I TIIURBDAY, M AY 2 3 . 1929. thtb S pringfield news PAGE THREW T R A IN S C H E D U L E Springfield Stops . Caraleas Auntie I Certainly Frank e » Auspicious Husband: "Who called Richmond, Va., May 1«.—A man who NORTH tbla afternoon?" . applied for a motor truck license here No. 18 at 3:64 A. M. Stop to detrain Ill« Better Half: "Only Aunt gave his occupation as "bootlegger." passengers from Klamath Fall ami Sophie." beyond. Has Tonsils Removed—Mrs. Elner Suspicious Husband: "Well, she left No 3 at 3:4« P M, Kaer of Wendllng underwent an op­ her pipe." Bua connections at Eugene for eration for the removal of her tonsil« trains leaving 11:50 A M and 7 P. M In Springfield Monday. SUM M O NS SOUTH IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, IN AND FOR No. 7 at 12:47 P. M SUM M O NS LANE COUNTY. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT* OF THH No. 16 at 10:09 P. M Flag atop for 8. M. Wicks and Hazel Wicks, Plain­ STATE OF OREGON FOR THB passenger« to Klamath Falla and COUNTY OF LANE tiffs Vs, Celesta M. Dodd, Edward beyond. Arthur Dodd. Harrtette DeWitt ,da B Ingersoll and Hattie I. Hall, Bus connections at Eugene for Plaintiffs, Vs Nellie Straight Flo. Dodd, his wife. Corinth E. Dodd FOR SALK—Carbon paper In tart* F>>l< H A L E S te e l H a w a iia n f lu it a r N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S ence Mabel Straight Linn. Harry trains leaving 11 46 A. M via FRaklyon a widow, Walter H. Dodd, single, A good Instrument at a bargain sheets, 26x19 Inches. aulteble for NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: Tnaf line. Straight and Edith Straight, hlg Norman H. Dodd, single, Walter Pli die UIHJ making tracings The News o n c e M I,. L. Ray haa been appointed adrnlnla- wife; feonard Straight and Madge Ramberg, »Ingle. Corinth E. Dodd, ! trator ol the eatate of Hana Peterson Straight, hla wife; Blanche Wil­ single. Edward Ramberg, single, loughby and C B Willoughby, her PAINTING and Kalaomlntng In all Ita Hulegaard, usually known aa Hana Lucy Ramberg. single, Dexter E. N O TIC E TO C R E D ITO R S husband; A. H Bosses,. Stanley Eugley. sometimes known as Dex­ Notice I« hereby given that the un branchea. Reduced Prices. Roy Peteraon, deceased, by the County Bossen. and If the said A H. Bos- Corut of Lane County. Oregon. All deralgned has been appointed Ad ter R Engley, Mrs. Dexter R. Eug­ Korb. Call 125J sen or Stanley Bossen. or either of persons having claims against said mlelstrator of the estate of Harry R ley. his wife, James Vickers. Nar­ them are deceased, then the un­ eslale are required to preaent them. ) Oldham. deceased All persons cissa B. Vickers, his wife, Lewis W. About five h it c h good bottom N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S known heirs of the said A. H. Bos- with the proper vouchers, wlthjn six having claims against said «state are Coleman, sometimes known as lu ixl in G lllluin Park Addition, sen and Stanley Bossen. Also Louis W Coleman. Sarah Coleman, all other person* and parties un­ his wife, Mahlan Carter, sometimes a djoining llenderiton nt., w a lk ­ known claiming any right, title, known as Mahlen Carter. Mrs. ing distance to Unlveralty. No estate or Interest In the real proper­ Mahlan Carter, his wife, also all ty described In the Complaint rcaHotiabl«* o ffe r refused. Home other persons and parties unknown herein. Defendants. claiming any right. Interest or ease­ p e rso n a h a v in g c la im « a g u ln « t sa id | | a „ R P e ie ra o n . deceased terniH if neceKtuiry. publication of this notice. Date of ment In the real estate described In e s ta te a re re q u lri-d to p re « e n t th e m M 2 9 18 23 30 first publication May 2nd. 1929 W rite A. I) (IT T , the complaint herein. Defendants. q .