THURSDAY. JUNK 20. 1929 T TUB BPlU N O Pim J) NBWS PAO» TRAIN » C H ID U L « NOTICE TO CREDITORS The big business man bad died and Springfield Stop« N otice la hereby given that the un gone to—w ell, not to heaven But NORTH dersigned haa been appointed admin hardly _ _ _____ _______ had ha aettled ____ down for a nice No. 1« at 8 64 A M Stop to detrain Istrathlx of the estate of Dolphus , '«m ok a'w h e n ï ~ a h l . w . hënZ long sm oke when hearty hand p assen ger, from Klamath Fall . ~ l l^ w ls , deceased, U te of I^ n e County. " h« a a a b®a' 1' hand | Oregon. All persons having claim s slapped him on the back, and Into his beyond. against said estate should file the ear boomed the voice of a persistent No. 8 at 8:4« P. M. sam e duly verified with the under­ salesm an who bad pestered him line connections at Eugene for signed at the office of 8. I). Allen, much on earth. trains leaving 11:60 A. M and 7 P M ¡H ovey Building, Eugene, Oregon, "Well, Mr Smith," chortled the within six months from this date, SOUTH June «tb, 1929 salesm an, "I'm here for the appoint­ No. 7 at 12:47 P. M NELLIE REDDING ment." No. 16 at 10 09 P M Flag stop for Administratrix. "What appointm ent?” J 6-13-20-27 Jl 4 passengers to Klamath Pall« and beyond. "Why, don't you remember," the NOTICE TO CREDITORS salesm an w ent on. "Every Ume I FOH A ALB—-C arbon paper In tar«» FOR HALE- hry Second Growth and Natron Peopls In T ow n—Mr. and i Ru» connection« at Eugene for Notice Is hereby given that the cam e Into your office yon told ma ■heals, M x4( Inches. su ita b le tot Old Growth Fir and Hardwood. Mrs. Vern Hlewart, Natron residents, ‘ train« leaving 11:46 A. M via Siskiyou undersigned has been appointed Ad you’d see me here!" > m ak in g tr a c in g s T h s N aw « o m e n Karl Akin, Phone 2316, Eugene. J20 were business visitor« In Springfield | Rn® _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____________ mlnletrator of the estate of Bertha Saturday. | »)■ N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G O F FI n XL ' " x V incent by the County Court of - ---------- j - c - ACCOUNT Lane Ctainly, Oregon All persons l(<>b«rl< "AH' you sure your new I'AINTINU and Kalsomtning In all Its — N O T,v,Ko v w r n o t ic e IR HEREBY GIVEN: That having claim s against said estate are “8h ®’a )«"' hurled her fourth hus- In v e n tio n w ill w ork?" branches. Reduced Prices. Roy F O H K H T EX< H A N G E R J the undersigned adm inistrator of the hereby notified to present the sam e band, hasn’t she?” K i I wiid I h "N o ; I'm only «urn I'll Koch. CaU 136-J. °la-*37 estate of Carl Adams, deceased has to t*1® Administrator properly veri- have lo do If It diHian't." "Divorced, my dear, not burled— D e p a rtm e n t of the In te rio r, United filed his account for the final settle Hod, «1 the office of Wells and Wells, N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S S tates Land Office, Roseburg, Ore- ment of said estate In the County Attorneys, Bank of Commerce Bldg sh e never makes any bones about gon. June 3. 192». Court for fa n e County, Oregon, and ln E “*®ne. Lane County, Oregon, th ese things." " W h a t's your busines«?’’ N o tice Is hereby given th a t the N otice Is hereby given that on May tbat Saturday the 20th day of July n *'x m onths of the first pub- undersigned bus been appointed Ad "Moving picture«." 24, 192». George R elnoebl, of Toledo. i 929, th,, ColJrt Rf)Om f . ( . [Ration of this notice. D ate of first I I I In la t ritt r I x of the estate of Jessie M "Actor, oh?" filed application No. 018637 tn , hp y r otIrt H m ia eIn Eugene Publication June 20th 1920 Goe« to H e rm is to n — R. G eiger le ft Husband, deceased, by tin- County Oregon, under the Act of March 20. 