T ry th» H o m i P rin t Shop F ira t THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS t w k n t y - h ix t ii ykar LOCAL SCHOOL MAY SPRINGFIBLD. LANE COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, JÜS’E «, 1929 LOCAL NATIONAL GUARD MEN TO LEAVE FOR SUMMER ENCAMPMENT Gray's Cash Store Day Bible School To Move Location To Open Monday "Ths People's Papar" A LIVE NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN NUMBER 21 NEIGHBORS PREPARE FOR DISTRICT GATHERING h e r e ju n e is and 19 MAJOR Ï0 TRY FOR t I_ The member« of Pin« Circle No. 45 Twenty • Hires members of the Grocery Leases Stevens-Perkins Three Local Churches Unite In Qf N<.l((hborR Woodcr.ft are Hurlngfleld unit nf the Oregon Nation­ Building on Corner; Re­ Sponsoring Enterprise; bard at work In preparation for the al Guard will leave next Wednesday Lasts Two Weeks 'biennial district convention of the Eck«r»on Sets Goal at 20 Day« modeling Structure School Board Considering Re­ morning for Camp Clatsop, near As­ order, which will be, held In Spring For Flight of Special Plane at commendation of Parent- toria, where they will ulend the an. 111» Htevi ns Perkins building at the The first union Bible school *»er ' TUeBday and Wednesday. June Santa Monica In August; To nuul National Guard summer tamp Teachers Committee; Fifty from June 12 to June 26. The men corner of Fifth aud Main streets, for to be held In Springfield will open ' lg and 1# Oa4! hundred and sixty- Tour Oregon With Waco In Children of Right Age Here; wRl'iinderg.’ extenslv« military train n,er,x occupied by Kafoury Brothers, next Monday morning at S o'clock at four ottlcU| delegates and at least Few Days. I l l g for the fifteen days of the camp. b,,,,n to Or“x ' C“ h “na Ith® Christian church under the , , hat many mor„ additional member» Special Teacher Necessary. They will leave Hprlngfleld on a spe Carry. It was announced this morning ' supervision of Miss Goldie Smith are expected to attend the session, re- An attempt to shatter the time re* The Hprlngfleld schoql board inuy clal train al 6 30 ,»'clock Wednesday «..modeling of the building for the student In religious education at the pr< sentlng circles from ail parts of cently made by the Fort Worth for Mithurlse the establishment of u , i morning At Eugene they will Join j *™c.ry was begun and the store w.„ Eugene Bible university. The school Southern and Central Oregon. endurance flight will be made some will hold session from 9 unail 12 and kindergarten school for younger I The convention will be held In the time during the month of August at ! the Eugene unit, and other» along ! m ove to Its new location within a will continue dally for two weeks. children next year, following the re high school gymnasium, and will be Santa Monica, California, by Major 'Ute way, arriving at Camp Clatsop; short time. o.mmendatlon of u committee from The corner building Is considerably The vacation Bible school Is being open to the public on one of the two G. H. Eckerson. of the Springfield i late In the afternoon, the Parent-teachers' association, com 5 larger than the one now occupied by gponsored by all three of the Spring- nights. The programs for the various airport. Major Eckerson srlll set bis posed of Mrs. Waile Palmer. Mrs. Han j Approximately 3.000 men are ex- ,Gray’s, and will give space for field churches. Roy Carlton of the gesslons have not yet been fully goal at almost three times that of the ' peeted to attend the Oregon National Hlewart, Mrs Will Wright, and Mrs a considers! le Increase In the - Baptist church Is the chairman of the worked out by the committee In Texas aviators, or twenty days In the I Guard summer eamp this year. The L. K. Page The committee made a p,, ntiM ix «si H'neio g »gv- ohuio I <1 > I feature of the session n will wfll *toc^ E00***- The entire front of committee In charge and Is assisted , charge. The Neighbors will take pos- air. pr n< pa ure o t »» j th«- store Is to be rebuilt. A corner by following persons: Oscar session of the gymnasium Wednesday, survey of the situation and reported »mi »ry wi j . . « « f i t t i ' 1 * ■»»»*• y V itzii'ivvjiiyt, M’- • ■ »•»ix *» • s x Hvffinl*/Il f /1 Val “ M s * imm uni v V » ma ® J . The plane which Major Eckerson before the school lempi at Its meet- • >" 1 , entrance, similar to the one at the (jlMdlah, Baptist church; Mrs. Ida j une jg, a„d use it for practice the in M onda ' night I '’’h*42*’ wl11 h,‘ Saturday, June 22. Twentieth *'entury