THK 8PRINGFI1CLD NKWS paob s i x palsied her tongue, and laid a cold f forgive. w eight upon her heart. They stood face to face, breathless and speech leas. A host of unfoi'Kotten sen sation s, kindled by her appearance, had leaped up within the SMIldan'a heart. He had liMleed loved th is womau. "Merciful God' to meet you here," she faltered. "You will help me? Oh, you w ill help me? My husband Is being murdered there on the cliff by an escaped lunatic. Oh! Leonardo, save him. and you may strike me ijead at your f> et. It Is I whom you should hate, not him. Oh. com e! Come, or It will be too late ! ” He stood quite still, looking at her curiously. "And It Is I to whom you dare to come for help— I whom you ask to save him —your husband? Adrienne. do you remem ber my words ou the sands at Palermo?" She wrung her hands, frantically Imploring. She will understand "Leonardo," she sobbed, your ven geancs------ " Ho Interrupted h«r. "This Is my vengeance!" he said. "1 have kept my oath!" Then he closed his eyes, and a gray shade stole Into his pallid face. A breese sprung up from I he sea. and the tall blood led popples, which stood up all uround him like a regiment of soldiers, bent their quivering heads till one or two of ther actually touched his cheek. He did not m ove; he was dead. Lord and laidy Itumley had lingered loug In Home, and now, on the eve of their departure, they had spent the afternoon buying curios of a wit enod old dealer, whose shop they had ■ found lu one of the dark narrow streets ut the back of the Plugs» Angelo. Lady I.umley had taken up a curious old ring, and was exam ining It with a vague sen se of fsmtllurlty. THURSDAY. JUNK «, 192» nothing; It Is I who ow e you a wife May. Fur Year, Frances Keeler 7th and nth Q rsdst Come. Margherita, let us got out Into A ttendance; els weeks, Ell«en the sunshine again " And sign or P as-h u ll kupt the note Baker, Melba laiwery, l.ela Petersou. ilut he hud come to the conclusion Vivian Hnnl. Junnila Beamans, Mary that all Englishm en traveling on their Bmltsun, Keho June T om seth. Evelyn Baeus. Beatrice Carson, June Geiger, honeymoon are uiad Alys Thatcher, luunar llrattnlu. T H K KNO W ayne Kendall For year, Johu Jam ese. Lein Megwell, Dorothty Nice. HONOR ROLL FOR YEAR Hose Inky, Keith Curry. Evelyn Ila NAMES MANY PUPILS cus, Mary Hmllson (Continued from Page 1) lei Doris \Valkiir. Franklin Wardlow. Boris Worley. C ertificates of Award Perfect Attendance for Entire Year Sixth A Charles Cole. LaVernu Pugh, Wlnl- fred Frans. Fifth A Oreo Lanaberg, Jo Lana Putman, Druclle Ogilvie. Sixth Velma I’eddlcord Third Hone Ogden. Edgar Troller. Emil I'chytll, Lloyd Beamans. “ LUCKY BOY.” TALKIE h it at M c D onald G eorgs Jeasel Is the leading at­ traction for this week end at the Mc­ Donald, In Eugene, with "Lucky Boy," which la the flrel tim e this excellen t entertainer has talked and sung In a feature length picture, und we hope If won’t he (he lust, for th ese new talkies xeein to have been Invented for the talents that Jeasel has to display Jexxel I* the whole show. and that s ) fine, li e works In a New York oom shop and lives on the East Side whore F o u rth B his poppa keeps u Jewelry shop and la Elisabeth Wardlow, L o u is a C o w d e n um hltlous for Georgle to become a L IN C O L N S C H O O L mender of w atches, but Georgle want« F irs t Grade to sing and make Jokes und momma Scholarship; Dorothy Jean Stewart, i thinks his songs and Jokes are the Bobble Pollard, Frank Stuart, Beryl , best tn the world und she «non it rages Robertson, Winifred Lyons. Frank i him. Anderson, Alberta Keeler, Jane Alice It's all the encouragem ent he does Pengra, Arthur Proehnow. Attendance: Janie Apg«r, Alberta get for u long time, and If his troubles Keeler. Winifred Lyons. Dorothy Mill are rough on Georgia they're far from llgun. Frances Oram. June Alice Pen (hat for the audience as the hoy gra, Frnnk Anderson. Illllv Dow. ' breaks Into m anager s offices, tries Merle Nice, Arthur l*rochnow. Bobble am ateur nlgu- snow s, sin gs In night eluba and then bursts onto Broadway Pollard. Dave Smith, Joe Slugglv. In u blaze of song and glory, having Second Grade hud dm » betw een Frisco and New Scholarship: Kenneth Ables, Frank York to win the heart of a girl, de­ Bennett, Robert N ice, John Spore, sp ite the ban her fam ily put* upon Lawrence Thompson, Doris Munn. Roberta Putman, Muriel Tyson, Ro­ him. It'a a