TI(B SPRINGFWH.O NEWS PAGE TWO r a in ♦ THURSTO N ♦ ♦ U P P E R W IL L A M E T T E ♦ S T O P S G A M E FO R J U N IO R C H A M P IO N S H IP THURSDAY. JUNK 6. 1929 Building Being H-m odslsd The store room on Fifth street be | tween (he Springfield bakery und the Parker-Bailor garage, leased recently by the Daisy lame dairy, la being re­ modeled in preparation for in-cupuney by (be dairy. A concrete floor la be lug poured at the rear of the building, where the milk will be handled The front part of the room will be par­ titioned off for a retail department The concrete work Is being done by U. Perry and son. local contractors. Visitors From Amity Mr and Mrs Andrew Campbell of Amity spent the week-end In Springfield visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. F. II Flattery. At Sprlngflsld Hotel -Charles Itov i lepresentutlve of the Mountain States power company at Albany. Is régis The Pleasant Hill high school won A heavy rain lturm ln the third tarad at the Springfield hotel this Mr and Mrs. Arthur Buyers and children and Misa Nedra Weaver iron the R. A. Babb track cup for II ntug Interrupted the game for tue week. Portland spent several days visiting at league schools of lan e county Thurs Junior championship of Lane county A. W. Weaver's home last week. day. May SO, which was held at Oil which was being played on the local Mrs. Genevieve Beaman, who taught ley's Riverside park The scores diamond Monday afternoon between In Eastern Oregon the past year, has were as follows: Pleasant Hill, 57; , Eugene and Springfield. At that time closed her school and returned here. Coburg, 1»; Mohawk, 10; Elmira. 9. the score stood 4-4. The game will Miss Lucile Wilson from Eugene Walker, 1, be played as soon as the weather Is Oarwin Baxter won 35 points, hav­ favorable. visited friends here last Wednesday In new, light, cool, and well ventilated rooniH on the and attended the commencement ex­ ing taken first In 50 yard dash, high If the local boys succeed in de jump, pole vault, broad jump, 100 yard feutlng the Eugene aggregation. the\ second floor of th e M iner Building — ercises of the high school The Thurston high school held its dash. Laundry Peopls on Picnic will be entitled to play the chatnplona O ur three>niontha' S um m er School opeua Monday Ju n e 3 commencement exercises at the Donald Habler. who la atendtng of Llnn allll lu-nton counties for the A group of employees of the church last Wednesday evening. Har. State Normal school at Monmouth, district championship In the American Springfield laundry and of the New H ours: 8:00 a. in. to 1:00 p. m. each school day, during old Rennie was the only graduate was at Pleasant Hill for the commence- Legion national junior baseball tour- Service cleaners spent Saturday night June, July, and Augiiat. Ask about It. It's a good school. this year. Professor Smith from the inent exercises of the Pleasant Hill nament. The boys play a good brand and Sunday on a picnic at Gates University of Oregon gave the ad­ : high school. of baseball, according to W illia m Creek, near Vida. The party camtted Mae Belle Clinefelder. who graduut- Vasby, who is coaching th>m, and out. und report a good time despite dress of the evening. The grade school closed last Fri­ ! ed from the Pleasant Hill high school were holding their own against the the rnin and the dampness of the day. The parents of students took . last week, left for her home Wed­ supposedly strong Eugene team when ground Those who went on the pic­ A. M. R oberta, Prealdent well-filled baskets and enjoyed a nesday. nic were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence the rain stopped the game. Fifteen students graduated from picnic the last day. Miss Goldia Starr Anderson and small son Lloyd. Lloyd Telephone filiti Eugene, Oregon Miner Building Vasby Is entering the boys In the principal, returned to her home in the Pleasant Hill high school Friday Eugene Junior twilight league, which Mattison. Mr. und Mrs John Avllt. night. May 31. Exercises were held includes six other teams. Oakland last