TH U R SD AY . JUNE ti. I&2» PAGI PIVB T U E H^RTNOm CLD NHTWfl Prize Winning Essay Tells How Homes May Be Made Safe by Care The following essay was the winner I CHANCE IN AUTOMOBILE Mrs. Taylor Here-- Mrs. Charles Her« From Toledo—Walter Fritz of first prlic In division two of the LAWS NOW EFFECTIVE; Taylor of Thurston was a visitor In of Toledo spent the week-end vlaitlng safety contest sponsored recently by Springfield Wednesday morning. hi* parent* In Wi>*t Hprlngfleld. 3 MONTHS LICENSES the Hprlngfleld 4 L and also of the Visit at Roseburg- Mr. and Mrs G grand prize of a fountain pen for the In From Lowell John Cane, Lowell New laws, affecting the operation resident, wa* a hualne»» visitor In II Turner spent Memorial Hay visit best essay submitted In the contest. of motor vehicles upon the public lug with friends at Roseburg. It wa* written by l-ena Stafford, a highway* of the state of Oregon, be Hprlngfleld Tuesday. student In the Sixth A at the Brat- came effective at midnight, June 3, Tract of Land Sold- S M Calkin* Her« From Portland A. J Perkin* tain school. ami are now of Interest to all mptor of Eugene has sold a traet of five of I’orlland wa* a bUHlnex* vialtor In What Safety Means in the Home 1st*. Though the provisions for a re­ acre* of land at Hotigla* Garden* to Springfield Hnturday. Uy Lena Stafford, ftlxth A. duction of license fees and an Increase 11. C. Baton, also of Eugene. To help make things *afe In the In the guHoline tax jlo not become Reported I II Han Zimmerman I* rep orted Io lie quite III ut III* home I To Visit In low * Harlan Duncan home. effective until January 1, 1*30, there left this week for Sioux (Tty, Iowa, Pick up all pin* and needles, as are R nun,b,,r oy enactment* reaped- In Springfield. where he will spend the summer visit thuy cause the death of many babies , lng moU>f vehlt;|el| wblcb tbe 91at day Vida People Here Mr. and Mr*. tug with his aunt und uncle. He on the lookout for sharp knives . af(w. ,h„ adJournro„nt of the |egu ia. C ecil lle ye rH n "t Vida were hiiMlnes* and scissors, and see that they are :ture UMhered How lhe Olson* on Fishing T rip - -Mr. and vialtor* In Springfield Monday. kept out of the reach 4>f small r,gbtg and duties of the motoring : Mi's. Curl Olson spent lust week-end I pub|jc wm (,« immediately affected To Vlalt In Idaho Mr*. (Hen Hlddln on ii fishing trip on the south fork of c h ild re n . Keep medlclnep out of the reach , by tb- numerous act* of the recent left Saturday lor lilulio where *he will ¡the McKenzie river of .mull children. visit with relative* for a time. legislature is shown by a Nummary I/o not leave anything on the stairs prepared by Ha, E. no»«, Secretary C rlte * on Fishing T r ip - Mr. and Here From Cedar Flat Jim Hun', , Mrs. Han Crites spent Kulurduy and 1 that may cause people to slip, trip of State. Cedar FT at realdent, wu* In Hprlng­ .Sunday cn a fishing trip io Wlnherry, or (all. Motor vehicles registered at any fleld for a » h o lt lim e Weduenday. Keep rugs and carpet* flat, so that on the upper Wllluinette. time during the period from June 4 people will not trip over them. Waltervllle Man In Walden Hili to June 30, Inclusive, will be licensed Kennett at Coos Bay—O. W. Ken man. Waltervllle realdent, wa* a ' n<-tt I* spending I hl* week In Marsh- ' Keep the yard free from brokeA for 25 per cent off of the annual fee gins*, rusty wires and projecting bualnes* vlMltor In than Tue*day. prescribed by the present law. This field conducting a sale for the Matson , nails , . ... ... Is provided for by an amendment con- Go to Portland Mr*. Tony Gravo*. Men'* clothing store In that place Ho not leave combustible rubblsTF / , , „ „„„ . , . , , .. I talned In Chapter 296 which declare* I , and her mother. Mrs Mary Hayes, ami . . ' . ...... Nebraska Man Here M. L. French j In cellar* oi attic* or near building*. I that “after the expiration of the first her brother, Lawrence llaye*, made a of Fremont. Nehruska. Is vlaitlng