N ew Have you ordered your Beach Py- Ha» N» — Car Mr» W Gisalmuti Hara From Oakrldga Ml»» K ii I u I i juniua? If not, you're lost, lor no haa purrhassd a n«w Pontiac appelai ('lurk o f Oakrldgs wa» a vlullor In faMhlori -wise fem inine bather la with­ out them thia aeaaon, you know. Springfield Tuesday morning. conni). And how are they aa to color? K ennet, Ooea to Woodburn Have T onsils Removed John Klckhuah and his tw o daughter» of Steel of Pleasant Hill was u business W altervllle had their tonsils r e m o v e d visitor In Springfield Tuesday morn- , Saturday at the office of a local ing physician Doane Goes to Portland — Bert , Doane left Munday for Portland to be L a s t M a s t in g C a s c a d e Lodge H ai eu»ww»»..w —........ ch ap ter O E S held Its last meeting with hl* mother, who Is nulte »eri tieforn the summer vacation Tuesday oually III there. night. A potluck supper was enjoyed 8pend Sunday at B each Howard by the member». H ughes of Springfield and Dick Col Taken to Hoapltal R°y Golt, an llns of Eugene spent Sunday on the Mrs Mury C Magill received word Saturday that her oldest brother. Jam es M Philip», died at thte Ida..«« soldiers* home at Boise. P rin c ip al of Estacada, new principal of the Springfield high school, has moved hers with bis family aud 1» living in the McCracken house on E street betw een Eighth and Nlnith Mr. Buell la expecting to attend the sum­ mer aeaaion of the l/n iv ei» liy of Oregon which open» on Monday. Who see» a soul tn »uch a body »et Might love the trea aure for the cabinet. B Ben Jonson. One should never need to say •'Ex­ ercise!" to women in the outdoor aeaaon. After long winter days with little athletic activity except for those fortunate who are able to "go In ' for w lntetr sports, most women are w .ary and bored with the bored with with activity, activity, and and w .w w rating, stagnant of many......... en,.rvating. »tagliai" air — ----- bealed houses. They long to be out of SPECIAL L not wish to be out of doors—do go out and work In your garden! Health and beauty aw ait you early and late in the garden, before the flow ers have even begun to think of bloom ing and up until the tim e they taste the first frost ' can do there— of a nQt be „Ince i n v • e s t . d since )t br,ngs double re. • G illettes Return— Mr. and Mrs Junction City Man Here Harry G illette aud family returned Frum and A. J W alker of Junction Monday from Portland and the Ore­ City were visitors In Springfield gon beaches where they spent a Sunday ul the home of Mr. anil Mrs. week's vacation. E. C. Stuart. Camping at Bridge— Mr. and Mr» B a c k From Hoapltal— Mrs. W. W. Larson W right and »on Dillard went _ .. «i i a_ .t i ........... a_ _ L ^ n n tk ln iZ ill tilt* lU IllB I W alker returned to her home Sunday to _ McKenxIe Bridge this week where after having spent several days un­ they will dergoing medical treatm ent at the camping. Pacific Christian hospital. M r . M l t c b a l l Hara— H. " , OU1 „ r t , .h air I. dull« Turners on Fishing T rip - Mr and of Ashland spent Monday night In . c m io I » " » " I“ " ” 1 Mrs (1. II. Turner spent Sunday on a Springfield visitin g at the home of winter, „„„. m m “ “ I » '“ "1, ““ fishing trip to the lake country west his daughter nnd son tn-law, Mr. and m ln d e d -th e women w hose spring accom panies It. of Harrisburg They tau gh t 21 fish Mrs Dallas Murphy duties house-cleaning and clothes And ,f you do not care for plain, during the day. Y .rn .11. Back In T o w s -M r . and pr<>biem s. etc., take up so much inter- g o r g e d gym nastics, you, can "skip " T his Is the 0 “ «»* ®f »>> f " r Deputy Guardian Arrive» — Mrs Mrs A L Yarnell, who have spent eal un«l time. To those women, then, „ a s , several weeks a, Be,knap , sa>- E x e r c is e - ForgH y ------ ou r,h om