„ i £, - nn- I ’rry Straight. Edith w ith tin * p ro p e r v o u c h e rs w ith in six Straight, Leonard Straight, Madge Guy I, Oldham. Administrator. J m o n th s fro n t th e d a te o f th e f ir s t 852 Went 66th St.. TO Edward Arthur Dodd. Harrtette Straight. A. H Bossen Stanley Bossen Wells A Wells, Attorneys. SUMMONS pit h l leu I loti o f th is n o tic e , w h ic h Is M. 2-9-16-23-30 DeWitt Dodd, his wife. Corinth E aad If the said A H. Bossen or Stan- Seattle, W ashington. M ay lf it h . 1929. Io sa id a d m in is tr a to r IN T H E C IR I I T T C O U R T O F THE Dodd. a widow. Walter H. Dodd, sin- ley Bossen or either of them are de- a, thè law o ffic e o f D o n a ld Y oung. 86u S T A T E O F OREGON. FO R L A N E gle, Norman H. Dodd, single. Walter ceased then the unknown heirs of N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S COUNTY. j W lllu m e tte S tre e t, Eugeni*. t,re g o n E X E C U T O R ’S N O T IC E Ramberg. single. Corinth E Dodd, 'he said A. H Bossen and Stanley NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that J A M E S B ItY A N . IN T H E C O l’ N T Y C O U R T O E T H E Also all other persons and Anna Bruti«,, P la in tiff, Vs. Erwin J Mollie Grossen has been appointed single Ed ward Ramberg, single. Lucy Bossqn. Adinlnlstratnr. S T A T E (>E O ltV O O K . IN A N O F o i l Ramberg. single. Dexter R. Eugley, parties unknown, claiming any right, B ru n s , D e fe n d a n t. administratrix of the estate of John D O N A L D Y O U N G , A tto r ia * ? T H E COUNTY OF LAN E sometimes known as Dexter R. Eng- title, estate or Interest In and to thé T o E r w in J. B ru n « , D e fe n d a n t. Grossen. deceased, by the County ley. Mr«. Dexter R. Eughey, his real property described in the com. M 18 23 30 J fi 13 IN I ’ H O IIA T E IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Court of Lane County. Oregon. All In n E s ta te o f Samuel J Itnhi rlxnn. wife. James Vickers. Narcissa B. plaint tn the above entitled cause, OF OREGON You are hereby re persons having claims against said Vickers, (1tHI*H«Cll his wife Lewis W. Coleman, Defendants: N O T IC E O F F IN A L H E A R IN G qulred to appear and answer the com estate are required to present them N o tic e I n h e re b y Riven tlm l th e un IN THE NAME OF THE STATE N p T R ’ E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N th a t plaint filed against yon In the above with the proper vouchers within six sometimes known as Louis W Cole- d e m lg n e it. W a lle r E H u b e rt nod . wa« E d ith A. S p ire s has f ile d h e r f in u l a c­ man. Sarah Coleman, his wife. Mahlan OP OREGON. You and each of you entitled suit ori or before the last months from the date of the first d u ly a p p o in te d E x e c u to r o f th e above co u n t a« u d m ln lH tr u tr lx o f th e e a tate sometimes known as Mahlen are hereby required to appear and day of the time prescribed in the Or- publication of this notice, which 1« Carter, e n title d estate on M ay 17, 1929, that o f ll u t t l e E I ’tn e r, de ccu sed , and th a t d e r o f •u b ili a tlo n . to - w lt: on o r be- M a y lfit h . 1929. to said a d m in is t r a t r ix Carter. Mrs. Mahlen Carter, his wife, answer the complaint filed against a ll p e rs o n s o w in g «aid e - lu te « h u ll nay S a tu rd a y , th e 22tnl d a y o f J u n e , 1929 also all other persons and parties nn- yon In the above entitled Court and re th e e x p ira tio n o f fo u r w e e ks a t th e la w o ffic e o f D o n a ld Y o u n g . 