The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 13, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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THURSDAY. JU N E 13. li*2i>
(Jillnsi íe I J el > k ¿9 *By •
(Continued from Page ll
The last m eeting of the year of
and Mrs. Nina McPherson. Kilter- the Kensington club was held Mun­
A MUrprlH»» parly and hundknrchlaf
talnment Mrs. C. F Kgglmann. chair- day night at the home of Mrs. Paul
nhowvr In honor of Minn Aha Mann*
man; assistants. Mrs. Rachel That­ llasford, with Mrs llasford ami Mrs
ina, I« adar of th«* MprlngfloM Girl
cher. and Mrs Walter Laiton.
W (' Rehhan acting as Joint host- Hvout troop, * n aivon by Iho mum
Delegates to the Rprlngfteld con­
Al Dial time It was decided b„ri, ,lf
lr„(>,, M|
home of Mis
dusk that was part twilight and part , Ing a girl eat out of your hand Is vention will be sent from circles of esses
that the annual picnic of the group j c , , Wilson Saturday. Miss Manu
What'a the Use’
gathering rainstorm.
' never to let her know when you are the Neighbors of Woodcraft at En­
l«.fi Monday for Louisiana to
Grandmother Page refused to budge.
“Listen. Maryella." 1 called after mad. The second Is not to he sorry If gen», Drain, Roseburg, Riddle, Ash­ would he held June 2«. probably ut
summer vlsllln g relatives
I turned her over again, but there her. “Be reasonable."
you do. I had a blow-out In both land. Medfonl, Coburg. Marshfield,
von was pluced in charge of the pic |
was no sign o( life. I squirted gaso-
No response,
Grants Pnss. Mvrtle Point, Coquille.
Two gu ests. Miss Clara Jones j
riH(1|lg w„r. , | , C(,rB, rt(t with
rooms were
line into her cylinders, but she didn't
"You can't walk all the way home.
While I sat there It hegau to drizzle, Oakland. Phoenix. Paisley, Jasper. nlc.
Mrs. Sim pson, of llciid.
flow ers Miss Matlnlng was presented
It's ten miles.”
seem to care for It.
but I thought too little of myself to Wallervllle, Purl Orford. Yoncalla. and
' with a bouquet of flowers with hand-
As von may have surmised. Grand­
“I'd probably have to walk any­ care to move, so 1 didn't Instead I Kerby, Junction City. Lakeview, present ut the m eeting
Members presenl were Mesdames |t(,I
m among them by Aduliua
mother I'age is a relation of mine only way.” she observed dispassionately, recollected with delightful pain how North Bend, Creswell, Langlois. Kla­
A. J Morgan. C. E Kenyon, 8. t’ Perkins The follow ing program waa
by adoption and purchase. She origi- “so 1 might as well get started before enilni ntly desirable Maryella was.
math Falls. Bandon, Gold Bench.
Wright. W. C Wright, I. Mav. J T. presented by tin girl scouts
nally was created and assembled by dark.”
Sllnt and slender and cool-looking, Myrtle Creek and Cottage Grove.
Moore, C. E Swurts. A Kessey, II
I'latlo solo Pearl Helt,'('brand
the Page Motor Company of Detroit,
That remark about walking home she was obviously the handiwork of a
The program for the two days Is
Murphy, Jack Henderer, L E.
I'lattologue Barbara Barnell
but that was so long ago that her anyway was the crowning Insult to beauty-loving god who wanted to show as follows;
Hosford. Miss Edna ttwarts. and the Plano duel Evely n and Melba Harris.
years fully entitled her to the title of me and Grandmother Page. It hurt what he could do. But she had eyes,
Xylophone solo Itarhnru Burnell
the more because It was probably dark ones, that came from no heavenly 10:00 A. M —Call to order. Hostess h ostesses, Mrs. llasford snd Mrs.
S k it— The girls present
She has had a hard life. too. For true. I turned back angrily. She work shop. In them there was a bit of
Guardian. Mantle Richmond.