store at Eugene, - fjantz and Miss Edna Platt, Methodist week preceding the convention. The will use in his attempt will pe> s T h e ’proposed school would be . « < More than 10.OO0 people attended this will be constructed, opening both on , church; and I-awrence Moffitt and American Legion has agreed to de- specially built, three motor qaono* tabllshed In accordance with a law •*«"< I»«' > *r. Main and Fifth streets In addition Mrs. W. P. Tyson, Christian church, j rotate the building, and the mer- plane, which is now being constructed at Santa Monica. It Is his plan to rua passed by lust legislature permitting , The Hprlngfleld men who attended to ihls there will be a front entrance There will he four departments in ' chants of the town will co-operate In the camp ure First Lieutenant C. A. »« bool districts to establish pollile on Main street near the west corner the school. The beginners' class, decorating their windows In red, green on two engines until those fall to function, saving the third until the klndcrgarten schools In connect Ion Hwarts, commander of the 4ocal unit; of the building, and the side entrance up of children under school age, will and white, the official colors. last. By wearing out a third engine, with the elementary schools. It Lieutenant Waller M Gossler; Staff on Fifth will also be retained There are 30 circles In the district, be taught by Mrs. Wilfred Cook, of would require one full-time kinder­ Hergeaut Trubert V. Henderson; Ser­ The present center entrance to the | Chase Gardens. A teacher for the each of which will send delegates to after the strengtht of the other two garten teacher, ami would take child­ geants Charles E. Scott, Grval A. Can­ building will he eliminated and the primary department, which will In­ thte meeting here. Delegates will Is exhausted, the major Is confident ren four aud five years of age, pre­ trell, KU W. Miller, and ürval H. whole, from one door to the other. I clude children five and six years of come from Eugene, Drain, Roseburg, that he will be able to stay up for paring them for the regular Instruc­ Eaton: Corporata Alfred C. Townsend, will be made Into one large window, age. Is yet to be supplied. Mrs. C. H. Riddle, Ashland, Medford, Coburg, tsrenty days. He will have but one tion of the first grade. Children who Don Bettis, Elmo Long, und William G. forming a window display 25 feet ■ Blom will be In charge of the Junior Marshfield, Grants Pass, Myrtle Point, companion on his trip, whose name have had a year of kindergarten Cox; and Privates Albert Harper, Don wide. The new window will be raised department, children of 7 to 9 years Coquille, Oakland, Phoenix, Paisley, has not yet been announced. Early tn October, after he is wall D „ RempJe w)1, j a#p<.r, Waitervllle, Port Orford. Yon work, according to the report of the ••»Inter Roy Beversom Alvin Cantrell. abollt , w„ fw>, fr<>ni the »treet, Kt¥lng , committee, are better able to do first Edgar Look. Alonso Man waring. John , he front of ,he bulluing less „f a hay<> Qf 1ntermedlate de ' calls. Kerby, Junction City, Lakeview. recovered from his endurance flight. grade work thun those who have not ^yn< . rteman ur s . ............... squatty appearance. pertinent, which will Include children North Bend, Creswell, Langlois, Kla- Major Eckerson expects to enter the The 1-lassi-s would probably be held . Farland, Stanley Miller, Frederick The arrangement of the Interior up to high school age. math Falls, Bandon, Gold Beach, Myr­ national air races from some city on the west coast, probably either Seattle at one of the schools from 9 to 11 30 Clark, and Bert Tomseth. of the building has not yet been de­ Each one of the four classes will tle Creek, and Cottage Grove. There I of Portland, to Cleveland, Ohio. The < very morning. cided by the management of the have a given project to fulfill before are 2630 members of the order In race is an annual event Gray ' s store. Workmen now " of \ the ' work. These will those circles There are at least 50 children In M c K enzie pass road . . are . , at , completion orews. out the old overhead | i ____ Major Eckerson will leave Spring- Flflngfleld who would he eligible for OPENED FOR TRAVEL ¡ work »•*'*“« uut Include memory work, art work, and deck which was used for storage by field Saturday on a demonstratlo» kindergurten work next year, the Bible history. Each of the four ANNUAL ROSE FESTIVAL tour of Oregon. He will go through committee found In making a survey With