« THURSDAY. JUNK 13. I »2» THK 8PRINOF7KI.D NKWB PAGE THREW ■“ 1 ___ L y TRAIN SCHEDULE Springfield Stopa NOTICE TO CREDITORS Visited at Salam—Mr. and Mrs. Notice la hereby given that the un­ Walter Laxton and son, Walter Jr, NORTH dersigned has been appointed admin- «pent Sunday at Salem visiting at th* No. 16 at 3:B4 A. M Stop to detrain Istrathix of the estate of Holphna home of Mr. latxton’s mother. passengers from Klamath Fall and Lewis, deceased. late of Lane County. Oregon. All persons having claims beyond against said estate should file the Lcaburg Man In— W H. Craft of No. 8 at 3:46 P. M. same duly verified with the under­ j Txaburg spent Saturday In town oa Bus connections at Eugene for signed at the office of 8. D. Allen, business. tralna leaving 11:60 A. M and 7 P. M Hovey Building. Eugene, Oregon, within six months from this date, SOUTH June 6th, 1929 SUMMONS No. 7 at 12:47 P. M NELLIE REDDING IM w it w r m c H T c o r R T o p t t d b No. IB at 10:09 P. M Flag stop for Administratrix < i t < t v q p OREGON FOR THE J 6-13 20-27 Jl 4 1 passengers to Klamath Falla and c o i ’yerv OF LANE beyond. Id« B Inper’ oll «"4 U«t»(e I HaR, P tsln t'ff« . V« Netn«. Straight Flo, Bus connections at Eugene for I.N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FO R B A LK— Carbon paper In large Folt SALK Dry Second Growth and Hkrs Sunday-J. J. Chetwood of STATE OF OREGON, FOR LANE ence Mahat T (nn TTsrrp ahrata, Mx.tv Inches, suitable for Old Growth Fir and Hardwood. Eugene was In Springfield for medical tralna leaving 11:46 A M via Rtoklyou C O U N TY . Straight snd Fdlth Straight hl* line. m aking (racings Ths News Offlcs Karl Akin, Phone 2876, Engine. J20 utt<-ntlon Sunday. w ife - L eonard MadgW Violet Mae Coppernoll, W. L. Cop- NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL S tr a tr h U hla w ife - R 'a n eh e WR- pernoll. C. A. Foust and Pearl NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION lon«*>hr and C R W tllon ghh v. hep Fouat. Plaintiffs, Vs. Unknown ACCOUNT Attending Rosa Faatlval M r and PAINTING and Kalsnmlning In all Its FOREST EXCHANGES h u sb an d - A H Boa««n. S ta n le y heirs of Simon McAllister, true NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN: That Mrs 11« I ph Oak went to Pori land branches. Reduced Prices. Roy 018687 B o ss e n sn d tf »be «»Id A H Boe- name Simon McCallister, Un. the undersigned administrator of the Sunday Io ullentl the Itnse festival Koch. Call 126-J. D ep artm en t of th e In terior, U n ited I estate of Carl Adatna, deceased, haa r»n or S ta n 'e v Ro««en or eUber of known heirs of John N. Johnson, there. States Land Offlcs, Roseburg, Ore­ filed hla account for the final settle­ th em are deeen«ed. then tbp u n ­ Unknown heirs of Mannaweather kn ow n heir« o f th e «»td A H Boa- Brown, Unknown heirs of James NOTICE TO CREDITORS gon, June 3, 1929. ment of said estate In the County E atlnpuiahara Recharged The fire Notice la hereby given that on May Court for Lane County, Oregon, and se n »ud S ta n le y Rosseu. Also (vannala, Unknown heirs of John NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 24. 1929. George Rclnoehl, of Toledo, that Saturday the 20th day of July. fir« extinguishers al the high school a ll o th e r ner«ona and nartles un­ Stowell. Also all other persons James II Ryan haa been appointed k n o w n c la im in g a n v r le h t. title, or parties claiming any rlghL building w e re ta k e n d o w n a n il re aduilnlstralor of Ihe estate of Thomas Oregon, filial application No 018537 1929, at Ihe Court Room of said Court e s t a t e or In terest In tb e real nroner- title, estate, lien or Interest, In Ihe Act of March 20. 