Following the program the ■ v e ilin g
four years she has been going nearly trudged on . . .
temper, of daring and an invitation Formal entrance and seating of dis­
everywhere that I go, and for a long
Down the road came a purring mo- to come along that was irresistible.
was spent In playing gam es, after
trict officers.
time before that she was the traveling tor. I had hardly expected a car to
If a man must lose hlg head over a Address of welcome—W P. Tyson.
LOSE 15 DAYS' WORK which I ght refreahiiu tits con sistin g
companion of a suburban real-estate pass that way. I had purposely chosen woman. Maryella’s t>pe offers the ut Response to welcome— Mrs. Ollie
of Ice ( team , waters and punch were
man who could sell gold bricks to a back-country road for my drive most Justification. If you had any
the Booth Kellv mill tlur'ng Hie mouth
T hose who were Invlltd Io attend
placer miners. I suspect that he taught with Maryella that day. This machine curiosity and a wee bit of nerve, you Vocal solo
of May ns a result of acrid )n ts at the the putty were the ladles who have
her some of her deceitful tricks.
was coming from town.
made up your mind that you would Instrumental solo.
plant, according to the monthly re­ helped with the scout work durlug
It must have been from him that
I looked at the turn of the road uave to find out whether to believe Opening of Circle meeting by district
port posted hv 0 . II Jarrett, the sup the year, Mrs Arnold S ilitu p , lento
she got her love of the country. She around which It would presently ap- her eyes or the rest of her face.
erlntendent. One matt lost one duy county scout execu tive; Mrs C E.
revels in green fields and running pear. Maybe it was a friend of mine.
Up to that afternoon I had been do-
Noon Recess
as the result of stopping through a Win aton. Invite county girl scout
brooks and sand banks and mud-holes.
The car rounded the turn. I swore ing pretty well, too. Not having money 1:30_Call to order
hole In the dock and sprulttliig a councilor, utttl all of the local troop
Whenever she finds one she always under my breath.
in bales. I had started against Cooper Report of credentials committee
A not Io r lost a
Imdios attending were Mrs W. ('.
wants to stay there all day. The far-
It was the racing runabout belong- with a considerable handicap. He Roll call of officers and representa- m uscle lit his leg
day as the result of being injured Hehhuti. Miss Alta Mantling. .Mrs
ther it is from the city the better she ing to Jim Cooper. No situation that worked short hours In his father's of-
when a wrench slipped from a holt, W alter Gossler, Mrs. L*. 0 . Wilson,
lik®9 “ ■
1 couW imagine would please him flee, which would eventually be his; Appointment of committees
and a third lost IS days when he Mrs. Arnold Schrup, Mrs t ’laytou
I personally am fonder of the city more and me less than that in which while I plugged away for a salary—a Good of the Order an.l resolutions
and when she decides to remain all we were placed.
good one. but nothing that would
Past Grand Representative. Alberta bruised his heel Jutti) Ing from the Barber, Mrs. C. K. W heaton, and Mrs.
sorting table. There w ire 19 days Carl Olson
night on some road fourteen or fifteen
He pulled up alongside of Maryella. make the mint work overtime to keep
Mi Murray
miles from anywhere I have some- who had proceeded about tow or up with me
lost nt the mill during the month of | The m em bers of the organisation
times walked home rather than share three blocks before he arrived. After
There is no use concealing what my 8:00—Closed meeting—Regular ex- April.
I who attended the m eeting were Mild-
the. sylvian solitudes with her.
a short parley she got In beside him Job Is. A good many people know
empllfh ation of ritual by district
I red Morgan, Velma Puddlcurd, Mar
Under my breath I murmured: I gnashed my teeth, but thanked already from having seen my name
C h as- Forced O ff Hoad
I Karel llunck. Ellen Cox, Jo l.«uu
*'Durn you. Grandmother.” and hit Heaven that I would soon be alone ( signed at the bottom of a column of Report of Woodcraft Home
Harrv Chase was struck by
«■ar. i I’Utman, Barbara
llnitiell. Evelyu
the Engine a vindictive tap with a to express my opinion on automo- alleged humor which I conduct dally
forced off the read through a fence Baacus, Evelyn Harris, Melba Harris,
monkey wrench.
