PAOS TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PwfcUakotf Bvory Tkuroûaj a* •prtn»flald, Loa« County, Orason, by THE WILLAMKTTE PRESS H K. MAXEY, Editor. ■ stered na second class m atter, February 14. IMS at the poatofflce, Springfield. Oregon M A IL S U B SC R IPTIO N R A TE Oua year In Advance____ S I.75 Three Months ________ Jl ufi Single Copy S ix M o n th s__ ..76c ....Sc THURSDAY. JU N E SO. 1929 ' Shall I go to college*” is a question now being considered by tho u san d s of y o uths who have Just grad u ated from high school o r preparatory schools. Going to college m ay or m ay not have an y th in g to do with one's success in life but it is m ore likely to th an not. especially if one is fitted for fu rth e r study and m ental developm ent. A college education should not hurt anyone and it is likely to m ake a very successful 'm an out of a m ediocre one in late r life. l^ess than one per cent of A m erican m en are college graduates. Yet out of th is one per cent have com e: Ju it Like M y Doll" T H E PUBLIC IS T H E GOAT j S ew n ■em bers of tha BprlngftWM The annual Methodist picnic hav troop of the girl scouts received nwarda nt the Lane comity court of been post (Mined from Tuesday to The a ffa ir w ill honor held In the Ituptlst church nt Friday of this week Hug. no Monday night Jean law k and be held nt Hwlmmere' Ibdlghl, near Adiillne Perkins were given iMitrol (loshen, during the afternoon and Horseshoes, baseball, boat lender's badges,*while Evely n ilascus, evening Bartiara llarnell, Hernndlne McFMr- lug and swimming w ill occupy the Innd, M artha Moon, mid Mildred afternoon, and at 6 30 o'clock a bus •Morgnn were given second class ket dinner w ill be served. The pic­ badges There are now 3» girls In the nic Is sponsored hy the Methodist Frank llartholo troop. Miss Audrey Danner Is Hie Brotherhood, with lender for the summer during the ■new president, acting as general | chairman. T ile Mcllnspst Brother- absence of Miss Alta Manning. I hoo«r monthly meeting at the m ill next Involved, and the public is the goat. The engin-1 Court, STATE OF OREGON, FOR T H E Tuesday evening al 6 o'clock. At • • • COUNTY OF U N E . e e rs acting for th e state, using county and federal George c o r , t(n> |>jaln„ ffi v , char|eg that time I,. II Neel will demonstrate m oney, m ade a m istake and are too bullheaded ' TH E LIMIT GE MAN K hherte, Dvfendunt. PRIZES OFFERED BEST the knowledge which he acquired to adm it it. T he W est Springfield com plainants, To Charles E Eberle, the «bove while enrolled In Hie safely course T here is no way of predicting th e extent of HORSESHOE PITCHERS flush w ith victory in th e circuit court, are de­ named Defendant: m anding a stru c tu re im practicable and next to developm ents in the radio field T ests by t h e 1 DURING SUMMER PLAY t » H m ! v : N A M f J T H K 8 T A T K '>►' which Hie company recently gave at C anadian N ational R ailw ay n ear T oronto indicate Neet was awarded a Red im possible to build. It EGON, you are hereby required In Wendllug the futility of predicting the ultim ate destiny of A pair of nickel plated horae alioea and answer Hie complaint Crosa flrat aid certificate for having T he o b structionist who throw s a m onkey- rdio. It is possible now to talk casually from will be given to the heat loaner In f i d ugulnst you |„ , h„ ahl,v„ (.n paaaed the examination w rench into a fine m achine,can do m ore dam age m oving trains, to send telegram s from them , and the Springfield club thia summer, It o»r. and can.,- on or before b. 18th day of July 1929 said date in a m inute th an th e best m achinist can repair to broadcast from them . was decided Monday night nt a meet be ng more than six weeks from the in weeks. So it is with com m unity an d publii de Years ago 1 it 1 \ was th e u ltim ate was Ing of the organliatlon. The compe­ 'late of the first publication of this velopm ent. Public spirited citizens m ay work for , d as.