960 known claiming any right. Interest, or cause, on or before four <41 weeks of m e. a n il a ll person« huvinc e la ln i« at 10 o c lo c k In (In- fo re n o o n o f sa id fo fro m th e d a te o f th e f ir s t p u b lic a tio n W illa m e tte S tre e t. E ugene. O reg o n . ilK a ln a t th e Halil .ru tu tl* « h u ll p re se n t d a y , und th e C o u n ty C o u rt R oom In easement In the real estate described tl>p date of the first publication of thereof, and if vou fall to appear and MOLLIE GROSSEN. th e «ante In m e w ith v o u c h e rs a t ­ til** C o u rt H o use a t E u g e n e , O reg o n , a n s w e r, fo r in the complaint herein, defendants: this summons, and if you fall so to want thereof, plaintiff Administrator. ta c h e d at th e lu iw o ffic e o f H e n ry E has been fix e d us th e tim e a nd p la ce IN THE NAME OF THE STATE appear and answer said complaint will la k e a d e cre e a g a in s t you fo r th e D O N A L D Y O U N G . A tto rn e y , S la tte r y , m y a tto rn e y , a t 717 Wiliam fo r h e a rin g o b je c tio n s to sa id f in a l OF OREGON: You and each of you for want thereof, the plaintiffs will relief prayed for in the complaint jj 16-23-30 J. 6-13 e tte S tre e t. E ugene. O reg o n , w ith in are hereby required to appear and apwL’ to the Court for the relief de­ account, and for set d e m e n t of said which Is for a decree of the court a lx m o n th « fro m th e d a te o f flr « t answer the complaint filed against manded In said complaint to-wlt; estate All those having objection« dissolving the marriage contract now p u b lic a tio n o f th in n o tic e w h ic h 1« tu aald final account are required to you In the above entitled Court and Decreeing the plaintiffs are the own- ■ . .... « « . > I SUM M O NS xlHting plAintifr nnd ncifnii- THE CIRCUIT COURT OE THE M ay 23. 192# cause, on or before the expiration of p™ 1" fee simple of the following appear at said time unil place, or to nnt for the care, custody and control I STATE OE OREGON FOR THE the time prescribed in the order of described premises: WALTER E ROBERTSON, file the same In writing with the the minor child and for an order j COUNTY OF LANE Ex« cutur. County Clerk of luine County. Oregon, of publication, to-wlt: On or before the. Block Seven (7) in Glenwood Park requiring defendant to pay to the ; Hazel Cowart. Plaintiff. Vs. Ivan L. expiration of four weeks from th e : ’n Lane County. Oregon, according HENRY E SLATTERY. prior to aald date. plaintiff for the support of said minor Cowart. Defendant. date of first publication of this sum j the amended plat of said Glenwood Attorney for Executor child the sum of $20 00 a month and To Ivan L. Cowart, the above monf. and if you fail to answer, for ¡ Park, and more particularly describe« EDITH A. SPIRES, M 23 30 J 8 13 20 for such other and further relief as ^nied Defendant. Admlnlatratrlx. want thereof, plaintiffs wilt apply to | as follows, to-wit: to the court may seem Just and : , jj THE NAME OF THE STATE OF the Court for the relief prayed for DONALD YOUNG. Attorney Beginning at a point 19.40 chains N O T IC E OF H E A R IN G ON F IN A L M 16-23-30 J. 613 | Pr°I*”'* OREGON. You are hereby required in the complaint, to-wlt; j West and 13.64 chains North of the AC CO UNT This summons is published pursu- ■ to appear and answer the complaint That each and all of said defendants Southeast corner of the Donation NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVI6N: That ant to an order of th e Hon. G F. file/' against you in the above entitled be required to set forth the nature I-and Claims of Charles B. Sweet and SU M M O N S the undersigned iwlmlnlstrntors of the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Sklpworth. Circuit Judge of „ I-ane Court and Cause on or before the 31st of their claims of right, title, interest. w1fp Y>pjnsr Notification No. 3287. and Estate of Clemons E. Carllle, deceased STATE OF OREGON FUR TH E, County. Oregon, made and entered 4 the Judge of the County Court of the as against plaintiffs and their title, Street; thence West 5 20 chains to s STATE OF OREGON FOR matrlmonv now and heretofore ex-1 N B^, E'-j SE*4. Soctlon 2, Sty N EU .'State of Oregon for the County of any claim, interest