"I too, hud a great surprise, Mar- gharlta You will not wonAer what 1 mean by that when I tell you thut In the light thut atreamed from the uncurtained window ev< rythlna In the room w as distinctly visible to me. W as I dream ing child, or were you Indeed assent Ina to the em brace of the man whose arm s w ere surely uround y o u ' llltn . I could not see. for his back was turned to the window; hut you will luugh nt me. I wonder If I tell you thut I feel strangely Jealous of him I am a foolish old man, Murghurlta. but all of the love of my heart Is yours, and I had begun alm ost to look upon you --ln my thoughts a« my own child. I cannot bear the thought of giving you up to any one You w ill not think me very, very selfish I have only a few more m onths to live, and I know that you w ill not grudg« that much out of your future, that you will stay by m e to the end Afterwards, I have no wish save for your happiness; nnd although 1 mush con fess thut I hnd hoped you might have murrled one of the sons of our own country, still It 1« you who mush choose, and 1 owe you. or shall ow e you soon, too great a debt to press upon you any de dre o f mine which Is not nt one with your w ishes Hut tell me this Is he an E nglish­ m a n ’ Ala«! I fear so. Send me a word by the bearer, and tell m e; tell me, too. of what fam ily he Is. and w hether he Is noble Hut of that I feel already assured. If he he Indeed th man to whom your love Is given. You must surely have sustained a shock at my sudden nnd rash appear- ltouhtless you wonder ut see- ant­ here at all I could not keep ing away I must have new s day by day. alm ost hour by hour. It Is all that keens me nl've. I mu»t be near to feel that 1 am breathing the sam e air as the woman on whom a lon gd e- laveil vengeance Is about to fnll. “I have taken a furnish «! cottage on the outskirts of this village, nnd a little more than a mile from Mallory Orange Hut do not come Io me. Dearly as I would love Io have you talk to me, Hnd hear from your owp lips that all goes well, yet nt present It w ere better not. I will devise som e m eans of com m unication, nnd let yon know of It shortly. I sm livin g here as Mr A n g u s— Yours ever. I,. M " •'Mv dear U ncle— I am a culprit— a m la.rab le pleading culprit. It Is true that I love an Englishm an—-the man who was standing by mv side Iasi night; and It Is true that he has asked m e to marry him. Bui 1 have not told him so, and I have not promised to marry him That Is not all of my confession. Not only Is he an Englishm an, but his name Is Lord bum ley 81. Maurice, and he Is her M arria g e Licenses Is s u e d He was quick to bat us go thU very day, thia very sorrowful woman Daring the past w e e k marriage hour!” see the change. licen ses were Issued by the county Thvn h<* turned «lowly toward her, Margharlta, my child, you have clerk to the following; Damon S cott __ .... thrust her hand from around hla neck, been III and V eseta Stivers, both o f Eugene; Kt III ah*, did not answ er. Hllently and stood up. Fred Tracer and Mary Hopkins, both ■ha knelt down by the «Ida of hie ..y „ u haV0 b w n , a| Me U) m#t j«ar- of Junction City; Edward N evers, armchHlr and took hl» withered, dell g harlta7’ he «aid, in a »low, quiet Eugene and Ixiul.e Garrison, S eattle; i a le hand In here. A great bowl of , onP "After all. It 1« only natural, Carl Hem phill, Eugene aq v Her She wondered even, w hether he had rem oves aston ish in g am ounts of old * but Its th re e no-a had died away, titr j - w aste m atter trom the system Makes . heart leaped lo longer In quick re- heard her you enjoy your m eals and sleep better “U ncle, shall It not be so?” she si «»use to the fire In those «till un. No m atter what you have tried for w hispered. "I-et ua go away from dlmm d eye«. Sh e had been a girl here and leave her. I am not thinking your stom ach and bow els, Adlerlka then, a girl w ith all the fierce un­ about him I w ill not see him again. will surprise you. Flanery's Drug trained nature of her m other's race; I will never dream of marrying him. Store, she was a w onw a now, a sad-faced. j T he Model T was so strongly and sturdily built that it | son. •Now you know the terrible trouble I am In. b ast night he was telling me of his love, and assuring me of bis m other's sanction nnd approval, when your face nppeared at the w in­ dow Can you wonder at my start, and that I faln ted j Can you wonder that I sit here after a sleep less night, with ey es that are dim and a heart that has becom e n stone? I dread to atlr from the room. My position Is horrible. I have tried my utmost to avoid him, to treat him with disdain, to send him aw ay from me. I have Steeled my heart and clothed my face with frow ns— In vain! The bnld fact rem ains thnt I love him. Do you desp ise me, uncle? Som etim es I feel thnt I deserve It; hut I have suffered. 