THURSDAY, JUNE 6. 1929 TUB SPRING FIELD NEWS PAGE THREE T R A IN 8C H B O U LK Springflatd Stop« Vialta at Albany— Mrs W. R. l a v Wife: "Do you realise, dear, that »on 'pent Sunday visiting with friand» It was twenty-five year« ago to-day in Albany. that we became engaged?” NORTH No. 16 at 3:64 A. M. Stop to detrain Absent-minded Professor: “Twenty* panaengar» from Klamath Pall and N O TIC E OF SALE Bless my soul! To« beyond. Notice Is hereby given that pursu­ five years! ant to an order of the County Court j should have reminded me before ft'» No. 8 at 8:4« P. M *' VS« ° E « on- ma*u I caruinly time i a got married . Iof Bus connection« at Eugene ,or 20 1929, Dora Hamble as admlnlstra*1 train« leaving II 60 A. M and 7 P M trlx of the estate fit J W Hamble. I " ’• SOUTH deceased, will, at the office of Brooke ‘ SU M M O N S ft Bryson, 860 Willamette Street, No. 7 ______________ at 12:47 P. M. IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E O" * V “I 4 af*'’r J“n* No 16 at 18:09 P M. Plag stop for S T A T E O F O REG ON FO R THW »„ v i . - . . u » „ a 1>2#- »•c«lY9 offers for and sell at passengers to Klamath Falla and , private sale subject to the approval C O U N T Y O F LA N E. Ujroad. ■ of the Court for cash or part cash Ms B Ingersoll and Hattie I. Hall, Bus connections at Eugene fo r ;»»d part on time the following des- Plaintiffs, Vs Nellie Straight Eloi Ho: "If you refuse me. 1 shall FOR BAUD— Carbon paper In large POR HALE- Dry Second Orowth and enee Mabel Straight Linn. Harry tralns leaving 11:46 A. M via Siskiyou cr*bed real property, to-wlt: Old Orowth Plr and Hardwood never love another." aheata, 84x31 Incbea. suitable tot I-ots One fl) to "Five (6) Inclusive Straight and Edith Straight, hla She: "Will that be true If I accept )llne' Karl Akin, Phone 2376, Eugene. J20 m aking tracings. The Nawa Ofltoa In Block One (1 |, and I» ts Pour (4) wife: Leonard Straight and Madg« you?” Straight, his wife: Blanche WU- — _______ l l° T*n HOl Inclusive In Block Two __________ ______ __ NOTICE TO CREDITORS <2) ,,f Hamhle Addition to the City tonMihv and C. B Willoughby, her PAINTING and Kalsouiintng in all Ita SU M M O N S nnuband; A. H Stanley HEr I Hn,,l thereof. a widow. Walter H. Dodd, single the said A H Bossen and Stanley answer, for want thereof, plaintiff ) W illam ette Street. Eugene, Oregon OLE E LEE. Administrator. Norman H. Dodd, single, Walter j Bossen JAMES II RYAN, Also all other persons and will take a decree ugalnst you for the ■ N O TIC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SALE OF F R E D E S M IT H . Ramberg. single, Corinth E. Dodd. Administrator relief prayed for In the complaint single. Edward Hamberg, single. th C X ^ t o ’ ^ t ^ ’t"» E X E C U T IO N IN FO R ECLO SU RE I Attorney for Administrator. which Is for a decree of the court DONALD YOUNG. Attorney. Lucy Ramberg. single. Dexter & res? pronertv d eX th ed In ^he e o ^ e-13 M 23 30 J 613-20 M 16 23 30 J Notice is hereby given that by dissolving the tnsrrlsge contract now ! k-? °Wn « « B ex -1 plaint the „hove ^ u , e t \n n M . virtue of an execution and order ol existing between plaintiff and defend N O TIC E OF ANNUAL SCHOOL sale In foreclosure Issued out of the ) ter R. Engley, Mrs. Dexter R. Eug- , Defendants* N O T IC E OF F IN A L H E A R IN G ant for the care, custody and control RTATM E L E C T IO N Circuit Court of Lan» County. Ore , ley, his wife, James Vickers, Nar-1 IN THE NAME OF THF T of the minor child and for an order NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that y « Notice Is hereby given to the legal gon. on the 21st day of May, 1929 In ! clssa B Vickers his wife Lewis W. , OF ORROCN. requiring defendant In pay lo the Ed 11 h A. Spires has tiled her (Inal ac­ f known a s , are her»4>v required to appear and plaintiff for the support of said minor count as administratrix of the estate voters of School Id strict No. 19 of a suit wherein, on the 7th day of Louis WÎ Coleman, Sarah Coleman, answer the comnlsint filed against rhtld the sum of >20 00 n month and of Hattie E Plner, deceased, und that Lane County, State of Oregon, that May, 1929. In said Court, the