Saturday. Miss Florence Doty, Miss Dorothy Frank Campbell, who was taken in the gymnasium, which was com­ Wills, and Bill Sharen, proprietor of to the hospital last Thursday, has pletely filled with friends and re- the Eustsidc cleaners of Eugene. Purchasing Right of Way recovered enough to come home la st! latives of the graduates. The vale- Welby Stevens is spending this Monday. dlctory was given by Miss Dilley. week in the vicinity of Cushman pur L E N A F R IZ E L L G E T S Jimmie Gossler, small son of Mr. Arah Nell Arnold was salutatorian. N A M E O N C IV IC C U P chaslug the right of way for the and Mrs. Lawrence Fossler, under­ Harold Dilley gave the last will and Cushman-Mapleton section of the Wil­ went an operation for hernia a few testameut of the. seniors, and Jose Lena Friggìi, who graduated la-t !>42 W illam ette St,, E tutene, Oregon. lamette Valley-Coast highway. The day3 ago. This is the second opera- Putman the class prophecy. Darwin new highway connects this part of thte Frtduy from the Springfield high tion he has undergone for that Baxter presented the senior cain to school. was elected hv the members the Junior, Laura Hull receiving It. county with the Florence district and trouble. Is complete except for ubout 14 miles H h-ugtir ut the school us Miss Mildred Price, who taught at A trio was rendered by Shirley Wiley. the senior girl best exemplifying the between Cushman and Mapleton. The Dalles the past year, returned Chystal Baughman and Francis Parks. Ideals of th< organisation, and had the Laura Hunt gave a solo. Dr. Arnold home last Saturday evening. honor of having her name the first to Changes In B a k e ry S ta ff Ernest and Fred McKinney from Rowbotham of the University of Ore- be engraved on the silver cup pi- Miss Pearl Nelson, who has been Lakeview and Ted Muller from Port- ' gon delivered the address, and Harry sented to the Girl’s league lust fall land took dinner Saturday evening Shelly, chairman of the board of ,e,uP'°>e*l by the Springfield bakery by the local civic club. ! ("’rectors, delivered the diplomas to ^or Pas' f°ur years, has resigned at John Edmiston's. Such qualities as friendship, cliur Mrs. John Price and daughter the graduates. Those who graduated ber P',s"'on there tu enter thte Eu- acter. tali nt, and personality were Mildred and Mrs. Edmiston motored were Shirley Wiley. Nina Dilley. Arah *,'ne Bualneaa college Mia« Nelson considered In tin- choice. Miss Frau to Corvallis last Mandav and at­ Nell Arnold, Josie Putman, Veda wilt tak‘‘ the ful1 bus,ne88 course at ces Hodge, dean of the girls at the tended the commencement exercises Hills, Frances Parks, Crystal Baugh- Bu* SE* h SE^ s NW ti, S\V>, Administratrix. be on hand for the event, and there Piano solo—Mildred Swift. NE‘ h SE1, NW>i, S>i N'tt't, SE«-« I J 6-13-20 -27 Jl 4 will be plenty of busking horses, Flag exercises—Grade children. NW14, 8W>4 SE«4 NW%, Sec. 23. Tp. wild steers, and even two buffalo to Piano duet—Lucile Jordan. Helen IS S R. 9 West. W M. within the test their ability. Siuslaw National Forest, for the tim­ Carter. ber on the three acres located within Proceeds from the rodeo will go Reading—Mrs. Ralph Laird. the NW%, SE1,. NKk SW%, Sec. 19, toward making a bigger and better Violin solo—Mrs. J. C. La Source. WV4. Sec. 18. Tp. 20. S.. R. 4 East. fair for Lane county late in August, Musical recitation — Bonnie Jeanne W. M. within the Cascade National Forest. and for this reason fair association Tinker. Evlyn Phelps. The purpose of this notice Is to al­ officials are asking the support of Reading—Myrna Laird. low all persons claiming the lands Lane people for the rodeo. Spring- Plano solo—Dorothy Withers. selected, or having bona fide abjec field people are urged by fair offi­ tions to such application, an oppor Play. cials to spend at least one of the two Vocal duet—Mrs. E. E. Kirkpatrick. tunity to file their protests with the Register and Receiver of the United days In Eugene at the rodeo. Irma Laird. States Land Office at Roseburg, Ore On the first day there will be only A basket dinner