right, title or ”'p PIacp of beginning, all in Section LAN E COUNTY taxing between you and the Plnlntlff 1 NE*4 SW*4. NW'« SE*4. Section 12. I^tne dulv made and entered of record easement whatsoever in or to or over Township Eighteen Í1R) In the Matter of the Estate of Adol- on the grounds of desertion and that : Tp. 20 S,. Range 1 West, W. M within on the 30th day of April 1929 order- «aid property or any part thereof,' South. Range Three (3) West; All in plalntlff be awarded the care Rml the Cascade National Forest, for the Ing that this summons be published to-wit* I Lane County. Oregon. hert 8. Walkley, deceased. Beginning at a point 20 chains East Aad further decreeing that the de- Notice Is hereby given that the un­ custody of the two minor children and i timber on approximately eight acres once each week for four successive dersigned were, by the order of said for Ruch other relief aa to the Court within the SE1« NE*4, Sec. 19. Tp. 20 and consecutive weeks In said paner1 of the Southwest corner of the Wil-. fpn<1ants had not nor have either of S., Range 4 East, W. M. within the : nnd that the date of the first nubllca- liam Drlnkwater Donation Land Claim kem an>’ title or interest in court duly appointed as administra­ shall seem meet. Thnt this summons Is served upon Cascade National Forest. tlon will he with the issue of Mav 2nd Notification No. 6188 in Section Six hp f a d premises and forever qulet- tors with the will annexed of the es­ plaintiffs against the de- tate of Adelbert 8. Walkley. deceased, you by publication thereof in Th<-j The purpose of this notice is to ai 1929 and the date of the last publlca- In Townshln nineteen. South Range 'nK ,,t‘e *111 1>P with »he issue of May 30th One East of the Willamette Meridian fp"dants and each of them and all on the 22nd day of April, 1929, nnd all Springfield News, a newspaper of low all persons claiming the lands In Lane County. Oregon, and running Ppr*"ns claiming by through or un- persons having rlnlms against said gisneral circulation pursuant tn nn selected, or having bona fide objec­ 1929. thence East along South line of said , dp¿ them or either of them, and such estate are hereby nntlfled tn present order of the Judge of the above men tions to such application, an oppor­ Dated April 30. 1929. Cliam 10.25 chains, thence North ■ ° ‘hp,• and further relief as to the FRANK A DsPUE. the same with proper verification tinned Court and entered of record tunity to file their protests with the Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence. 16.55 chains, more or less, to the C”“rt, may seem p q u , thereof to the undersigned ndmlnls- on the 16th day of May 1929 ordering Register and Receiver of the United Southeast corner of the tract of land aummons is published once trators at the office of their attorney this summons to he* published once States Ixtnd Office at Roseburg. Ore­ Springfield. Oregon. M 2 9-16-23-30. conveyed by A. J Renfro and wife to "r / " ’'r a? " * aa«™ wppk* Fred E Smith, 4456 Miner Building, each week for four suceessive and gon Any such protests or objections George Klntzley August 14th. 1914. by ,h¿ f'2 ? P7 c a f Eugene, Oregon, within six months Conaecutlve weeks In «aid Newspaper must he filed In thia office within and that the iliitc of the first puhll thirty days from the date of first deed recorded on page 235 of Vol. H2 | »pw«paper wbllshed at Sorlngfleld. from the date of this notice. SU M M O N S of the Deed Records of l4tne County. ’ ,nt£ Oypk"n* ”r "rrler of the ration la with the Issue of Mav 16th publication of this notice, which first Dated April 25th 1929 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Oregon, thence West. North and Wes- 1929 and date of Inst publication will | publication Is April 25. 