Sunday visiting Mortensen returned to San Francisco Invited to the affair. Dr. and Mrs. law of Mr. Carson. Mr. Carson la a girls except Both Johns were employ­ ton and fnmlly, and Mr. and Mra. Cyr with friends and relatives In the with Dr. and Mrs. Horsfall and will W. H. Pollard and family, and Mrs. consln of George Carson and Mm. ed at the Lodge last summer. and family. Roseburg vicinity. visit there for the next month. A, J. Morgan of Springfield attended. Marlon Adams of this city. sustaining the electric shock.