Inter- j Η ,f arte/ ' j Yon tn the above entitled Court and for such other and further relief as Saturday, the 22ml day of Juno, 1929, the ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION of {¡¡late Fidelity Building ft Ixran As­ known as Mahlen Carter, Mrs. cause on or before four (41 weeks of to the court may seem Just and nt 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said said District will lie held at the City sociation, a corporation, recovered Hall; to begin ax the hour of 2 o'clock Judgment against the defendant Rae Mahlan Carter, his wife, also all the date of the first Publication of proper. day, nnd the County Court Room In and close at 7 o'clock P. M. on the other persons and parties unknown this summons, and If von fall so to This summons Is published pursu­ the Court House at Eugene, Oregon, third Monday of June, being the 17th M Shepard In the sum of Two Thou-1 claiming any right. Interest or ease­ appear and answer said complaint ant lo an order pf the Hon. <1. F. has been fixed ns the time and place day of June. A. D. 1929 This election sand Eight Hundred Sixty-one and ment In the real eatate described In for want thereof, the plaintiffs will Sklpworth, Circuit Judge of lame for hearing objections to said final Is cnlled for the purpose of electing 66-100 (>2881 66) Dollars, together the complaint herein, Defendants. aoalv to the Court for the relief de­ County. Oregon, made anil entered account, and for settlement of said one director for a term of three years with Interest at ten per cent per May 7. 1920 and the date of the first estate. All those having objections anil a clerk for a term of one year. annum from and after the 16th dayi TO Edward Arthur Dodd, Harrlette manded in said complaint to-wlt: publication hereof Is Msv 9. 1929 and lo said final account are required to Candidates to file before June 12th of September, 1927. until paid; and) DeWitt Dodd, his wife, Corinth E. Decreeing the plaintiffs are the own­ for the further sum of >11 25 hereto- Dodd, a widow. Walter H- Dodd, sin- ers In fee simple of the following the date of the last publication hereof appear at said time and place, or to to have mime on ballot. fore paid bw the plaintiff as taxes gle, Norman H Dodd, single. Walter described premises: 1» June «. 1929 file the same In writing with the Dntitf this 29th day of May. 1929. Block Seven (7) tn Glenwood Park upon said property: and for the fur-' Ramberg. single, Corinth E Dodd. County Clerk of Lane County. Oregon, HOWAHD M BROWNELL, ROY W CARLTON. in Lane County. OrA11 00 heretofore paid by single,Ed ward Ramberg, single Lucy prior to said date. Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence. Chairman Board of Directors. the plaintiff for having the abstract Ramberg, single, Dexter R. Eugley, to the amended plat of said Glenwood Eugene, Oregon. Attest: Wm. G Hughes. District Clerk covering said premises extended; sometimes known as Dexter R. Eng­ Park and more nartlcularly describe« EDITH A. SPIRES. fct 9 18-23-30 J « M 30 J b and for the further sum of Three ley. Mrs. Dexter R. Enghey, his as follows, to-wlt: Administratrix DONALD YOUNG. Attorney Beginning at a point 19-40 chains Hundred and no-100 (>300.001 Dollars wife, James Vickers. Narcissa B. M 16 23 30 J. 6 13 as a reasonable attorney fee herein; Vickers, his wife I^ewls W Coleman.! West and 13 64 chains North of the E X E C U T O R ’8 N O TIC E E X E C U T O R 'S N O TIC E Southeast corner of the Donation . ---------- — IN THE COUNTY COURT OP THE and for Its costs and disbursements sometimes known as Louts W Cole-! T IN THE COUNTY COURT OP THE ," d ^'j’lms of Charles B Sweet and herein, and said execution to me di­ man. Sarah Coleman, his wife, Mahlan SUM M O NS STATE OF OREGON. IN AND POR STATE OP OREGON, IN AND POR IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Wife he'ng Notification No. 3J87 and rected commanding me In the name I Carter, sometimes known as Mahlen THE COUNTY OP LANE. THE COUNTY OF LANE STATE OP OREGON POR THE of the State of Oregon. In order to Carter. Mrs. Mahlen Carter, his wife, Cla'm No. ’ 8 lq Township 18 South. IN PROBATE IN PROBATE COUNTY