PACE FOUR THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 30. I »29 The Eastern Oregon normal school be graduates this year. grades. The afternoon will be spent building, now nearing completion at ♦ Mrs. Inet Flanigan from Eugene THURSTON ♦ i In playing gam e. Ice cream will b« La Grande, will be dedicated June 5. spent Tuesday night with Mrs. A. W. seived to the youngsters. Exercises will include addresses by Weaver. The junior high atud.iits of the Mr, and Mrs. D. O. llnugh returned Governor Patterson, President Penroe The grade school d o ses next Frt Lincoln school wont on a picnic to of Whitman college and other state last Wednesday from a trip to Cali­ day. Miss Starr, prtnteipal and Miss fornia. Riverside park vesterduy uflerniionp officials and educators. Dorothy Travis, present teachers, Principal Events of the Week They were acciunpanled ny the The Ladles' Aid met with Mrs All ranchers of the mid Columbia have both been engaged ugaiu for thte i teachers. Taylor Needham last Monday and who have a strawberry acreage have Assembled for Information coming year. been busy tbs past week applying finished a quilt for Mrs. Ross Mathews Miss Virginia Christie spent the of Our Readers. poison bait to the crowns of (he plant who lost so much of her furniture In week-end in Springfield a guest at ROSE FESTIVAL TO BE for extermination of root weevil. This a recent fire which destroyed her John Nice's home. home neas Pleasant Hill. HELD FRIDAY. JUNE 7 The war department allotted $400.- insect several years ago seemed to Miss Margaret Russell, who tuught The high school gave their play at have ended the berry Industry there. •00 for improvement of Coo« bay. The in Junction City the past year, has The annual Hpringfield rose uhow funds come from the current year's Sylvesta Complona. 6. of Antelope the hall last Friday evening. The ended her school and returned home. will be held Frlduy, June 7, It » * . commencement exercises will be rivers and harbors fund. was recovering at The Dalles hosplial She expects to n turn to Junction Cltv decided Tuesday ulglil at a meeting held at the church on Wednesday to teach the next year. last week from beiug struck by a large Dates for Lebanon’s annual Straw­ o f the civic t lub. which Is In charge berry Fair have been definitely fixed rattlesnake, which sank its tangs Into evening. Miss Flossie Herrington dosed her of the event. The show will be beh' the child's hand when she attempted Miss Margaret Grant, who taught school at Not! last Friday and Is by the executive committee for Friday III the Welby Hleveus building on to show a playmate what she describ­ at Coquille the past year has finished spending some time here visiting tie r t,rnrtal Magline Wry g and, the and Saturday. June 7 and S. Main street, formerly occupied by who wav «aiti io is- tin- righ t |y. | ed as a "big worm" lying coiled in the her school and returned home. sister. Mrs Henson, and friends lit General warrants in the sum of $20.- Kefoury Brothers. man of ilu- Lite Marshal I'och. ami u Mrs. Ross Calvert from Deadwood fore she returned to her home ut whoM* xlm nldert lltr m antle o l the •00 are being called in for payment by grass. Co-Incident with the rose 'bow will Oregon has been apportioned $632.- visited her slatera-in-law, Mrs. R.i> Klamath Fulls. ■liparlrd l-ien c h wai leadci w ill piul> the city of Eugene. This covers all lie the children’s parade, which wll! ably lull. 63S o f the $4,500,000 allocated by the Baugh and Mrs. John Kdmiston, the warrants registered up to November T h e h ig h schoo l rinses nest Friday be held In the evening at 7 o'clock federal burenu of roads for forest high­ first of the week. It. 1028. Professor llenneguu has planned to The children will march In costume, Miss Hazel I-jdmiston. who has teach again next year, but Miss Ruth A new grandstand with a seating ca­ way construction during the coming C h ild re n H ave P a rty and prizes will be awarded for the fiscal year, which commences July 1, taught at St. Helens the past year, Whitlock resigned so Miss Phelps, a pacity of 6000 people is being erected A closing party for the chlldr n of cleverest costumes. The r ug. m- I at Vale for the 11th annual community Sena|pr McNary was Informed by Dr. returned home last Sunday. She plans University of Oregon graduate, has O (I F baud mid the Springfield band T. H. MacDonald, chief of the roads to attend the University of Oregon been hired as assistant. the first second, and third grades at celebration, which will be held July will plu? In the piira-te, utld at 7:31) bureau. next year. J. 3 and 4. the Lincoln school will be given ut will give a concert either on Fourth The Douglas County Sportsmen and The seeding to grass of 1200 acres Perry Price and Jay Grant, students In From Marcola - Mrs Leo l'amas the school tomorrow