the opening of the McKenzie the clothing store. After this 1» done teachers will have one or more as­ POSTPONED FOR WEEK the eastern part of the state, stopping of the town. The national kinder­ puss Wednesday morning, It Is expect the Interior will be arranged to best sistants. but these will be chosen BECAUSE OF WEATHER at various towns, taking up passen­ gurten ossiM'latlon, In order to spread ed that tourist traffic through i+prlng- 1 suit the needs of the grocery, giving later. gers and attempting to line up busi­ the work, Is offering »100 worth of field will Increase materially. The j room for storage and display of a I The annual Springfield rose show, ness for his aviation school, which he Miss Smith has been In charge of equipment for each new school of 26 two snow plows which had been work­ much larger stock of goods than Is . the Bible Instruction in thte Spring- sponsored by the Civic club, origin­ intends to open here. He will re* students established, and »200 worth ing up the opposite aides of the now handled. The feed store which Is now op­ field public schools during the past ally scheduled for Friday evening, turn to Springfield from time to time, of equipment for each school of 50 mountain tor the past Meveral weeks students. The local school board may came together, aud the road across erated by Gray's will not be moved two years. During the summer she 1 June 7, has been postponed to Friday, but his tour of the state will occupy take advantage of this offer, If II the mountains, which had been block but will remain where It is on the conducts Bible schools In various j June 14, it Is announced by Mrs. C. about a month. He will return la sees fit to authorise the establish­ ed throughout winter and spring, was . opposite side of Main street. Gray's towns throughout this state. She la ; E. Wheaton, chairman of the com­ time to arrange for the air circus mittee In charge of the event. The which will be held at the Springfield opened to traffic. Gene Wing and T , will retain their lease on their pre- now at Drain. ment of the kindergarten. show was postponed because the airport some time In July and which W K. Buell, of Estacada, the new () Henderson. Bend motor dealers. 1 sent location In the McKinney bulld- More than SO children have already principal of the Springfield high were the first to cross the pass, ar- Ing, but have not yet decided what ! enrolled for study In the Bible school, maturity of most of the roses in this is expectedto attract Tex Rankin ana they will do with that room. school, will arrive In town next week riving lu Eugene Tuesday morning according to Mrs. Tyson, who is in vicinity has been prevented by the a number of other noted flyers. to consult with the school board and Two weeks ago the major flew to | charge of this phase of the work, and cold weather. Thu puss was officially opened at I The show will be held next Friday Walla Walla. Washington, to parti- tn Uu>k ovur th e situ atio n h e n Tl»< I ,j |o , jj T u esd ay afte rn o o n w hen a CRESWELL MAN TO TEACH many more are expected to do so the same as originally planned. One [cipate in tue air circus held there as ls>ard voted to w ait uni.I II m et with K,.((U(> ,,f lll(,t((r ,-a r d e a le rs from Ben-1 | MANUAL TRAINING H E R E before t h e o pening day. of the principal features of the festi­ a dedication for the new airport. He biro before h lrin g thè tsachers yet met a group from Eugene on the val will be the parade down Main ' did not enter any of the contests, but nei-ili-d un th è lilgh school staff. A summit of the Cascades. It will be Glen I- Marlin, of Cresw»!, a senior j New Currency on Display street. In which the children of the 1 he put on an exhibition of stunf fly* m a rumi tra in in g lesi h> r, and a l" “ ' . KeV„ r a | days before the roud Is In this year at the Oregon State college, | -------- < b er of E ngllsh and m usic aro yet 1 good condition for travillng, us It is was elected last night to teach manual | Samples of the new currency were town will participate, A number of , ing and also acted as a Judge in nixdcd to compfete the faculty M(m q,,,,,, narrow an)l slippery where t r a i n i n g in ’!i, Sprlngfl.-ld l.igh pla. .,i on exhibit In the window of ! the business houses are also expected ' several contests. Last week-end he The board gave permission to the R cut lhr((U|, h tllK , now buIlh„ school for next year at a special meet- I the First National bank this morn­ to enter industrial floats. 