1922, f 42 ' r,Mn„ - ~ ’ ' 1 ' WILLIAM VINCENT, " N o ; a rtla t'a messenger Saturday for Hermiston. Oregon. C o urt of Lune C ounty, Oregon A ll 8 , at.. 4 (6) to exchange the SW '4 I • - - ^ e U n * ' “ ‘en ° Administrator. persons havin g claim s against said has been by said ii - l - t i h N W '4 , N W 'a SW «4. Sec. 6. Lots 2 - A WELLS, Attorneys. IN TIIE COUNTY COURT OF THE «s late a re hereby n o tifie d to present and 3. Sec. 6, Tp. 16 8., Range 10 j Court fixed as the tim e and place for EXECUTOR’S NOTICE J 20-27 Jl 4 11 18 ST A T E OF OREGON FOR LANE the same to the a d m in is tra trix pro­ W est, W M within the Riuslaw Nat-1 hearing objections thereto, and fori IN THE COUNTY COURT OP THE perly v e rifie d at the o ffice of W ells final sH tlem ent of said estate COUNTY. lonal Forest, for the lim ber from ap­ STATE OP OREGON, IN AND FOR IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE L. L. RAY. In the Matter of the Batata of W illiam A W e lls , a tto rn ey s , Bank of Com proxim ately nine acres located within j THE COUNTY OF LANE STATE OF OREGON, FOR LANE O. Ek. som etim e known aa \Vllllani m erce B u ild ing , In Eugene, latnc j N W '4 , S E '4 . N14 H W I4 , Rec. 1», W % .| Administrator of the E state of Carl IN PROBATE COUNTY. County, O regon, w ith in six m onths of Adnmg, deceased. Ek. deceased Rec 18. T p 20 8 . R 4 East. W. M N otlca la hereby given that the the firs t publication of this notice within the Cascade N ational Forest. I J 13-20-27 Jl 4-11 Violet Mae Coppernoll, W. L Cop- ,n r® E®1®1« of Margaret Ellen John- pernoll, C. A Foust and Pearl »on deceased undersigned adm inistrator of the Date Ilf first p ub lication June 20th. The purpose of this n otice Is to al-1 Foust, Plaintiffs, Vs. Unknown N otice Is hereby given that the un- above named aatata has filed hla final 1929 N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’ S 8 A L E O F , low all persons claim ing the lands E V A N G E L IN E A L A Y T O N , account In said esta te, and that Fri­ E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E I helrs of Simon M cAllister, true dersigned, J. L ew is Johnson, was duly Adm inistratrix. 1 »elected, or having bone fide objec name Simon M cCallister Un. Executor of the above en- day, June 28th, 1929. at ten o'clock A tlons lo such a p p lication , an o ppor-l ,a hd Property; and for the fur- Zstat« described* the c o m n l.l^ ’ on. M ay 27. 1929. gon, M .y 29, 1929. (her sum of $11.00 heretofore paid hy ' complaint. IN THE CIRCUIT COUNT OF THB (he tim e and place for hearing ob­ iotlce Is hereby given that on M ay jections lo the sam e and for the final I STATE OF OREGON FOR THB N otice Is hereby given that on May ,h ® plaintiff for having the abstract* ~ HP v A m p o f t u p o t a t f 26. 1929, W illiam B. Lvmer, Box 1«2. COUNTY OF LANE. ™ E 8TA T E settlem en t of the e sta te of »aid i 29, 1929. L ester V. S k eels, of A lse» covering said premise» extended J - - - - - - NAME Honolulu, Hawaii, filed application OE OREGON: You are hereby re­ Gilbert Btevens, Plaintiff, Vs. Josie deceased I Oregon, filed application No. 018649, an*l f ° r the further sum of Three No 018640 under the Art of March 20, A. Stevens, Defendant. MARGARET FRANCES POWERS under the Act of March 20. 1922, Hundred and no-100 12300 00) Dollars quired to appear and answ er the 1922, (42 Htal.. 4<6) to exc hange the com plaint filed again st you ln the To Joeie A. Stevens, the above- Executrix. ! (42 Rtat . 486) lo exchange the 8M, 8 H | aa a reasonable attorney fee herein; W’H, Rec 3«. Tp 16 8 R 9 W est. ML 8 ^ 9W % , N ^ SW*4 SW% S W '4 .’ »n|t for Its cost» and disbursem ents above entitled suit within four w eeks named Defendant. M , within the Rulslaw National For­ A E W HEELER. Attorney from the date of the first publication IN THE NAME OF TH E STATE J 13 2027 Jl 411 ¡Sec. 13. W*4 SE% 8E«4 N W '4, 8W>4 | herein, and said execution to me di- est, for the timber from approxim ate­ of this sum mons and If you fall to I OF OREGON You are hereby required NE*4 8E '4 N W '4. 8^4 NW '4 S E L reeled comm anding me ln the name ly 20 acres located within the N 'W ,. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S | N W '4 . R W k . 