1929 Ixittle M. Howard, Cr P tBa7 'ard J>'dFp ot STATE OE OREGON FOR THE terlv along line of said Klntzley tract i p c "”n,J\ f ourt. o f. T'anp tF OU? tT' he with the Issue of June 13th, 1929 HAMILL A CANADAY. Register. Kline Walkley, COUNTY OF LANE » FRANK A. DnPUE, non coal to a point due North of the beginning ¡ ,w'?,ch ?rdJ r bpara the, date Administrators with Will annexed. A 25: May 2-9-16-23 Jan*e Pruzan. Plaintiff. Vs. Petra point and thence South to the place of : abp. , ^,h,. u'la>.,.°A ” a¿;,.1.9,;?L a? d Fred E Smith. Attorney for Plaintiff, Residence. _____ ‘ * Jones and C. N. Jones her husband. date of the first publication of this Attorney for Administrators. Springfield, Oregon E. C. Summers and Vernla Summers beginning. I Summons is Mav 16th 1929 A 25: Mnv 2 9 16 23 M 16 23 30 J 613 N O T IC E FOR SALE his wife, Chris. Tellefson. James and that plaintiffs have such and POTTER * KING. Notice is hereby given that the un- Wm Jones and-------- Jones his wife, other further relief as to the Court Attorneys for Plaintiffs dersigned. Dorllla J. Somers, as the Defendants. mav seem Just and equitable. Residence and Post Office Address, administratrix in the Matter of the To E. C. Summers and Vernla This summorns Is published by or­ Miner Building. Engene, Lane County, Estate of C. F. Somers, also known Summers, his wife. Defendants, der of the Hon. G. F. Sklpworth, Oregon. as Clarence E Somers, deceased, by IN THE NAME OE THE STATE Judge of said Court, made May 3rd, M 16-23-30 J 6-13 virtue of an order of sale entered tn OF OREGON. You and each of you 1929 SUM M O NS the above entitled matter in the Conn- are herehv required to nppear and Dated and first published May 9th, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OE THB ty Court of the State of Oregon, for answer the complaint filed against 1929 STATE OE OREGON FOR THB I^tne County, on the 30th dny of April you in the above entitled Court and BROOKE & BRYSON. COUNTY OF LANE 1929 will from and after the 31st day Cause on or before the 23rd dav of Attorneys for plaintiffs, 868 Willam­ Ava A. Carter. Plaintiff. Vs. James E. of May 1929 offer for sale at the office May 1929 said date being more than ette Street, Eugene Oregon. CarteT,. Defendant. of Howawi M. Brownell, In Eugene. six weeks from the date of the first M 9-16-23-30—J. 6 To James E. Carter, the above- Lane County. Oregop, for cash Or part publication of this summons and be­ named defendant: caali and part credit all the right, ing the time prescribed for such ap­ N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S IN THE NAME OF THE STATE title and interest of said deceased pearance by you in the order for the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That OF OREGON, you are hereby required and of said estate in and to the fol­ publication of this summons and lowing described icb I property: herein entered of record and If you Carrie I,. Purdy has been appointed to appear and answer the complaint I Lot 7, Block 13. First Addition to foil to appear and answer for want administratrix of the estate of Wal­ filed against you in the above en­ Cltv Outlook, Eugene. Oregon. thereof the plaintiff will apply to the ter W. Purdy, deceased, by the Countv titled conrt and cause on or before Lots 28 anil 29 In Block 7 and Ixits Court for the relief In her complaint Court of Lane County, Oregon. All the 13th day of June 1929 said date 7 nnd 8 in Block 6 In Westmorland against you demanded and prayed for persons having claims against said being more than four weeks from the of •*- the first ............................. publication of this estate are required to present them. day “» . Addition to Eugene, Lane County, wit: Oregon. 