1922, 142 In the County Court House. In Eugene, charged Monday morning by Jess G Ityun, deceased, by the County tinder tv deaerthed In (he C om nlatnt the real estate described In the Slat., 465) to exchange the SW'4 County. Oregon, at ten o'clocg Court of Lane County. Oregon. All NW'4, NW1« SW'4. Sec. 6. Lota 2 Lane 8 u it to o n . local fire chief h e r eto . D efen d an t« complaint herein. Defendants. In the forenoon, has been by said persons having claims against said and 3. Sec «, Tp. IB 8„ Range 10 Court T o N e t ’fe S t r a i g h t F t o y e n e e . Mabel fixed as the time and place for To the unknown heirs of Simon are required to present them West. W M. within the Sluslaw Naf Fdlth IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE estate hearing objections thereto, and for McAllister, true name Simon Mc­ E t r a t o h t T .tnn H a r m with Ihe proper vouchers within six s tr a ig h t. L eenerd S tr e to b f M adge STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE months from ihe date of the first Iona) Forest, for the limiter from ap­ final settlement of said estate. Callister, Unknown heirs of John No. I S tr a ig h t A U Ro««en K tanleg Ro««en proximately nine acres located within 1 CO U N TY L. L. RAY. Johnson, Unknown heirs of Manna­ j aad ’f th e sa id A H. Ro««en or S ta n ­ of this notice, which Is NW'4. SE'4, N'4 SW'4. Sec 19. W'A In Ihe Mailer of the Estate of William publication Administrator of the Estate of Carl weather Brown, Unknown heirs of le y Ttoaaen or e t fh w o f th em are de- M ay tilth, 1929. Io said administrator Sec 18. Tp 20 8.. It. 4 East. W. M O Ek. sometime known as William at James Dannals, Unknown heirs of ! e»««ed then »he un kn ow n h “tm o f Ih e law office of Donald Young. 86u within the Cascade National Forest. 1 Adams, deceased. Fk, deceased J 13-20 27 Jl 4-11 John Stowell, Also all other peraona ♦ho «atd * H Bo««en and S ta n le y The purpose of this notice Is to al­ Notlre Is hereby given that Ihe Willamette Street. Eugene. Oregon. or parties claiming any right, title, Bo««en JAMES It RYAN. At«o alt oth er neraon« and undersigned administrator of the i low all persons claiming ihe lands OF SHERIFFS SALE OF estate. Hen or Interest, In the real | nartfea unknow n, c la im in g a n v righ t, Administrator. above named estate has filed his final selected, or having hone fide objet. NOTICE estate described In the complaint, EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE title . e « t« le or In ter est In and to th e account In said estale, and that Frl HONALO YOUNG, Attorney Hons Io such application, an oppor­ Notice Is hereby given that by herein. Defendants. M 16-2330 J. 6 13 tunity to file their protests with the o ron ertv d e sc r ib ed In th e c o n . dav. June 2Klh, I929. a l ten o'clock A IN THE NAME OF THE STATE n real virtue of an execution and order of ln t to th e a b o v e e n title d cause. M nt (h e C h a m b e rs o f sa id C o u rt In , Register and Receiver of the United sale In foreclosure Issued out of the OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ D la e fen d a n ts- the Lane County Court House Ini NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING States Land Office at Roseburg. Ore­ Circuit Court of Lane County, Ore­ quired to appear and answer the TV "TTTF NAMjr OF TTTF STATE Engine, Oregon, has been appointed NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that gon. Any such protests or objections gon. on the 21st day of Mav, 1929 In complaint filed against you ln the by said Court as the time and place . Edith A. Spires has filed her final ac must he filed In this office within a suit wherein, on the 7th day of above entitled suit within four weeks o f o p p c o y y A j and each o f von for hearing objections. If any, to the | count t* administratrix of the estate thirty days from the date of first May. 1929. In said Court, the Inter- from the date of the first publication arc h e r r h p rponlred to annear and said final account and the settlement ! of Hallie E Plner. deceased, and that publication of this notice, which first State Fidelity Building A Loan As­ of this summons and If you fall to a n sw e r ’hp comnlatnt file d a g a in st von In th e ab ove e n title d Court and thereof, Halurilay, Ihe 22nd day of June, 1929, , publication Is June 13. 