1 attended the annual air circus which Balloting for the king and queen is sponsored by the American Legion Civic club to make use of the domes- . . ing of the board. Mr. Martin will i Ing. There are four bills, »1, »2, »5 tic selence equlpm<'nt at the high teach the classes in manual training ; and »10. They were sent to the local of the rose show is still continuing at Corvallis. He took up passengers ROBIN NESTS IN ROSE eebool In preparing refreshments handled Hits year by A. J. Morgan, the bank for exhibition purposes only. I All the honor students In the first there and also demonstrated stunt DESPITE NOISY MILL during the Neighbors of Wtsalcrnft principal, and may also be assigned They will be issued for general use fourth grades of the Lincoln and flying. j Brattain schools were originally can­ convention which will be held 111 about July 15. T y so n 's rose bush Is in bloom 10 s robin has built li r ! - st In II, and Is Scholarship: Louisa Cowden, Sadie Stewart, Sadie Gott, Roberta Putman, L. C. Ables and his son Kenneth, i school, Lawrence Moffitt, principal of duties during August. j preparing to rear a family there. In Gott, Ethel Gott, Dale Robertson. Violet Steel, Ethel Gott, and Dorothy owners of the large Ables ranch north j the Lincoln school, and Mrs. Gra Read --------------------------- - ! Ihe mill on one side of the bush llte Attendance: June Berg, Louisa i I-yoss. of Springfield, have traded their pro­ Ylenienway, principal of the Brattain Cowden. Bessie Cox, Valeria Koch. ! The candidates for rose king «re perty to Ernest Keuffer of Modesto, SALEM MAN PURCHASES great holt pulleys rumble and the i school. Hix students from the high KESSEY STOCK R A N C H ,”“* 1' "n »•>« "He ' school, 138 from the Brattain school Billie Stratton. Elizabeth Wardlow. Peter Chase, Dale Robertson. Roscoe California, for a 640 acre dairy ranch Is a lumber storage shed, with the Jeannine \\ ithers, Virginia Withers. Cole, Frank Bennett. Leland Neher, between Modesto and Turlock, ¡and 123 front the Lincoln school were Virginia Miller, Oliver Adams, Harold Bobbie Pollard, William H ousp . Frank The Kessey farm south of Spring overhead conveyor running buck uni ■ given places on the honor roll, The Ables ranch is one of the Gillett, Mervln Mulligan. Dale Robert- Stewart, Dean Wilson, Kenneth Ables, field, owned by Mrs. Mary Kessey. forth. largest and best equipped in the vi­ i Hix girls, Nadine McMurray. Margar­ son, LaVerne McPherson. Henry Chase, and Dan McCormick. has been sold Io Charles Parish of But (he robin doesn't mind. Slit et Hwarts, Esther McPherson, Ruth ' The four runners-up for rose queen cinity and includes an irrigation 5 A Salem, Il was announced Ihls week knows that a rose bush is a good en - t'iirlton. Dale Daniels, andl Beulah Scholarship: six weeks, Joan Sea and rose king will serve as attendants system from the McKenzie river. It The properly consists of 311 acres, vlronmeiit for youngsters. is valued approximately at »50,000. j Richardson, were placed on Ihe high ve.v, Margaret Haack, Faye Squires, to the winners. taking in most of the hill land south ( The property acquired by the Ables | school honor roll for high scholastic Jo Lana Putman, Drucile Ogilvie, Irvin The Eugene I. O. O. F. band will of Ihe Booth Kelly mill. Pratt Hoi- ’ CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR TO i achievements for the semester. Darr. give a concert at S o'clock this Friday i men in California is said to be valued verson lias Occupied the ranch for BRATTAIN SCHOOL GIVE BAZAAR, LUNCH Attendance: Howard Fritts, Lloyd night on Fifth street between Main at several times the local ranch. It some lime, running cattle and sheep is stocked with 140 head of Guernsey The students from the Brattain Harris, Oren Lansberg, Howard Nes­ nnd A streets as originally plann-d. there. The new owner expects to cows, and has modern irrigation sys­ A bazaar and merchants' lunch will j school receiving places on the ltoror bitt, Jack Pederson, Donald Kendall. The Mountain States Power company rnlse''sheep exclusively. Mr. Parish tem. with eight miles of concrete be given by Hie Hprlngfleld Chris­ will string ..ghts across the street Billy Cook, Clarence Clark, Beulah i roll, were as follows: will take possession of Ills now pro­ ditches. Property of L. C. Ables tn tian Endeavor Saturday, June 15, In Bainbridge, LaMo.vne Black, Margaret for the event. First Grade perty within a short time. California was also involved