8E<4 N W '4 . Sec 23. T p . - State of Oregon. In order to _ m ta k l'a deTree v I n. a ” * " “n” rer c° m,>la‘nt HEh., N H 8W I4, Her. 19. W>4, Bee 16 S . R 9 W est. W M within the , »a"»f? »«1«! Judgment. Interest, at , r J l" , as^pAved for ^ t h e eZm “r - abO’^ / n' 18. Tp 20 8 II 4 East. W M within NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That I»',.slaw N a tio n a l Forest, fo r the tlm to rn e v ’. fees, cost of suit and accni- ! „ " L n t t a i J " - . . » S ” ! H.Ued, O r..b#i Or® the C ascade National Forest. Is«na Caaperson has been appointed ber on the three a c r e , located within ! £ g ™ .ta U' »®H the ber on the three acres located within *n* costs, to sell the follow ing d®«-1 des- d l c r e ^ ’ to’l í e th ^ ^ b so íu te ^ w ñ é r s m the 11th day of July 1929 said date executrix of the lj ts l W ill and Testa- The purpose of this notice Is to LTZ.M\7*ii'?e cr1bed to-w lt. fpe Rlmp,e of the follow lng de8crlbed being more than four w eeks from the "t.v N W '4, SE '«. NV4 SW>4, Sec. 19. T lh ed real property, to-wlt: 8p< l x - T P 20 8 R < Ka»t. ' A11 of numbered 14 In Block allow all parsons claim ing the lands Ih » <-n,.I.’tv "cm .M o T i ane cZ Jntv I day of the first publication of this ,“ ?*y ’ W M. w ithin the C ascade National numbered 5 In Chamber’s Addition prem ises: ■elected, or having bona-fide objec­ the '® unty summons herein entered of record tions to such application, an oppor­ Oregon. All persons huvlng claim s Forest. and if you fail so to appear and an­ Ito Eugene. A s e County. Oregon, as tunity to file their protests with the against said esta te are required to : The purpose of this notice Is to al- Ptatted and recorded. sw er for want thereof the plaintiff platted as Mulligan's Addition on the K tglater of the United S tates I .and present them , with the proper vou-I low all persons claim in g the lands Now. Therefore. Tn will apply to the Court for the relief the name of Ea„t ln tha, certaln ]a, of Off’ e al Roseburg, Oregon Any such chers, within six m onths (m m the selected , or having bona fide abjec- 'h® State of Oregon. In compliance c lty ag record(^ on in his complaint again st you dem and­ a 122 of voL p rotests or objections must be filed 13th day of June, 1929, to the aald j lions to such application, an oppor- wl,h the said execution and order of of , j , e record of de-eds fo r A n e ed, to wit: In this office within thirty d sy s from executrix at the law office of L. L. tunlty to file their protesta with the »«1®. and In order to satisfy «aid cou n ty. Oregon, now a part of Eugene For a judgm ent and decree of di­ the d ale of first publication of this Ray In the Miner Building, Eugene, R egister and R eceiver of the United Judgment, Including Interest, attor- c | ty | n Lane County Oregon vorce d issolvin g the bonds of m atri­ notice, which first publication Is June Oregon. S la tes A n d O ffic e at Roseburg. Ore ney’s fees costs and accruing costs. A1„„ fractional lot 'num ber 'fiv e of mony now and heretofore existin g LENA CASPERSON. «. 1P29 gon Any such protests or objections ' w ill on Saturday, the 22nd dav of the fract)onal block one of Ellsworth between you and the Plaintiff on the E xecutrix of the 1-ast Will and Tea- HAMILL A. CANADAY, must be filed In this office within -»''n®. 1929. at the hour of one o’clock Add|tlon to E n g in e City ln A n e grounds of desertion and for such non-coal R egister lam ent of Hans Caaperson. deceased. thirty daya from other relief as to the Court may seem the date of first In the afternoon of said dav, at t h e , County, Oregon as platted and ot L L RAY, A ttorney for Estate. J 6 13-20-27 Jl 4 meet. j publication of thia notice, which first Southw est front door of the said record J 13-20 27 Jl 4-11 ¡publication Is June 8. 