will be held at gon. Any such protests or objections an afternoon performance, but all the noon. In the afternoon there will be D1118' he filed in this office within wild west features of the rodeo will sports followed by a baseball game 2 “,h i/ ,1ay8 the date of first .. „ * publication of this notice, which first be given on this program. On the between the Pleasant Hill high school publication is June 6 19->y second day, July 4, there will be both team and the Eugene American Le­ H amill a . canaday . afternoon and evening programs, and gion team A cafeteria dinner will „ , Register. | In the evening there will be a great be served cn the grounds. Non-coal J 6-13-20-27 Jl 4 , A U TH E fireworks demonstration in keeping IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE N O T IC E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N with the spirit of the day. STATE OF OREGON. FOR LANE M ECHANISM FOREST EXCHANGES Dove Anderson, Union, who has his i COUNTY. string of horses and cattle here for Department'of °the^Interior, United Violet Mae Coppernoll, W. L. Cop-■ IS ON TOP the rodeo, has just purchased two | States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore- pernoll, C. A. Foust and Pear! - Foust, Plaintiffs, Vs. Unknown bnffalo, direct descendants of the , 8°”. May 27, 1929. heirs of Simon McAllister, true) prairie herds without any cross *B hereby given that on May name Simon McCallister, Un. THE strain. The huge animals are now known heirs of John N Johnson, corraled at the Lane fair grounds, ; No. 018540 under the Act of March 20.1 Unknown heirs of Mannaweather C A B IN E T and will be featured in the big rodeo 1922, (42 Stat., 465) to exchange the! Brown, Unknown heirs of James Dannals, Unknown heirs of John events. w %- Sec- 36- TP 15 S. R. 9 West. W. I ALL-STEEL __________________ ! M., within the Suislaw National For- { Stowell, Also all other persons or parties claiming any right, ! est, for the timber from approximate- title, estate, Hen or interest. In C O M M U N IC A T IO N ly 20 acres located within the NWU -------- !8E ’/<. N% SW14. Sec. 19. W ^. Sec J the real estate described in the To the Editor, *-?• Tp 20 S' R- 4 Ea8t’ w - M- within 1 complaint herein, Defendants. tike Cascade National Forest. , , P° unknown heirs of Simon Springfield News. The purpose of this notice Is to McAllister, true name Simon Mc- F the many cicney and increases Dear sir: May I use a little of your allow all parsons claiming the lands ' ■¿'■"ter, Unknown heirs of John No. vaiitagcsoff^en the cost o f opera tion. valuable space to call attention to sebeted, or having bona-fide objec- Johnson, I nknown h-lrs of Manna- eral Electric K efrig what 1 consider an unfair condition. tlons to such application, an oppor- * eat“er Brown, Unknown heirs of And now has been tunity to file their protests with the , Bannals, Unknown heirs of If a concert, or a party or a dance is Register of the United States Land John Stowell, Also all other persons e r a t o r s , tw o a r e added the new n//- given, we tradespeople are expected, ' Off'.-e at Roseburg, Oregon Any such I Py parties claiming any right, title, e s p e c ia lly v ita l— th e h e rm e tic a lly »trel cabinet. B u ilt lik e a safe, it ra n ’t and we are also willing, to display a Pfotests or objections must be filed estate, lien or interest, in the real eralcci, on-top meehaniam and the w arp—it operates on the least am ount described in the complaint notlc In our windows—free of charge. : J1? ’i'i's ° rfi<;e * lthln th'rty days from estate , ’ , Defendants a ll- itf ^ l w arp-proof cabinet. o f curren t — its doors always retain •w. . , . „ : fhe date of first publication of this tterein» uerennantH. We also pay a large share of the notke which flrst puWlcatlon June IN THE NAME OF THE STATE th e ir perfect fit which shuts out heat. T h e mechanism in any electric re ­ taxes, and our rents are correspond-, 6, 1929. OREGON: You are hereby rq- A vailable In six sires at prices sur­ lngly high., and we are also expected HAMILL A. CANADAY. '*ulre