« TH B HjaRINOrnBU) THURSDAY. JUNE 13, 192» Mr. Halt lw>-Megry H all. I ta lla r ; résidant, w «i a Hprlngfleld visitor last weekend Donna Woman «In Town — Mrs. A Retel ot a business visitor I d Ralph Brick ley of Donna visited In Hprlngfleld for a short time Monday. Monday morning. Vida M an In T ow n Vida was Hprlngfleld F Frana Anderson III— Frank Ander­ son, son of Mr. and Mra. bum Ander­ son, Is reported to be quite 111 at his < home ^ere Bank Mr. and Mra V estilr visited In for R. A Prlnroaky of W Hprlngfleld Monday. H a ra From Signal -C u rila N ew m an of Signal visited In Hprlngfteld a rhort lim e Monday. M rs. R rb h an at P o rtland — M ra W. W e s tfir People H e r Being R e p a in te d — T h e a lte r- lor of the F irst National Rank la be­ ing repainted thia week by W illiam Vasby. local painter. Qo e Io Reedport — W illis Kertseh V is it R e la tiv e s — M r and Mra. bum left Wednesday on u business trip to Anderson spent Sunday visiting at the Ihe Reitsport vicinity. home of Mra Anderson's father, A. PA OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events of the Week Assembled for Information of Our Readers. The Brelteobush and Minto forest roads above Detroit will remain closed until the latter part of June, probably. i Rebhuu well! Io Portland Tuesday morning lo allen ii the Rote Festival. " Deer In western bane county are a • C resw ell M sn Here M O. Viles of Kepner. north of Hprlngfleld. becoming quite tame and are appear- Camp Cre It Man In Town— Marlon Chase of C iu iio Creek was a visitor Creswell was a business visitor In Cushmans Have 'S e n — A son was ln,t 00 **” highway at several places. In Hprlngfleld Monday. Hprlngfleld Wednesday. born Bunday to Mr. and Mra. J. H. , Construction of a modem banking Frank Pape In - F r a n k Page of Miss Gray H s r s -M la a Veda O rsy ^ ''-h m an of Hprlngfleld at the Pacific W alterv llle was a Hprlngfleld visitor of Thurston was a business vlaltor In j Christian hospital. Tuesday morning. Stevens at N e w p o rt , town Wednesday. Mr mid M r* H a rris b u rg M sn California In W illia m Hper- V ’elby Htevetia are spending the week len of Harrisburg was In Hprlngfleld on a vacation ill Newport for medical treatm ent Wednesday. Cans Brothers In— John and Josh Here From Thurston Frank Rennie Cane, Low ell ranchers, were business Thurston resident, spent Wednesday vlsttora In Hprlngfleld Monday. In Hprlngfleld attending to buslneaa matters. Here From Bridge Charles H uff of Bridge. Coos county, passed Mrs. Lambert III— Mrs, W A. Lam ­ through Hprlngfleld Tuesday morn­ bert Is reported Io be seriously III m ing enroute Io Redmond the Kugevie hospital, where she has been for some tim e. Hera From Thurston— A W . W e a ­ ver of Thurston was among the out Hero From W altervllle— M r. and of town visitors In Hprlngfleld on Mrs. Henry Jacobs of W allervllte were business visitors In Hprlngfleld Monday. Monday. M r. P la tt H e e re r. — - George G eorge H Flatt, a lt, _ Thurston resident, spent Monday at To Visit H - r e — Charles Thompson tending to business mutters In of Bend Is expected at Hprlngfleld Hprlngfleld. this week-end to visit at the home of Mr. and Mra. W. P. Tyson. Mrs. M rs. V a n V alsati at H o s p lta l- A It Van Valsali was taken Io thg A t S p rin g fie ld H o t o l - H . Spence o f Northwest hoapltal at Eugene Mon- Alsea, Fred Ruch of Portland, and A. day night for medical treatm ent. H. Gregg of Eugene were registered _ . . . « t the Hprlngfleld hotel Tuesday. Turners O# to Oats» Crook — M r. and Mrs O H Turner spent Sunday H . r . From L .s b u rg M . i Oreen of on a trip to Oates Creek on the Me- I.eahurg. who has the hauling con- Kenste river. 