LOYALTY The Uubeatable Union of Spirit and Action LO Y A LTY ™ the gian t fo rce th a t w ill accom p lish w ith e a se , u n ­ d ream ed o f h eigh ts in building th is com m unity. L O Y A L T Y — th e vibrant coop eration o f every m em b er o f this co m ­ m unity in forcin g into th e foregrou n d th e b est that is in us, urging ev er onw ard th e im pulse lo r g reater d evelop m en t o f h o m e a ctiv ities It is th e com m u n ity th a t is loyal to h o m e activ ities th a t a lw a y s has th e b est com m unity. OUR INTEREST IN THE WELFARE OF THIS COMMUNITY PROMPTS US TO SPONSOR THIS MESSAGE TO THE PEOPLE OF SPRINGFIELD AND VICINITY The following business and professional interests stand ready to serve you and Springfield. W RIGHT A SONS Hardware and Furnitur« W. C. REBHAN, M. D. EUGENE KESTER, M. D. SPRINGFIELD MILL A GRAIN COMPANY COMMERCIAL STATE BANK HENDERER ELECTRIC John Hendorar, Prop. W HITE FRONT GROCERY W. A. Taylor, Prop. GRAY’S CASH AND CARRY Dallas Murphy, Mgr. THE W ILLAMETTE PRESS Printers and Publishers SPRINGFIELD GARAGE W. H. Adrian, Prop. MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY