Try the H om t Print Shop Fir i t THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR NEIGHBORS 10 «IEEELZ HERE ON U Biennial District Convention of Order to be Held in High School Gymnasium; Public Program to be Held on Wednesday. RPKlNOriBLD, LANE COUNTY. OREOOS THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 192» Cha filin’ j Children A nnual R oseS h ow Is F rid a y E vening FIRE DISTRICT IN WEST SPRINGFIELD Flower and Art Display to be in Newland Building; Chief Smitson Given Authority Parade Big Feature to Attempt Fire Control Or­ The tenth aunual Springfield Rose ganization Across River; Of­ Festival, sponsored by the local Civic fer Made For Brattain Tract: club, will open here tomorrow evening is $225. at 7 o’clock. Besides the rose show, "•The People's Pap er" A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 22 FDR SCHOOL CLERK Will Run Against Clerk W. G. Hughes; Mrs. Fred Frese and C. A. Swarts for Director; Board Cuts Warrant Debt $12,000. a parade, art exhibit and a bund con A petition for H. J. Cox as candi­ A fire control district may be cert will be featured during the S idnry l ari Chaplin ( I r l t l . and date for clerk of the 8prlngfleld Plans are |>ra< Iti slly completed for created In West Springfield under the C h arlrv Spencer (.hapbn, J r . the festival. district was filed by Carl Wyman the biennial district convention of the new estate law according to a report tw o »on* of Charles t haplm . who Thu rose ahow and the art exhibit made to the city council by Fire Tuesday with W. C. Hughes, district „ q u ir e nearly $M *>.a ’,»ch Neighbors of Woodcraft, probably will be held In the building on Main f'htef Jesse Smitson Monday night. ; clerk. Cox Is the secretary of the lor living expenses, according to the blKKcat event of Its kind ever to the rcoort <>( their guardian. Lata street formerly occupied by Newland’s He was given authority by the coun- j Willamette Valley Lumbermen’s as­ G rey ( haplm . of Los Angrlc». be held In Hprlngfleld. which will store. The doors will open for the ell to tajee the matter up with the sociation and one of the Springfield Mi»» Florence F lo w e r. N ew Y o rk , bringing in of roses at 8 o'clock, ac residents of that section. During - ladies' cham pion pocket billiardist city councllmen. He will be opposed open here for a two-day session next the U S . w ho I» to c o m p ile to r > < (tilling to Mrs <’. E. Wheaton, general the last year the Springfield depart­ ol by Hughes, the present Incumbent. Tuesday morning. One hundred and UNION BIBLE SCHOOL honor» in European citic». . Ml chairman of the affair, and will re­ So far there are only two candidates OPENS SESSION W ITH ment has answered five fires In slaty four official delegates and at main open until 11. The tomus are to Mrs. Fred Frese and C. A. Swarts. LARGE ENROLLMENT be divided for competition Into four West Springfield some of which would FATHERS TO BE HONORED bast fifty others from all parts of Roy Carlton, present chairmon of the have been disastrous if it had not Southern and Central Oregon, < xdu- board, will not s«ek re-election. The AT SPECIAL SERVICE More thnn 1W> student-children are classes. Class A will include baskets been for the local engine. of lw< Ive or more roses of one variety. election wtll be held Monday, June alve of Hprlngfleld and Eugene, are AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH A law has been passed by the registered In the Hprlngfleld union Class II will Include six roses of one 17, In the city hall. expected to attend. Bible school which opened at the variety, class C three roses, and class legislature making It possible to Any resident and citizen of the special service in observance of The delegates will start arriving In create fire control districts and as-' school district can vote whether re­ Christian church Monday morning D single roses All extra buds must Springfield Monday afternoon and sess the cost on the tax roll. Chief Father's Day will be held at the gistered or not. It has been ruled be removed from the rosea exhibited. under the direr Hon of Miss Goldie Springfield Christian church Sunday will he registered at the Hprlngfleld Smitson said he believed that many that the new lrw requiring registra­ No other flow* rs besides roses may hotel and Kggtmann'a store. They Smith of the Eugene Bible Univer­ residents of West Springfield would morning beginning at 10 o’clock. tions at all elections does not apply be placed In the baskets or vases, will he unsigned rooms nt the three sity. The school will continue dally be In favor of assisting the city keep L'po nentering the church each per­ In school elections which are provided though other forms of greenery may son will be presented with a rose, hotels, until those buildings are filled, from 9 to 12 until June 23. when a be used. Cash prizes will be awarded up Its fire department and have the either red or white, to wear In honor for in the state constitution. and then In the private homeu of the added protection the pumper and W a rra n ts Reduced $12,000 public program will be held at the for the first and second entries In of his or her father. A special section town. Two banners welcoming the chemical rig affords The warrant Indebtedness of each class, and ribbons for the third. church dcmonatratlng the knowledge of seats will be reserved for the visitors to the city will be placed An Alley or Not an A lle y Springfield school district No. 1$ The Judges for the contest this year which the children have acquired. fathers attending the service. at rose the streets by the Chuniber of The dispute over an alleged alley has been reduced $12,000 during the Commerce and by the American 1-e- The children are divided Into four will he Elmo Chase, of Chase Gardens, In the Kepner field In Sunnyside ad­ Following a short Bible lesson, a last four years and the operating and Mrs. It. H. Bierce and Mrs. E. L, gion. and the wtndowa of the stores departments. beginners, primary, Jun­ dition was discussed by the council special Father's Day program will be expenses show a decrease the last In town will be decornted In red. ior, and Intermediate taking In child, Knapp of Eugene. Mr. Chase acted as It seems that the plat prepared by presented by the children. This will two years, according to figures of green and white, the colors "f the reti from pre-school to high school one of the Judges for the Eugene roar Engineer Kepner showed an alley include readings by Irene Anderson the clerk’s books. This is in face of age Mrs. Wilfred Cook. Mrs Em show last year. Mrs. Bierce Is a mem­ but the description of the addition Danny Read, and Lt>- 'le Davis, a vocal order. |mproTement of school building« majune Travis. Mrs C. H. Blom, and ber and former president of the did not Include It. Mr. Kepner now solo by Lloyd Harris, and a vocal an(J increase)j enrollment Is consider- The meetings will be held In the Eugene Garden club, and Mrs. Knapp good progress. h>gh school gymnasium, which Is be Mrs.' D. H Kemple are In charge of Is a member of the club. All rose claims to have a deed to the piece of duet by Jessie and Elsie Beals. land, and wants $H>0 for R- R eo­ At 11 o'clock Rev. R. E. Dunn, new dup to overrunning the budget 10 lng decorated by the American Le- *he groups. growers In Springfield are urged to gion The meetings the first and j The beginners and primary depart make entries In one ot more of the rients of Sunny Bide contend that It ' pastor of the Springfield Christian yearg gone by warrant indebtedness Is a public alley and want the city church, will preach a Father’s Day was more than $27,000 in 1925 and second daya will be for the members mentg have as their project for the classes. to open It for use. of the order only, but Wednesday session the study of God’s loving care sermon. Mrs. W. P. Tyson will sing it has now been reduced to about Mrs. L. K. Bage and Mrs. Maude A light was ordered on West D' "The Lord's Prayer.” Mr. Dunn Is a $15,000. Taxes due the district will night the special program which will and of the Old Testament characters Bryan will have charge of the regis­ be presented aa the closing event of The two upper groups are studying tration of the entries which are street at the turn near the river as ' graduate of the Eugene Bible Univer­ probably offset this last figure. Be­ It was regarded a dangerous curve. sity and was preaching at Stayton be cause warrants draw six per cent th e convention will be open to the the three missionary Journeys of St. brought Into the rose show. Mrs. Paul. In addition to these projects fore coming to Springfield, He will an(j bonds five per cent the surplus Offers Brittain's $225 public. t Carl Olson. Mrs. Walter Scott, and each of the groups is having Bible The council voted to offer $225 to ' remain here during the summer 8aTed from operating expenses out The Hprlngfleld boy scouts will act memory work, study of the most fa­ Mrs. Ira Beterson are on a committee of the budget has been applied on as guides and ushers during the con­ mous old hymns, biblical geography. I to have charge of arranging the flow- the Brattain Land company for the months. Christian Endeavor will be held the old warrants and little progress I era In the vases. Mrs. I. A. Valentine, triangular strip on the south side of vention. directing the delegates to Bible drill, and hand work. The thte lodgings assigned them and as­ i hand work Includes the making of Mrs. Meda Catching, and Mrs. Dave Its tract on East Main street The Sunday evening beginning at S’.50, hag been made in paying off bonds, state highway commission desires to with Gladys Edwards as leader. The If the future boards continue a policy sisting In other ways They are salt and flour map« for the geogTsp I Bailsman will he In charge or the asked to wear their uniforms Monday phy course, vases from Jars and sale of Ire cream at the building, and straighten the road at the end of the topic of discussion will be "The Price of economy bonds may be retired pavement, and the added right of of Voluntary Christian Service." At at about the same rate as the war- afternoon, Tuesday and Wednesday. bottles for the Doernbecher child­ Mrs. Archie Davis will take charge way la needed. About three-tentths 8 o'clock Rev. Dtmn will preach the rants have been paid off. The local circle of the Neighbors U ren’s hospital at Portland, and scrap of the decoration of tne windows of of an acre of land Is required, ac­ evening sermon, taking as his subject The operating expenses of district the building. The merchants of the arranging to furnish transportation to books for the children at the hospital. town are urged to co-operate by de. cording to the highway department “Arguing With God." Mr. and Mrs. 19 has been as follows: 1924-25, the lodgings for those delegates who Th« children will give demonstra­ 941.092.76; 1925-2«. $42.362.72: 1929-27 Dallas Murphy will sing a duet. do not drive their own cars to Spring- tion of their memory work and other | corating their windows with roses plans. $41,070.84; 1927-28, $40,848.82; and 1 during the festival. fie ld . things which they have learned dur­ 1928-29. $39.603.57. »* The art display of the work of the EAST MAIN STREET HIGHWAY COMMISSION The commute« a In charge of the ing the two weeks at the program at ! pupils of W. A. Elkins. Eugene artist Outstanding warrants have de­ MAY ASK TO BE SET APPEALS BRIDGE CASE convention are: general chairman the Christian church June 23. The ■ who hos conducted classes In Spring- creased and stood each year as fol­ OUT OF CITY LIMITS Mrs. Marlon Adams; assistants, Mrs. hand work will also be on display at ; field for the past several years, will TO SUPREME COURT lows; 1925, $27,670; 1926, $25.454 30; C. f Eggtmunn, Mrs. W C. Mcluigan, ! that time. he held In the building In connection 1927, $22,412.63; 1928, $17,410.48; and A petition to vacate the Stewart I Children who have not yet reg’s- with the rosp show. Mr. Elkins will Notice of the appeal of the circuit, (Continued on Pare HI 1929. $15,608.09. addition on east Main street, movtng tered for the Bible school may do so also display a number of oil portraits court decision regarding the approach During the past two years the op- the city limits west, is being circu­ nt any time before the close of the LOCAL NATIONAL GUARD i whteh he has painted The display will lated by J. L. Boyle, a resident of that to the west end of thte new Spring- field bridge was filed Tuesday in the erat‘n* expenses have been kept inside Smith says. Adult LEAVES_FOR CLATSOP ™“ eI(.0Ine Bt thP church Include pencil drawings, pastels, and section. A few residents in the ad­ Lane county circuit court by the at- ,he bud*et and the bl'd«et has h***“ 'oil paintings. Springfield people who dition have signed the petition but torneys for the state highway com- b*'°"' ,be a,x cent »««‘Ution. any morning If they come before the The Springfield National Guard will have work on exhibit will be Mrs. others have expressed the opinion mission, the Lane county court and Dur'»< tb” t,me a nev roof bas doors close People coming In late unit, 23 strong, left yesterday morn­ L. K/Bage. Mrs. W. A. Taylor, Kath- that not enough signers can be gotten. the A. C. Mathews contracting com- Put on the Lincoln scbo01 and repa,r* disturb the Instruction, she said. ing at 5:30 o'clock for the annual Hemenway, Doris Girard, Pearl If the petition Is completed it will be pany. The state highway commission made 50,11 0,1 the bl*h 8ch00’ and Oregon summer camp at Camp flat McMullen, Alta Manning, Edna Swarts presented to the city council for will endeavor to bring the case before KTmnaelum roofs as