biles, nature, human beings and things, for a syndicate of newspapers. Any to 00 A M— Reports and recommend- “H'1 111,0 11 B’'1'1 n"“r **”* Ferry bridge Kusel Adunis. Pearl I lelterhruud, ItUtti
“Maybe there is no gasoline in the in general.
one who has read my stuff knows that
while driving home from Eugene Hat- ftiratton, Faye Stratton. J. an Mark,
megneto.” suggested Maryella, who
No such luck. The car was com- I work hard for ray money, especially Reports of committees
The other cur cut Martha Moon, .Murgery Moon. Juanita
Election of urilay night.
had watched my struggle from the ing on toward me. It pulled up when I write verse,
around his, and as It passed struck
Adullne I’erklna, Bcrnadlnn
Grand Representatives.
front seat.
alongside Grandmother Page.
j Besides by syndicate work I do all Fixing of place of next meeting.
Chess's Ovsrlead on the front hut. M,
Ll„,| Ul,.„ N..„, m «,-,,,,, S i , lp
1 made no reply. When some one
Maryella looked off across the : the big stories for the Daily Mail, Election of district officers. Mis- cap. The Chase car was forced com ,ey
, Urbttra Adams
begins offering me suggestions after I
fields on the other side of the road, ! which Is our principal morning paper cellaneotis business
pletely off the road by the blow,
have tried every known trick on a but the driver got down from his of our city. It Is pleasant, because 1
crashed throhgh and old board fence,
H e n ry Torneeth In ju re d
stalled motor I find that the only way seat and inspected Grandmother
and stopped in a field beside the
do not have to be In the office con- 8:00—Open to public,
Henry Toniseth was quile pain
to preserve my reputation as a gentle. Page.
stantly like a regular reporter. When Music by Teddy's,
road TH« m achine was not damaged : fu,,y lnJuretJ „ , he Booth KHly mill
man is to keep absolutely silent.
“What’s the matter? Won't the en- they need me they send for me. When Flag Observance District Team No 4 *’ut
* *iai”‘ bad considerable dlffl- j |a#l Thuraday when he stepped from
Even Mary»lla, whom I have been ?ine run?”
there is a big political convention or .a Installation of district officers—Re- cultjr In g e ttin g It back o n to the a pile of lumber to one end of a bunk
trying for two years to persuade to
Jim Cooper is the kind of a man disaster of a sensational murder I
road. The other car did not stop
tiring Past District Guardian
lying across a truck One board tip­
become Mrs. Tom Bilbeck, can draw who would ask a question like that, usually cover It.
Address—On the Oood of the O rder-
ped up. striking him on the knee cap.
fire from me on such a dynamic occa- His sense of humor is very low. Just
1 bad been offered a Job as war cor
M arcola M an In ju re d In M ill Accident He was forced to stop work for
Dr. William Kuykendall.
! above that of an anthropoid ape. ! respondent, but I declined. Just be- Vocal solo—Jenny Murphy.
Ed Frome of Marcola was quite sevtral days.
"We've got to get home. Tom." she When bromldioms were being passed cause Irvin 8. Cobb got back with all Juvenile Drill by Circle No. 162—Mrs.
injured Monday when he caught
fre’ted "There's a rehearsal of 'Pyg- around he took one of each.
his arms and legs attached is no sign
Myrtle Kgglmann. senior guardian. ' pin right hand In the planer blades
mal'oa and Galatea' to-night, and If
I’ll admit that he Is rather a good- ‘bat they wouldn't be able to hit ui» Stunt—Creswell team
I at the Fisher Lumber company mills
we re away they can't do a thing.”