in the the Newland building on Main street, The display of roses will be held Scholarship; for term, Peter Chase, Haack, Irene HanRon, Pearl Helter- l beginning at 10 o'clock. The lunch i Mae Etta Moon; for six weeks, Peter brand. Hazel Nesbitt, Drucile Ogilvie, : In Ihe Stevens building at the comer transfer. Band Continues Practice will be served from 11:30 till 2 o’clock. Kenneth Ahles will sell the stock Jo Lana Putman, Joan Seavey, Faye 1 of » ifth nnd Main, formerly occupied ¡Chase, Mae Etta* Moon. The Springfield municipal band met Hix classes of articles wfll be sold Attendance: Peter Chase, Dalton Squires, Hazel Stafford. Mildred by the Kafoury store. Prizes will be and equipment from his Springfield for practice nt the chamber of com­ ¡awarded for the best groups of roses, ranch before he leaves for California. merce rtsiniH Monday night under the at Ihe bazaar which is to lie given. j Horton, Bruce Maxey, Bobble Pugh, Tiih.v, Hattie Clark. there being several different classes He will leave some time about the 5 B direction of Andrew Lundies, the These nre fancy work; canned fruit. Milo Heverson. V.illtine I'cliyltlni, Dor­ latter part of June. L. C. Ables has Scholarship: six weeks, Helen for competition. leader. Hereafter the band will Jelly, and relishes; cake, pastries nnd othy Tennant, Artla Robertson, Norma cookies; candy; vegetables; anil cook­ been in California for some time. Davis, Evelyn Gormley. i ___________________ Rust, Louise Smith. Aileen Whities, meet for practice every Monday night. Attendance: six weeks, Virginia - Smitson Attending Convention— Kenneth Ables Just returned to Irene Gerber, Ellen Miller, Hazel • For a time the sessions were dis­ ed foods, meat and bread. The menu for thte murchunts' lunch Keyes. Montgomery, Charles Maxwell. Viola I ^ess Smitson. local fire chief. Is at- Springfield, after spending a week continued because of Ihe many other will Include the choice of spngettl and Rohcrtson, Velma Peildlcord, Olga tending the state convention of fire in Modesto completing the deal. Second Grade < vi nt k taking place In town. tomatoes or New England boiled din Mr. Keuffer does not intend to live chiefs at Tillamook the latter part of Attendance: Delbert Koch, Delbert Hhynchuk. ner, scolloped potatoes, vegetable Mi •Gorniac, Harold Trotter, Wayne' Sixth “A" theis week. He will return Saturday. on his ranch here. It Is not known Dairy Council to Meet Scholarship: Harlan Duncan, Wini- ; Kenneth Olle, chlA of police Is acting whether he intends to lease or to sell The Oregon Dairy Improvement salad, dessert, and coffee, tea, or milk. Wetzell, De Forest Whilies, Mildred connell will hold a state-wide meeting Billings, Alice Chase, Lorraine fred Franz, tails Johansen, LaVerne as fire chief during Smltson's absence. It later. Photos on Display In tin Salem chamber of commerce Ihigh. Margaret Jarrett, Charles Cole, Squires. Visiting With Sister—Miss Nadine Mill Running Again Ray Smith. tomorrow at 10 o'clock, according to Third Grade A number nf enlarffctnenls of pic­ Templeton of Brownsville is visiting The Springfield Booth-Kelly mill Scholarship: Edgar Trotter, Wesley Attendance: Lorna Chase, Charles in Springfield at the home of her n telegram received by Waller Goss­ tures taken by Floyd Elanery on Ills resumed operations yesterday after ler, secretary of the Hprlngfleld cham­ flight to Hprlngfleld from Hull Lake Robertson, Wanetta Neet, Glen Cole, Winifred Franz, Irene Johns, sister, Mrs. Ivan Male. having been shut down since May 23 Alene Johnson, Martha Moon. Alice ber of commerce. Governor II Idridge City with Major G. H. Eckerson nre Faulkner, of Idaho, nnd a number of other pro­ on display In Ihe window of Flnnery’s Attendance: Gordon Baldwin, Har­ Neet, LnVerne Pugh, Rav Smith, Lena Repainting House—A. J. Hackelts- because of over production In the mini nl men will nddress the gather­ drug store. The pictures nre of snow old Foss, Bobby Keenan, William Mc­ Stafford, Ruth Stratton, Lora Thur­ weller is repainting, repnperlng, and lumber market. A new track was ing Dairymen from t i l l s district nre capped peaks of the Cascades, and of Pherson, Alvin McBee, Earl Pederson. man, Anton Ushytil, Kennoth Walker, reflnishtng his house at the corner of laid for thte overhead conveyor while the mill was closed. Invited to attend. Margie Mulligan, Rose Ogden, Edna (Continued on Page 6) Second and A streets. other mountains farther east. HONOR ROLL FOR YEAR NAMES MANY PUPILS I