% I THUKHDAY, MAY 30. 1929 TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS H ayt F lift Suit TOWN AND VICINITY Hamlin« at Roaeburg Mr u n it M ie . J Moves Housa Iru C. G ates moved F II ilum lln n|.i'nl Sunday visiting his housa from 1261 Fifth street to with frli'iul» ui Rossburg. I hla farm at Chase Oarduna Monday aiMt*Tueaduy of this week. The house H a rris b u rg M an H srs W illia m was a one-atory bungalow und was H p u r llli o f l i n n . ' b u r y was In K |ilt " g - in o u iile il on large rollers und towed flel fo r iiio d lr u l tre a tm e n t T u e s d a y . by trai ks. It w h s moved down Fifth to A street, down A to Mill, und out N a m 'd A s s is ta n t (ic o u tm a a te r — Mill to ('huso Hardens, a distance of W i il t i r Nenlon hna been appointed am ir mt acoulmu d c r o f Troop IJ by more Ihun two and a half m iles. Cheuli't Aldrich, th e H u o u ttia a te r . Pyna's Visit Mr. and Mrs. E. E. V is its W it h P a r e n ts Wilfred Pvne. formar residents of Springfield, Brown. report -r mi the Hprlngflnld visited here with friends for u short N o w s . s p o ilt th e w e e k end with hla time Huturday and Sunday. Mr. Pynn parents n t Camas Valley. was linotype operator on the Spring At S p r in g fie ld H o te l Mt'lvln M field N ews until about six weeks ugo, Ford of Crow and Leonard Hill of when he went to Silverton to accept Mareola wore registered at the Spring a position on the Appeal there, lie Is now enroute to Crescent City, Call fiel