1929. sociation. a corporation, recovered appear or answer, for want thereof the ; canne. on or b e fo r e four (41 w e e k s of OLE E LEE, Administrator at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said , HAMILL A. CANADAY. plaintiff will take a decree against you Judgment against the defendant Rae th e d a te o f th e fir st nubP catlnn of r io I» R SMITH. day. and the County Court Room In j Register. M Shepard In the sum of Two Thou­ for the relief as prayed for In the com­ th is su m m on s, and tf vou fa ll so to Attorney for Administrator Ihe Court House at Eugene. Oregon, non-coal plaint. to-wit: That the plaintiffs be sand Eight Hundred Slxty-one and i an n ea r and anew«— e a ’d c o m n la to t M 33 30 J 6 13-20 has been fixed ns tfic time and place I J 13-20 27 Jl 4 11 66-100 (62861 66) Dollars, together decreed to be the absolute owners In for w a n t th e r e o f th e n 'a ln tlffe wlR for hearing objections to said final i with Interest at ten per cent per fee simple of the following described a n » lv to th e Court for th e r e lie f d e ­ account, and for settlement of said NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE FOR P U BLIC A TIO N nnnum from and after the 15th dav premises: and ed to aald cnmnla'ul to-wlt! estate. All those having objections Lot number three In the fractional m FOREST EXCHANGES FOREST EXCHANGES of September, 1927. until paid; and D e c r e e in g the nl»tnt1ffs «re th e ow n ­ to said final account are required to block “B" of that part which was 018640 018669 'for the further sum of 111 25 hereto­ er« tn f e e elm n le o f the following Department of the Interior, United appear nt aalil time and place, or to Department of the Interior, United fore paid by the plaintiff as taxes platted as Mulligan’s Addition on the d e sc r ib ed n r e m tses: file the same In writing with the East In that certain plat of Eugene States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore­ upon said proper!v; and for the fur­ State« Land Office, Roaeburg, Ore­ Block Seven (71 to Glenwood Park County Clerk of Lane County. Oregon, gon, May 27, 1929. gon, May 29, 1929. ther sum of 611 00 heretofore paid by City as recorded on page 122 of Vol. ln Tjine Countv. Oregon, according A of the record of de*-ds for Lane prior to said date. Notice Is hereby given that on May Notice Is hereby given that on May the plaintiff for having the abstract to the amended plat o f ««Id G lenw ood 29. 1929, la-ster V. Skeela, of Alsea covering said premises extended: County, Oregon, now a part of Eugene Park »nd more "«rtlcnlarlv describe« 2B. 1929. William It Lymer, Box 162. EDITH A SPIRES. City In Lane County, Oregon, Honolulu. Hawaii, filed application as follow« to-wit: Administratrix. Oregon, filed application No. 018669 and for Ihe further sum of Three Al«o fractional lot number five of No 018640 ureler the Act of March 20. DONALD YOUNG, Attorney under the Act of March 20, 1922. Hundred and no-100 0300 00) Dollars B e g i n n i n g a t a n o ln t 19 40 c h a in * the fractional block one of Ellsworth 1922, (42 Stat . 466» to exchange the j W e a l a n d 1 3 «4 chains North of the M 16 23 30 J 6 13 (42 Stat., 466) to exchange the S'y HVfe as a reasonable attorney fee herein; Addition to Engcne City, in Lane W ',, Sec 3«, Tp IB 8 It 9 West, W 8% SW'4. N'H SW'« SW'4 SW'«, and for Its costs and disbursements S o u th e a st com er of th e Donation Sec 13. W'4 SE'4 SE'4 NW'4, SW'4 herein, and said execution to me di­ County. Oregon as platted and ot I l and Claim « o f C h a r le s B <3sr e e l and M within the Htllslaw Natlonul For­ SUMMONS record. ! n -tfe h e t o e X’ n f l»toa»(on N o. 3287. and est. for the limber from approximate IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NE'4 SE‘4 NW'4. S ‘4 NW'4 SE'4 rected commanding me In the name And that each of said defendants ly 20 acres located within the NW'4, to T n w n « h t n 1 8 S o u t h . STATE OF OREGON FOR THE ¡NW'4, SW'« SE'4 NW'4, Sec 23, Tp i of the State of Oregon. In order to be decreed to have no right, title, ¡Clelm N o . B-»n»-e -t Wert of t h e w n i a m e t t e 1 16 S . Il 9 West, W. M within the satisfy said Judgment, Interest, at­ SE'«, N'n SW'4. Sec. 19, W'4. •»« COUNTY OF LANE estate, lien or Interest in or to said I M e r 'd ’e n e n d C ta 'm h’ e 81 T e w u s b l n 18. Tp 29 8 R 4 East, W M. within Iliehe Shear. Plaintiff, Vs. Oscar Riuslaw National Forest, for the tlm- torney's fees, cost of suit and accru- of the WR- I her on the three acres located within I Ing costs, to sell the following des­ premises or any part thereof and 11 7 R out»- B o n n . 