welt as lm- »op. near ostorla They were Joined RURAL ROUTE 2 EXTENDED Hazel Mullins. Mrs. Pratt Holverson. the state supreme court without any Pavements on thte Brattain school action. at Eugene by the members of the SIX AND A HALF MILES Miss Severson, Mrs. George Proch- unnecessary delay, and It Is probable grounds, Mayor C. O. Wilson hag the opinion Fug* ne unit, and picked up other now. Faye Holverson, Mrs. W. N. that the Stewart addition could only that a decision will be rendered there units at the towns along the way. Springfield R. F. D 2 has been ex­ Dow, Mrs. Ora Read Hemenway, MARCOLA MAN DIES They arrived at Camp Clataop yester­ tended from Milligan’» corner, one Barbara Barnell, Roland Farnsworth, be set out of the city limits by a vote before the end of July. of the people of the city as a whole. The notice of appeal was signed by AFTER LONG ILLNESS mile west of Waltersille. for six and Mnrgaret Jarrett, Louisa Cowden and day afternoon. There are no sewers In Stewart ad­ J. M. Devers, representing the com­ The National Guard will remain at one half miles up l ie >1« Kenrie high Irene Johns. Mrs. Ora Read Hemen­ dition but the city has done some mission. District Attorney Alta King, Gordon Pratt, 54, a resident of Mar- Camp Clatsop for two weeks, under­ way, It Is announced by F. B. Hamlin, way Is In charge of the exhibit. street improvement and that part of representing the county court, and ; cola for the past ten years, died at The parade, which is one of the going Intensive military training local postmaster. B G. Sankey, mail the town is responsible for a share Immel and Evans, representing the the Good Samaritan hospital at Port­ carrier for Route 2. went over the big features of the festival, will begin while there. Approximately 3.000 men of the general obligation bonds. A. C. Mathews company, which was land. after a long Illness. His funeral from all parts of Oregon are expected new extension Saturday, calling on at 7 o'clock. The line of march wilt awarded the contract for the fill was held Sunday afternoon in the the patrons and Informing them that Continued on Page 5 to attend camp this year. The men approach by the highway commission. Marrola Woodman hall, with Rev. ECKERSON MAKING will drill In preparation for a big de- the service would begin July 1 for Finley of the Wendllng Methodist LAKEVIEW MAN CHOSEN DEMONSTRATION TOUR roonatratlon and sham battle which all who had boxes ready at that time. church In charge. Interment took SEVEN SCOUTS SIGNED TO TEACH MUSIC HERE Mr. Hamlin made a tour of Inspec­ will be held Saturday, June 22, THROUGH MONTANA place In the Marcola cemetery. FOR LUCKY BOY CAMP tion over the route last week, finding Mr. Pratt is survived by his widow, The officers of the local unit are a large number of boxe« which were Ernest McKinney of luikevlew. a Mnjor G. H. Eckerson, proprietor of one son, Elmer, of Marcola, and a First Lieutenant C. A. Swarts, com­ below the atandard required by the graduate Of the University of Oregon Seven boy scouts of Springfield the new Springfield aviation school, daughter, Mrs. Arthur Hickman, o t mander, Lieutenant Walter M. Goss­ Troop 11 have already signed up (or this year, was elected last night at a government, either having no doors left Saturday for Montana where he Rochester, Washington. ler, tttaff Sergeant Truhert Henderson, or not being weatherproof. These special meeting of the school board will spend two weeks on a demonstra­ the summer camp at Camp Lucky Boy Sergeant« Charles F. Scott, Orval A. according to Chester Aldrich, scout must be changed If the mall Is to be to teach music and English In the tion tour of the state, doing stunt fly. LOCAL GIRLS TO PLAY Cantrell. Ell W. Miller, and Orval H. delivered there, he reports. Standard Springfield high school next year. Ing, taking up passengers, and signing master. Several more are expected Eaton; and Corporals Alfred C. IN EUGENE RECITAL mall boxes may be purchased at any He will have charge of both the glee up pupils for the school, which will before the camp opens. Townsend, Don Bettis, Elmo Long, The boy scout camp for the Lane clubs and the orchestra. Mr. Mc­ open early next fall. hardware store. Margaret Jarrett, daughter of Mr. and William O. Cox. The privates scouts will be held this year begin, Kinney majored In the school of The major went to Montana by way nlng July 8 and continuing for three and Mrs. O. H. Jarrett;Barbara Bar­ who made the trip wore Albert Har. music while attending the University per. Don Palmer, Roy Severson, Alvin GREEN