¡ looking chap. Hia hair Just escapes next fat man that went over.
at Marcola. The Index finger of his
«1 E. B R O A D W A Y
No, reader, we are not actors. I am being too blond and he has a wisp of i When I was thoroughly wet through Fancy Drill—Junction City team
, right hand was cut completely off,
positive of that Our stage-work re-, a mustache such as you see on the 90 ‘hat It didn’t make any difference Vocal solo—Mrs. W. K. Barnell
ry Goods, Ready to W e a r
1 and two other fingers on the hand
eehree mention only !n the society col- men ln fbo clothing advertisements. wbat I did. I decided that I might as Fancy drill—Cottage Grove team
were mangled. Fronie was brought
Ladles' F e lt H a ts, spsclal S i
umr We perform for charity before
Nature did all she could for the ■ weI1 «‘art for home. It would be The Light Fantasy____Mr. and Mr*. ! to Springfield for medical treatment.
peorle who to like us because we °utside, but let him go without filling more comfortable to die of pneumonia Lawrence Anderson.
represent such worthy causes. When in the place which was originally ln my own bed. So I got up and Fancy drill—Eugene team.
ever the Social Settlement sends up a Intended for a mind.
Whatever i sloshed over to the car to get my coat, Fancy drill—District team,
yell *nr funds we spend about a thou­ people seem to be doing he does with-; which I had laid aside when the con- Music—Teddy'i
sand dollars worth of time enticing out Questioning whether there is any ; test between me and Grandmother Reading and approving of minutes
five hnndrrd people to n->rt with fifty
sense in it. He plays golf because began,
Closing ceremony of Circle.
cen ts each to heqr >,« fn-»->t our lines
0 many others seem to enjoy It. not Just by way of a passing expres
; ---------------------------
When Belgium needs bread or the
from any love of the game. He is si°n °f my feelings I gave the crank
Child Seized by Man
Fiji Islands run out of pants, who
one °f Maryella’s admirers for the a turn.
An unidentified man attempt'd to
comes to the re pu * esardlens of con- <’arn° reason.
attack a sm all Springfield girl Satin
sequences? The Sheridan Dramatic
Maybe I am prejudiced, but I I The engine started.
day afternoon about 3:30 o'clock on
can't believe that he really appre-
I stood ln the rain a full minute Mill street near the high school
And now we were doing “Pyg- dates her adorableness.
longer relieving my mind before I building. He seized her by the back
maloti and O?iatea” for the Old 9ol-
Maryella is flattered by his atten- mounted to my seat and steered of the neck, but released her ami ran
tiler«' Hom • which needed some new H°n. not knowing •■■hat a small tribute Grandmother Page back
the away when she screamed.
window shades or an electric piano,
*s- Tbe fact that he asks her sloppy roads to the city.
The child was unable to give an ac.
Fve forgotten which.
opinion on every move he makes, I What was the use now?
curate description of the man. A
'‘Besides," continued Marayella, shi- from changing brands of tootht-pow-
posse headed by Kenneth Glle, chief
vering slightly, “it's getting colder, fier 10 buying a summer home, caters
of police, searched for him In the
and I think I felt a drop of rain a , to her Iove of power,
vicinity‘ of the high school for sev­
minute ago.”
*'r® ^oa sure you’ve got gasoline
eral hours, but was unable to find
AT THURSTON SUNDAY any trace of him.
“That being th»- case,” I observed, ’n i*le tank?
sarcastically, “we’ll start.”
f°oper continued his ruthless
The annual reunion of the Rickards,
“Let’s,” she encouraged.
assault on the remaining shreds of
pioneer Oregon family, will be held
S A F E T -V
Grandmother Page and I repeated ni temper,
Sunday, June 16. at the Idolwood park
our justly celebrated repertoire of
The trouble is in the spark.” I
at Thurston. The hall at the park
tricks, from adjusting the spark-coil vo,untcsred briefly, looking around
has been rented for the occasion.
to putting gasoline in our eye while ^or a weaP°n ,n case he should ask
The Rickard family has more than
lying prone under the tank. Each sep anotber question,
300 members living In Oregon at the
arate adjustment was preceded and | "°b! Can I gi
you a lift home, present time, as well as 118 ln other
followed by reducing exercises with °W man? Of course, there isn’t an states. It Is expected that a large
the starting crank.
j extra seat, but you could sit on the percentage of the Oregon members
“Jim Cooper has a self-starter on «tasoline-tank at the rear. I think It i will be present at the Thurston meet-;
2 ”
"J*”1 HymPa' I H
,n«’ The ,a,,t survlvor
thetically while I was trying to catch
H« surveyed me doubtfully.