afternoon bv street neat- thti' post office, or oil of logged-off land near Coquille last Game Protective association enter­ at O. S. C. at Corvallis visited home of MarCola was In S p rillig lieli) on Mrs Opal Roberta and Mrs Marjorie Fifth street m ar the Springfield tained 1500 visitors at the annual free year by airplane proved a success and folks last week end. They both will business Wednesday. luissi lie, tile touch, rs of the three service station. salmon bake held at the club grounds the property will now be used for northwest of of Roseburg, recently. cattle range. The club barbecued 20 salmon, weigh­ e* . .jF The Klamath Falls chamber of com­ ing in all 450 pounds, as the feature merce has purchased 300 acres south of the free dinner at noon. of that city as a site for an airport. More than 500 persons attended the The land was purchased from Rufus annual spring show of the Clackamas Moore for $9000. County Jersey Cattle club at the The postoftice at Hershal. closed Clackamas county fair grounds at Can when the Baker White Pine Lumber by last week. Breeders from Multno­ company went into receivership, has mah and Clackamas county exhibited been reopened because of the resump­ more than 70 head of Jerseys, many tion of activity. of these being blue ribbon winners. ’ The Arthur postoffice, located at the Because of the tendency of growers Oregon Copper company properties, to hold the fruit at prices that are 35 miles east of Baker, was opened re­ declared exorbitant, no activity has cently with Edward Hendrickson as been displayed at Hood River this Acting postmaster. year In Bartlett pears. Canners and The Snider Shingle company at shippers have made offers on some of Carlton has added a third machine and the tonnage, but growers for the most a dry kiln to Its plant; which more part have been declining any price than doubles its capacity and adds offered. several men to the payroll. Purchase of the Albany milk con- The Lane county court has conclud­ densary by the Borden Milk company ed a deal with the officers of Pomona for approximately $200,000 was an­ Orange whereby the county has pur­ nounced in Albany by E. G. Peery, chased for $5000 the old market sheds president and general manager of the in the county park at Euegne. Oregon Milk company, ex-owner of The 1929 cherry crop in Marion the Albany plant. The change In own­ county will be less than half of normal, ership and management is to be ef­ according to L. W. Wells of the Young fective June 1. Wells Fruit company. The prune crop A half dozen clam diggers working is also very spotted, he said. on the ocean beach near Gearhart had Ted Wallace, Bend, holds the dis­ a narrow escape from death when tinction of catching the largest Klam­ they were swept into a large crab ath trout this season so far. Wallace hole. The diggers were working on hooked and landed a 22-pound Dolly a sand flat between the crab bole and the ocean when without warning two Varden trout in Crescent lake. The Western Oregon Packing com­ huge waves came from a calm surf pany of Corvallis has received a tele­ and swept them into the hole. phone order from a middle western Like some huge fabled bird, an air­ City for 8360 cases of assorted canned plane perched in a treetop near Marsh­ goods worth approximately $35,000. field. 100 feet above the ground. The Cars are being baited at the Oregon ship, piloted by Dr. Earl Low of Co­ •tate line to stop the importation of quille, and carrying William Richard­ Florida grapefruit, a move impelled by son, crashed into the top of a fir tree B desire to check the possible spread near Coaledo. Dr. Low said the con­ LAD IES' A LL S ILK HOSE M EN’S WORK SOX Of Mediterranean fruit fly in fruit dis­ trols stuck and the plane went into a dive. No one was seriously Injured. COTTON VOILES tricts. Service, W eight, Good LADIES A LL S ILK HOSE Com. Brown, Grey and Work was begun recently to raise Robert Geddes, 24, of Mansfield, O„ range o f Shades. black. the “block house” preparatory to mov­ Fancy and Plain. Colors was killed Instantly by a Southern Pa­ Ml shades and sizes, An A ll sizes ing It te the southwest corner of the cific freight train in Eugene when he 6 pairs fo r good assortmene to select excellent Hose fo r attempted to board it. He was thrown Dayton city park, reports William from . between two cars and his bead Schell, who will oversee the work. It formerly was located at Grande Ronde, crushed. Fancy priced at M EN’S DRESS SOX having been constructed there during As a companion organization for the pioneer days, but was moved to Day- A LL S ILK JERSEY Plain priced at Interwoven make. “Oregon Dads,” organized last year, ton nearly 20 years ago and placed io the "Oregon Mothers" hag been form­ BLOOMERS and VEST the northeast corner of the park. $1.00 value - - - ed at the University of Oregon