° as b tho o u u g g h t the tition for the shoes w ill be carried a n T 'if ” "* “ ".d ," ‘r,’,h ••"I'Tcd of record y ears to bring about som e needed im provem ent ' ‘ ‘ f \ ,en Phonograph records broadcast on In the form of a round-robin “ " ‘' If YOU fall so to appear an,I «„. a n d see it delayed o r w recked by som eone or ' ‘ er a com paratively sh o rt distance, tournament nt the d u b grounds som e group who are u tterly irresponsible. At th a t tim e anyone suggesting th a t broadcasts every Friday night. The shoes will Will apply to the Court for the relief In you demanded, m ight be m ade from a m oving tra in would have first be given to the man who is able to wit " B ut in cases like th e Springfield bridge the been considered insane. In an cient tim es such a to win the tournament three weeks Kbr a Judgment against you for the public will be th e goat about so long and then r '" '" re s , ’ /heraon public opinion will come down w ith a vengeance prophet would have been burned at the stak e for In succession. Thereafter the man w itchcraft. d -y Of J " n" »•»» » " " I holding the shoes w ill be obliged to .aid s and som e heads will come off and m eddlers will X fo r t h . 8% ‘‘" r Yet these m iracles have come to pass and do ^ to“d " T ” C°m‘‘r" "very H r for get th eir fingers b urnt. Mun' ,,f * 8 00 ’m,d by «"»in f for Insurance, and for the further not doubt it. o th ers are coming. T here ¿eem s to a 7 ,h a ,hri‘u*houI "«• -ummer f 'If nm of ,76 0«, a . atto rn eys feci and be very few lim itations to th e ability of m an to C ‘ m ” »2 ' “T " ' h*‘ T H E FARM R E L IE F BILL " nd " ‘ “ b“ " ’ » • ” ’ «« of , conquer th e elem ents. B ut th ere is one v e ti d e - . permanent property of t h l. . u lt CO T he national farm relief bill h a s passed and finite limit. J4“/ " *22 h“ » httd ,h‘”n th< For a decree foreclosing the mort- «age of the P laintiff and ordering the While you are young, with the will becom e a law. W hether it will be a success W hen L ieutenant S oucek so ught to m ake a probobie that"™ fr-h".. i,’’"*1*", " thereby glasses sold by - property - - - covered ....... proper or not depends largely on th e farm er. It m erely new altitude record, eight miles above the ground alao be .« .h ” T real the sheriff of lunic County Oregon In v Bets up m achinery by which he m ay m ore intelli- he h»d to b reath e oxygen from ta n k s In ord er to ge..ond and t h in i <’ thm ‘’n p a c B < the manner prescribed hy law and that * o u r * y rB a r ® y o u r most p r ic e - ------- ” - m u st ..................... «A ,^ o n e.t win ' the t h e proceeds n r o < -e e ,l. , of , f the sale be applied . JeHg p o s s e s s io n . gen tly ---------- m ark e t ------------ his crop. He tak e this K eepalive. As it was, breath in g was an agonizing • £ , In satisfaction of said Judgment. m ach in ery and use it o r little good can com e from experience. His adventure proved th ere w as a th is summons Is served upon you - — --* is •» « y - we v lo vuuuunuu That why recommend th e bill. T he g re a te st value under th e bill can limit to hum an progress in the sense t h a t m a n i« o . by| publication thereof In the Spring for them th e finest lenses con- com e from farm ers actin g to g eth e r in coopera­ confined to the little globe In which he 1» born. ' flcld News pursuant to an order of (-ttlv ./t h v Bi-lem-ik the Honorable C J’ Barnanl. Judge n-e? Ve<1 b y * O rthogons— tive concerns. T h e farm er, alw ays a poor co- of the county unty Court of ____________ the state of 1 heBe w onderful lenses, th a t w h o c m ,n , U e w h u e W* ’ h - operator, m u st learn how to act in a group if he ingG dvi i h e 8 ,1 ,e e__ X. . . .. «raw e U — _*_a - a ._a _a _ Oregon for the County of l.ane duly give vou the Hame perfect vioioa Is to derive benefits from th e bill. “ If