chronicle, rather than a plot. bert Ilavls A tten d an ce Frunk B ennett, Harold 'iul that Is of minor Importance, so Duke, Junior Endicott. Ilohby Foster, i long as Jeasel Is there tn keep It Bonney Findley, Donald House, Nor­ j crackling and bristling with wit and The dialogue and titles man Nealon, Robert Nice, Robert hurmony. Perry, Bernie Slagle, John Spore are o f Jessel's own authorship “How can I remem ber anything— "Ten pounds for that ring, my lady," think of anything now? For the love the eurlo dealer remarked, "and It has His w ithered figure seem ed to have with the faint o«one of the sea. Out- of God. help him," she begged sieging a history. You will see that it hours gathered strength and dignity, and hi» side, the placid silen ce w as broken his hand. "That was all so long ago the arms and motto of the Marioilla, the most powerful family In appearance and tone, as he gated only by the murmurous bussing of You would not have him killed here i ! once , Come! Oh, do j Sicily. 1 had It. from the late Count scornfully down at the girl at his feet, in sects and the soft lapping of the tide before my ey es? ' him self." w as full of a strange dramatic force. upon the shingly sands. W ithin the com et" “Lead the way." he answered j L*dy Lum ley sank Into the little H er heart sank as she listened to him. room, a pale-faced girl knelt upon the C all your loudest for other chair by the counter, holding the ring T his was no idle, vulgar passion, no floor, with her long, slim fingers sternly. morbid craving for evil, which ani­ stretched upward, and the passionate help. I make no promise, but I will tightly in her hand. "Will you tell us the history?" she mated him. It was a purpose which despair of death in her cold, white ' see this tragedy." asked In a low tone. had become hallowed to him; some­ features. The sunshine laughed upon She ran hack along thte path and he They turntd , udden„. The man hesltulueil thing which he ha«l com e to look upon her hair, and glanced around her. folIowed hpr "If I do so," he aalit don hl f uIIy, She understood j bathing her beautiful face in Its fresh. an abrupt corner, und cam e upon two as his sacred right how her drawing back must seem to ' bright glory. W as it an answ er to raen lockt>d | n eacb o tb er-g arms, “wll you promise to keep it uhsoliltely him. As though a flash of light had her prayer, she wondered her prayer and sw aying backward and forward •eerw t?" laid bare his mind, sh e saw how weak. ! for peace and forgiveness? Oh, that upon tne short green turf. The lima 'Yea." "Well. then, 1 have told It to no how pitifully woak. any words of hers it might be sd! God grant It! i (,c al. lnunt,rse fellow. more than six There was no fear in her face. (e e , hljtlj was clutching his oppo- one yet but 1 will tell It to you must sound, so she was silent. 1 “ chem ist, and He had comm enced walking up and though only a mom ent before she had n en t-g ,(,roat with his left hand, while i Muny ye“r’1 down the room; and watching him taken out and sw allow ed the contents wtth h)g rlght he brandished a ,ong umong my custom ers was Count Leu fearfully, she saw that his manner was of that little packet of poison which u b l e . kn|fe w |, h keen,y . sharpene(1 nardo ill Marlonl. Ills history was u gradually changing. The unnatural had burned in her bosom for those edge. The struggle was virtually over. very sad one, as doubtless you may calm into which he had momentarily last few days. But there had been The madnlan-g 8trcngth was more have heard. When he was quite a relapsed was h a v in g him. and he was Just one passing shade of bitterness , han buman and de8p„ ra, H|y though young man he was arrested on some becom ing every moment more and Her life had been so short, so Joyless had 8trugg|ed, Lord St. Maurice political charge, and Imprisoned for more excited Fire flashed In hts until there had com e to her that brief was ,y|rig exh3U8ted and overconl„ in flve-and-twenty year»—a cruel time Well, scarcely more than tw elve eyes, and he wan m uttering broken taate of wonderful, am azing happineas. arms. m onths ago he cam e to me here, so words and sen ten ces to him self. Once j She was so young to die— to die with W ith a final effort he turned his he raised h is clasped hands to the the delirium of that passionate Joy head at the sound of footsteps, ana altered that I found It hard Indeed to recognize him Poor old