1 tract for the new Eugene power pro- Jet there, was a business visitor In "Go on Fishing T rtp — E. C. Stuart Hprlngfleld Tuesday. and Clarence Alford of W endllng _ „ , . „ , u sp m t Tuesday on a fishing trip up F arn h a m s Going to S alam — M r. and the M rK ensle river. Mrs. D B Farnham left this week for Salem, where they w ill remain for Goes to Los Angsloe—-F. B Dillard some time while M r. Farnham un- of Goshen left Tuesday for Los An­ dergoea medical treatm ent. geles where he w ill visit with his Back From Hospital—C. C. Wilson. sister. an employee of the Booth-Kelly com. Has Tonsils Removed— The small pany. returned to his home Wednes- son of Mr. and Mrs M arshall Beason sRto,"of*Kiamath” Ffclla. h'.'d hi."tonM U day tr° m ,h * »’a- " ‘ <* Chr‘ ,,1‘ ,‘ h° ' P*- tai. where he was for some tim e for removed at the office of a local phy­ medical treatm ent. sician Tuesday. «aarvnm rnrwi s sss ■ so» ■ sa — ■ -«« K e n n e gg tt Hara Back r F rom M a r~ rs wrv h w fie ld G. M rs. Spores In Tow n— Mrs. George W. Kennelt returned Sunday from » u «. s. s. Spores, teacher of the Stafford school Marashfleld where he apent a week was In Springfield Tuesday morning i , u conduettng » a Pale sale for ' * * ----- The Stafford school held a picnic ,'on'luc,ln< ror the lhe * Matson celebrating Ihe last day of school c*o ,*,,n * Tuesday afternoon. Id Editor Her« - B< h Z l ‘ new editor o T t h e People Hero— Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bailey of Crescent City, * # H f°rnla, vlalled In Hprlngflold last week-end ** Springfield Hotel Dr. W . A. " f Maupin, Mra, Jean Weay of Prineville, and Melvin M Ford of Crow are registered this week at the Hprlngfleld hole). V is itin g at Lowell—'Mra. Kate Rurm etle left Friday for Lowell; where ahe w ill vlalt for some time with her son. Charles Walsh, and his fam ily. Medford People Here— M r and Mra Jay W alker of Medford are spending B f ,.w hprp r|g )t|n < o f y r W alker-*« brother thp home Fred Here From Wasco— Mr. and Mrs Ed Loull and son H arley of Waaco spent the latter part of the week In house at a.coat of »30,000 w ill be un dertaken by the Bank of Lakeview. Lake county. Several clips of Baker county wool have been sold to the Oregon City woolen mills at prices ranging from 32 to 35 cents a pound. The Gleason Lumber company re ports the sale of Its sawmill near Sweet Home to parties who will con­ tinue to operate the mill. Motorists on the Roosevelt highway recently witnessed a rare sight. A band ot 20 elk were feeding a few yards from the road at Hunters Head. Financially embarrassed ot tlmbermen to pay their Klamath county court has -road work and the cruising by failure taxes, the suspended of timber. Guard Sawyers, veteran hunter an) trapper of Elkton, has brought Into Roseburg the pelt of bis 100th cougar. It measured nine feet from tip to tip. Sale by the forest service of 13.853,- 000 board feet of timber, mostly yellow B prln)rf, . M w lth fr|pn «treet and F ifth , eggs and 160 baby turka. A rth u r " ° B aon of M ayor and M r" C’ ° Monday morBln«- Two of the hotels of Tillamook have Oregon W1,aon’ returB* d «° hl* hom* her’ Emery at Camp C r a o k -D r . N W. a*r’* r«Fon baccalaureate service. News. will take up 230,000 ln first morigag<- ’ N Dow n From W e n d lln g — Ray B a ker u ■ .. , .. bonds sold to local people at the time A n d e rs , at • P o rtla n d -M r . and of Wen<1|)n(f W8B , vl„ltor . n a * “I f of construction of the mills. M rs A A. Anderson and children. gpr |n f f ,e|4 yesterday. m o v ln r this °v /" * hT ' Betty and Arley, left Wednesday for moving this week from their apart- Sheep shearing around Harrisburg Pertland where they w ill spend two Goes to Washington— Mrs. H . E men* over th« Southern Faclfic depot is well along and a part of the new days attending Ibe Rose F a rn lra l and Maxey left Tuesday for Olympia. ,o a house owned by W illia m Clark a’ crop is sold. The prevailing price has Washington, where she w ill spend the 921 street, been around 36 cents. Very little con­ locking a fte r business matters. tracting wag done this year. rem ainder of the month visiting at Corvallis People H -r e Mr. and Undergoes Operation— Mrs. F. Rose the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Plans for the construction of a five- Mrs. W illiam Darling and daughter, story hotel in conjunction with the berry, of Tillam ook, who has been g h . Turner, Alice, of C o rv