OF I.ANE satisfy said Judgment. Interest, at also all other persons and parties un- Range 3, W'».» of the Willamette lp re Estate of Samuel J. Robertson Phebe Shear, Plaintiff, Vs. Oscar In re Estate of Margaret Ellen John­ torney's fees, cost of suit and accru known claiming aq,v right. Interest, or MerM'ae. and Claim No 61. Townshlo son. deceased deceased. Shear, Defendant. . j lng costs, , to sell __ the . following des easement In the real estate described 17 Sonfb Range 3 West of the Wtl- Notice Is herebv given that the un-, .. Notice Is hereby given that the un To Oscar Shear the above nnmed derslgned, J Lewis J e n so n , was duly CT'bIV’ 7 " ' ,pr° P < in the complaint herein, defendants: ’amette Meridian, said beginning point , derslgned, Walter E Robertson, was Defendant. appointed Executor of the above en 1 AH of 14 in Block IN THE NAME OF THE STATE being the Southwest corner of said duly appointed Executor of the above IN THE NAME OP THE STATE titled estate on May 18, 1929; that I numbered 5 In Chamber's Addition OF OREGON: You and each of you Block Seven (71 and helng the Inter­ entitled estate on May 17, 1929; that OF OREGON you are hereby requir­ to Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, a s . are hereby required to appear and section of the North line of Ftourth all persons owing said estate shall pay ed to appear and answer the com­ all persons owing said estate shall platted and recorded. answer the complaint filed against Etreet with the East line of Henderson me. and all persons having claims plaint filled against you In the above pay me, and all persons having claims Now. Therefore, In the name of you In the above entitled Court and Avenue in the amended plat of Glen­ against the said estate shall present entitled Court and cause on or before against the said estate shall present i the State of Oregon, In compliance cause, on or before the expiration of wood Park, and running thence the 'same to me with vouchers at the same to me with vouchers at­ th the tíme prescribed In the order of Northt 5.20 chains to the Northwest at Ihe law office of Henry E ’ ','b ‘t* ” >Ld « * c““ bn tached at the la w office of Henry E being more than four weeks from the sale, and In order to satisfy said publication, to-wlt: On or before the corner of said Block Seven (71 and Slattery, my attorney, at 717 Willam­ day of the first publication of this Slattery, my attorney, at 717 Wiliam Judgment. Including interest, attor­ expiration four weeks from the the South Hue of Third Street in said ette Htreet, Eugene, Oregon, within summons herein entered of record ette Street, Eugene, Oregon, within ney's fees, costs and accruing costs, date of first of publication this sum- Plat, thence East 5 20 chains to the six months from the data, of first and If you fall to appear and answer six' months from the date of the first 1 will on Saturday, the 22nd day of mona.» and If you fall to of answer, for Northeast corner of Block Seven (7) publication of this notice which Is publication of this notice which Is for want thereof the plaintiff will June. 1929. at the hour of one o'clock want thereof, plaintiffs will apply to and the West line of Harrison Street' May 23. 1929 May 23. 1929 apply to the Court for the relief In in the afternoon of said day. at t h e ; the Court for the relief prayed for thence South 5.20 chains tn the J. LEWIS JOHNSON. WALTER B. ROBERTSON. Sontheast corner of Block Seven (73 her complnlnt against you demanded, Southwest front door of the said In the complaint, to-wlt: Executor. Executor. to wit • For a Judgment and decree County Court House In Eugene. Lane That each and all of said defendants and the North line of said Fourth HENRY E SLATTERY. HENRY K. SLATTERY. of divorce dissolving the bonds of I County, Oregon, offer for sale and be required to set forth the nature Street: thence W*st 5 20 chains to Attorney for Exqcutor. A tto rn e y fo r Executo r matrimony now and heretofore ex­ sell for cash, at public auction, sub- of their claims of right, title, interest, the place of beginning, all in Section M 23 30 J 6-13-20 M 23 30 J 6-13 20 isting between you and