e 8,ces for im proving U>e H ue. o f j h e Stella Blakely of Salem, deputy to le is n n p | Sn v ' K X e r v i a e . - a„d for building general beauty. the grand guardian of thte Neighbors Springs for Mr. Yarnell's h .a lth , careH or If you are a business person, your office, for a part of each day. or An indefinable charm radiates from of W oodcraft, arrived tn Springfield returned to Springfield. a dav in each week. Get out into the , he healthy active body— vibrant with Monday morning to be preaent for of -ju st livin g” which follow s Attending Summer Cchool— Mrs country and walk, with your friends. , he the district convention here this week ' Kiln laimhnrd left this week for with your husband or children. Walk aw a result of con stant exercise. At Elite Hotel Iru Baldwin of Monmouth where she Is nttendlng and breathe deeply and enjoy the out­ Pengrn. Mrs. Evelyn Mills and daugh­ the summer session of thte Oregon door fresh n ess all about you* te r . Evelyn, Ethelyn. and Muriel, of 1 Normal school. If you are a golfer, play golf. H , Portland. A. R. Ruthven of Jasper, your game Is tennis, play tennis. Begin Freses on Fishing Trip-- Fred Frese and Anthony Sharman of Eugene It early and get ahead of the others son Lloyd, and wen, Ills s on L l o y il. a n o Jerry J> r r> Adams a u u iu s w em .. — « „ m i n e r to were registered at the Kilt«' hotel last Ills , . , «.'hfi Arp waitiuK for mlo-suniiu» r n on a fishing trip to the lakes near who are watting .......... week-end. come. The courts are prepared now Junction City Friday. They caught At Springfield H otel—O. »• Floyd seven quite large bass, fishing with and the tim e Is ripe to begin. But If you are one who does not of Marshfield, Alma M. Martin and plugs und spinners. enre for tennis or golf, and who does Betty W inters of Bandon, and Mrs Major Van V aliah Here— Major 8. E. II. McClellan and Margaret Mc­ At Belknap Springs— Dr and Mrs. Clellan of Lyman. W yoming, were L. Van Valzah, a physician a, thte v hospital ............... R. P. Mortensen und family spent Fitzsim m ons general army registered ut the Springfield hotel at Denver, arrived In Springfield Sunday on a trip to Belknap Springs last week-end. W ednesday night to visit his mother, In From Sw iaahom e—Mrs. Clyde Mapleton People Here— Mrs. Hans who Is quite III nt the Eugene Carter of Sw lsshom e was a business N elson and three children of Mapleton hospital. visitor In Springfield las, week end. spent Tuesday nigh, ut the home ol Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Larson. Mrs. N el­ Oakes Injured at MIM— Ralph Oakes Harris' Have D aughter M A r bab> son Is a sister of the late Mrs. Charles W |1K qulw iiauiy hurt n u ll, m ,,« .... ------------- an I was quite badly at the e Booth- Toftdnhl. of Junction Cltv, Hie mother , K(,ny n,m Saturday when he eaught daughter was born ' y ' T o f t d n h l . o r j u n e i i i i i i « " . ’ . ' " e ............... K e l l y m m m i i u r i m j » » < ■■ .......... . . . , , u h ,l r ^ The of Mrs Lars«m, who was buried Tites- l b |„ hand in the knives of the planer. Mrs. Roy H a u ls o « FOR _ . ______ _____ _________ ■ .. . , i . . . ,.h it ,t w s n a m e d Joan. w a as named One of . . his fingers was severed at the child dny afternoon. THE BEST MEATS first point. Bend People V isit— Mr. nnd Mrs. Here For R eunion- Mr and Mrs. ( AT THE LOWEST . p . o m . a - Blanche ............. .