here . Ho not leave oily rag* lying about quarter of the registration year, a trip to Portland Monday with 8. L. Travea*. John Trave**, and loose or In woollen receptacles. i three-fourths' annual license fee shall Ho not place paper, cotton, or other be paid." In subsequent years this Ha* Tonall* Removed- Ml** Mary other relatlvea In Eugene and Spring flimsy materials near lights field reduction will Inure to vehicles re­ Harden underwent an operation for Ho not fall to fasten bark any cur­ the removal of her tonall* at the Cline Moves—Fred d in e has moved tains which are near gas brackets. gistered on and after April 1, but in the present year It can only be ap­ office of a local physician Tuesday. ' from the Vllu* apartmi nt* to the Ho not hang clothing near the plied to registrations made after the apart men* on the second floor of the stoves or stovepipes. In From Walker—Henry Haven, amendment becomes effective. The Ho not leave matches where child­ who la employed at the m ill ul W alker Perkins-Steven* building on Main provisions for a 50 per cent reduction j street. ren can reach them. wo* a vialtor In Springfield for u , ' ofter the expiration of the first half Ho not use any kind of matches „ . . . , abort time Tuesday. of the registration year and a 75 per Makes Trip up Mountain—W. H. except suf-ty raatches. I , . . . . . . . . . cent reduction after three-fourths of Adrian made a trip to the summit of Ho not use 'ubber connection for Down From Mabel Mr* Hill Pari* the year has expired are also embod­ i the McKenzie Pan* Monday In an of Mabel wu* In town Tueaday visit­ ga* stoves. 'effort to go over tthe top. He found. ied In the new law. ing at the home of her slater, Mr*. 0 . ' Ho not fill gas stoves or lam ps' [ however, thul the snow plow* were when they are lighted or near other 1 The owner or operator of a tran- H Jarrett. not yet together at that time. llghts. slent automobile registered In another Or. Dlpple Here—Dr. and Mr*. S It Ho not kindle fires In stove with ' state may no longer escape respon- Returns to California—Mrs. C. W lllpple of Salem »topped In Spring- sibllity for accidents caused by him. kerosene or gasoline. field la*l week end enroute from Med­ MUIer, of Point Richmond, California, Do not use benzine or gasoline for by avoiding the service of papers In who has been visiting friends In ford They are former realdent* ot Springfield for some time, returned denning In a closed room or near a a suit in the courts In this state, as Springfield. Chapter 359 provides that "the accept- flume or a hot fini Iron. to her home Wednesday. Ho not put hot ashes Into wooden ance by a non-resident of the rights Rebhana Go Fishing—Ur and Mr*. Mountain States Man Here—Glenn receptacles. and privileges conferred by the laws W C. Itebhan »pent Sunday on a Jackson, of Albany, district sules Ho not throw away lighted matches of the state of Oregon to use the fishing trip on the upper Willamette. roads, highways and streets of this They caught 42 fl*h from a boat In manager of the Mountain Stales power or cigars or cigarettes. company, was IA Springfield on com Ho not light matches In closets or , state, aa. evidenced by his operating a the river. pnny buatneaa yesterday. motor vehicle thereon, shall be deem- attics where clothing is bung. Waltervllle People In—Mr. and Mra. Do not light matches in a room ed equivalent to an appointment by Thurston People In—Fred Gray. A. K Ulbbona, J. W Fountain, and such non-resident of the secretary ol where gas is eescap ng. Charles Tullmun. all of Waltervllle. Frank Rennie, Mrs ('. P. Hastings. ____________ -_____ 1 of the state of Oregon or his successor Mrs. Russel, and Mrs Roy Edmiston. j were business visitor* In Springfield Back From Goldendale— Mr. and in office to be his true and lawful all of T liuraton, were visitors In [ Wednesday. Mrs. Sidney Ward returned Sunday I attorney, upon whom may be served Springfield Saturday. from Goldendale, Washington, where