THURSDAY. MAY 30. 1929 THE APRINOFTELD NEWS PAGE SFVFV T R A IN S C H E D U LE Springfield Stops C A L L FO R W A R R A N T S WvK HALM!— Carbon paper In largi F<)|t HALE Htoel Hawaiian Guitar. a widow, Walter H. Dodd, single ’ ence Mabel Strs'ght Linn. Harry A good Instrument at a húrgalo. Verne Htewart of Natron were visitors trains leaving 11:45 A. M. via »tsklyou sheets, 26x39 Inches. suitable fui Straight and Edith Straight, hta line. Norman H. Dodd, single, Walter Ph -me l.’IHJ M 23 30 In Springfield Sunday. wife: Leonard Straight and Madge m ak in g tracings. The Nawa OIBca Ramberg. single, Corinth E. Dodd, i Straight, his wife; Blanche Wil­ single, Edward Ramberg, single, NOTICE TO CREDITORS loughby and C B Willoughby, her N O T IC E O F S A L E FAINTING and Kalnimilntng In all Its Lucy Ramberg, single, Dexter E. SUM M ONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: Tnat husband; A. H Boss«n, Stanley Eugley, sometimes known as Dex­ branches. Reduced Prices. Roy L. L. Ray has been appointed adminis­ Notice Is hereby given that pursu-' Bosaen. and If the said A. H Ros- IN THE ClltCI'IT COURT OK TIIK ter R Engley, Mrs. Dexter R. Eng- I sen or Stanley Rossen. or either of ant to an order of the County Court Koi h rail i n j trator of the estate of Hans Peterson STATE <»F OREGON, FOR LANK ley. his wife, James Vickers. N ar-; them are deceased, then the un­ of Lane County, Oregon, made May Hulegaard, usually known an Hans COUNTY. clssa B. Vickers, his wife, Lewis W ' known heirs of the said A. H Boo- Peterson, deceased, by the County 20, 1929, Dora Humble as admlnlstra NOTICE TO CREDITORS Coleman sometimes known as Annn llruns, 1'lulntlff, Vs Erwin J Corut of Lane County, Oregon, All trig of the e sta te o f J W Hamble. sen and Stanley Bnssen. Also Louis W. Coleman, Sarah Coleman, Bruns, Defendant. NOTICE IK HEREBY GIVEN that persons having claims against said deceased, will, at the office of Brooke all other persons and parties un­ his w'fe. Mahlan Carter, sometimes To Krwln J Druna, Defendant. James II Ryan hus been appointed estate are required to present them, * Bryson. 8(10 Willamette Street, known claiming anr right, title, known as Mahlen Carter. Mrs. estate oy lntere-t In t h e real proper­ IN THE NAME OF TIIK STATE udmlnlsl rulnr of the estate of Thomas with the proper vouchers, within six Eugene, Oregon, on and after June 22. 1929, receive offers for and sell at montbs from the 2nd day of May, 1929, Mahlan Carter, his wife, also all (1. Ryan, deceaaid, by the County ty described In the Complaint OF OREGON You are hereby io- other persons and parties unknown herein. Defendants. qulred to appear mid answer the com Court of la n e County, Oregon. All to the said administrator at Lis office private sale subject to the approval Iq the Miner Building. Eugene, Oregon of the Court for rash or part rash claiming any right. Interest or ease- To Nellie Straight Floren Mabel plaint filed against you In the shove persons having claims against said L. L. RAY. apd part on time the following des m«-nt In the real estate described In Straight Linn. Harrv Straight. Edith entitled suit on or before the Inal estate are required to present them Administrator of the Estate of Hans crlhed real property, to-wlt: the complaint herein, Defendants. Straight. Leonard Straight, Madge day of the time prescribed In the Or­ with the proper voucher» within six Peterson llulegaanl, usually known Lots (lie- (D to Five (5) Inclusive TO Edward Arthur Dodd. Harrlette Straight. A. H Rossen Stanley Rossen der of Publication, to-wit: on or he. months fr»m the date of the first In Block One (1), and Lots Four (4) DeWitt Dodd, his wife, Corinth E 'r *•”* « M A H Rossen or Stan- fore the expiration of four week publication of this notice, which Is j «» Hans Peterson, deceased _____________ _____ ___ ___________ M. 2-9-16-23 30 to Ten (»01 Inclusive In Block Two Dodd. a widow, Walter H. ______ Dodd, ___ sin- Rossen or either of them are de- from the dale of ihe first