1929. County Court House ‘ In " Eugene. A n e ' A nd' that each of said defendants Tha5 ^ l s sum m ons Is served upon E X E C U T O R ’S N O T IC E County. Oregon offer for sale and be decreed to have no righL t i t le ,, yo“ PnW'oU“” » ‘n the HAMILL A. CANADAY. N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T Register. bfij for canh. nt nubile auction, sub- P8tate lien or Interest ln or to sakl 1 s Prtn£ile,d N ew s a newspaper of IN TH E COUNTY COURT OF THB tn redem ption “ a« Provided bv p r e m i ^ or any part thereof and , generaI circulation pursuant to an *..................... STATE OF OREGON, IN AND FOR IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Non-coal J « 13-20-27 Jl 4 Ject law. all of the right, tttle nnd Interest such other relief as to the court may order of th e Judge of the Circuit TH E COUNTY OF LANE. STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR IN PROBATE N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’ S 8 A L E ON of said defendant Rae M. Shepard apnenr equitable. . Court of the State of Oregon for the THE COUNTY OF LANE. and of all persons claim ing by. In re E state of Sam uel J. Robertson, T his sum m ons Is published bv C°“n*y <* Lane duly made and enter FORECLOSURE IN PROBATE through »nd under her, In and to deceased. order of the court dated Mav 24. 1929. i ed of on the 10th day of June NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That N otice Is hereby given that the un­ In re the E state o f Elisabeth Young by virtue of an execution and order RB d PreJ^'»®a and requires publication once each 1929 ordering that this summons be McDowell. D eceased. H. L. BOWN Sheriff dersigned. W alter E. Robertson, was published once each week for four w eek for four su ccessive w eeks. N otice Is hereby given that the un­ of sale Issued out of the Circuit Court M 23-30 J 9-13-29 duly appointed Executor of the above o f the S tate of Oregon for the County Date of first publication. May 30. su ccessive and conseestlvx» w eeks In dersigned, Mary 1. Abrams, as the en titled estate on May 17, 1929; that said Springfield News and that the of A n e on the 27th day o f May 1929 1929. ■ II persons ow ing said esta te shall pay adm inistratrix of the above entitled upon a Judgm ent rendered In said date of the first publication shall be C. A. W1NTERMEIER, n o t ic e p o p p u b l ic a t io n estate, haa filed her final account me, and all persons having claim s Court on the 25th day of May 1929 Attorney for P laintiffs. R esidence: with the Issue of June 13th 1929 and FOREST EXCHANGES ■ gainst the said esln te shall present therein; that by order of the court | In a suit w herein Janie L. Cruxan was the date of the last publbuitlon shall Eugene, Oregon. No. 018524. duly given rod made the tim e for* the sam e lo me with vouchers a t­ plaintiff and Petra Jones, and C. N. D e p a rtm e n t o f the In te rio r. U nited M 30 J 6-13-20-27 be with the Issue of July 11th 1929. hearing the sam e Is se t tn he at the tached at the A w office of Henry E. | Jones her husband. E. C. Sum m ers • FRANK A. DePUB, Slattery, my attorney, at 717 W illam ­ hour of 10:00 o ’clock,, A. M , July 12. and Vernln Summ ers his wife, Chris | States Land O *f'e e , Roseburg, O re­ A ttorney for Plaintiff. N O T IC E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N gon M ay 17. 1929. T'ZlIefso'n.'James"wm J o n < 7 ‘and ette S treet, Eugene, Oregon, within 1929. and that any person haying R esidence. Springfield, Oregon. FOREST EXCHANGES N otice i» herebv riven that on May six m onths from the date of first objection 'hereto shall filo the sam e Jones his w ife were defendants an»! J 13-20-27 Jl 4-11 018636 publication of this notice which Is on or before the tim e for the said wherein the P laintiff recovered Judg­ 15. 1929 Isaac Elder, of Alhanv. Ore­ gon. filed anpllrptlnn No. 01e 524 un­ a rtm e n t of the In te rio r, U n ite d J NOTICE Or SHERIFF'S S»” ~ IN hearing. Muy 23. 1929 ment ngalnst said defendants.’ Petra der the Act o f March 20. 192?. f<2 D e S p tates Land O ffice, Roseburg. O re-! MARY I. ABRAMS, W ALTER E ROBERTSON. E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E Jones nnd C. N. Jones ber husband aon. M av 23, 1929. Adm inistratrix. for the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars Slat . 