THE SPR IN G Fga.n NEWS PAGE TWO UPPER WILLAMETTE THURSTON Communication TH URSDAY. JUNE 13, 1929 the course of study to be followed and Mlaa Flatt: "I'm sorry you don't I go sbroad to study." also the minimum qualification« of think much of my voice, professor I professor: "Yea. but I don't liv teachers that are to be employed. The The people next door say I ought to I nest door." expenditures also are limited (or should be) by the amount of taxes levied and voted. However,' boards frequently budget and levy too low a tax to cover the expenditures, and thus put the district Into heavy war r|n ( lntlebledn„ , Thlll , , |n e lcu«able In new, light. coni, und well ventilated rootna on the and should be discouraged. second floor of the M iner Building The plan when by public schools are You tuny enroll Monday, Ju n e 17 governed by elective officers 1« de­ signed to give local control. If it H ours: 8:00 a. in. to 1:00 p. in. euch school tjtty. during do«« not do thin the board hnw no June, July, und Auguat. Auk about It. It a u good achool reason for existence. The wise director foresees what will »»“ I * » » « anticipate, re quests; any fair minded director will heed the wishes of the public when Hubert Gray and Mi»» Flossie Her- In spite of the cold weather and rlngtoa were married in Eugene last threatening rains there was a food The Editor of Tuesday evening by Rev. Trawin. attendance at the annual Pleasant The Springfield News. The young people gave them a chi Hill picnic held at the Woodman Dear air: There are several thing« vari at Fred Gray1» home Wednesday Grove Saturday. June 8. The pro- ¡gram waa given at the Pleasant Hill j th“‘ p"opl* 8h‘*uld •venlng. bear in mind when selecting a school Perry Price, who graduated from Christian church in the morning. At director and school clerk for thia O. A. C. at Corvallis, has gone to noon a basket dinner was held at the district. No one could approve of thio Idaho to work during the summer. ¡grove and the women served a caft. careless selection of a director or Morris Brown, who has been living terla dinner. In the afternoon the manuger of any business handling on the H. E. Morris place, has moved weather cleared up and more people . , r $50,000.00 per year, but this la approx ■ came to watch the sports and naseball K ■ back to Walter Edmlaton's place. tmately the amount expended each T E McKinney, attorney of Lake-; game, which resulted In a victory for . . . . , . view and «on Fred, who attended the the Pleasant Hill high school against ’’' “ oweve^ tin nature f Ü, commencement exercise« at the Uni the Eugene^American Legion team , h/ p X 7 sch< x"\reng«ged in. I e.. verslty where his son. Ernest. gTudu- The I leasant Hill athletic club ,„luca, to„ of voulh rar n,ore ated. spent Monday afternoon at the I baseball team was defeated at Vida , , th , , h „ ' , , , home of John Edmiaton. 1 Sunday by the A. Guthrie Vamp team ,hp r,“an«*8 In volve. Getter- expressed, and only the foolish resent A. K. R oberta, ITealdent Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baugh and family of Leaburg by a score of 10 to 4. They ,hou< “ 8 *° 8 d‘‘ra le ols ire ,be expression of public - 0 " » » — „a ,» i — J«w e m s . «>•’ » . a » » . « , r o w •" » «»a T elephone 660 Miner Building Eugene, Oregon next Sunday Floyd “ll <°od. but a few are better or sup- *,ve 11 ”° consideration. son. James, motored to James Cal- Pleasant vert's near Junction City las. Sunday. Mann.y pitched at Vida as Mope Rus- <‘rlor' Ju8' » »»>* « tra • « » « »»>' A" ' • * “ ,hp «PPortunllles where all of the family gathered home -el had thrown his arm out the week “ »" '* m‘)rp ‘ ar“ »" “>«’»« ‘b’ line directors have to improve the schools - celebrate Mrs Calvert s birthday, previous. enables a school to reach and stay In are 111 to hire and retain the best R ev Ard Hoven preach«! his fare- Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Kilpatrick spent tbp Preferred class. teacher« possible and then give them Ml sermon here last Sundav evening several days last week at Walport. So- ,n »electing officers for this the hacking and co-operation neces- Mrs William Henson is giving her