3 the Cascade National Forest. Shear. Defendant such other relief as to the court may . '" » m ette M e r id ia n s a id beginning point The purpose of thia notlre Is to To Oscar Shear the above named the NW'4, SE'«, NMt SW'4, Sec. 19. cribed real property, to-wlt: n llo w ail parsons claiming the lands Defendant being (be Southwest eerner of said All of Ixit numbered 14 In Block appear equitable. Sec 18. Tp 20 8.. R 4 East. This summons is published by Block Seven (7' and being the Intep- •elected, or having bona fide objec­ W. M within the Cascade National numbered 5 In Chamber’s Addition IN THE NAME OF THE STATE of the court dated May 24, 1929. ! section of the North line of Fourth tion* to such application, an oppor- OF OREGON you are hereby requir­ Forest. to Eugene. Laae County, Oregon, as order and require« publication once each j Ftreet with the East line of Hendorso« tnnllv Io file their protests with the ed to appear and answer the com­ The purpose of this notice la to al- platted and recorded. for four successive weeks. R, glster of the United States Jatnd plalnt filled'against you In Ihe above 3 " * »’• peraons claiming the lands j Avenue to the amended plat of Glen- Now. Therefore, In the name of week Date of first publication, May 30, i wood Park, and running thence Off e nt Roseburg. Oregon Any such entitled Court and cause on or before »elected, or having bona f de ahjec- the State of Oregon, ln compliance 1929. Nortbt K 20 chains to the Northwest proterts or objections must he filed the 13th dav of June 1929 said date! >""" »"«'h application an oppor- j with the said execution and order of C. A. WINTER MEIER, comer of said Bloek Reran (7, and In this office within thirty days from helng more than four weeks from the sale, and In order to satisfy said \ , a Attorney for Plaintiffs. Residence: tbp South line of Third Street In said the date of first publication of this dav of Ihe first publication of this and Receiver of the I nlted Judgment, including Interest, attor­ Eugene, Oregon. nlat. thence East S 20 chains to the notice, which first publication la June summons herein entered of record States Land Office at Roseburg. Ore- ney's fees, costs and accruing costs, M 30 J 6-13-20-27 Northeast comer of Block Seven 171 6, IP29. and If vou fall to appear and answer I 8""- Any »"ch pro eats or objection a I will on Saturday, the 22nd day of and the W e s t line of Hsrrlson Street; HAMILL A CANADAY, for want thereof the plaintiff w ill j "»>■• ln ‘hla office Within June. 1929. at the hour of one o'clock NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION thepeg South 5.2(1 ehatos to the ncn-coal Register. apply Io Ihe Court for the relief ln thirty days from the date of first In the afternoon of said day. at the FOREST EXCHANGES Southeast comer of Block Seven (71 J 6 1.3-20 27 Jl 4 her complain’ against you demanded. I publication of thia notice, which first Southwest front door of the said 018536 and the North line of said Fourth County Court House In Eugene, Lane Io wit: For a Judgment and decree I publication Is June 6, County. Oregon, offer for sale and Department of the Interior, United Street: thence West 5.20 chains to of dlrorce dlRRolvInK the bond« of | H A M ILL A. C A N A D A Y , EXECUTOR'S NOTICE sell for cash, at public auction, sub­ State« Land Office, Roaeburg. Ore­ the nlace of beginning, all in Section Register. IN THE C u t S T Y C O U R T OF T H E matrlmonv now and heretofore ex i Three (31, Township Eighteen (18) gon. May 23, 1929. J 6-13-20-27 Jl 4 ject to redemption tvs provided by STATE OF OREGON. IN AND FOR Istlng between you and the Plaintiff Non coal Notice 1« hereby given that On May South Range Three (3) West; All ln law. all of the right, title and Interest on Ihe grounds of desertion and that | THE COUNTY OF LANE plaintiff be awarded the care and NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE ON of said defendant Rae M Shepard 22. 