466) to eveb»nge th» NW '4 Executor. N otice is hereby given that by vir- S W 'i . Sec. 1 N F V , S F ’ 4. Sec. 2. Tn. N ot’ce « herebv given that on May II. E. SLATTERY. HENRY E SLATTERY, : together with Interest thereon from 15 P R . 11 W e s t. W M w P h lu «h» I tue i . an execution and order of sale 2? 1!>?9 Beatrice M. Rexford, of Cor- Attorney for Adm inistratrix. A ttorney for Executor I the 22nd day of May 1928 at 7% pet Plttslaw N a tle u n t v - - • - ■ » v.-’lls. Oregon, filed application N o .1 in foreclosure issued out of the Clr- M 23-30 J 6-13-20 J 13-20-27 Jl 4 11 annum and for the sum of $126.00 ¿Í8536 u r d ^ - t h e Act r i March < Oregon, t, ” Vr" 2 '¿ .Í Í Í L ,O_K?2,h_P; L , ' h -,h.PJ lo c a W InThe NTVU* SE L * v i l S W 'i 19S 9 S fn t tn O Tnbnno-n t h a ' 0D t t l e l l t h d ,'Z O Í • " • > » , .9 2 29. In a 1922. (42 Stat.. 465) to exchange the ?J ? ’ a and disbursem ents o f the said suit Sec 19: W U Sec. 16 T p »a 9 R->pg» S '4 S U 5»E)4 S W ’ .. NV, S E L S E ', wher> in. on the 10th day of June, together with the accruing costs 4 Fast. W M.. within the Cascade S W U . Sec. 1, SW14 SE>4. Sec. 2, J*29’ J“ . 81“ 1 9 ourt’ The Pae'fic Sav- which Judgment was wprolled and Nntlonal Forest. 8 % NW '» N C i . Sec. 11. Tp 15 S.. R lnR? * ^°an A ssoc at.on. a Waehlng- docketed In the office of the Clerk corporation. r®"°zered judgm ent The nurpo»» o f th's notice Is to l l ' W e s t w . M. within the S iu s ia w ; ton - corp?ration’ of sold Court on (he 25th day of Mav nTlow all per ops clr'm ln g the lands National F — ’ foe the timber from agaic3 t defendants M A. Gallow foe the tim ber from 1929 and said execution w as to me sriected. or having bona fide objec- approxim ately 4 acres located within I and „ 5 *1?w’ J1*,? wRe» Moni­ directed com m anding me In the name s to such nonllcntlon, an oppor- the N W '4. SEA». NAé StWV,, Sec. 19. Lose M lu n g i- r. B -eth K e lly L um ber of the S tate o f Oregon. In order to tion (unity to file the!” nrot»sts with the W U . Sec. 18. Tp. 20 8., R. 4 East W. "o c l!'3ny a corporation, pud .Tc-nl» H. satisfy snld Judgment nnd accruing R egister and R eceiver of thte United M vr'ihln the Cascade National - Jon es- for th® s ’lnl ° r $13.690.13. and costs to sell the follow ing described S tates Land Office at Roseburg, Ore Forest. ! interest thereon at the rate of 10% property to-wlt: per annum thereon from Septem ber Beginning at the w est line of the gon Any such nrotests or objections | The rnrnose of this notice Is to al 1st. 1927. and for the further sura of Edward Mulholland and w ife. Mnrtha must he filed ln this office within low a l’ persons claim ing the lands dnt® first selected, or having bona fide objec- $1,698.84, taxes paid, pnd for the fur­ Mulholland D. L. C. No 44 ln Town- , ’1,rtT dnv!’ frnm ship 19 south. Range 2 w est o f W ill, nubl'raflon of th's notice, which first tlons to such application, an oppor- ther sum of $13.00, and for the further tunlty to file their protests w ith the sum of $800.00 es a reatouable attor­ am ette Meridian nt a point 10 chnlns publ'cat’on Is Mav 23. 1929. HAMILL A. CANADAY, R egister. R egister and R eceiver of the United neys fee, together with Its costa and north of the southw est corner of said S tates Land O ffice at R oseburg, Ore- disbursem ents in th is suit, and said D. L. C running thence north 28.15 non-coal. M 23-30 J 6-13-20 gon. Any such nrotests or objections execution to me directed commanding chains to a point 17 98 chains south -------------------------------- j must be filed In this office within me In the nam e of the S tate of Ore­ of the northw est corner of snld D. L. C.; th en ce south 89’ 62’ ea st of 19.72' su m m o ns thirty days from the date of first gon, in order to satisfy said Judgment, ch ain s parnllel to the North line of I publication of th is notice, w hich first Interest, attorneys fees posts of suit and accruing costs, to sell the follow ­ said D L. C to a point .30 feet North IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ! P’lbHcatlon Is June 6, 1929 ing described real property, to-wlt: STATE OF OREGON FOR L A N E 1 ROBERT E. CRAWFORD. 