publication May 16th, 1929. to said administrator I !? ’ *° ‘he c ,' t gle, Norman H. Dodd,’ single. Waiter PP”"P'T then the unknown h»lrs nt thereof, and If you fall to appear »ml at the law office of Donald Young, Mu . of Eugene, Lane Countv, Oregon. Ramberg, single, Corinth E. Dodd, ‘he «aid A. H. Rossen snd Stanley NOTICE O F S H E R IF F 'S S A L E ON answer, for want thereof, plaintiff W illa m e tte S tre e t, E ugene. O regon Said sale to be as a whole or In single,Ed ward Ramberg, single. Lucy Rossen JA M E S II RYAN. FORECLOSURE Also all other persons and will take a decree ngnlriKl you for the j separate parrels. Ramberg. single. Dexter R. Eugley, f af“ p* unl-nown. claiming anr right, Administrator. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That relief prayed for In the complaint , May 22, I9p9. sometimes known as Dexter R. Eng­ title. e«tafe or Interest In and to the by virtue of nn execution and order which Is for n decree of the court DONALD YOUNG. A ttorney. DORA HAMBLE. M 16-23-30 J «13 of sab Issued out of the Circuit Court ley, Mrs. Dexter R. Eughey, his real property described In the com. dissolving the marriage contract now Administratrix. wife. James Vickers. Narcissa B. plaint In the above entitled cause. of the Stale of Oregon for the County ■ listin g between plnlntlff and defend­ Vickers, his wife. Lewis W Coleman, Defendants: N O T IC E O F F IN A L H E A R IN G of Lane on the 27th day of May 1929 RROOKE Ä BRYSON. Attorneys ant for the care, custody nnd control TN THE NAME OE THE STATE M 23-30 J 6-13-20 sometimes known as Ixiuls W. Cole­ of the minor child nnd for nn order NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that upon a Judgment rendered In said man, Sarah Coleman, his wife. Mahlan OE OREGON. You and each of you requiring defendant to pay to the Edith A. Spires has filed her final ac­ Court on the 25th day of May 1929 Carter, sometimes known as Mahlen arp h ereb y required to appear and SUMMONS plnlntlff for the support of said minor count as administratrix of the estate In a sujt wherein Janie L. Cruzan was . Carter. Mrs. Mahlen Carter, his wife, »he comnla'nt Died against child the sum of 130(10 n month ami of Hattie E. Ptnsr, deceused, anil that plaintiff nnd Petra Jones, und C. N. l ! 1 COURT OF THE ajg0 a]j other persons and parties un- yo” *n ‘bp above entitled Court and for such other »ml further relief ns Saturday, the 22nd day of June. 1929. Jones her husband, E. C. Summers c l ? - ? ™ * <)WEGON FOR LANE known claiming any right. Interest, or P9”*P on or before four f4) w eeks of to the court mar seem Just nnd at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said and* Vernla Humin* rs his wife, Chris ( O l NTY. easement in the real estate described date of the first publication of proper. day. nnd the County Court Boom In Tellefson. James Wm. Jones and ------ Marguerite Smith, Plaintiff Vs. Leo |n tpp complaint herein, defendants this summons, and if you fall so to This summons Is published pursu the Court House al Eugene. Oregon. Jones his wife were defendants nnd W . S m ith . Defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE appear and answer said complaint ant to an order of the Hon G F hus been fixed a Hu- time and place wherein the I’liilntlff recovered Judg­ To Leo W Smith Defendant. OF OREGON: You and each of you for want thereof, the plaintiffs will Sklpworth. Circuit Judge of Lane for heurlng objections to said final ment against -aid defendants. Petra IN THE NAME OF THE STATE are hereby required to appear and an»lv to the Court for the relief de­ Countv, Oregon, made nnd entered account, and for settlement of said Jones and C. N Jones her husband OF OREGON: You are hereby re‘ answer the complaint filed against manded In said complaint to-wlt; May 7. 1929 nnd the date of the first estate. All those having objections for the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars qulred to appear and answer the you in the above entitled Court and Decreeing the plaintiffs are the own- with Interest thereon from puhlleatlon hereof Is May 9. 