1929. Beatrice M. Rexford, of Cor­ Lane County, Oregon. IN PROBATE And further decreeing that the de­ and of all persons claiming by. vallis. Oregon, filed application No. FORECLOSURE la re Estate of Samuel J Robertson, ctislodv of the two minor children and for such other relief as to the Court j NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That through and under her. In and to 018536 under the Act of March 20, fendants had not nor have either of deceased. 1922, (42 Stat., 465) to exchange the them anv right, title or Interest In ¡by virtue of an execution and order said premises. Notlre Is hereby given that the un­ shall seem meet H. L. BOWN. Sheriff S14 SH 9E% SW'4. SE'4 SE’4 the sd'd premises and forever oulet- That this summons Is served upon of sale Issued out of the Circuit Court dersigned. Waller E Robertson, was M 23-30 J 6-13-20 SW14. Sec. 1, N>4 SW'4 SE14. Sec. 2, toe title of nlaintlffs against the de­ duly appointed Exerulor of the above vou by publication Ihpreof In The of the State of Oregon for the County SH NW1» NE14. Sec. 11. Tp 15 S.. R fendants and each of them and all entitled estate on May 17. 1929: that Springfield News, a newapaper of of lane on the 27th day of May 1929 11 West. W. M. within the Siuslaw nersons claiming bv through or nn- all persons owing said estate shall pay gamers I circulation pursuant to an upon a Judgment rendered In said NOTICE F or PUBLICATION Natlonal Forest, for the timber from der them or either of them, and such me. and nil persona having Calms order of the Judge of the above men­ Court on the 2Sth day of May 1929 FOREST EXCHANGES approximately 4 acres located within other and further relief as to th* against the said estate shall present tioned Court Rnd entered of record in a suit wherein Janie L. Cruzan was No. 018524. , the NW'4. SE'4, SW'4. Sec. 19. Com-t may seem equitable. the same Io me with vouchers at­ on the 16th day of May 1929 ordering plaintiff and Petra Jones, and C. N. This summons is published one« of the Interior. United W14. Sec. 18. Tp. 20 S.. R 4 East W tached al the Law office of Henry E. this summon« to be" published once Jones her hushand, E. C. Summers Deoartment States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore- M. within the Cascade National each week for four successive week* Slattery, my attorney, nt 717 Wiliam each week for four successive and and Vernia Summers his wife, Chris in the Springfield News, a weekly aon. May 17, 1929. Forest. etle Street, Eugene, Oregon, within consecutive weeks In said Newspaper Tellefson, James Wm. Jones and ----- is hpreby given that on May The purpose of this notice Is to al­ newsuaner published at Snrlngfleld, • lx months from Ihe dale of first and that the date of the first puhll Jones his wife were defendants and 15, Notice Isaac Elder, of Albany, Ore­ low all persons clalmfng the lands l ane Countv. Oregon, hv order of th* publication of thia notice which Is cation Is with Ihe Issue of May 16th wherein Ihe Plaintiff recovered Judg- gon, 1929. filed application No. 018524 un­ selected, or having bona fide objec­ Honorable C. P. Barnard. Judge o f 1929 and date of Inst publication will menl against said defendants, Petra Mav 23, 1929 be with the Issue of June 13th, 1929. Jones nnd C. N Jones her hushand der the Act of March 20, 1922. (42 tions to such application, an oppor­ the Countv Court of Tame County, WALTER E. ROBERTSON. Oregon which order hears the data FRANK A DePUE. for the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars 8tat . 465) to exchange the NW'4 tunity to file their protests with the the lKtht dav of Mav. 1929. and th* Executor. Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence, together with Interest thereon front SW 'i. Sec. 1, NE'« SE 'i, Sec 2. Tp. Register and Receiver of the United date HENRY E. SLATTERY, of the first nuhlicatton of thlt Springfield. Oregon. the 22nd day of May 1928 at 704 pet 15 S R , 11 West, W M within the States Iaind Office at Roseburg, Ore­ Attorney for Executor M«v 16th 1929 M 16 23-30 J 6 13 annum and for the sum of 6125.00 as Sluslaw National Forest, for the gon. Any such protests or objections Summons Is POTTER M 23 30 J 6 13 20 * KING. attorneys fees together with the costs timber from approximately 5 acres must be filed In this office within Attorneys for PlainUff* located In the NW14. SE'4. Ntfc SW'4 thirty days from the date of first and disbursements of the said suit Residence and Post Office Address, together with the accruing costs • Src 19: W 'i Sec. 18. Tp. 20 S . Range publication of this notice, which first Miner Building. Engene. Tume County, 4 East. W M., within the Cascade publication is June 6. 1929. which Judgment was ap rolled and Oregon. ROBERT E. CRAWFORD. docketed In the office of the Clerk National Forest. M 16-23-30 J 6-13 The purpose of this notice is to Acting Register. of said Court on the 25th day of May J 6-13-20-27 Jl 4 SUMMONS 1929 and said execution was to me nllow all persons claiming the lands non-coal Office Phone 176-J Res Phone 176-M ■n*, Phone 160 Plano Moving directed commanding me In Ihe name : selected, or having bona fide objec­ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OE THE Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. of Ihe State of Oregon, in order to tions to such application, an oppor­ STATE OF OREGON FOR THE NOTICE OF SALE tunity to file their protests with the SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER General Practice, Special Attention satisfy said Judgment and accruing COUNTY OF LANE Notice is hereby given that pursu­ Register and Receiver of thte United WILLI» BERT8CH, Prop. costs to sell the following described to Obstetrics and Diseases A. Carter. Biaintiff. Vs. James E. States Land Office at Roseburg, Ore­ ant to an order of the County Court Ava OTFICB AT SERVICE OARAGE properly to-wit: Carter. Defendant. of Lane County, Oregon, made May of Children. gon. Any such protests or objections 633 Main Street Beginning at the west line of the To James E. Carter, the above- 20, 1929, Dora Hamble as administra­ First National Bank Building Edward Mulholland nnd wife, Martha must be filed In this office within trix of the estate of J. W. Hamble, named defendant: Bocretanr to Sutton Transfer thlrtv days from the date of first Springfield, Oregon Mulholland D. L. C. No. 44 In Town­ TN THE NAME OF THE STATE deceased, will, at the office of Brooke ship 19 south, Range 2 west of Will, publication of this notice, which first * Bryson, 860 Willamette Street. OF OREGON, von arp hereby reouired publication Is Mav 23. 1929. amofte Meridian at a point 10 chains appear and answer the complaint HAMILL A. CANADAY, Register, Eugene. Oregon, on and after June 22. to north of Ihe southwest corner of raid 1929, receive offers for and sell at filed against you In the above en­ non-coal. WM. G. HUGHES DR. W. N. DOW D. L. C running thence north 28.16 court and cause on or before M 23-30 J 6-13-20 private sale subject to the approval titled FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE chains to a point 17.98 chains south D e n tis t of the Court for cash or part cash ♦he 13th day of June 1929 said date of the northwest corner of said D. L. NOTARY PUBLIC and part on time the following des­ being more than four wepks from the First National Bank Building dav of the first publication of thl* cribed real property, to-wlt: SUMMONS Phone 43 Springfield, Oregon C.; thence south 89’ 52' east of 19.72 O lllo* at chains parallel to the North line of snmmons herein entered of record Lots One (11 to Five (51 inclusive Office hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. said D. L. C. to a point 30 feet North IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE In Block One (11. and Ix>ts Four (41 and If vou fail so to appear and an­ FIRST NATIONAL BANK Evenings by Appointment 89’ 62' west of a stone set ln the Coun­ Egrlngflald, Oregon STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE to Ten (101 Inclusive In Block Two swer for want thereof the plaintiff