'Judgement against the defendants with the proper vouchers, within six summons herein entered of record Lot 13, Block 1, Midway Park as Petra Jones and C. N. Jones her hus- months from the 9th day of May. 1929, and if you fail so to appear and an­ platted and recorded In Lane County? hand for the sum of eight hundred to the said administratrix at the law swer for want thereof the plaintiff Oregon. (800.00) Dollars together with interest office of L. L. Ray. in the Miner will apply to the court for the relief in her complaint against you demand­ !x,t 15, Block 12 in the Town of thereon from the 22nd of May 1928 at Bnlldlng. Eugene. Oregon. ed. to wit: CARRIE L. PURDY. Lowell, Lane County, Oregon, as plat- per annum and for the costs, dis- For a Judgment and decree of Administratrix of the Estate of tod nnd of record in said county and hursements and charges together divorce dissolving the bonds of mat­ State. with an attorneys fee of $150 00. Walter W Purdy.-deceased rimony now and heretofore existing L L. RAY. Attorney for Estate. Commence 8 rods west of the NW For a Decree foreclosing Plaintiffs between you and thp Plaintiff on the M. 9-16-23-39— J corner of NEH of Claim 58 in Sec. | mortgage and that the real property grounds of desertion and for such 28. Tp. 15 S. R. 4 West of W. M. run mentioned nnd described therein he west «0 rods, south 5 1-3 rods, east sold hy the Sheriff of Lane County. N O T IC E OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T other relief as to the Court may Reem equitable. 60 rods, north 5 1-3 rods to beginning Oregon In the manner provided hy That this summons Is served upon containing 2 acres In Lane County, law nnd the proceeds he applied Ini Notice Is hereby given that Jesse Oregon. pavment of the aforesaid Judgement. 1 O Wells. Administrator with the yon hy publication in the Springfield All of the Interest of deceased, both Tills summons is served upon you hy Will annexed of the estate of William News, a newspaper of general circu­ personal and as trustee in Lots 17 publication thereof in the SPRTNG- T Kerley, has Hied his final report lation, pursuant to an order of the and IS In Block 24 In Chamber's Ad FIELD NEWS pursuant to nn order of and account as such Administrator, Judge of the Circuit Court of the dltion to Eugene, lame Coflnty, Ore-1 the Judge of the above mentioned and the Court has set and fixed Tues­ State of Oregon for the County ot gon. I Court made and entered of record on) day the 28th day of May 1929. at the Lane made and entered of record on Undivided 2-3 Interest of deceased the 23rd day of April 1929 ordering hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon of the 14th day of May 1929 ordering In lot 4 and south half of NW% and said summons published once each said day at the county court room in this summons to he published once SW’4 of NE’4, all In Sec. 10, Tp. 20, S week for four successive nnd conse­ Engene. J^rne County. Oregon, as the each week for fonr consecutive and R. 1 West of W. M. in Lane County, cutive weeks nnd the date of the first time and place to hear final objec­ snccesslve weeks In the Springfield publication shall he the issue of the tions to the same, If any and for the News and that the date of the first Oregon. publication Is of ihe Issue of May 16th Lots 3, 4 and 5, Block 8 Teshner’s 25th day of April 1929 and the date final settlement of said estate. 1929 and the last publication will be JESSE O. WELLS, Addition to Eugene, Lane County. of the last publication shnll be with Administrator with the Will annex­ with the lesne of June 19th 1926. Oregon. the Issue of May 23rd 1929 FRANK A DePUE. FRANK A. DePUE. Attorney for ed of the estate of William T. Kerley, Dated May 2 1929 Attorney for Plaintiff, Reeldso««, Plnlntlff, Residence, Springfield, Ore­ deceaaed. DORILLA J. SOMERS. Well« A Wells, Attorney». Administratrix. gon. Springfield, Oregon. M. 64-16-6M6 M. 16-26-6» ». 6-M A. 98: M 2-6-16-29 M. 2-6-16 IS 16 To Close Estate I busiw ess d ir e c t o r y !