T ry the Hom e P rin t Shop F i r i t THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS HPIIINOKIBLD, liANE COUNT Y, OKKOON. THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1029 twknty - hixtii ykah CHAMBERS 1 0 TRY BRIDGE SEIILEMENT Delegates to Interview H ig h -1 way Commission in a Few J Exercises rhlldrrn'a Bf Happy" by primary ‘T in g har'’ ,or the t,l,p The "core in the afternoon. AT OREGON STATE : was close through the entire game. Talk—The Value of Time. Margaret cessary to take If the highway com -| hoys Miss Wilma Scott, who is at present m/ H 1 — mission filed an appeal, und of thte I , g -gympHthty" a reading by Elma Towne' p,tt'h,nK for Kugene. a!lo’ 'pd Dr. Howard Oregon State College, Corvallis, teaching in the primary department .th e Springfield batters 11 hits, which Address—Leadership probable cost of the action. j Gray 1 May 30— (Special)—Springfield Is re­ at Elmira, was elected to teach the The state highway commission at 17. “His Jewels" by Pearl Hlltcr- 1 resulted In 8n equal number of runs. Taylor. presentation of Diplomas. Roy W 1 presented by two of the 534 graduates second grade at the B ra tta in sc 00 i The visitors made three errors. Its meeting at Portland Friday voted j brand and six beginners, Carlton. Chairman of School Board. I of the class of 1929 completing work »»cceedlng Hasen Murphy, w o re- Although Eugene made 10 runs B< nedlctlon. Rev. C. J. Pike. ! for degrees at the sixtieth annual « a ^ ' t l o n n Eugene^ to disregard the petition» of the 18 An exercise hy 16 boy. of the Squirm, local pitcher, allowed but Eugene and »prlngfleld chambers of Loyal Scout class. the total wiIliam Baker, a University of Ore­ Thirty-two students will graduate , commencement, June 3. Of 1 e ig h t h ila ; Springfield made two er- gon student, was elected as part time rnmnierco for early completion or 19. "My G ard en Is a H appy P lace" a from Springfield high school this , "“^ Y h e ^ b a ch elo V ^ ^ cien ce degree athletic coach and director of physic*! reading hy Lucille Davis. I D annpr ra u a h t fo r B pr‘n " f '**’ the new Springfield bridge and to year. Tho nt th re I , celve degree, __ succeeds Leonard < ____ _» ««___ appeal to the state supreme court In I 20. "Sunbeams" by 8 primary children and B*'nnpU for Eugene^ . pring < < year. The nffirAP« officers of the e claaa class a are - - - - - the bachelor or . science decree and j education. He M ay u a e ffo r t to have the restraining In- ' 21. Pt.no Solo by Kyle Sm.th ' b" 8 * Pre Pal™ r 1 Be ’ I r e n e s Roof, president; Donald » * "taster of s c e n c d e g r e e * and junction ohtaln-d from Judge Skip 22 Song "Roses are Blooming" by ,,a ' Dannpr' McMurray, Cowart 2 ,»aimer. vice president; Lena Frizell. ; ™ th e degree p h a r m a c e u t ic a l^ ^ M r Baker the ftrst-strin« ’ Roof and Squires 1. Towne struck , secretary-treasurer, and Nadine Me- chemist. worth reversed This will mean con- Ixiyal Girls' clans. Men outnumber women In the grad-- P*“* « of the universRy basebaU ► ld-rable more delay In the comple- 23 Reading “A Children's Day Secret" Iout 11 Springfield batters, while Murray, social promoter. The class uatlng class 338 to 198, though the team Two ^ “ lons. one of manual tlon of the new structure. I by Leslie Fern Remple i 8 1ulrp8 ret,rpd 8pren of the Ha,t° ra motto is "Climb the Rocks The Though class flower Is the K «er are scattered among seven of traininlg teacher, and the other of 24. Song "When Raindrops P a tter! Probably the most exciting inning W Rugged." The class flower I. h,8tory and are gtlU The state highway commission or Down' by the beginners' depart- of the entire game was the first part 1 carnation and the class colors pink college Iginully ordered a fill approach from | To get the bachelor of vacant at the h,«h 8ch001' Thcre arW of Ihe ninth, when thte Eugene men ’ and g|iver. the went end of the new bridge to i menL science degree here, studsnts must noJ “canf l€*. * made their final effort lo tie the score The members of the graduating The school board assigned the tea* th e Pacific highway, and Is determined i 26. R ead in g by R oscoe Cole. and almost succeeded. After a series class are Maude Brattain, Elsie Fern not only complete four years of chers to the various positions at the to stick by the order as long a» pos­ 11:00 Morning service with Bro. C. F. of hits, free walks, and sacrifices, Cooper. Hugh D. Cowart, Irene Crow, studies but must maintain an average Brattain school at the meeting M ob * Swander. supply pastor. sible. Wlw-n the A. C. Mathews com Squires found him self with the bases Audrey M. Daniels, Jack C. Danner. grade