ty survey No. 2028; thence south COUNTY. (21 of Hamble Addition to the City will npplv to the court for the relief 17.69 chains to the North line of Marguerite Smith, Plaintiff Vs. Leo of Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. tu her complaint against you demand­ County Survey No. 1690; thence west W. Smith. Defendant. Said sale to be as a whole or ln ed. to wit: DR. N. W. EMERY along the snld North line 9.72 chains To Leo W Smith Defendant. For a Judgment and decree of separate parcels. to Ihe north west corner of snld IN THE NAME OF THE STATE divorce dissolving the bonds of mat­ Mav 22, 19p9. DENTIST County survey: nnd thencp south 10 j OP OREGON: You are hereby re­ rimony now and heretofore existing DORA HAMBLE. chains to the place of beginning and quired to appear and answer the Button Bldg. Phone 20 J Administratrix. i between yon and the Plaintiff on the containing 44.67 ncres of land more complaint filed against you In the BROOKE * BRYSON. Attorneys . grounds of desertion and for such R s a ld sn c s Phona 168-M or less In Lane County, State of Ore­ above entitled suit on or before four M 23-30 J 6-13-20 | other relief as to the Court may % gon together with the tenements, here, week« from date of first publication seem equitable. Springfield, Oregon dltnments nnd appurtenances there­ 1 of this summons, or for want thereof That this snmmons Is served upon NOTICE TO CREDITORS unto belonging or In anywise apper­ the plaintiff will take Judgment von by publication In the Snrlngfleld 228 Main St. Residence 126 C St. taining. NOTICE TS HEREBY GIVEN that News, a newspaper of general circu­ (against you nnd will apply to the General Law Practice NOW THEREFORE IN THE NAME court for the relief prayed for ln the Mollie Grossen has been appointed lation. pursuant to an order of the 62 J <2 M OE THE STATE OF OREGON, nnd complaint and for a decree of ab­ administratrix of the estate of John .Tndge of the Circuit Court of the I. M. PETERSON In compliance with the execution nnd solute divorce from you. Grossen, deceased, by the County State of Oregon for the Connty of Attorney-at-I-aw Full Auto Equipment order of sale I will on Saturday the This summons Is published once Court of Lane County. Oregon. All Lane made nnd entered of record on 29th day of June 1929 at the south­ each week for four consecutive weeks. persons having claims against said the 14th dav of May 1929 ordering Lady Assistant C ity H a ll Building west door of the County Court House In the Springfield News, a weekly estate are required to present them this snmmons to he pnhRshed one* In Eugene, Oregon, between the hours newspaper published nt Springfield, with the proper vouchers within six each week for fonr consecutive and Springfield, Ore of 9 o'clock A. M. nnd 4 o’clock P. M. latne County, Oregon, hv order of the months from the date of the first sncceastve weeks In the Springfield of snld day offer for sale In one parcel Hon. O. F. Sklpworth. Judge of said publication of this notice, which Is News nnd that the dale of the first FRANK A. DE PUE for cash all the defendants’ right, Court, made May 28th, 1929: and Mav 16th, 1929. to said administratrix pnhUeatlon Is of the Issue of Msv 16th title. Interest, claim and equity In nnd first published May 30th, 1929. at the law office of Donald Young, 860 1929 and the Inst nnhltcatton wtR be A TTO R N EY A T LAW WHITTEN SWAFFORD. to said lands and premises heretofore Willamette Street, Eugene, Oregon, with the Issue of June 18th 1988. NOTARY PUBLIC described nnd every part thereof. Attorney for Plaintiff, residence MOLLIE GROSSEN, FRANK A. DePUE, JEW ELER H. L. BOWN, and Post Office address, Eugene Attorney for Plaintiff, ReeMene*, Administrator. Button Springfield, Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon. Oregon. Repairing a Specialty DONALD YOUNG, Attorney. Springfield, Oregon M 30 J 6-13-20-27 M 30 J 6-13-20-27 M. 16-28-80 J. 0-1« M . 10-88-00 J. 0-18 Oregon B u ild in g Springfield, Oregon We,, | 8 U S I N E S S !D IR E C T O R y | Waker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors D. W . Roof I