89* 52' w est of a stone set ln the Conn Lot ten (10) in Block eight (8) In COUNTY. | A cting R egister. ty survey No. 2028; thence south J 6-13-20-27 Jl 4 Eugene Skinner’s Add'tlon to Eugene, 17.69 chains to the North line of M arguerite Smith. P lain tiff Vs. Leo i non-coal Lane County, Oregon; W. Smith. Defendant. j — -------------------------- ~ — County Survey No. 1690; thence west Now, therefore. In the name of the along the said North line 9.72 chains To I.eo W Smith D efendant. i N O T IC E O F S A L E to the north w est corner of said TN THE NAME OF THE STATE N otice Is hereby given that pursu- State of Oregon. In com pliance with County survey; and th en ce south 10 OF OREGON: You are hereby re- ant to an order of the County Court the said execution and order of sale, satisfy s.a’rt Judgment, chnlns to the place of beginning nnd qulred to appear nnd answ er the of Lane Cmintv. Oregon, made May I nnd ,n or . » • . .. ________ nf nxl» „ — .1 _ ____1- or less In Lane County. S tate of Ore- above entitled su it on nr before four trlx o f the estate of J. W. Hamble. Iof sult and Accruing costs, I will, on gon together w ith the tenem ents, here w eeks from date of first publication ¡deceased, will, at the office of Brooke Saturday the 13th day of July. 1929’. d ltam ents nnd nppurtpnances there- of this sum mons, or for want thereof & Bryson. 860 W illam ette Street. ¡ at i^ e hour of one o’clock In the af- unto belonging or In nnvw ise ap p er-; the plaintiff w ill take Judgment Eugene, Oregon, on and after June 22. i tprnoon of said day. at the Southw est taining. against you and w ill apply to the J 1929, receive offers for and sell at I fr°n t door of the said County Court NOW THEREFORE IN TH E NAME court for the relief prnyed for In the : private sale subject to the approval; w°u se. ln Eugene. I»ano County, OF THE STATE OF OREGON, and com plaint nnd for a decree o f ab of the Court for pash or part cash ¡ Oregon, offer for sale and sell for In com pliance with the execution and ¡ solute divorce from you. and part on tim e the follow ing d e s -! cash, at public auction, subject to order of sale I will on Saturday the T his sum m ons Is published once ¡ crlhed real property, to-wlt: ¡redem ption as provided hy law, all of 29th day o f June 1929 at the south each week for four con secu tive w eeks. Lots Ono (1) to F ive (5) Inclusive ( th® right, title and interest of the w est door of the County Court House In the Springfield N ew s, a w eekly In B lock One (1). and Lots Four (4) ( said defendants. M A. Gallow and In Eugene, Oregon, betw een the hour-» new spaper published nt Springfield, to Ton (10) Inclusive In Block Two Maytielle Gallow, his wife Montrose o f 9 o'clock A. M and 4 o’clock P. M Ijtno County. Oregon, by order of the (2) of Ham hle Addition to the City i M. Ringler, Booth-Kellv Lumber Com- of said day offer for sale In one pnroel [ Hon. O. F Sklpworth, Judge of said of Ettgone. I,ane County, Oregon, pany, a corporation, and Jennie H. for cash a ll the defendants' right. Court, m ade May 28th, 1929; and Snld sale to be as a w hole or In Jones, and all nersons claim ing bv, title. Interest, claim nnd equity In nnd first published Mav 30th, 1929. separate parcels. through or under them or sn v or W H ITTEN SW AFFORD I Mav 22, 19p9. to said lands and prom ises heretofore eith er of them, in and to the said described and every part thereof. Attorney for Plaintiff, residence i DORA HAMBLE. prem ises. and P ost O ffice address, Eugene! A dm inistratrix H. I,. BOWN. H. L BOWN, S heriff of Lane County, Oregon. Oregon. : BROOKE * BRYSON. Attorneys. Sheriff of Lane Countv, Oregon. M 30 J 6-13-20-27 M 30 J 6-18-20-27 M 23-80 J «-1S-20 J 13-20 27 Jl 4 11 S