1 am suffering now I am punished. Do not add your nnger to my load! '‘Im m ediately yon get this, sit down me. W rite to me Just and w rite to ......... - what Is In your heart. Your words I shall se t before me ns my law. Do not delay, nnd, If you blame, do not fall to pity me.— Yours* ever un­ changed, PAGE THREW TH E fyRTNOKTWl,D NEWS TH URSDAY. MAY 30, I»29 Margharlta. “Margharlta. - I have received your letter, nnd I have pondered over are young to have such a It sorrow yet 1 do not doubt hut thnt veu will act nH becom es your race. Yon can never think of mnrrlnge with th is man; you are a Mnrlonl, he a 9t. Su nmer School a Pleasure Eugene Business College Years o f service in MODEL T FORDS is still rendering reliable, econom ical service to m otor­ ists in every section o f tbe c o u n ty M illions o f these cars can be put in shape fo r two, three and five m ore years o f use at 'ery sm all cost. So that voit m sv have this work done econom ically and satisfactorily, the Ford Motor Company is still de­ voting a considerable section of its plants to the n».u«u- facture of Model T parts. It will continue to do so as long as they arc needed by Mod ;1 T nv new . The to l1*» - ing list gives the approxim ate *ai»or charges tor recon­ d itioning the Model T Ford:— William’s Self-Service Store 77 E. BROADWAY SERVE YOURSELF AND SAVE WHY PAY MORE We Lead in Values. We Will Not Be Undersold. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED on every article sold. We Sell for Less. visit and see how we do it. W E BUY FOR LESS CHILDREN’S DRESSES Short Sleeves, Voile Dresses, fancy trimmed, assortm ent oY colors 59c 2 for 51 Engine Pay us a W E SELL FOR LESS MEN’S COAT SWEATERS Men’s brown knit Coat Sweaters. A servicable sweater at a low price. $1.48 MEN’S WORK SHOE A real value in Men’s Work Shoes, Blü­ cher cut, with a no mark sole LADIES’ GOWNS Ixttlies’ Novelty Trimmed Crepe Gowns, in several colors CHILDREN’S SHOES LADIES' BLOOMERS A fine quality Cotton Crepe Bloomers, peach and flesh colors. Regular anti ex­ tra sizes 48c ,o 79c 51.98 $1.19 BOYS' UNIONS • • Boys' Athletic Unions, none better at this low price. Serve yourself and save. 48c Linen Crash Toweling Blue and red strij>e border. Hemstitched and Stamped Pillow Cases 10 yards for 2 i,a ir s fO1 O v e rh a u l fro n t a x le » Rebush spindle bodies a n d arm s (b o th side«) R eplace o r straigh ten sp in d le connecting Cod T ig h te n radius rod o r steering b a ll cap T ig h te n a ll sockets a n d jo in ts o f fro n t end R eplace fro n t s pring tie b o lt o r new le a f - S traig hten fro n t a x le - $ LOO to 3.00 2 .5 0 .7 3 . .6 0 1 .5 0 2 .5 0 3.00 C hattit Children's tan Sandals and Oxfords, just the thing for summer wear S8c Rear Sytlem 2 .5 0 K eplaee re a r a x le assembly • • • 3 .0 0 In s ta ll u niversal Joint 1 .5 0 R e fin e b ra k e shoes ? * * * * ! . " " iv-place rc u r a x le s h a ft, d riv e shaft p pinion, in io n , o r drive gear 5 .0 0 ( i*i-rh im l co m p lete re a r a x le assembly . . . 4,5.7a to i.OO Rebush spring and p e r c h e s ....................................................... *•£ » O il and g ra p h ite springs 3.WF Front Sytlem CHILDREN’S HOSE English Ribbed Hose, extra good qual­ ity, all colors 23c Palr 98c T u n c m o to r (in e lu d in g rep lacem ent o f c om m u tator case » 1 .0 0 b n i*h and v ib ra to r points i f necessary) » 3 .7 5 to 4 .0 0 C r ii ft valves and clean carbon . . . . . 1.50 O v e r h a u l c a r b u r e t o r ........................................ 1.50 R e lit.* * . •~.?hable car transm ission bands - 6 .0 0 In s ta ll new pistons o r connecting rods 6 .0 0 T ig h te n a ll m a in bearings - - - • »20X 0 I« 25.00 O v e rh a u l m o to r and transm ission 98c R eplace re a r fe n d e r . . . . O v e rh a u l steering gear - - - R e p a ir m u ffle r O v e rh a u l ra d ia to r R e p a in t C oupe • • • • • R e p a in t • Sedan - • • • • R e p a in t T o u rin g C ar - - - R e u p h o ls te r R u n a b o u t • R e u p h o ls te r T o u rin g C a r - R eplace top deck (C o u p e o r Sed an) O v e rh a u l startin g m o to r . . . O v e rh a u l g en e ra to r . . . . - - • • • • - • - . - 1 .7 5 3 .5 0 l.C I) 7 .5 0 2 3 .0 0 2 5 .0 0 2 0 .0 0 8 .0 0 1.3.00 4 .0 0 3 .0 0 2 .6 0 T hese prices are approxim ate and are for labor onlv, because the need and num ber o f new parts depend on Ihe condition o f each car. The charge for these part» is low, however, because of the established Ford policy o f m anufacturing and selling at a small margin of profit. F ord M otor C ompany