where they report they had splendid 8chtH’> ‘»•tB ct. ’ believe we should »ary to enable them to do (heir best ster Mrs Hubert Gray a recent 1 luck In deep sea fishing, crab and exercise great care. Our choice will work; and (2). to practice good econ s is te r 942 Willamette Ht.. Kuu ene, Oregon. clam gathering Their neighbors en necessarily be restricted to those who omy. By this I mean to reduce In- bride, a shower at her home on Fri­ Joyed the results of the catch. are Public spirited or interested In dehtedneas. eee that students get the day afternoon. The Misses Verne and Shirley Wiley tlw schools, for as a rule no one else full value of the taxpayers dollar, and Mias Mildred Price, a former stud ent* at the~Un"lTeraity of" Oregon^ a t-' who have spent the winter at the will be a candidate. that expenditures are made where tended the commencement exercises Kilpatrick home, went to Portland ,n any ca’ « we should be sure that they are moat needed Schools usually the candidate has no selfish or un- suffer more from neglect than from last Sunday with their mother. last Monday. E. E. Kilpatrick left for Oakridge worthy motive, but Is interested print meddling Both are pernicious evils Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith from Some responsibility should rest Sweet Home spent Tuesday nig... Sunday. June 9. where he will go into | ari'F *n *he welface of the school and the student« students dependant on It for >he voters; they should take more the forest service for the summer. *he with friends here. their education. Interest in school affairs, get ae> Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Cooper are mov Linn Endicott from Portland spent A director ahould he courteous, easy qualnted and co-operate with the teu- the week-end with his parents, Mr. Ing onto their ranch at Pleasant Hill. Mr. and Mra. Loula Circle and fam- of »PProach. willing to listen patiently chers. and encourage students to and Mrs. John Endicott. lly of Swlsshome have moved onto t0 and properly advise patrons and ntake the most of their opportunity Harry Endicott left a few days ago the Circle ranch at Pleasant Hill. teachers, and above all. a reasonable i to receive an education. for Texas. E. E. Schrenk has about marketed person. By resonable I mean one who Surely everyone should take thte Next Sunday, June 18. the Walter- ville Sunday school district will hold his crop of Gold Dollar strawberries.' carefully considers all facts pertaining trouble to study the situation, con- angles of any proposition »Ider carefully the candidates offered Its annual convention at Wendllng. Mr. Harris Is now picking strawber- ,0 - aad E. B. Tucker began picking before arriving at any decision, and and- 1 hope, appear at the City Hall A ll day services here have been dis­ rles. gooseberries Monday, June 10. T h is, ev*n then holding an open mind for n*xt Monday afternoon. June thte missed so all may be able to attend. is abQut two weeks later than usual reception of Information which might t 17th to elect the beat candidates. The recent rains have been very change the situation. Submitted for the best Interests of PRUNE INDUSTRY SOUND beneficia! to the gooseberry crop. In this district where no superln ( our public schools, REPORTS M. J. NEWHOUSE garden truck and spring grain. tendent Is employed, quite a Uttle re R O T W CARLTON. The two babies of Mr. and Mrs. E. j »Ponslblllty rests on the board of ____________________ The Pacific coaat ax a favored lo­ B. Tinker are quite sick with whoop- directors. Father: “Why were you kept In at ' A director should have some ability school?" cality for mass production of dried In cough. prunes to supply the demands from Mrs. Emma Weyer. who has been to recognise and select the best among Son: "I didn't know where the Increasing markets abroad is the spending two weeks with relatives at , the applicants and vetaln and en. Azores were.” future development seen by M. J. i Crow returned to Pleasant Hill Jane 7. courage the best teacrers and em "In future Just remembe r where Newhouse, of Portland, who has Just I Miss Laura Halt has gone to Port- i ployees. A director should