« Robert Drlnkwater and family nini Mr. J Eupns Pupils uex Get u blplomaa— E Sam F oster and son. W ayne, of Bend and Mrs. Jin k W ithers nnd family of Bates Clyde Ixickwood. and Gordon spent the week end In Sprlngfle « PRICES Burns, Oregon, are In Springfield for | Deeds were awarded eighth grade visitin g at the hom e of Mr. nnd Mrs. COME TO the reunion o f the Rinehart family diplomas as a result of passing the j John Avitt. th is week III the home of Mr. nnd Mrs ' June state exam inations, according to INDEPENDENT MARKET Mra. Van V aliah III— Mrs. A. B. J. 11. M cPherson. Mr. W ithers Is the report of IS. , . ,.i,_ E. J. Moore, cuane Lane superlntendent. F ive Van Valzah Is reported to be quite vlRltlng with his daughter, Jeannie | WHERE QUALITY county school WltherH. who Is living In Springfield other students passed on condition. seriously 111 at the Eugene hospital w here she was removed last week PREVAILS nt the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Ila Smith am, and Mildred Currence M i l , tren « urrence pass pass- N orthwest hospital, Her ed the exam ination In geography, and C. I. Gorrle. AND SERVICE IS sons, Dr. C. G. Van Valzah of Port V isitors at Tyaona— Mr. and Mrs. ' I .a Verne Pugh In physiology. land, and Dr. R. E. Van Valxah of PROMPT AND Oyarenco Quderlan nnd Mrs. Guder- j Medford are here on account of her Ian’s mother, Mrs. Flora R lvett, were | Visit at B rownsville— Mr. and Mrs. EFFICIENT visitors over the week- Ivan Male, Lawrence Tem pleton, of Illn ess. v in u u r H In in Springfield n p i « h r * ............. end a, the home of Mr. and Mrs. W , Chicago, who Is visitin g here at the S teven s Back From Mapleton Mr. P. Tyson. Mra. Ouderlan Is a cousin | home of his 2 lster' Mr8- Mnle' "nd Miss Nadine Tem pleton, who Is also and Mrs. W elby S tev en s returned of Mrs. Tyson. Mr. and Mrs. Guder- ivu n n n a t u i s o a »»»g»»*,«.*—» ............ .... visitin g here, spent S u m |iy In Saturday night from Mapleton where Inn left Mondny for Corvallis, where Brow nsville visitin g a, the home of they had been for two w eeks Mr. STUART A HOLVERSON Mr. Guderian. who Is an Instructor In Miss Tem pleton's parents. Miss S teven s was purchasing the rlght-of the Bend high school, will attend the , less,on of the Oregon m a te , Templeton Is planning on attending way for the Mapleton-Cushman sec- sum mer session of the Oregon S tate ; Templeton Phone 63 4th and Main Mrs R lvett will remain here | the summer session of the U niversity tlon of the new Eugene-H orenee College. 1 of — Oregon. ' highway. until July 1. I This week, we are offering item s listed below at a special price. SHOES One lot of Ladies’ Fancy Dress Shoes, in an assortment of colors and styles $2.98 CURTAINS A fine selection of Lace Panel Curtains, som e with fringed bottom ......................- ------ ---------- ----- each 9 8 c LUNCH CLOTHS Stamped Lunch Cloths, 45 inch, regular 69c values, this w e e k .............................................................- ..... in n in g an o v e r w h e lm in g siseee«« b e e a n s e l<*s b ig in e v e r y w a y e x c e p t in p r ic e T h e N e w P o n t ia c B ig S ix is e n j o y in g i t s p r e s e n t im p r e s s iv e s u c c e s s b e c a u s e o f t h e e x tr a o r d in a r y v a lu e i t p r o v id e s a n d b e ­ A Tip for the Wise Housewife IndsiBirdent Meat Go. 2,°r S l- 0 0 cau se it e n a b le s p r o g r e s s iv e p e o p le to » t e p u p in m o t o r c a r q u a l i t y w i t h o u t le a v ­ i n g t h e lo w - p r ic e d f ie ld . L e t i t s s u c c e s s in a t t r a c t i n g o t h e r p r o g r e s s iv e p e o p le le a d I y o u t o g r e a te r a u t o m o b il e v a lu e . C o m e in a n d i n v e s t i g a t e t h e N e w P o n t ia c B ig S ix . fw tU c ■ « SU. r « «• .M r g « . •• A- c ^ .r. MicM««., >!•«• AHIwrj. . . J 1 ^ 9 .^ n< «t Aiigltl Mtr* «Mt. C«n«r«i X»t«rA Tlm< •«•iUhU et miiUmsam ret*. FU» prWa aa w all aa tb a Hat prie* w b ^ aonap«H «c prUaa lw aludejaalp IT h a n d iin « an d fa Payanaat P lan la I iwtemokÜ« val« e . . . . O nkU uul-row tU a W. R.. DAWSON Springfield, Oregon THE NEW PONTIAC Biuta n n n n iiC T ay n ’7 4 5 - a« n n a a.