of 60 or above The result is day. Altle Manning will teach th» pany of Eugene, which was awarded « 50 Christian Endeavor. loaded and two men out. Towne, Mildred D. Dyer, Edith Esther Eaton, that those in the graduating class are only those who have survived a four " rat *rade> j * 0“ th« J ’eC^ d' the contract, began work on the fill 8:00 Evening service with Bro. V. E. the visiting pitcher came to bat, mis­ Leonard Franx, Francis Percival Hoven, supply pastor. •weeding out" process that has Mr». Allene Basford the third. Mr», last month, a protest arose from the sed the first two strikes, and then Frlxell, Lena Parker Frlxell. Leroy B. | year Olson the fourth, Annie Gorrie th» West Sprlnlgfield residents, who con- 1 n«»», eliminated the less determined hit a high fly. which went out of the . Inman. Evelyn Maurlne Jackson. Beth , fifth, Dorothy Girard the sixth, and tendest that the fill would constitute VOTING BEGINS FOR diamond and among the spectators Dale Johns, Keith A. Kendall, LaVerne ' students. <_ Glen Wood, the new principal, th» a flood menace In time-« of high „ , , Forestry is a calling growing In ' ROSE KING AND QUEEN and parked along E street. Despite E Lawson A"»ell"a Man,e>' I and that Is the school from , « « » A' ' ' water, diverting a destructive current all the calls to him to let It go. Dan­ OF ANNUAL FESTIVAL Louisa Elizabeth McDowell. perry are The school board Is considering th« from the river over the property of ner rushed out of the diamond into the vicinity. Nadine McMurray, Mary Esther | obtatn| nK their degree, they being c°n’Ple,1°n of the vacant room at th« Voting for rose queen and rose the midst of the spectators nnd McPherson. Audrey I^tvelle Moscop. I two of the 25 to finish the four-year Brattaln school during the summer The residents of West Springfield king of the annual festival to be held caught the ball, thus ending the game. Donald M. Palmer. Paul F. Potter. ! courge th|„ gpr|ng. Oregon has an months The board voted to adopt employed attorneys and brought suit in Springfield early next month Is , ----------------- ------------ Mlllam Laurel Rice, Lucvlle E. Rich- 1 area of clo)(e t0 23.000.000 acres good the P*cture 8tory system of reading against the highway commission In being conducted nt several of the ! Visit In Springfield mond. I,awrence W. Roof. Clara Max- j fo r nothtng but to grow trees. Lum- ‘"struction for use in the first grade« the luine County circuit court to have local stores, with the honor students Mrs. M. L. Miller and daughter, the ------------------- state s major new of ,he Fncvclooedia ,ofal 8chools Brittanica for next was year' pur- A work stopped After a lengthy hear- of the first, second third and fourth Eva. of Klamath Falls, are visiting Ine Snodgrass, Ethel Sarah Spencer. berlng ig now one of ------- ° l p dl B ,,b ling. In which much testimony was grades as candidates. Votes are sold 1 this week In Sprlnlgfield with their Margaret J. Swarts, Dora L. Wagner. : regourceg and a real demand for presented on both sides, Judge Skip- and sister. Mrs. John Ralph C. Wilson, and Dorothy Jean tra|ned leaders In the technical c"ased tor the high school library. at one-half cent each, and the money ' daughter worth decided the case In favor of , Withers. ________ phases of forestry development In the I will be used to help defray Ihe ex- Robertson. the plaintiffs and ordered an open future. These two men have had BOYS PRACTICE FOR pensos of the affair The voting will rather than a fill approach con­ training in forestry, logging engineei- JUNIOR LEAGUE TEAM continue until Friilnv, when all hut structed. 1 lng, and lumber manufacture, with op. the 12 highest on each list will be Twenty Springfield boys are prac­ After the decision of the Judge, the eliminated. TI- - twelve highest boys 1 portnnlty to major in any one of the ticing under the coaching of William chambers of commerce petitioned and girls will ■•n'er a second round, three. Through a cooperative arrangement Vasby in preparation for the national the commission for an early comple­ which will clou with the selection divided equally among all the con­ with the federal government many Junior league baseball ladder tourna- tion of the bridge In accordance with of the winners Wednesday night, Writing on the subject "Safety in the Judge s orders. Instead of causing Junfl 5 ^ ur pr|nceR an(J f(Wr pr|n. the Home," Lena Stafford of the testants. ' students enter the forest service as cient sponsored annually by the Atn- The Judges for the essay contest | undergradc.ates and later enter a re-j erican Legion. Only boyg under 17 further delay by carrying the case ; CMgoa wll) be (,bogoI1 from tbp run. 81xth A grade at thte Brattain school, were Mrs. L. K. Page, formerly a years of age are eligible for competi­ into the Supreme court. The petitions | ne|>Mlp pup(, 0, M|gg ix)rothy Girard, won guiar position in the department. teacher in the Brattain school, O. H. were rend nt «he meeting of the com-, (.an<11()ate|(u for Rqr<1 Queen j flrgt prlxe In her division and the tion. Jarrett, superintendent of the Booth- ' -r ie r e A game with the Junior team o t mission Friday but were disregarded. are Frances Jean Lloyd, Bernice grand prlxe of a fountain peu In the Kelly company, and Roy W. Carlton. : S PR IN G FIELD TAKES Cottage Grove was originally sched- snfety essay contest sponsored by SECOND TO ENGENE IN chairman of the school goarti. Smith, Rutth Keeler, Doris Munn. BOOKS PRESENTED TO -rn « c i- »»c-r-r uled for la8t Tuesday- but at tbe 13,4 The prizes will be formally awarded Muriel Tyson, Roberta lhitman. Dor the Springfield 4L. COUNTY T RACK M EET mlnutp tbe Grove team withdrew, Gilbert Ernstlng, a sophomore in to the students tomorrow at the clos- SPRINGFIELD LIBRARY othy Stewart, Beryl Robertson, Al- school had ----------------- little d lffl-. asKemblies of the two grade. Engene high -------- --, ,eavln‘ only . Sbrl^ . flpld . . . . and Eu*ena __ _ 1 berta Keeler, Winifred Lyons, Fran- the high school, won the only prize i e FUILn »°r e «° tha Elght new books were presented to I ceg C ran Jp an A|, CP ppngra, Barbara offered In the high school division SC|1OO|8 by w . P. Tyson, president of ' culty In capturing first place In the , ” - 6h«ee'l nd the Springfield public library this Barnell, Frances Keeler, Florence His subject was ‘What Safety Meuns ; thg <^pringfiei d 4L.. Mr. Tyson will first annual Lane county track and , 1 amp ons p' P a!_ week by Mrs. Mary Kessey. These May, Margaret Meek, Mayetta Moon, In Industry." Harlan Duncan, also a award the prizes at the Lincoln school ‘ field m eet on Hayward field last Fri- i two teara® w' pro a -v o’clock, and at the Brattain ; day afternoon, piling up a toal of 72 j next wee ' e w "ner 0 8 were Hammond's 'Pictorial Atlas of Mildred Billings, Phyllis Westphnll, pupil of Miss Girard, in the Sixth A 1 gt gene-Springfield game will play the ! the World;” "Practical Farming and Violet Steel. Violet Miller. R nth ' “t «>« Brattain school, was awarded 'school points. Springfield high school fini- at 1:30. egsay written by Gilbert Ern- ' ghed In second place with 27 points J <'bnn*P,on °- Llnn a,ld Benton coantl«« Gardening;" "Samantha at Saratoga" Richardson, Sadie Golt, Ethel Gott, second prize in division two, and Vir-1 ,he Th9 hy Marietta Holley; "Her Prairie Louisa Cowden, Jeannine Withers, glnla Montgomery, a student In the 8ting the w|nner of the first prize ! Cottage Grove third with 25%. and ' district champions will meet In Port­ Sixth B under Miss Pearl McMullen, )n the high sebooi div ision follows: Knight,” hy B M. Bower; "The Spirit Bernice Ixrw-ery. ! Woodrow Wilson with 19%. This land for the state championship, and I --------- of (he Border," by Zane Gray; "Sidney was the first time that Springfield Candidates for Rose King are John received third. the Oregon winner will meet the other Josephine Jones, a pupil of M is s |„ W H A T SAF E T Y M EA N S Carteret, Rancher," Harold Blandloas; Spore, Frank Bennett, Kenneth Ables. high school had ever entered a track "The Boy Allies at Liege," Clair W. Robert Nice, Bobby Davis, Lawrence Anne Gorrie In the Fifth A grade at -yo INDUSTRY" I team In competition with other Pacific coast winners at Seattle. The coast championship Junior team Hughes; and “The Boy Allies nt Jut­ Thompson, Bobble Pollard, Frank the Brattain school, received first Qy Gj|bePt Ernsting, H. S. Sophomore j schools. The entry was made more will go to the city where the 1929 land.” Robert L. Drake. Stewart, Willard House, Franklin prize In division three of the contest. Adequate safe-guarding or protec-j for the purpose of Introducing track World Series is to be held and com­ Rutland Farnworth, a pupil of Miss ■ (jon 0{ bunian life in industry Is an 1 here than with the hope of winning A new four-drawer card flllnlg cab Anderson, Arthur Prochnow, Peter pete there with the other sectional Inet has been purchased for use at the Chase, Daniel McCormick, Leland Crystal Bryan at the Lincoln school, j llns()]VP prises offered in this division will be j (Continued on Page 8) placed third In the mile relay. the local group. overhauled. I>r. H ow ard T aylor, a s s l r u n t pro- fe ts o r of pbycbology a t th e C nlver- PRIZES AWARDED TO STUDENT SAFETY CONTEST WINNERS 1