awlays you put things.” returned to America after spending land for the summer. have the welfare of students upper- 10 months abroad studying the prune Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Hays have gone most in mind and always be willing to marketing situation for the United to Monmouth where Mrs. Hays will consider and act on advice of the States department of Agriculture. attend Normal school. Miss Hazel principals In regard to matters on Mr. Newhouse has been on leave Wheeler 1s leading Intermediate En which they are better Informed and specially trained. of absence as manager of the North deavor In her absence. Pacific Co-operative Prune Exchange —— ------------------------As a rule, school officers will neither The Pessimist (proposing!: "Dari be able nor willing to hold teachers while making the study and he has been sent direct to the coast to make ln8. I love you. Will you be my and studenta to a higher moral stand- a verbal report of his findings before Widow? ard than they themselves adopt, so It preparing bis written report to the  i Is desirable to have officers of high government. Such an Informal report Daphne: "What is your worst sin?" Ideals and clean personal habits, for wax made to an interested group at Dolly: 'Vanity. I spend hours be- their example shtill have Its Influence ife e A a n ix m o n fo p , Oregon State college recently. fore the mirror admiring my beauty.” all along the line. The two chief prune producing Daphne: "That isn’t vanity, dear— A woman can be as good a director ■aeftcaZ/y . n r v tr areas of the old world are Jugo- t*lat 8 Imagination. as a man In fact, having served for oiU n/f. . . quUtf a il Blavia and France. In the first several years together with woman »teeL, c a n n o t te a rp . . . country Mr. Newhouse found pro- “ Id the teacher, "le directors. I believe It Is desirable to duction falling off because of the about as big as slam " have at least one woman on the board. o lo c tr ic a lly o p t r a l i d . ravages of a new scale pest that Is i “Iceland," ’"'<*« Willie afterwards, Women have a deeper and clearer In­ not being successfully combatted be- i "lg aboat ag bl* M teacher." sight Into child life and the problems cause the trees are too high to be of youth than men do. and they are N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S sprayed even if equipment were i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That b« « er Judges of heating, lighting and _______ ________________ Lena Casperson has been appointed cleanliness than most men. I also available, which It is not. Only the most primitive methods I ,bfT La', t " *’1 and T? b e l i e v e they are more apt to realize At the Factory . . . > ment of Hans Casperson, deceased, by p realize Of production and processing are ; the County Court of Lane County, ,be care and r<’»pon»lbllltleii of thte •onveaieatiy apeced payment« followed in that country, he found, I Oregon. All persons having cla im s) teacher than the average man. and all the fruit is from seedling against said estate are required to School directors are limited by law H E M m ep -n iip of engineers trees and is therefore very small. chers?'within' sTx hmonthsPr°from The ‘n many ™ y8' ^ c l a i l y In regard t o , anti Hcienfists who perfected The exported prunes are the surplus e x w n trlx a i the herm etically scaled mecha­ left after the peasants have made Ray in the Miner Building. Eugene., ? I FORECLOSURE nism o f the General Electric Re­ their yearly supply of prune brandy. Oregon. .Notice in hereby given that by vir- frigerator, now have designed In France production is decreasing j LENA CASPERSON iue °* an HXPCU^on and order of «ale as trees mature and die while no \ Executrix of the Last Will and Tea- ln I/°,0'" r® !88Ued ,out of thp C,r' and produced an all-xlccl re. young plantings are being supplied tament of Hans CaHperson. deceased. cu OIJ 7 . ° i *ane r o’inty. Oregon, fr ig e r a lo r c a b in e t— the first as replacements The growers there RAY. Attorne^ or EsUU®. / o T d a ? o ’f June* all-steel refrigerator ever built! find it increasingly difficult to com ____________ l —LZZJ7 J 4 