1929 and to suld final account are required to together expiration of er* ,n fllmnlo ° of T the following .he 22ml day o f M ay 19J8 at 7% pe, ^ ’'“eStl.ied "sub* on ”or before four C,“M ' ° D ° r th6 *” >irat,on Ot the date of the last publication hereof : appear nt suld time nnd place, or to . , . the time prescribed In the order of I premises: annum and for the sum of 3125.00 as (lie the same In writing with thi Is June 6. 1929 weeks from date of first publication publication, to-wlt: On or before the , B'ock Spvp" G) In Glenwood Park County Clerk of Lane County, Oregou, attorneys fees ,og. ther with the costs o f this summons, or fo r want thereof pXpirattOn of four weeks ? a week, STATE OF OREGON. IN AND FOR IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE satisfy said Judgment and accruing n,.wgpappr pllbIlahed at Kprlngfhld. THE COUNTY OF LANE. STATE O F OREGON FOR THE coats to sell the following daacrlbed Ijlnp Countv. Oregon, bv order of IN PROBATE COUNTY OF LANE. propern to wit .—i — Hon. n G F S k ip w o rth . Judge of said and a„ adTe„ e «-Ialina In re Kstnle of Samuel J. Robertson, Phehe Shear, Plnlntlff, Vs. Owar C o ur‘ - made M ay 28th. 1929 and fendants or either thereof, of. in and Í X -,he W”: deceased. Shear, Defendant. first published May 30th. 1929. Notice Is hereby given that the un­ said'property may be determined bP*innin* P0 ’"4 To Oscar Shear the above named Mulholland D L. ('. No. 44 In Town- WHITTEN SWAFFORD, by a decree of this Court, and that by bp,n* t,fe Southwest corner of said dersigned. Waller K Robertson, was Defendant. ship 19 soulh Range 2 west of Will. Block Seven (7) and being the Inter­ Attorney for Plaintiff, residence duly appointed Executor of the above IN T H E N A M E OE T H E S T A T E a m e tte Merld'an at a point 10 chains and ‘ p“, / O ffice a d d ress P n e e n e 8ald deCree It be declared and ad- section of the» North, line of Fourth n t - c o v „e.. . . . hereby requir­ • north of .u entitled estate on May 17. 1929; that OE n OREGON ____ .u ___ _________ . anrt f o8‘ Office address, Eugene Judged that the defendants and each ~ _ ... . you are the southwest corner of raid f>reKOn and all thereof hare no estate or ln -i^ ,r et with the East line of Henderson all persons owing said estate shall pay ed to appear and answer the com - 1 D. L. C running thence north 28.15 1 M 30 J 6-13-20-27 tPreat title or easem ent whatsoever Av^JUPl?’ ¿he “mended plat of Glen- me. and all persons having claims plaint filled against you In the above chains to a point 17.98 chains sduth , ------------ of. in or to said land and property, or ?Y.k' . and ™ nln* .tben''a against the said estate shall present entitled Court and cause on or before of the northwest corner of said D. L. j any part thereof , and that the title of ^ortht ^20 chains to the Northwest the same to me with vouchers at­ the 13th day of June 1929 said date i C.; thence south 89’ 52' east of 19.72 N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S 3 v - • corner or saw Block Seven (7) and tached nt the ln«w office of Henry E. being more thnn four weeks from the chains parallel to the North line of Notice Is hereby given that the un Plaintiffs to said property and the {he South line of Third R’reet In «aid Slattery, my attorney, at 717 Wiliam day of the first publication of this Ra|d n j.. p to „ po|nt 30 feet North derslgned has been appointed Ad- whole thereof is good and valid and ; ^ en ce East 5.20 chains to the cite Street, Eugene, Oregon, within summons herein entered of record 89* 62' west of a stone set ___________ In the Coun- mlnlstrator of the estate of Harry Harrv R that any adverse claims of said de- corner of "Rlnrk ck 1, Midway I^vrk as aRa|nst you demanded and prayed Evenings by Appointment •prlngflsld, Oregon to the said administratrix at the law swer for want thereof the plaintiff platted nnd recorded ln Lane County, for, to wit: office of L. L. Ray. In