with LAD IE S ’ RAYON PANTIES Lane county this year will receive Assorted Colors. A ll sizes. all mothers of students eligible for $116,804.86 in Oregon and California 75c value - - - membership. INDIAN HEAD railroad land grant taxes, according 50c velue - - - Come in big assortm ent of The Columbia river at St. Heleus to notice received by the coumy court has raised several feet during the past t ntly. The money will be paid by 30 inches wide. Comes in colors and patterns. few days with the result that the sal­ the government some time before Oc­ M EN’S DRESS S H IR TS white, green, blue, brown A ll sizes COTTON CREPES mon run has practically ceased and tober 1. This is the third annual tax many of the fishermen have taken payment to be received by the county Plain and Fancy Stripe. and rose. Large assortm ent o f pat­ their gear from the water. C ollar attached. New m er­ since the O. and C. lands were put terns. 30 inches wide. yard The first bunch of cattle came over back on the tax rolls three years ago. chandise. the summit of the Cascades from Twelve, persons were killed and 282 yard Jackson county to Fort Klamath a persons were Injured in 2383 trafllc few days ago. Nicboia, Jones &. Gar- accidents in Oregon during the month COTTON PRINTS rett sent over 510 head. Eight men of April, according to a report pre­ M EN’S O VERALLS A Real Buy GOSSARD CORSETS drove them over in four days. pared by T. A. Raffety, chief of the Excellent assortm ent to WORK SH IR TS John B. Crate, 79, native of Oregon state traffic department. There were And Brassieres. A ll late select from . Good heavy Denim. Priced and oldest citizen in point of resi­ a total of 1318 arrests with fines ag­ styles. A ll sizes. A ll priced at Uncle Sam make. Blue dence in Wasco county, died In a Port- gregating $4920. The officers collect­ Priced at at about and Grey Chambrejr. All ed delinquent fees of $8655 and re­ land hospital of injuries sustained some time ago, when he fell at the i covered stole.! automobiles with a re- sizes. and yd- home of his daughter in Portland. sa'e value of $7700. The Interference of a stray dog and Th9 I,an80n Construction company the power behind several well-placed of Portland, with a bid of $116,843, re­ kicks In the face of a six foot cougar ceived the contract for constructing saved W. J. Ocheltree, Middlefork the new combined grandstand and ex­ rancher, a severe mauling by a young hibit building at the state fair grounds cougar. The cougar leaped from the in Salem. The 1929 legislature appro­ brush onto the back of a cow that was priated $100,000 for construction of being led down the open Coos bay the building, while an additional $50,- highway by Elmer Ocheltree, 13. The 000 was raised through the sale of boy screamed and his father, working bonds. Both amounts are to be repaid out of the state fair receipts. in a field near by, ran to his rescue. F. A. Elliott, state forester, has been The Apple Growers’ association of advised by the United States forestry Hood River, closed a deal with Libby, McNeil & Libby for sale of 125 tons service that the Clarke-McNary allot­ of Royal Anne cherries. While the ment to the state of Oregon for the price was not made public, it was de­ fiscal year ending June 30, 1930, is clared decidedly satisfactory to grow­ $83,575. This Is an increase of $20,- 000 over the amount received for the ers. fiscal year ending June 30, 1929. The J. Z. Baxter, La Grande, was elected state’s allotment is based upon an president of the Oregon State Master estimated amount of money sufficient Barbers’ association at the final meet­ to protect state and privately owned ing of the group's annual convention timber, and upon the amount actually in Astoria and La Grande designated expended by state and private inter­ as the meeting place for the 1930 con­ ests for protection. vention. OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST •♦•« ••♦♦♦••*•••• New Merchandise Arriving Daily at Kennetts I We aie striving Hard to supply the needs of the people of Springfield adding New Lines until our stock is Now pract’cally complete in all Departments except ladies and childrens shoes. The Policy di this store at all times will be the Best of merchandise sold at the Lowest possible price. We believe the people of Springfield want a store and we believe if we carry good merchandise and sell it at the Right Price that we can have a good store here that the people as well as ourselves will be proud of. 15c 5 1 .5 0 98c 85c 42c 27c 79 C 59c 42c 5 1 .3 8 $ 1 .0 0 41c 35c f price Let us make your Suit We have the M Born and Oliver lines and we will guarantee a perfect fit 5 1 .2 5 25c 29c 51.29« 5 1 .4 9 51.69« 5 1 .8 5 Kennetts’ Springfield, Oregon 3 for $ 3 .4 5 85c Let us make your Suit Price Range from $25.00 up to $49.50 A big selection of samples 4 »,