gentlem an, Maxine Cogtll, B ettle Currie, layl roof in a threatening gesture, and in still burning in her veins. saw them come— his w ife and this "Yet, after all. It la b e st!” ahe when he had talked for a while, 1 Keeh-r. Doris Munn, Roberta Putman, MRS. HINSON RESIGNS the act o f doing so she saw the blue shrunken little old man. But close at flash of a sdlletz» in hia breast pocket, j whispered softly, at the end of that ^ ^ ' ‘^ .7 ^ ’ no“tM ng7ou?d felt quite sure that his long confine­ Muriel Tyson. Mary Purnell, Margaret * FROM LIBRARY BOARD ment had affected his mind, and his Purcell, Billy Glthena, Jew el Fam- It frightened her. and she moved unspoken prayer; and with those Mrs Fred Hinson, who has been a errand with me made me sure of It. worth. toward the door. words of calm resignation, a change „ Jn T h ird Grade num ber of the Nprlngfteld public llh He came to buy a celebrated poison It seem ed alm ost as thongh he read 8oftly ln upon her face 11 his eyes Scholarship: six w eeks, Francis rury board for fhe past several years, . _________ ._ seem ed alm ost as though, w hile y e t , which I used at one time to be her purpose in her terror-strick en , The kn| fe ,ie8Cpn(jed but st secretly noted for, and 1 could te ll' Jean Lloyd, B ernice Smith, Ruth resigned her position because of poor face and it maddened him. He caught 1 on eartn' tnere na<1 com e to ner a . . „ llri,,p r»m«tn»,i ..nhnw w i . h . w. a,., «.riot ana thr.iat hor K o i touch of that exquisite spiritual beauty ’aurlce remained unhurt. With a from Ills manner that he wanted It for Keeler. For term. Francis Jean Lloyd, health at the m eeting of the board her by the w nat and thrust her back 8W, ftBMg whfch 8eeDled alm08t un T uesday night. The board accepted som e fatal use. Well. I thought at Bernice Bmllh. “You shall not leave this room. Qf earth,y pas3fon anrf credible, the Sicilian hud sprung be- A ttendance: six weeks. Hazel Huf Mrs Hinson's rislguntlnn. but has not first of refusing It altogether, but girl!'" her cried. "Wait, and soon J uplifting Into a purer, sw eeter life. tween them • . - knife was quiver- what was the use of that? Some one ford, Pule Carson, Ruth K eeler. Jen yet chosen a successor. The m em bers ' and . the •will bring you news. I And , . her ey es closed , * , upon .. the sun- ¡ng side Behind nle Jackson. Mahlon Pengra. Bernice I present at the m eeting were Mra N. " in his »me. iveninu. the m e In lu n n - a il u l , else would have sold him __ _ an equally She stood up. still panting, overcom e j , ight anu darkness riole I p upon her wa!' •t™FgM®K helplessly In the grasp powerful poison, and the m ischief S m ith, ! e 1 nd Huff' rd, Neal P eder*on YV. Emery, the president; Mrs L K for a mom ent by the strength of his sen ses. She lay quite still upon the three keepers. would be done all th e rnm e. So, after S cott W right. Mary F ritts , Hu Put­ Page, th e s e c re ta ry ! Mrs. Vina Me m an. Io lira s G laspey, Furl H ouse. L ean, und Miss Mary R o b erta, tho grip Before she could recover her- (¡cor; hut .h e sm ile st<)l lingered upon There was a wild cry of horror a little consideration. I made up quit self, he had caught up his hat and her bps, m aking her face more lovely from Ijidy St. Maurice, a choking 1 an Innocent pow er, which tnlgh' Illllv B u rn ett, Je a n D aniels, M ■h>-| lib rarian . Mrs Dave S a ltsm a u und F or year, Mrs C II. Blom w ere ab sen t w as gone Ootside, she heard the eVPn ,0 jt8 cold repose than when the gasp of relief from her husband, and ¡cau se a little momentary falntne-s, bu' S iem sen, Ralph H ickm an sc und of a key in the lock. She was g iow ,» youth and life had shone ln a horrid dhuckle of triumph from the | which could do no further harm, and R uth K eeler, J e n n ie Ja c k so n , Dub T he re p o rt for the m onth of May a prisoner! ber dark, clear eyes, and lent expres- madman as he gazed upon his handl- I gave It to him as the real thing C arson, N'-al P e d e c o n . m ade by Ml«» R o b erts was as follow s Her first thought was the window, sion to her features. Saints like St. i work. But after that there was silence I couldn't take m oney for doing 5 B IlnnkM Jmirifd to adults 431 S ch o larsh ip ; for te r n .P a r tia l a Bar lit Mik* loaniwl to children A las! it was too .