LANTERN CAFE and was a member of the men's glee of Portland, flying from Portland to sessions of two weeks' each. The nell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. DESTROYED BY FIRE club. This completes the high school Belena. a distance of 680 miles. In camp Is located on Blue river, a tri­ Barnell; and June Berg, daughter of Cantrell, Edgar Louk, Alonso Man- five hours and five minutes. This butary of the McKenzie. The hoys Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Berg, will be pre­ waring, John Lynch, Freeman Squires, faculty for next year. The Green Lantern cafe, located Verol McFarland. Stanley Miller, A resolution against playing base­ comes near getting a new record for who have signed up so far are Ford sented by Reuben Charlyle Goffrelero about one nnd one-half miles east of ball on the high school grounds on that course. James C. Stovall of Danner, Bob McLagan, Winston Bas- In Eugene, In one of five group re­ Frederick Clark and Bert Tomseth. Springfield on the McKenzie highway, Sunday was passed by the board at Eugene, Eckerson’» partner, teft this cus, Don Nelson, Joe Cowden, Ray citals, to be given In the near future. was burned to the ground between week for Montana to Join him In his Smith, and Bob Hayes. Twelve from Each, of the three young ladles Is the meeting. METHODISTS TO HOLD twelve and one o'clock last night, the Journey. On their return to Spring- the troop attended the camp last year. preparing to give a complete Indivi­ ANNUAL PICNIC TUESDAY fire originating from some unknown field. Eckerson and Stovall will make C. R. Clark of Eugene, Lane county dual recital later in the Fall. cause. Miss Naomi Lee, a waltresa PARISH BUYS INTEREST a demonstration tour through Eastern executive scout master, and Burton The annual picnic of the Spring- at the cafe, who was sleeping on the IN P. AND W. BUILDING Oregon, stopping at the principal Huntlys on Trip Nelsop, assistant camp director, at­ field Methodist church will be held aecwnd floor of the building, barely cities. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Huntly left tended the last meeting of the troop Charles Barish, who came here re- next Tuesday afternoon and evening awakened In time to escape from the and talked to the boys about the sum­ Saturday morning for a tour of at Swtmmera' Delight, near Goshen. structure before the roof collapsed. cantly from Salem and purchased the Church to Have Pageant Western Oregon and Washington. mer camp. The picnic Is sponsored by the Metho­ The Springfield fire department was Kcssey stock ranch south of Spring- They went from Springfield to Seattle, A special program observing Child­ dist Brotherhood with Frank Bartho­ called, but was unable to render and field, has bought the Interest of A1 where they will visit for several days, Petersons On Tour lomew, president, acting as general assistance, ns the blaze was too far Berklns In the P. and W. building on ren's Day will be presented- at the returning to Astoria this week-end to City Recorder and Mrs. I. N. Peter­ Springfield Methodist church next Main street. John Winsenreld will re­ chairman of the affair. along. visit with Mrs. Huntly’s father and son left Wednesday morning on an The afternoon and evening will he The building was owned by Mrs. tain his Interest In the property with Sunday evening. The principal fea­ also at the National Guard camp at extended tour of Eastern Oregon, spent pitching horseshoes, playing Brassfleld of West Springfield, nnd Mr. Parish, The building Is occupied ture will be a grand pageant entitled stopping for a few days In Portland Camp Clatsop, near Astoria. From "Roses of June," which will be given by Clover and Cox and the White baseball, swimming and boating, nnd the business was being operated by enroute. They will be gone for about there they will retnrn for a tonr ot the picnic dinner will he served about Leo Goodman. The loss on the build­ Front grocery. Mr. Parish and Mrs. by a group of the children of the two weeks. Jess Smitson. fire chief. Washington, taking Mrs. Huntfy’S church. Each class will contrlbnt» 6:30 o'clock. The Brotherhood, the ing Is estimated at 215000 and the Winsenreld will make no Immediate Is acting as city recorder In Mr. father with them. They will return choir, the Sunday school and tfcn contents at $1000. Some Insurance change In the building but will con­ something to the program, either re­ to Springfield In about two weeks. Peterson's absence. citations or songs. tinue to rent IL Epworth league will attend the pfcnfc-. was carried.