allis spent the week-end new Oregon Bank building at Klamath visiting with friends ln Hprlngfleld, Visiting at Marshfield— Mrs. M arlon in Hprlngfleld visiting at the home of for si vernl weeks, underwent a major Falls were made public by N. E. Berry, operation a t the Pacific Christian Adams left Wednesday for Marsh- Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Peterson. Mrs. prominent Washington business man hospital at Eugene Monday. field where she w ill spend a few days Peterson Is Mrs. Darling's sister. The Salem city council, by .. vet. visiting at the home of h r r sister. of 6 to 3, approved an ordinance grant To Attend Summer School — Miss Mrs. Clifton Phelps. She w ill return A vitt at Portland— John A vltt. pro- Ing (o the Southern Pacific Transport Hazel Murphy, who taught last year Monday. prletor of the Springfield Laundry, company an exclusive franchise of the In the Brattuln school, w ill leave next spent the week-end on a business trip streets for bus service for ten years. Ida Cox H o m e -M is s Ida Cox. who p „ r l innd. M ra. A vitt and BOn John week for Ashland where she w ill at­ W ith only 238 votes cast out of a tend Ihe summer session of Ihe OrA has been attending Ihe Oregon Nor- J r. wpn, „„ far „„ Jeffpr8oni whrrc gon normal school. Miss Murphy w ill school at Monmouth this year, 1s jhc-y visited with relatives over the registration of 1116 the voters of As­ toria have decided to issue bonds to Is Springfield visiting with her par­ week-end. leach In Eugene next year. the amount of $97,500 to pay outstand­ ent», Mr. and Mrs. George Cox. She G illette on Vacation— M r. and Mra. will return to Monmouth In a few days. University Man Here— J. K. Horner ing warrants. The vote was 153 yes, H u rry G illette and fam ily are spend­ head of the department of public 85 no. ing the week on a trip to Portland and „ . vie nlty. attending the Rose Festival and visiting with friends. C. A. Eastman Is clerking In Sneed's gro­ cery during Mr. Gillette's absence. afte r a em To A tte n d S u m m er School — Mis» f hrystal Brvan Hnd Miss Thelm a ' Sweeney went to Monmouth Tuesday to make arrangements for attending the summer session o7 the Oregon ' Norm al school. Both women taught Paisley Woman Here— Mra. Maggie In the Springfield schools this yenr. Holden of Paisley. latke county, w as' . ,, , ,i_ At Elite H o ts — L. O. Leach, of a visitor In Springfield for a t i m e ' ...................... Monday. Mrs Holden w ill be one of Portland; M uri McCarQiy. of Sentile the Paisley delegates at the coming , W ashmgton; Mr. and Mrs. Leigh convention of the Neighbors of Wood- H u n ‘ - n r L Vn" CleB<> craft here She is now visiting with 11 l ’r 't’p' n,,<1 J W b1‘ ‘'‘"> "« ‘“ ’<1 friends at C re.w e ll. I w,,h thp ’ TB>'«rsal Tent shows now [showing In Springfield; W , Messln- Coffelte Move to Prineville— Mr. ger, R. Dillm an. J J. Lewis, H. L tw is, nnd Mrs. Coffelt and fam ily, who ! and J. H. M lllt r of Portland; and Hen- have lived In the Springfield vicinity for the past several years, have moved to Prineville, where they have purchased a ranch. M r. Coffelt hns been on the ranch for several months and Mrs. C offelt nnd the children moved to Prineville Tuesday. Visiting at Ashland— Mrs. Dallas Murphy1 nnd her brother James M il- chell left Tuesday for Ashland where they w ill vis it w ith th eir parents for a few days. They w er« accompanied as fnr as Grants Pnsa by Miss Clara Jones, who w ill visit there w ith M r. and Mrs. Rulland Mualcr, form erly Springfield residents. speakln^ at the University of Oregon, was a business visitor in Springfield Tuesday afternoon. M r. Horner Is working for a Eugene real estate company this summer. George Temple Thompson, 78. a real dent of The Dallea for the last 16 years and at one time a colonel of the eastern Oregon regiment of the na- tional guard, died at The Dallea re­ cently. W righ t at Portland— W C. W righ t made a business trip to Portland Tuesday. Mra. S. C. W rig h t went to ____________ Portland laat week-enn to attend the roR(> ghow an