all lawful summons and processes Turner» Go Fishing- -Mr and Mr*. against him growing out of any ac­ Mr». Toftdahl at Hoipital — Mrs they visited for several days. O. H Turner spent Sunday on a fish­ cident. or liability collision in which ing trip on Wolf Creek, a tributary Toftdahl of Junction (Tty. mother of Here For Decoration Day—Mr and I „„pj non-resident may be Involved of the Sluslaw. near Loraine. They Mrs. J M Larson of Springfield, un­ derwent a major operation at the Mrs. C. W. Ramsey of Goldendale. while operating a motor vehicle upon caught 12 flah. Pacific Chrlstlun hospital Friday. She Washington, visited In Springfield au(.n highway. ” Service of summons Decoration Hay with Mrs. Ramsey s jn manner will support a Judg- Montana People Vlelttng —Mr. and la reported to be doing quite well. mother, Mrs. Ada McPherson. They ;roent upou' which when dtra»sferre Mr*. J. F. Nelson nnd family, and Bloms at Portland Rev. and Mrs. returned to Washington Saturday. I to the place of residence of the de­ Evelyn and Marjorie Lohatreter. of Hilling*. Median*. are visiting In C. H. fflom left Tueesday for Port­ taking Mrs. McPnerson with them. fendant, recovery may be had. Springfield at the home of Mr. and land. where they will spend a few A motor vehicle owner or operator Return* From School—Dr. and Mrs. days. They wire accompanied as far Mrs. J. 11. Hickman. who transports another person as his as McMinnville by Mr. and Mrs. Oscar R. P. Mortenken drove to Portland guest without charge will be subject Clay Anderaon Here—Mr. and Mr*. Uladlsh Tuesday to get Mr. Mortensen's to a cause of action for damages by Cluy Anderron and small son of Port, daughter, Miss Margaret Mortensen, such guest if In an accident which Is land spent the week-end here visiting Dows Visit Beaches—Hr and Mrs who is a student at St. Helen's Hall Intentional on the part of such owner with Mr Anderson's pnrents. Mr. and W. N. How and son are spending this there. Miss Mortensen has com­ or operator, or which Is the result of Mr*. A. A. Andefson. week on a trip along the coast from pleted her third term at the Hall. hid gross negligence or intoxication Mr». Hamlin at Portland—Mrs. F Newport to Astoria, stopping at the or his reckless disregard of the rights At Elite Hotel—Winona Bylngton. B. Hamlin I* spending the week In beaches along the way. They left . Frances Passmore, Frances Conrad, of others, the guest sustains injury, Portland vl*ltlng with friends and re. ’ Sunday, and will AC* urn by way ot j and Bee Hunt, all of Portland, S. 8. death or loss. Thus Chapter 401 lative* and attending the rose festival. Portland next Sunday. Smick. of Rost burg, John Wassan, of i modifies the sweeping statutory rule Ira Nice Is- taking her place a* clerk Coburg, and Paul Halloran, of Hood j sought to. be established by the 1927 Local Youth Sentenced In the poet office during her absence. River, are registered this week at legislature, found to be unconstltu- William Carney, 20 year old Spring 1 the Elite hotel. Itlonal by the 8iioreme Cc»i— —d »• Return* to Portland—T. C. Oorrle field youth, was sentenced to serve ! returned to Portland Sunday after two ythrs In he state penitentiary spending several day* visiting In by Judge Skipwirth Tuesday moriug. Hprlngfleld at the home of hl* after ho had pleaded guilty to the mother, Mr*. C. I. Gorrlv charge of larceny from a dwelling. At Elite Hotel—A. H. Ruthven ot The sentence was suspended, and he Jasper, Anthony Sherman of Eugene. was paroled on good behavior to A. Allen of Chico, California, and C. Julian Strutt, l^tne county deputy He left yesterday for Hebron, Nebraska, where thby will visit for a time with Mrs. Hotel's mothe{, Mrs. Mary Lindsey. pealed In 1929 declaring that the acceptance of a free ride In a motor vehicle should be presumed to be a waiver by the guest of any liability for accidental Injury caused by the owner or operator of the vehicle. FLANERY’S DRUG STORE Springfield. Oregon