Rickard family
was Mrs.
Mrs Elizabeth
, ----------
------ , was
my ,.Tk
breath. .... ......................... .
""ght Sn'Cker from the IadF
Beck, who died In Indiana this year.
Then why. I Inquired In Icy ex- ‘be car spurred me to a quick refusal. The Rickard family keeps a book In
asperatlon that I regretted instantly, t ‘No- thank you. I'll have my car 1 which lg recorded the names of every
“why don’t you marry Jim Cooper, if Kolng in a few minutes.”
member, together with the records of
you’re so crazy about a self-starter? I “Oh!
Miss Waite told me It the births, marriages and deaths
Oh!” exclaimed Maryella, Inartlc- wouldn’t go at all."
ulate with rage at my remark. “You
“Did she?” I murmured politely. '
M eL ag an at Coos Bay
have no right to insult me like that!” i “J didn't know that she was inter-
T hr earth beneath our great citiei is so crowded
“I didn’t mean to Insult you, dear.” ®«ted.”
I w Q McLaf, n dIgtr,ct Hupf(r,nten. j
with pipes, cables, etc., that any further additions
I forgot Grandmother Page for the
Maybe we had better wait,” he sug-1 dent of the steam plants of the
serious engineering problems. Yet the num­
moment in my anxiety to square my- jested, “until you get started, and fol- Mountain States Power company, left
self for my tactical blunder.
, low you Into town. Then If anything this morning for Marshfield where he I
ber of telephone calls that must flash underground
It was the wrong move. My very S»«« wrong we can pick you up along 1 will spend a few days on company
steadily increasing.
humility made her think that she I ‘be road.”
8 Y M P H 0 N Y LAW N
business. The Mountain States Po '
really had been offended In some !
ease don t, I urged, with Just a wer company Is Installing a new
The challenge to the scientific minds o f the Bell
wav, so she dabbed at her pretty eyes shade of feeling showing In my voice steam plant at Marshfield to furnish
System was to find a way for more conversations in
to ate if she could scare up a tear.
“Just as you say, old top. I'd like more power for that section. The
conduits. Today, by many improvements,
She could not. That made her more awfully well to help you if I could.”
California Oregon power company Is I
tioned, people who know
He got hack Into his car and insult 1 also building a new line into the Coos
1800 pairs of wires have been perfected.
say “Symphony Lawn.” If
“I know one thing,” she stated,
° nrP m° re Whh ,he Bubdued bn‘ ; Bay district from Roseburg. The
you would be Judged as
Eighteen hundred conversations at once—600 more
clambering out of the seat. "I’ll never efficient purr of his electric starter. Mountain States will buy power from
a person of good taste,
than before—can pulse through them.
ride Jn your old car again as long as Then waving at me airily, he turned , the California Oregon part of the '
write on Symphony Lawn
I live !”
about and disappeared In a cloud of time, and then In times of low water
There is no standing still in the Bell System . Bet­
She started down the road.
dust toward the city.
tj,e latter’s plant at Prospect, the
Sold only at
ter and better service at the lowest cost is the goal.
‘Til walk home first!”
T sat by the roadside and told my : California Oregon will buy power
Why are girls of twenty so ador­ self that I was probably one of the from the Mountain States.
able—and why are men a few years seven worst “fussers” In the United
T h i P A c in c T elethons A n d T elenrafh C o m t m t
older such fools about them? The States and the Dominion of Canada.
Millionaire; "Every dollar I have
anewer to that question may explain I had played my game like a fifteen, was made honestly.”
O* m » t t y > O m Jyaanw
oho why I followed her through the jeweled boob. The first rule for mak-
Candid friend: “By whom?”
Frank R. Adams
K afoury s
Kills insects
by the rootnful
? ; ì&ilte flife^m osquitoes,
18oo conversations at once
through a cable less than 3 inches thick
75c T $1.50
Drug Store