--mall ever for her Francis of A ssisi may die thus, but —a deep, aw e-stricken silence— the thing like that, so he pressed this i in», M to get her head through. She cried seldom women. silen ce of those who stand In the upon me. You see, It really has a hell, F lo n neo May. Six s e e k s , Bai Honk* loanftl tn schools 2» burn B arnell, F lo ren ce May. M argaret out. No one answ ered; there was no j "Help, for God's sake, help!" presence of death. M agazines luam ,1 history. 13» New roaders 1» oce to answ er. She w as alone in the I A woman's cry o f agony rang out Count Marlonl lay on the turf where Lord Lumley took his wife's hand M e e k . F ran ces K eeler, H u m o e Cole Hne* cottage, and bell i ss. ind away o v c- upon the sw eet morning stilln ess he haefsunk. very white and very still, and pressed It tenderly. In the deep For year, B arb ara B urnell, F lorence »2.77 May. • the cliffs, tow ard Mallor -G range, -he Count Marlonl, who had been hurry-, with the blood dropping slow ly from { gloom of the shop the curio d eale r A ttendano-: for term. Frances V isit W ith B akers Mr and Mrs. could see a sm all, d irk figure walking ing on with dow ncast head, stood still his wound upon the grass, and hU could not see the tears which <11 tened K eeler, G ordon G illette, Floyd G r e e n . C lair B aker, Mr and Mrs. Jo h n Hr# steadily along, with bent head and in the cliff path and lifted his head eyes closed. At first they thought In her dark eyes, Six w eeks. E lm er ham , und Mr. and Mrs. H ow ard G m sw ift steps. The cottage stood by It was the woman w hose memory he that he was already dead; but. as "We will have the rin g !” Lord Lum. S tep h en Rice. itself, a m*l» frr-m the village, and had cursed who stood before him —the though aroused by Lady St. Maurice's ley said, taking a note from hts pocket C hase, G ordon G illette, Flov,| G reen. n- m of P orti nil. and Mr and Mrs. w as approached only by a cliff path woman on whom his vengeance was broken sobs, he opened his ey es and book and handing it across the S tephen Rice. Irene And« o n, Ber C harles P a ris of M areola v i s i t i ' h e - n nice Harm s. M .tiJorli Davis. E llcaiieth Sunday al th e hom e of .Mr. and iMrs. She turned away from the window in to fall, looked up. His lips moved, and she counter. John on, F ra n c e s K eeler F lorence Ira B aker despair. It. seem ed to iter then that Her face was as w hite as his own. stooped low down to catch fhe sound T he man held It up to the light. the tim e for her final sacrif.ce had an)j jn the sw iftn ess of her flight her "Will you tell Margharlta that this "One hundred pounds," he remark Indeed come. hat had fallen away and her hair was was best?" he faltered. "I have heard ed. “I shall ow e your lordship It was a warm, drowsy morning, stream ing in the breeze. Yet in that a w hisper from over the sea. and— ninety." and the air which floated in through moment of her awful fear she recog- and the W hite Hyacinth forgives. I "No, Signor Paschnll, you owe me DRY READY TO the open lattice window was heavy nixed him, and shrank back t r e m b lin g .----------------------------------------------------------- w ith the perfum e of flow ers, m ingled as though som e unseen hand had 0M H M M H H agH H gR B M M M M H H H B IEPYKIM? GOODE Powers 63rd I Anniversary Sale 1 /o Now in progress Terms Kafoury’s 61 E. BROADWAY, EUGENE, OREGON In th is age of value giving the consumers a ic tleinantllng q u a lity inerchamliHe ¡it rpaaoiiablc prices. This store Is endeavoring to meet these needs adequately. Your visits to K a fo u ry ’s new store and kind suggestions w ill be appreciated. PONGEE 33 inch im ported firs t q u u lity all silk .lananese Pongee. An im ported all silk fab­ rics in a large assortm ent of colors. 33 c 79c TOW ELS Double loops, colored border, 18x36 extra heavy T u rkish Towel, DRESSES Nicely tailored printed Dresses, ju st (lie tilin g fo r afternoon wear, 25c 98c . SILK DRESSES The newest Cretonne in printed or plain silks, should lie sold fo r $15.60 59.90 COOLIE COATS -P O W E R S FURNITURE CO. Eugene S mmii 11th &, W illamette WEAR SPUN SILK VOILE DRESSES Just received, a new shipment of printed voile Dresses ill (lie newest of styles. $1.85 To see these lovely Ja­ panese Coolie Coats w ith a ll the o rie nta l colors is to desire one. SHO RTIES Strlp«'d and plaid broad­ cloth »Shorties, w ith bras­ sieres to match. 98c 98c FLAT CREPES An all silk fla t extra heavy weight, In all the beautiful sum m er shades. $1,98 nNuawmiMiHH 1