the Plaintiff Ject to redemption as provided by or easement of, In and to the property Three (3). Township Eighteen (18) South, Range Three (3) W est; AJI la on the grounds of desertion and that law. all of the right, title and Interest hereinafter described, and that any Lane County, Oregon. N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SALE ON j of said defendant Rae M. Shepard.: and all adverse claims of said do- N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G ON F IN A L plaintiff he awarded the care and FO R ECLO SU RE And further decreeing that the de­ custodv of the two minor children and AC C O U N T and of all persons claiming by, fendants or either thereof, of. In and for such other relief as to the Court NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That I through and ¿nder her In and t o , to said property may be determined fendants had not nor have either of NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN: That shall seem meet. by a decree of this Court, and that by t o c ^ a ’d ’"nrern’i t . . “ ^ 7 ,n t e r e a t ’B by virtue of an execution and ord er' said premises. That this summons Is served upon of sale Issued out of the Circuit Court the undersigned administrators of the said decree it be declared and a d -1 f nd fnrPVer H. L. BOWN. Sheriff Eatate of Clemons E. Carllle, deceased you hy publication thereof In The of the State of Oregon for the County) M 23-30 J 6-13-28 Judged that the defendants and each | fendan ’ toem a ^ aB have filed their account for the final Springfield News, a newspaper of of Iatne on the 27th day of May 1929 ------------ and all thereof have no estate or in- c,aim)n)r by thro„™h a™ settlement of sahl estate In the g<«,eral circulation pursuant to an upon a Judgment rendered in said terest, title or easement whatsoever NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION them or either of them, and suck County Court for 1-nne County. Ore­ order of the Judge of the above men­ Court on the 25th day of May 1929 of, In or to said land and property, or der FOREST EXCHANGES other and further relief as to tha gon, and that Saturday the 25th day tioned Court and entered of record In a suit whereln'Janie L. Cruzan was any part thereof; and that the title of No. 018524. Court may seem equitable. , of Mar, ’.929., at Iho Court Room of on the 164h day* of May 1929 ordering plaintiff and Petra Jones, and C. N plaintiffs to said property and the This summons is published once »Aid Court, In the County Court this summons to he published once Jones her husband. E. C. Summers Department" of the Interior, United whole thereof is good and valid and States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore­ each week for four successive week» House, In Eugene, I^ine County, Ore­ each week for four successive and and Vernla Summers his wife. Chris that any adverse claims of said de­ In the Springfield News, a weekly gon. May 17, 1929. gon nt ten o'clock In the forenoon has consecutive weeks In said Newspaper Tellpfson, James Wm. Jones and ----- fendants or either thereof of. In and been hy said COurl flted as the time and that th e date nf the ftrst psiHlt- Jones his wife were defendants rwd j Notice is hereby given that on May to said property as against plaintiffs newspaper published at Springfield. and place for hearing objections cntlon Is with the Issue of May 16th wherein the Plaintiff recovered Judg 15, 1929, Isaac Elder, of Albany. Ore­ J be quieted and that said defendants I^sne Countv. Oregon, by order of th« thereto, and for final settlement oi 1929 and dale of last publication will ment against said defendants. Pctrn 1 gon, filed application No. 018524 un and each and all thereof be forevet Honorable C. P. Barnard. Judge of be with the Issue of June 13th. 1929. Jones and C. N. Jones her husband der the Act of March 20. 1922. (42) enjoined and barred from asserting the Conntv Court of Lane County. raid estate. 465) to exchange the NW*4 Oregon, which order bears the data FRANK A. DePUE, for the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars ; Stat., HENRY L, CARLILE \4. Sec. 1. NEKi S E ^ . Sec. 2. Tp 88 aw 1in8t P ^ “ “ « 8 a"d the*r. 1 t,tle the 15tht day of May. 1929. and th« Attorney for Plaintiff, Residence. together with Interest thereon from SW C. P. SNELLKBACK - - — K 'an y claim. Interest right, title or of the ftrst* publication of this L. L. RAY, Attorney far Estate. Springfield, Oregon. the 22nd day of May 1928 at 7% per , 15 S. R , 11 West. W M within the easement whatsoever in or to or over j date Summons Is Mav 16th 1929 M 16 23-30 J 6-13 annum and for the sum of >125.00 as Sluslaw National Forest, for the said property or any part thereof, A. 26: M 2 9 16 23 » - ■ — 1 e s. - - - - - - - - POTTER ft KINO. attorneys fees together with the costs timber from approximately 5 acres to-wlt: Attorneys for Plaintiff« and disbursements of the said suit located in the NW«4, SE»4. NH SW>4 Reginning at a point 20 chains East 19; Wt4 Sec. 18. Tp. 20 9.. Rango, Residence and Post Office Address. together with the accruing costs Sec. 4 East. W. M.. within the Caacade ?/ Miner Building, Engene, Lane County, which Judgment was enrolled and j National Forest. ^ « o °n k Oregon. docketed In the office of the Clerk The purpose of this notice Is to fiot’f,ca,1'?n) No; 6.188 ,nQ9ePt'°" S'X M 16-23-30 J 6-1» of said Court on the 26th day of May . . . 1 In Township nineteen. South Range 1929 and said execution was to «"e an ^ r’ BB8 ,be ,BBd8| ° n e East of the Willamette Meridian SUM M ON8 Offlca Phone 176-J Res. Phone 176-M ■ m , Phona 160 Plano Mnving directed commanding me in the name ; f 4 5 ? ™ ’ in Lane Countv, Oregon, and running IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THB Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. of the State of Oregon. In order to thence East along South line of said STATE OF OREGON FOR TUB SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER satisfy said Judgment and accruing ¡ ¡ ? “ V r% nd R ^ l v ^ o ? ’ tote"’un/ted = X ln a to .n ce General Practice, Special Attention COUNTY OF LANE. » WILI-IB BERTSCH, Prop. costs to sell the following described , [ " J1 7 pLVhnrJ n ~ 16 55 chain»* more or less, to the to Obstetrics and Diseases A. Carter. Plaintiff, Vs. James B. GVFICB AT SERVICI! GARAGE property to-wlt: ‘ 25 Lr„ t e s t e r o i ¿ i t a Southeast corner of the tract of land Ava of Children. Carter, Defendant. 631 Matn Street Beginning at the west line of the u y ; . , ’ ? 1» ’t htl o f f l e ^ i t Mn ™nveved bv A. J Renfro and wife to To James E. Carter, the above- First National Bank Building M u Z i n d U DO,L nc . aNo. « I n X " « . ! ,b,r‘>' da^ tb* d«to of firs" Oeorge Klntxley August 14th 1914 hy named Soccaaaor to Button Transfer defendant: Springfield, Oregon IN THE NAME OF THE STATB ship 19 south. Range 2 west of W |H I £„{¡{£",’¡£¡5 Mav 2)t,Cl» 2 7 h,Ch ° ' ' ‘hc^eed''Record’s*of“ ik n e County, OF OREGON, you are hereby required amette Meridian at a point 10 chains pu "ca ' " ’8. Oregon, thence West. North and Wes- to appear and answer the complaint north of the southwest corner of * ' CANAnAY* Rexl»»« tpr,y a,ong Hn# of gRld K )ntl,ey tract filed against you In the above en­ W M . G. HUQHES DR. W. N. DOW D. L. C. running thence north 28.15) , . „ . » t o i point due North of the beginning titled court and cause on or before F IR E A N D A U TO IN S U R A N C E chains to a point 17.98 chains south , M J wi3*30 point and thence South - to - the - place of the 18th day of June 1929 said date D e n tis t of the Northwest corner of said D. I., j --------------------- *— 1 ’ NOTARY PUBLIC First National Bank Building beginning. ' being more than four weeks from th« C.; thence south 89" 62' east of 19.72 SU M M O N S ' ' and that plaintiffs have such and day of the first publication of thia Phone 43 Springfield, Oregon Office M chains, parallel to the North line of . __ further ____ relief _ ' other as to the Court summons herein entered of record Office hours, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. FIRST NATIONAL BANK said D. L. C. to a point 30 feet North IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE may seem Just and equitable. and If you fall so to appear and an­ Evening» by Appointment tRrIngflald, 89" 