1 1929, In said Court. The Pacific Sav- It is n small-family rntxlel_enJ pete with the Pacific coast product! e i iu u n w c tngM * L,oan Association, a Washing- summu ns n recovered tirely o f steel —strong and dur­ produced on a commercial scale and iN THE CIRCUIT COUNT OF THE ^ " ir rnrn„ro,i« T T h ? d efen d an t^ M ' \ Judgment Callow placed on French markets cheaper ^ A T E ° F OREGON FOR THE an„ Maybelle Oallow, 1,1s wftf Mane County, Oregon• vorce dissolving the bonds of matrl- Now. therefore, in the name of the mony now and heretofore existing State of Oregon, In compliance with N O T IC E OF F IN A L AC CO UNT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE between you and the Plaintiff on the the said execution and order of sale, STATE OK OREGON IN AND FOR grounds of desertion and for such and In order to satisfy said Judgment, other relief as to the Court may seem i Including Interest, attorney’s fees, THE COUNTY OF LANE. ’’’ tm L . . u . . of sult and abcru'ng costs. I will, on IN PROBATE ; Ih'n^utnmons Is served upon Saturday the 13th la v of July. 1929 In re the Estate of Elizabeth Young you by publication thereof In the at the hour of one o’clock In the af­ McDowell, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un­ Springfield News a newspaper of ternoon of said day, at the Southwest dersigned, Mary I. Abrams, as the general circulation pursuant to an front door of the said County Court administratrix of the above entitled order of the Judge of the Circuit House, In Eugene, Lane County, Court x of * the State of Oregon ’ for th Oregon, offer for sale and sell for estate, C D liU c , has iJ c k iT filed llic iJ l her lv l final illla l d account L L U U I ll O r #1 w ,r therein; that by order of the court '",ri v duly made and enter cash, at public auction, subject to duly given , nd made the time tor [ day of dun‘' redemption as provided by law. all of ?rd"rlnK that this summons be the right, title and Interest of the bearing the same ls set to be at the published one« each week for four said defendants. M. A. Oallow and hour o f 10:00 o'clock,, A. M., July 12, 1929; and that any person having any successive and consecutive we. ks In Maybelle Gallow. his wife Montrose objection thereto shall file the same said Springfield News and that the ! M. Ringler. Booth-Kelly 1,umber Com- .p N ^t Publication shall be pany, a corporation, and Jm nle H. on or before the time for the said na.? with the issue of June 13th 1929 and Jones, and all persons claiming by. hearing the date of the last publication shall through or under them or any nr MARY I. ABRAMS, either of them. In and to the said Administratrix. be with the Issue of July 11th 1929 FRANK A. DePTTB, premises. H. E. SLATTERY, u u s iraix.a „ ADhmey for Plaintiff H. L. BOWN, Attorney for Administratrix, J ?3 2O27 J1 4 11 R esld en c«. S p rin g field , O regon. Sheriff of Lane Countv. Oregon J 13-20-27 J1 4-11 J, 13-30-27 J1 4-11 to ask?” J 13-20-27 .11 4 11 Q u a n tity p r o d u c tio n and the em ploym ent o f the most effi­ cient manufacturing methods have made possible thia very low price— $ 2 15, at the factory. Never before has any single refrigerator been built in stieh great quantities . . . never be­ fore has such high quality lieen available at such a low price. why this has been called "the refrigerator o f the future" when you ex a m in e it y o u r se lf and compare it carefully with all others. Be sure to eoine in and see it. This, or any motlel, may he purchased on easy payments. Tìila Mai ly a ■ la I o r ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ la d »■ la p a f e aeb G a a a ra l ib e H m I l p -s a a lb la Í M y«« I« apaâd a p lb a fr a a a fn f a i Í f« fa a f a i»R «ha Gassar««! F .la c tric H n u r , hra- a a a r y S a /u t t ln y a a a n ia p . V t a I O I u t t a r a S o n d a r é r« « n a , a a a r N . A . C . m i m w I a / / a r f y - t a M a<<(fi«««M. GENERAL ® ELECTRIC A D l i ’ S B T K K I« K G I ^ K I O C K A T O R TWO YEARS TO PAY< GET YOURS TODAY ^ (ib iW rr E X P IR E S JULY M ountain S tates P ower C om pany W « *w R o w ■ *■ *!« « « • IW o w I n E f f o c t o n o i l IW Rortol«