he lets e . , Eugene Guard W illia m Gerlach, the made und ontered of re«:ord on the a t tile edge an a t th e center. G eorge do it” th e n m ore th an likely th e bill will ! secretary of the local group, la in 13th day of June 1929 ordering this be a failure. A flask on the hip often brings a lie to the lip third place among those who have summons to be published once each Insure Your Eyes • • • • Every now and then som e one tells us th at we a re spending 25 billion dollars a year for luxury and predicts th e end will be disastrous. Pacts a re th a t if we should cease tom orrow spending any m oney for luxury th is co u n try would be in in t h e w o r ld a n d m n n v h n n d r a d o k # ntl many hundreds of tho u san d s of • • Editorial Comment» M UCH GAS C O N SU M ED Motorists of America used over ten billion gallons of evening' • • • "Up to th e p resent you have been receiving but from now on you m ust give,” the president of the U niversity of C alifornia told th e e ra d u a t ing class. This is surely a plain sta te m e n t of conditions. _ The ability to c reate an alibi is not an accom p- lifchment but is usually a detrim ent. • • • T hey used to burn the m idnight oil b u t now it is the m idnight gas. Little leaks destroy m ore boats th an big rocks * ? gasoline last year” stated George O. Brandonburg, Secret-1 U8 ng gasoline the m o torist paid motor fuel tax aggregating $305 333 84** i t « Pnd g regarded a s necessi- , two states, however, since have passed laws providing dee and oth ers regarded as luxuries. . gas tax and motorlgtg 0, MlJ a(.hllgettg T h ere can be too m uch even of religion in the hom e for happiness, A P ortland m an u uw e iu r H a p p in e s s , i it t seem s. Bays in a divorce com plaint th a t a fte r a m onth Ot m arried life his wife becam e violently religious refused to live in a house w ith a “devil” in it and w ent back to h er relatives, tak in g the fu rn itu re w ith her. I qualified. George Cffx lH in fifth place, G ilbert Ernstlng In seventh, and D. J. Beals In eighth. All who wish to participate In the tournament F ra n k lin D ru ry Honored week for four successive and conse­ cutive weeks In said paper and that the date of the flrat publication will be with the Issue of Juno 20th 1929 and the last publication w ill be with the Issue of July 18th 1P29 F R A N K A. D e l’UE. Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence, Springfield, Oregon. J 20 27 Jl 4 11 18 &(&ftleade No 14 • Ave. Went BXigere. Oregon A dinner honoring Franklin James Drury, son of M r and Mrs Robert invited In to dinner, which was fea­ tured by a large cake with 16 candles Guests present were Ralph Hughes. are paying a gas tax this year, inking every state in the George Mason, and Earl Wheeler. Candy Is Splendid Food for L nlon * *as tax 8tate- . AH chaDges- «»«¡pt in gas tax during ....... oue, ga8 tax one, during 1938-1929 T 1928-1929 M haTe bee” ,Bcrease8 rather than decreases and Oregon was ln accord wl,h other states when she raised her tax from three to four cents- The arera*e rate *allon in 1928 was three cents; Trent Man In T o w n - H W Bahart of T . ' among the business v.Hf, „ r, " town Tuesday. S H E R IF F 'S SALE ON E X E C U T IO N IN FO R ECLO SU RE. Notice Is hereby given that by *n aeve“ B,ate8- four cenU states, three and one vlrtne of an execution and order of ? CM1, ." °De, "tate’ three cent8 in fourteen 8late8 • “<> sale In foreclosure Issued out of the Circuit Court of Lane County. Oregon, tw" centB ln twelve »‘a“*’ and the District of Columbia on the 18th day of May. 1929, In a w i t h e r t 'T ,° f th n ‘ ° UJ number ° f vehlcleH rp* ' ater’‘d s-'» ' ’ wherein. n t h ’«i«7‘ wherein, ¿ on 7 the’ the 17th day of of Ma," M a ,, , With the total lax collected In the states in which the tax D»"» In said Court. I J Estes and I wan effective- thrmi^hnnf tho vooe _____ ... _ V E?