the Miner will apply to the court for the relief Oregon. For a Judgment and decree of Di­ Building. Eugene. Oregon In her complaint against you demand­ Lot 15, Block 12 In the Town of vorce dissolving the bonds of matrl- ed. to wit: CARRIE L PURDY. Lowell, Lane County, Oregon, as plat­ DR. N. W. EMERY For a Judgment and decree of Administratrix of the Estate of ted and of record in said county and manv now and hereto fore existing divorce dissolving the bonds of mat­ between you and the plaintiff on the Wnlfpr w p ,,rdy> dP(.Pnsed. DENTIST R Commence 8 rods west of the N W ! ^ " ,,nd9„ 0,f ^ ’ ^Hon and for such rimony now and heretofore existing L. L. RAY, Attorney for Estate. •vtOon Bid» Phons KLJ corner of NE>4 of Claim 58 tn Sec o,bp; rpIlpf aR ,o ,hp Court may 9Ppm M. 9-16-23-30—J 6 between yon and the Plaintiff on the grounds of desertion and for such Rseldsncs Phons 163-M 28. Tp. 15 S. R. 4 West of W. M. run mpp'- west 69 rods, south 5 1-3 rods, e a s t 1 This summons Is served upon you N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T other relief ns to the Court may seem equitable. 60 rods, north 5 1-3 rods to beginning ‘’Y publication thereof In the SPRTNO- Springfield, Oregon That this summons Is served upon contnlnlng 2 acres In Lane County. F1RI.D NEWS, a newspaper of general ______________ Notice Is hereby given that Jesse Oregon. ’ circulation pnrauait to nn order of q Wells. Administrator with the yon by publication In the Springfield 228 Main St. Residence 125 C St- All of the Interest of deceased, both <_he Judge of the County Court of the WII1 annexed of the estate of William News, a newspaper of general circu­ General Law Practice 62 J 62 M personal and as trustee In Lots 17' State of ‘ Oregon for the County of j q- Rerley, has filed his final report lation. pursuant to an order of the and 18 In Block 24 ln Chamber’s Ad­ I,nne duly made and entered of record and account as sueh Administrator, Judge of the Ctrcnlt Court of the 1. M. PETERSON dition to Eugene, Ij»ne County, Ore­ on the 30th day of April 1929 order and tt,P Court has set and fixed Tues- State of Oregon for the County of Full Auto Equipment Ing that this summons he published day the 28th day of May 1929, at the Lane made and entered of record on Attorney-at-I«aw gon. Undivided 2-8 Interest of deceased once each week for four successive hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon of the 14th day of May 1929 ordering Lady Assistant City Hall Building In lot 4 nnd south half of NW»4 and and consecutive weeks In said paper said day at the co.inty court room In this summons to he published once SW>4 of N E’4. all In Sec. 10, Tp. 20. S and that the date of the first publica­ Eugene, T^ane County. Oregon, as the each week for four consecutive and Springfield, Ore. R. 1 W est of W. M. ln Lane County. tion will he with the Issue of May 2nd time and place to hear final objec­ successive weeks in the Springfield 1929 and the date of the last puhllea­ tions to the same, if any and for the News nnd that the date of the first Oregon. publication Is of the Issue of May 16th FRANK A. DE PUE Txita 3, 4 and 5, Block 8 T eshners tlon will be with the Issue of May 30th final settlem ent of anid estate. , 1929 and the last pnhltcation will be JESSE G WEI.LS, Addition to Eugene, I^ano County, 1929. ATTORNEY AT LAW Administrator with the Will annex­ with the teane of June 18th 1929. Dated April 30, 1929. Oregon. FRANK A DePUE, NOTARY PUBLIC ed of the estate of William T. Keriey. FRANK A DePUE, Dated May 2 1929. JEW ELER Attorney for Plaintiff, Residence, Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence, deeeaeed. DORTLLA J. SOMERS. Springfield, Oregon. Sutton Springfield, Administratrix. Springfield, Oregon. Welle A WeRa, Attorney*. Repairing a Specialty M. 9^116-33-36 M. 13-33-3« I . 6-13 M. 3-9-16 23-30. M. 2 9-16-23-80 BwIMtng Orogon Springfield, Oregou { b u sin e ss D IR E C T O R Waker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors D. W. Roof f