62' west of a stone set In the Coun­ STATE OP OREGON POR LANE This summoms Is published hy or- swer for want thereof the plaintiff ty survey No. 2028; thence south COUNTY. [ der 0( the Hon. G. F. Sklpworth, will apply to the court for the relief 17.69 chains to the North line of Mnrguerlte Smith. Plaintiff Vs. Leo judge of, said Court, made May 3rd, In her complnlnt against you demand­ County Survey No. 1690; thence west W. Smith. Defendant. j t<>29. ed. to wit: DR. N. W. EMERY Blong the said North line 9.72 chains To Leo W. Smith Defendant. Dated and first published May 9th, For a Judgment and decree of lo the north west corner of said IN THE NAME OF THE STATE 1929. divorce dissolving the bonds of mat­ D E N T IS T County survey; and thence south 10 OP OREGON: You are hereby re-1 BROOKE ft BRYSON, rimony now and heretofore existing Phane Sutton Bid«. chains to the place of beginning and I qulred to appear and answer the I Attorneys for plaintiffs. 86» Wiliam* between you snd the Plaintiff on the containing 44.67 acres of land more | complaint filed against ' you In the j ette Street, Eugene Oregon. Raaldenea Phona 1BB-M grounds of desertion and for such or less in Lnne County, State of Ore­ above entitled suit on or before four; M 9*16-23 30—J. 6 other relief as to the Court may gon together with the tenements, here, weeks from date of first publication Springfield, Oregon seem equitable. dltaments and appurtenances there­ of this summons, or for want thereof That this summons Is served upon N O TIC E TO C R E D IT O R S unto belonging or in anywise apper­ the plaintiff will take Judgment you hy publication In the Springfield 228 Main St. Residence 126 C 8t NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that taining. against you and will apply to the | News, a newspaper of general circu­ General Law Practice NOW THEREFORE IN THE NAME court for the relief prayed for In the I Mollie Grossen has been appointed lation. pursuant to an order of tha 62 J 63M OF THE STATE OP OREGON, and complaint and for n decree of ab- administratrix of the estate of John Judge of the Circuit Court of the I. M. PETERSON I Grossen, deceased, by the County State of Oregon for the County of tn compliance with the execution and solute divorce from you. Attorney-at-Law Full Auto Equipment order of sale I will on Saturday the This summons Is published once Court of Lane County, Oregon. All Lane made and entered nf record 0« 29th day of June 1929 at the south­ each week for four consecutive weeks. persons having claims against said the 14th day of May 1929 ordering Lady Assistant City Hall Building west door of the County Court House In the Springfield News, a weekly estate are required to present them this summons to he published one« In Eugene. Oregon, between the hours newspaper published at Springfield, with the proper vouchers within six each week for four consecuMv« and Springfield, Ore. of 9 o'clock A. M. and 4 o’clock P. M. I-ane County, Oregon, by order of the months from the date of the first successive weeks In the Springfield of said day offer for sale In one parcel Hon. O. P. Sklpworth, Judge of said publication of this notice, which Is News and that the date of the'ffrat FRANK A. DE PUE for ensh all the defendants* right, Court, made May 28th, 1929; and May 16th, 1929, to said administratrix publication Is of the Issue of May 18th at the law office of Donald Young. 860 1929 and the last publication w ill he title, Interest,-claim and equity In and first published May 30th, 1929. ATTORNEY AT LAW Willamette Street. Eugene, Oregon. to said lands and premises heretofore WHITTEN SWAFFORD. with the Issue of Jnne 19th 192». NOTARY PUBLIC described and every part thereof. Attorney for Plaintiff, residence MOLI4E GROSSEN, FRANK A. DePUE, JE W E L E R H. I,. BOWN. and Post Office address, Eugene Administrator. Attorney for Plaintiff, Resides««, Sutton Springfield, Repairing a Specialty Sheriff of Lano County. Oregon. Oregon. DONALD YOUNO, Attorney. Springfield, Oregon. M 30 J 6-13-20-27 M 30 J 6-13-20-27 M. 16-23-80 J. 6-18 Oregon M. 18-29-M >. MS Springfield, Oregon Waker-Poole Chapol Funeral Directors D. W. Roof