*.4^. u i .. . was effective throughout the year shows an average re­ M ary K Estes, his wife as plaintiffs venue of ,15.09 per vehicle. A fte r deduction of the costs recovered Judgment against the de of collection the entire net revenue was used for rural fendaets L E Hodges. Ida Gravum Hodges, Harold R Benjamin. C. R road purposes In 35 states. In the remaining states and Rickman. Vivian May Rickman and the D istrict of Columbia a total of ,18.491.754 was devoted Gertrude E. Bllck for the sum of Nine to other purposes. In three states a portion of the collec­ Hundred Dollars 1,900.00). and In­ fer« at thereon nt the rate of «c/ pPr tions was used for public school purposes. “A ll of the gas tax monoey in Oregon Is used for road annum from April 17th, 1929. and for the further sum of Eight Dollars purposes and Is placed at the dlsnossl nf th«, « r . t . m . i . ÍI8 001. and for the fu rth er sum of One Hundred Dollars f , 100 00) as a reasonable Attorney's fee, and for the costs and disbursements of this action, and on the 17th day of Anrll, 1929, In said Court the defendant H a r­ old R. Benjamin recovered a Judg­ ment against the defendants L. E Hodges and Ida Orayum Hodges for the sum of Four Hundred-slxfv-fhree and «7-100 (,403.47) Dollars with In­ terest thereon at the rate of 0% per ¡annum from December the 10th. 1920. and for the sum of F ifty (,50.00) Dob J lars as a reasonable Attorney's fee, and for his costs and disbursements of this suit, and said execution to me directed commanding me In the name of the State of Oregon, In order to satisfy said Judgments. Interest. torney's fees, cost of suit and accru Ing costs, to sell the following de scribed real property, to-wlt; The South Fifty-three (53) feet nt Lot Five (5) In Block Twenty-three (23) of Fairmount., according to the original plat thereof. In Eugene. Lane County, Oregon. NOW . T H E R E F O R E , In the name of the State of Oregon, In compliance with the said execution and ord«r of sale, and In order to satisfy said Judgment, Including Interest, atto r­ ney’s fees, costs and accruing costs, I w ill on Saturday, the 22nd day of June, 1929, a t the hour of one o’clock In the afternoon of said day, at the Southwest front door of the said County Court House In Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell for cash, at public auction, sub­ ject to redemption as provided hy law, all of the right, title and Infer« st of the said defendants L. E. Hodges, Ida Gravum Hodges, O. R. Rickman. Vivian M ay Rickman, and Gertrude E. Rllck, and all persons claim ing by, through or under them or any or either of them, ln and to the said premises. H L. BO W N, S h eriff of Lane County, Oregon. the highest was five cents and the lowest was two cents A t the close of the year the rate In effect was five ci nts M 23-30 J 6-13 20 Auk your doctor or any a u th o rity and they will tell you th a t good- w holesom e candy should be Included In your diet. It's Just the th in g to pep you up when you are feel­ ing tired o r nervous. And If it is E g g tm an n ’B candy it is pure, w holesom e and delicious. O ur Ice cream and soft d rin k s an« th e best ever. F G G IM A N N ’S "W hare tha Sarrica la Different" V X Fares Cut for summer travel Low summer vacation fares, fast, fine trains and a host of world-famous resorts and playgrounds is Southern Pacific s invitation fo r the finest vaca­ tion you ever had. San I'ra , Los Angeles, H ollyw ood, famed N ational parks and resorts o f the Pa< ific (.o a s t- all are easily and quickly reached by Southern Pacific. and to the East A t summer excursion fares you can double die enjoyment of a trip East by taking advantage of Southern Pacific s circle trips. Gne way thru C ali­ fornia, return via northern lines. Y our local Southern Pacific agent w ill be glad to give you any travel inform ation and help you plan your entire trip. rn Pacific C A R L OL8ON A G EN T